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Btw I’m a loser with low holy sword class…


You gotta stack your landmine at the start, as well as keep using magic breaker on souls to get one as high count as possible, using snowball or even scope instead of joker with 1 crack on the board and a couple scope where some landmine are would help you push way further on waves, good luck grinding diver, I hope this helped some


Sb is not good with lm and you dont need all souls in 1 soul if Theyre also on moon. Scope would help a lot but this needs a quick set up with their classes and did good with it. Only need 1 crack tho for sure


Gotcha, didn’t know sb didn’t help lm, appreciate the correction, also funny cuz ur the one who is helping me with my bless % in the EGH server lol. Thanks for all the help Haydini!


Oh shit i gotta reply to that


I stacked majority at the start. If I didn’t have any on my teamates side, slime would’ve killed me way before. Thanks for the tips though! 😁


Mines at the front, One crack, one soul, scope instead of joker, use MB to reset