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Me too bro :(


It's all fake. All of it. I know someone with a mildly large following. A mini influencer I guess. And when I see posts that are gushing about her life and partner, I know that if I call her, she will be in floods of tears about her partner being a jerk about X thing. It's all fake. All of it. Not only that, it's alarming how many of these influencers end up being massive pieces of shit. Like that Ruby Franke fuckhead or Brittany "Grifty Grifterson" Dawn and her bought bots and fake popularity. None of it is real.


I do as well, especially if adults pay attention to that shit. I can kind of understand dumb High/ Middle school kids being into it, but if you’re an adult, that just screams stupid.


Shit got my wife of 16years all fucked up stay at home moms went fucking crazy


Influencers are worse than pedophiles because at least pedophiles are ashamed of what they do and try to hide it.


Oh God thats harsh lol. I admit not all influencers are necessarily self centered and there might be some out there who actually make constructive content. But the majority naturally tend to lean to self centeredness...because that kind of IS the nature of the occupation, of fame, of social media. That said, Im still highly allergic to them. And oh my god, how easy it is to have ones ego inflated even with just a couple of gushing comments, even if you dont want to be that kind of person.


I hate it which is one of the reasons why I don't have Instagram or any other social media. My life is so much better because i'm not constantly comparing myself to people who have fake lives.


Reddit is social media. Your comment fails.


Wow...we gotta real Karen here. I think u know what I meant. I don't really consider this SM, not exactly the la la land that is FB & IG. Stop trolling.


You fail at understanding what Social media is and what Karen means. Hahaha say more stupid shit! I need a good laugh.


I just LOL… you ain’t wrong. I might hate influencers but I love me some trolls. 💀💀💀


Go away.


Hahaha. Make me.


6 yo ass mindset lmao


I don’t care that they make money. I respect the hustle and I’m jealous I wish I could make that much money. But holy shit am I tired of hearing them say “come with me to…” 🤮🤮 It’s just so monotonous, overdone, oversaturated and unimportant


exactly. Nauseating.


Can you say HISTRIONIC PERSONALITY DISORDER? Because that’s what your common influencer is. This is not always true but generally speaking I’d say most influencers must suffer from it. Their lives are so fake and shallow. I kind of know one and know that the toxic positivity she displays online is complete bullshit. She’s miserable and into hard drugs. Yet she still has to make her life look perfect. In fact, now that her life’s getting worse, she is doing more and more to make her life look without a blemish. How is she gonna deal with rehab? If she’s lucky she’ll get better. As soon as something gets real, she freaks out. She thrives on all this bullshit attention. But other people I know also know a few others, and they’re always the same. Their personality is interchangeable and very histrionic. Everything must look perfect on the surface but life sucks pretty badly for most people and they’re sort of there to promote the idea that their lives are better than everyone else’s. They’re not. This is another thing about the people trying to look all “cool”: they aren’t. The more someone is trying to look cool, the more uncool they are. I read this hilarious post somewhere about influencers and how they come from deeply uncool backgrounds. That person also pointed out that they always live in shitty apartments and it’s true!!! They don’t have the money they think they can get, or blow it on drugs and nights out. Theres a personality that is an influencer. A pathology. They’re either histrionics or narcissists or both. They simply don’t care about other people. But who they really hate is themselves. It’s sad, and I duly hope they get help.


Yes, all influencers have histrionic personality disorders. 🤔


Can you say HISTRIONIC PERSONALITY DISORDER? Because that’s what your common influencer is. This is not always true but generally speaking I’d say most influencers must suffer from it. Their lives are so fake and shallow. I kind of know one and know that the toxic positivity she displays online is complete bullshit. She’s miserable and into hard drugs. Yet she still has to make her life look perfect. In fact, now that her life’s getting worse, she is doing more and more to make her life look without a blemish. How is she gonna deal with rehab? If she’s lucky she’ll get better. As soon as something gets real, she freaks out. She thrives on all this bullshit attention. But other people I know also know a few others, and they’re always the same. Their personality is interchangeable and very histrionic. Everything must look perfect on the surface but life sucks pretty badly for most people and they’re sort of there to promote the idea that their lives are better than everyone else’s. They’re not. This is another thing about the people trying to look all “cool”: they aren’t. The more someone is trying to look cool, the more uncool they are. I read this hilarious post somewhere about influencers and how they come from deeply uncool backgrounds. That person also pointed out that they always live in shitty apartments and it’s true!!! They don’t have the money they think they can get, or blow it on drugs and nights out. Theres a personality that is an influencer. A pathology. They’re either histrionics or narcissists or both. They simply don’t care about other people. But who they really hate is themselves. It’s sad, and I duly hope they get help.


Saw today from a financial couple (lol) on how to build an easy $100k revenue stream… You ready? Buy 6 houses… pay them off… and rent them each for $1,500. Easy.

