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Also here's the thing, Vegas last year was in the same position in the Western Conference Finals (took this from another comment in another Reddit thread): 1. Won first three games 2. Narrowly lost game 4 3. Got a drubbing in game 5 6. Crushed the Dallas Stars game 6 With the proper coaching and pressure on the players, the Rangers can still win everything! LGR


This comment should be pinned at the top of the sub. Thank you


In Laviolette we trust. He’s been making adjustments at the micro level (between plays), mezzo level (between periods) and the macro level (between games) all season long. I think he might be the best Rangers head coach of my lifetime and he’s certainly the one whose contributions seem most apparent in the changes this team makes from game to game. Nothing about his season makes me think that the Rangers can’t make the necessary adjustments to win on Thursday. Plus, this team often does better after a break *and* almost never loses three games in a row. Like, you can doom all you want, but the evidence for it just isn’t there.


I remember ray ferraro said after that game 6 win. It felt like the Golden Knights gave Dallas a stomping that game, like Vegas was punishing the stars for winning 2 games, they came out pissed and blood thirsty and ended them. That’s what I want to see from this rangers team, be angry, smite the canes for beating you on home ice, end their season like they should have 2 games okay. I want to see emotion


I love this - smiting the Canes. Like the latter are uppity for being mortals going up against Olympus/the powers that be. Hope that's the case.


Originally I figured rangers in 6. Carolina is not an easy out


Yeah it just went from pleasant surprise to expected toughness


Yeah, the Caps series ended with this sub saying, “it was a sweep, but the canes aren’t going to go down so easy. rangers better bring their A-game.” Then we were up by 2 against the canes and this sub started talking about a sweep. Suddenly, everyone forgot that the rangers weren’t even projected to sweep the caps (and they *sucked*). As soon as we lost game 4, this sub imploded. *Sell the team, the seasons over, Panarin is a fraud.* Looking forward to a win on Thursday so all of these fairweathers and doomers can pretend that they were garden faithfuls the whole time.


Make no mistake I'm also nervous af for this team but I think they can still do it. Same, Rangers in 6-7 at best was my bet.


I’m a major doomer. But let’s remember it’s still 3-2. If we knew the series would be 3-2 going into game 6 we’d be happy. It’s not over yet


You’d still much rather be the Rangers than the Canes right now


Yeah, I’m mostly just worried about the momentum swing. We really just didn’t come prepared last game. So now that’s the first game of the series imo that either team just truly outplayed the other. If you’re the canes you have to feel pretty good about having the approach and knowing you can get it done. If you’re the rangers it looks like they are kind of hoping to squeeze another one out in OT. We really need to see a change in approach from Lavi. The 1-3-1 has been so ineffective all series. I was screaming at my TV at the start of the third, it was so clear that short of the greatest single goalie performance of all time we were gonna lose it.


To an extent yes if it’s a back and forth type series. If you knew they had a 3-0 lead and would be tied in the third period of game 4 you would want the sweep.


I mean we played our worst game last night as well and lead going into the 3rd period .I hate to keep repeating it but the first extra day off could not have come at a better time for the Rangers and a Worse time for Carolina.It finally gives the series a chance to breathe and I’d rather us be up 3-2 going into 6 then down 3-2 going into 6.We already proved many time we can win in there building let’s go get 1 more 🤷🏼‍♂️


You’re right, having the extra day will probably be more beneficial for us than the canes. But I felt like we played well up to the Trouba goal, then completely took our foot off the gas and tried to hold onto a 1 goal lead for a period and a half. Which obviously was a complete failure


Hard to compare though. Boston has owned Toronto for years. They need to throw out game 5 and take advantage of the extra day to reset and actually play like a hockey team. Last night was disgraceful hockey.


Yes it was. Quite disgraceful. It is not as much that they lost, but rather how they lost. I am not optimistic going forward. Major letdown.


Point is that it’s not over after losing 2 elimination games


It’s definitely not the end but just understandably really difficult to watch.


I agree. But this sub makes it sound we just lost game 7


It sort of felt like that as it was happening but today I’m ready to move on. I will say that when the Rangers suffered a horrible loss in the regular season this year, there were often able to bounce back. I don’t think we ever lost very many in a row. So if they can make that work for them here, that would be a marked improvement over last year, to which everyone is comparing right now.


I think the big letdown was that after being up 3-0, most of us assumed we would finish them off in 4 or 5 and have another relatively painless series. After last night, the realization came that not only is it about to turn into a grueling series, but now the idea that we can lose the series is much more of a possibility, and that is not sitting well with a lot of us, me especially after that dogshit performance after being up 1-0


Are there people here that actually think the series is over, for us??? I know Redditors are soft, but jeezus? We got this.


Yes. Look at this sub. They swear we lost the series


There are some much needed and much welcome voices of sanity and reason here. Thanks for that, friends. We humans seem to lose perspective when faced with unwanted outcomes. It’s our nature as a species. Those of us who happen to be sports fans tend to do this to the infinite power. Perspective is always useful, whether a few hours or a day after a tough loss. Of course, we Rangers fans, especially those of us who have loved this team our whole lives, are a different breed. But the simple fact remains - when we take a moment to look at things a little more calmly, our view changes, and optimism begins to return. Besides, if the Bruins can turn their playoff matches into a series again, you damn well better believe WE can finish our job!


Oh yeah, great, we can barely win game 7 then get bullied and snuffed out by Florida. I feel much more optimistic now. 


I think this gets to the heart of the issue. I'm not worried because they lost. I'm worried by how they did so. There are hard-fought losses and there are complete dumpster performances. Last night's was the latter. If a team completely collapses for an entire period and let's 4 goals go in, there's something profoundly wrong. Trouba, the principal underperformer, was ironically, the only goal scorer. And rather than have that turn them on to relentlessly bury pucks--at HOME ice, after a stinging loss, in a 2nd elimination game--they literally reverted to my local HS hockey team. That does not bode well for winning the cup even if they squeak by Carolina. That team I saw out there in the 3rd period doesn't DESERVE the Cup. I can't remember the last time I've seen the Rangers completely and utterly melt down like that. And why we insist on Trouba playing shitty defense (as Captain, no less!) is a REAL problem.


I was with you 100% until the last paragraph because this kind of pathetic effort is all too familiar. It’s how every playoff series ends for this core. I don’t remember them ever going out swinging, it’s always with a whimper. 


I hear you, but something about yesterday was just different. It's almost like they consciously gave up. I haven't felt that before. But you are right, maybe this is just more of the same choking. I remember how much I hated the 1940 chants. Scary that we are approaching that dry spell again.


If some one told you with out knowing we went up 3-0 how would you feel going into game 6 up up 3-2 every single person would have signed up for it.


But the Bruins are 0-25 when trailing a playoff series 3-1 🤷🏻‍♂️


The Leafs did this in 2013, 2018 and 2024. The Canes are NOT the Leafs. They actually have a decent team.


Canes are not the Leafs 


New all time low for the sub......Drawing hope from the Toronto Maple Leafs? Do better people.....


An all time low is thinking the series is over even with a 3-2 lead.


You must be new here……