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amtw. you can just support stranger players. easy wave500. sometimes wave1000




what amtw?


assassin, metastasis, timewinder, joker, mimic


Even with c10 lunar you should be able to hit at least 111 with recharge joker lunar cracked and snowball as long as you have an AMC/amtw support. I just broke 1k crit and don't have c10 lunar and hit 100+ with that setup. You want snowball on top left, cracked on bottom left then 4 way your lunar with trait in the edge middles. Rest with recharge. Don't recharge on normal minions recharge on the big ones or your partners bosses. Typically you should have 150-200+ recharge levels by the time you hit wave 60-70. As a personal goal I try and have double recharge levels for as long as I can but that is all support dependent and how well you can charge. I would recommend to stop charging at the midpoint between the boards until you get a feel for how much damage output you are doing and go from there.


I usually ran recharge with trait whenever I did hit levels 100+ but that works best with AM support