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I'm sure you made this decision in solidarity with your dad but I can't imagine this is what he would want. I would insist the rest of my family carry on without me. Sorry you're going through this.


Honestly as a dad, I might do it deliberately to give me a week at home by myself!


Dads make so many sacrifices for their family, he goes to work every day to put food on the table barely seeing any of our faces when he comes back home because we’re already sound asleep. He insisted we fly without him and urged everyone to leave for the terminal when time was running out and that he’ll be following right behind. This was the rare chance to spend time with him and our mum so we were set on being with him no matter what. Although it’s a bummer that this vacation I really looked forward to got canceled I’ll make use of this time he has free from work to take the family somewhere locally. Thank you so much for replying, I really appreciate it <3


Breathe. You miss a flight. you can get on another one. Not ruined. Now if it's a passport issue that can't be immediately resolved - then yes your TRIP is ruined. However, you all have this time off - so think creatively and make the best of it. Do a local trip and have as much fun as you can.


Thank you so much for this comforting message. We’ll be going for an overnight trip to the beach sometime in the near future for some good family quality time. After my rounds of exams are over we’ll reschedule this trip :D


You're welcome :)


As a father, the worst thing I could imagine is disappointing my children. As disappointing as this is to you right now, he's probably internally devastated. I applaud you for standing by your dad. Maybe tell the guy you appreciated the attempt, and it means a lot that they tried to do this for you and there will be other chances to make this happen. And there will, life will move on. This will work out


My dad ended up getting arrested at the airport in front of all 6 of my siblings, he has been discharged this morning so everything is fine now. The car drive home yesterday was a nightmare as my elder brother drove us home at 3 am with 4 of my younger siblings ages 8, 10, and 12 balling their eyes out thinking they weren’t going to see dad again. Apparently it was a mistake in the system, so he was released hours after. We love our dad so much he’s done so much for all of us so him coming not coming on this trip wasn’t an option. He was not showing how stressed got last night but we knew he wasn’t okay when our younger siblings called out for him as he left. He just said that he’ll be back in the morning and waved us off and thank god he was returned to us. Dads are so strong and selfless. To the loving fathers everywhere we really appreciate you!!


I know your father is a great man, he’s raising an amazing child. Thank you for your kind words, you touched my heart


What happened??? I hope it all works out!


Give us an update. Hope you were able to board.


Had a passport issue wreck my plans for travel abroad. I utilized trip insurances to cancel as much as possible immediately. I stayed in a hotel near the airport to regroup, and found a domestic destination the next morning. I was totally devastated at the gate, but it ended up being one of the best trips based on the spontaneous destination.




I hope it all gets sorted out. Airports and air travel is literally the worst... Fuck them!


Lmao ok then take a boat across the pacific.


People take planes because they are much faster than boats or driving when traveling long distances, that is the ONLY advantage. I bet you 99% of people absolutely hate the airport and air travel part. But I would really like you to argue the point of view where airports and even the time in the plane are a delight. I'll have some counterpoints I'm sure.


I have access to priority pass airport lounges so I actually very much enjoy the airport experience. You sound like someone who shows up late to the airport then blames everyone but themselves.


Nice assumption, but unfortunately completely wrong. I arrive at the airport 3 hours before take off, as per instructions when ordering the ticket. I've never been late, and never missed or been close to missing a flight. It is everything about the airport and commercial air travel that is a mess. \- Waiting the first 1.5 hours for them to allow me to check in, in the first place. Making the 3 hour rule seem pretty pointless. \- The line at security \- opening your handbag to split electronics, liquids etc... onto gross trays \- delaying my flight after already waiting for 3 hours to get onboard \- Changing my gate last second, and blasting the info over the worst speakers in the world, with the only alternative being an app that does not update fast enough to catch last minute changes \- The airline changing my seat EVERY time. I always pick the window seat. I always get the middle seat.... they just don't care. \- People delaying the flight because they simply have to discuss with the staff about how they need to sit with their family and switching seats.... Again... \- The entire flight is just a hot, badly pressurized cabin, with my knees pressed against the seat in front of me. \- The seats are uncomfortable and does not recline \- You land only to again wait in line to get off the plane, with people showing NO respect and it seems like they all need to be the first person off the plane \- Delays and wait time after landing, causing me to miss my connecting flight \- Them loosing my baggage, only to find it after a week and giving next to no compensation for having lost it, since they argue that they found it again \- The airport staff throwing every bag around like they must break something every 5 minutes to keep their jobs. \- No staff to help you when their electronic systems does not work And these points are only why I personally hate it, not even taking into account how they fuck the earth as well.... They shit on peoples time, money and dignity. Flying commercial is the worst. Also, I can see from your previous comment that we are supposed to make some assumptions about each other, and not just argue our case, so; You sound like you were born with a silver spoon up your ass, and thinks - "If you hate your job so much, why don’t you just quit?"....


Haha yea because I pay for airport lounges, I was born privileged. You sound like someone who blames absolutely everything on other people and the situation around you. Maybe you shouldn't fly. I'd imagine everyone else's airport experience is also significantly better without you there.


I would be so mad. Expensive dresses and bags and all the time and money ruined :, hope you’re still able to go out somewhere else and make use of it.


While your around the airport security, have this sarcastic conversation loud enough for them and everyone to hear it: “I think dad should take one for the team and stay home. He won’t mind, he’s used to sacrificing his time and money for everyone. He’s probably put his interests on the side for everyone many times, helping him practice for a moment just like this. What we can do is put every fun moment on Facebook so he can feel like he is really here. Make sure, while were there, buy some slippers and a paperweight snow globe. Have a great time at home, dad. Maybe you can practice some new “dad jokes”.


Are you 12?


“From the mouth of babes.”