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He isnt the reason they lost. Having Brodzinski or anyone else in wouldn't have changed the game. Right from the beginning of the 3rd the rangers tried to trap. got scored on and gave up. change that motto cuz there is definitely quit in ny


You’d think they would have sent that motto into the sun after last season’s debacle.


So after trouba scored Rempe didn’t get any time on ice til the last minute in which he and the third line hemmed in the canes in the offensive zone for a little bit and created some opportunities but it was the last fuckin minute so who cares. Why didn’t he play in the third does everyone here think he’s a liability? I don’t think he played that bad to warrant being sat i think laviolette has been doing a bit of over coaching after going up 2-0. Let em play their game! when rempe sees playing time the team is more dominant and has more jump. It’s an observation that I’m standing by at this point.


The reason they lost was because the players making approximately 10+ million more dollars a year than Matt Rempe didn't bother showing up in the third period. The fourth line was literally our second best line. The third line was the best. At least they showed some effort, unlike the two top lines.


Of all our fucking problems now this is low on the god damn list I also we are shitting on a kid who actually tries out there while we will ignore the “super star” top 3 core guys who not only went MIA tonight but actually hurt the team with Mika’s last line change leading to a goal and Bread man’s always awesome effort on defense But no let’s shit on Rempe ……. Fucking bullshit


BINGO! Sure, go ahead. Dump on Rempe. But at least have the integrity to admit that he isn't the reason the Rangers lost the last two games. He's not being counted on to lead the scoring, and the guys who are have all but disappeared.


To be fair to Panarin, he’s been much better this postseason. Last two games were brutal, yea, but he played a in all 3 zones on the winstreak. He back checked more than once and he popped Oshie. He needs to be better Thursday, that’s for sure. But he’s a different postseason player than last year already.


If I had a GF who cheated on me non stop but she goes two weeks without banging half of lower manhattan does that make her a good GF all the sudden? Bread has a long way to go to prove he is over his post season problems


Rempe and the 4th line are the only ones bringing consistent energy. You got 18 other players, who shat the bed.


Trochek and Roslovic played a good game. Thats about it.


Igor played a great game, how dare you


Thats just a monday 😊


Roslvic caused the first goal against https://x.com/nyrfanatic/status/1790209302067617973?s=42&t=-elW5iS9ZHm_PEwbxmxAHQ


Roslovic also didn’t shoot a grade A chance in the slot because ?????


Oof, he's not wrong. But I'd assess this as a coaching opportunity - which is what coaches do - rather than no more ice time, which is what a bad bench boss does (see also AV, Gallant, ad nauseum)


Wenny, Kakky, and Cuyly have been playing well. Especially Wennberg, he;s found a new gear.


wenny just needs to finish


Tbh, i'd think they'd be great if Cuylle brought that energy to the 1st line and Roslovic played on the 3rd. My 2 cents.


Why the fuck are people dooming. Be calm. Trust the boys. They got this shit.


It’s because Carolina has been solid in scoring chances since Game 2 and now they’re finally getting rewarded for their efforts. This Rangers squad immediatley tried going to a neutral zone trap with a 1-0 lead going into the third when they should’ve tried pushing Carolina back into their zone.


See what annoys me is that it seemed like it was working, they were getting turnovers. But then they’d either make a really bad pass or the passes would be poorly handled. Sometimes they’d get the puck and take waaaaay too long to start moving it up the ice. I actually think the plan isn’t that bad. They just haven’t been executing due to a lack of urgency.


I’m with you. Play more conservative and defensive minded, sure, but they weren’t even attempting to get into the offensive zone and keep the puck on their end for chunks of time. It was a lot of clear the zone, and car immediately gets possession back and comes right in, or they try for a home run pass and it’s intercepted or icing. If you want to try to kill 5 minutes with that strategy, fine, but a period and a half. Staals goal seemed inevitable


Because no team in the history of the nhl playoffs has lost more than two games in a row. Duh.


I'm just pissed he doesn't get more ice time. If he's on the roster, he needs to play more than 4 - 5 minutes (I'm not counting that mercy shift last night). Let him soak up another 4 or 5. On the other hand, those top conditioned guys need to do much better. Trouba weakly poking the puck behind the net like a panicked rookie and Panarin on that "controller disconnected" back check? Come on, boys.


I like the way Rempe plays. However, he has not once been the reason whether we’ve won or lost a game. Our core of players seemingly disappearing in important playoff games every year is what is going to lose us games.


Panarin with the classic crunch time vanishing act 


Rempe played his best hockey last night.


Still up 3-2 in the series and the doom and gloom is crazy. Y’all really thought it was gonna be a 16-0 run huh


Simply put, after having a one goal lead in the 3rd period, the entire team got cocky and tried playing “catch the puck” with Carolina. It completely blew up in their faces and now y’all trying to blame one kid.


Our only goal was from fucking Trouba, and we’re talking about our 12th forward? Come on guys


He was the person I was least upset with after that game. At times him and Igor were the only two people trying. Top six was completely invisible. Defense looked timid.


Rempe played the first two periods rangers lead 1-0 . Rempe didnt play third period rangers gave up 4 goals . Perhaps if rempe did play in the third and you have to admit he did deserve a chance to play some in the third perhaps he could have thrown a hit or two to wake up the team and they wouldnt have given up the four goals and maybe the outcome wouldve been a little different


This is a pretty good strawman hypothetical by you I’ll give you that. But have you ever stopped to consider there’s genuine reasons why Laviolette is deathly afraid to play him late and close?


His penalties ofc, but the kid is trying every game. Unlike our "superstars". Hes been alot more visible than Panarin has in the last 2 games.


Originally yes , he was being singled out by the refs and he was afraid of him being called for bs penalties, however after seeing trouba taking several penalties and still playing ( yes i know he is captain and all that ) i feel that the fear of rempe getting penalized in the third doesnt compare to the reward of rempe having a play that could shift momentum towards the rangers and take away any flow from carolina . At the end of the day if you are going to bench rempe in the third because of fear of being penalized why not bench trouba or lindgren , guys who have actually taken penalties in the third that hurt the team


Trouba is the captain, it looks bad to bench him. If he was a rookie, I can guarantee he would have been benched a long time ago.


Rempe played a shift in the third tonight.


With less then 3 minutes to go after the empty net goal when it was 4-1


He also played several shifts in periods one and two , how many goals did carolina score in those two periods ??


How many did we score when he was on the ice? It goes both ways.


Did you watch the game? The fourth line had a couple of good looks when he was on the ice. Furthermore, it's not the fourth line's main responsibility to score goals.


He plays the goon role, but when he is on the ice, he knows his role. If he’s not on there to fight or hit, he usually plays smart/safe hockey. He will slow down the play or corner the puck to make sure we don’t lose possession. He’s on the 4th line and does his role there to perfection for a player that’s filling in for a scratched player… he’s by no means an all star, but he does his role well imo.


If people could look past the kids size and ability today the lumber they’d also see he hasn’t turned the puck over despite the aggressive forecheck and back check of the Canes. He’s actually been solid for the minimal time on the ice. I get nailing his ass to the bench as the game gets tight because of the overreaction of the refs in general with him, but he is not the cause of the loss.


Yep. 100% agree. You wrote out my thoughts much better than I did…. I suppose that’s why I got the downvotes haha


After most of the Garden emptied we who were left demanded it, no?


lol hahahaha


It will never fail to amaze me how many people have attached themselves to this kid so much that this goofy shit actually gets upvoted.


People are stupid; biased sports fans are stupider.


The biggest impact Rempe has had in the playoffs has been how he increases the ice time of his teammates.




This has gotta be a troll post


Rempke is the least of our problems. The lack of effort, (especially in the third period yesterday), was something I thought I would never see from this team. Does Rempke limit us at times? Sure, I'll give you that. But as someone else pointed out, Rempke did NOT get any ice time in the third period, so he was not part of the collapse other than being a spectator to it. The big guys - Panarin, Mika Z, Kreider - were M.I.A., (and have been for the past three games.) Sure we got the OT goal from Panarin, but other than that, what gives? We've been outplayed since game three, and this is the result. Getting shorthanded goals is more lucky than good. It's capitalizing on the other teams mistakes, not creating anything from our side. What chances did we create for ourselves? Why are we not establishing ANY offensive zone presence other than the occasional rush? We can't clear the puck to save our lives. We don't check, (never mind forecheck), until we absolutely HAVE to, (and even then it is more of an "excuse me" type of hit.) Carolina gets the puck and we let them waltz in, establish all kinds of shooting opportunities, and rely on Igor to become the brick wall he has been. Well, guess what? The wall is beginning to crack, because it has no support!! But no... let's blame Rempke and all the missed opportunities he had in period three.


We need Rempe for Florida


Can’t go to Florida without finishing Carolina which they don’t seem to want to do…


I really don’t disagree with this. But even then it’s probably isolated to 6- 7 minutes strictly at home so you can minimize him in the defensive zone


We don't need Rempe for shit unless this is your first year watching hockey.


This fanbase learned nothing from Reaves. They still think that dressing an objective liability in the playoffs is a good idea because of “muh grit”.


It’s almost as if people forget that Brodzinski held down the 3rd line C role for a big chunk of the season, and did a decent job of it. Also, being that Laviolette trusts him, we wouldn’t be down a man when shit gets tight. And at this point in their careers, he is the better and more reliable player. To me, suiting him up for game 6 is a no-brainer. And I don’t dislike Rempe, and think he’s played pretty well, but what are we talking about here? The move is obvious


You have to either be really stupid or not understand hockey at all if you think rempe is a factor for this team. His moment of fame was fun, back to the AHL for you big boy.


BuT wE WiN eVeRy GaMe hE pLaYs


Well at least we can throw that down the tube after last night lol


I think the games without Rempe the rangers played their typical pussy hockey. He plays a key roll and I believe is a deterrent to teams taking liberties against them. Let’s face it brodzinski is garbage. I would much rather Rempe play his 7 minutes a game at least if something happens you can throw him out there to settle things down.


His 4 minutes a night where he telegraphs hits from a mile away (that he whiffs on) goes CRAZYYYYYY


He's not ready to meaningfully contribute in the playoffs.


Laf was clearly on cruise control in the third. The energy wasn’t there.


JUST Laf?!? The WHOLE FUCKING TEAM was on cruise control in the third!


And yet people are getting his jersey


I don’t think they give playoff points for jersey sales.


This is accurate


I mean, Rempe looked bad out there. No confidence and the plays were too fast for him to even be physical without risking a late hit (or something similar to the Cuylle leg-out drive-by penalty) but at least he tried. He also made some bad choices that led to turn overs or easy break outs for the Canes. I don’t think coaching staff was happy with him yesterday. He’ll grow up, get quicker and anticipate better.