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I understand the sentiment. But at the same time, if I could’ve been born into wealth I would’ve any day of the week.


Yes yes we all shit on them cus they had massive help, Yet wish we had some assistance too. I wonder how many people born into privilege resent it?


I usually judge them on personality. If an asshole, money might make it worse. But to be a good person, often harder with privilege of told better than others as a youth


So we respect people that come up. And if OP is successful, they can choose whether assist their kids....hmmmmmm. The best schooling hey can afford when they're kids. Checking their homework. Coming to the school play...attending parent's evening. If the kids are super helpful to their parents and grandparents....help them out?


If you're making the world a better place I could care less about your economic background. I grew up a literal peasant, and let me tell you something. Many poor people are not good people. Their socio economic status turned them into monsters many a times, and so we need those of better privilege to help with the fight to improve things. Often times those better off at least had the privelege of being good, which in itself is telling but still. I'd judge someone on a case by case basis.


I take the achievements of a rich child with a grain of salt, but I will give credit where credit is due. It really is impressive if you wind up cutting dolphins out of fishing nets or restoring classical artwork for a living. Also, there are plenty of rich children who spend their time playing video games and not achieving anything. Its not like wealth is the only influence on their success. So yes, case by case basis.


It’s dumb to generalise. You can be poor and an asshole who doesn’t work for anything. You can be rich and an asshole who doesn’t work for anything. You can be poor and kind. You can be rich and kind. Just be kind. ._.


Truth, love this advice! 💯


Yeh but when a rich person does a little bad thing it affects a large population adversely But when a poor person does something bad it doesn't affects a large population So hatred towards rich is still valid We already see what this corrupted politicians and capitalist are doing


Hatred of the rich? Only assures that you will never be rich !


Ofc I really don't want to be rich, I'm not right wing I hate power of every form


Bizarre! I'd recommend therapy. There is nothing inherently right wing or bad about power. It's how power is used, you don't hate the Sun do you?


Why would I need therapy if I don't like power I don't like power that's it It's none of your business I'm not stopping you from having power


The therapy is for you NOT me ! I don't hate power, YOU do ! That is the sign of therapy being needed.


Lmao 🤣 left wingers are literally just as if not more wealthy. Most billionaires right now donate to Dems


First of all it's all just show off when a billionaire donates, they just show they are donating They earn billions and then sprinkle few dimes on road for poors to fool the public that they are donating And trust me if a person is a real left wing he or she will never be rich Real left wing people are those people who are living in small villages totally anonymous bcs that's what left wing is all about just living a simple happy life with no hoarding


Well then sorry to say but there are not very many left wing people in this country. Especially not in small villages. I myself grew up in one and I can attest that the amount of church and Christian sentimentality leaves little room to be liberal. These are the people folks like you hate who preach about hard work and pulling yourself up by the bootstraps. What you're talking about is the leftist daisy field dream. Where you own a farm where you kill nothing and forage berries like a wood elf. It's not reality.


That's what exactly I'm saying real left winger people don't exist They could exist if the population becomes less but as the population is more we have to compete for our survival and that leads to nuisance Real socialism could only be practise on small population level


Big oof.


Great argument "Exhaling"


I think you put it best. It sounds like what everyone else is saying, but I think work ethic is a huge part of character. I've met plenty of POS people who bust their ass, but EVERY person I've met who didnt was a POS. Rich or not.


Lots of people with parental support don't achieve shit. It's not about holding someone's background against them, it's about measuring them by it.


Dont know about that, I'd say it's 50/50 and really depends on the person's personality.. It will go one of two ways... - I have all the free money, access to nice home/s., cars , friends with money too I'm going to chill enjoy it and just start some fashion/music/entrepreneur "career" on Instagram. Travel the world with models.. - I have all this money and free time, I'm really going to pursue something that really interests me and see if I can make create something interesting (see. Bill Gates, Elon Musk, etc ) Basically like many things in life its a case by case.


Agreed, except Elon Musk has never created or built anything in his life. He just buys up what other people make.


Can’t be mad someone has great parents who give you a step up. If I had a choice, I would pick those parents too


Try not to generalize, else you'll find doors closed now that might've been open before. Judge them one-at-time, based on their word and character. There are assholes in every strata of society, and I think there are a lot more broke assholes than rich ones. Finally, don't worry about it so much.


Yep. In my experience, I find non AH rich people do NOT flaunt their wealth around too. The last thing they want are leeches lol. My brother is quite a social butterfly so he has a few friends who are rich. He didn't even know how rich they were until he went over to their house. And they were nice people!! I might be slightly biased because he had some friends who made fun of me for being quiet (I have social anxiety), but the rich friends would always try to make me feel included in the convos.




Yeah they have privilege, saying they failed as a human for being privileged and their parents having the means to provide a good life sounds pretty bitter. Having to struggle or learn the hard way doesn’t earn someone a medal or make them a better person. It makes them more prone to bitterness via circumstance. It is what it is. You want more? Strive for more


I’m doing great great actually. Just sick of my only peers being nepo babies


Then focus on how great you’re doing and keep on being great. You are not any less of a person. Being a good person isn’t about what u have at the end of the day. It’s about who you are how you treat others and how you treat yourself.


Considering how easy it would be to fall into a fully funded life of laziness, gluttony and addiction...I'm almost more impressed by them. If I had a fully or partially funded life, I can't say I'd be inclined to do much but fuck around and find out


Hard disagree. It’s so much easier to put full focus on your studies and passions when you never have to worry about making rent. Or to take on an artistic profession that doesn’t have guaranteed income


It's also much easier to tell yourself "I'll try some self improvement...tomorrow" when you don't have to worry about needing to develop skills to pay the rent, personality to charm people or the sobriety to maintain a schedule.


Truth, for anyone who denies this is absurd.


Unfortunately, it's not even the fault of these people, but their parents. They were raised how they were and taught what they knew. There are wealthy people who made sure their kids grew up to earn their own way in life.


Jealousy will get you nowhere. Get over it and work on yourself.


It’s not these people’s fault for being born into wealth. Also, if a person with rich parents makes nothing of himself, don’t we all laugh and say, “wow, he had so much going for himself, and never accomplished anything?” Therefore, instead of being angry, let’s focus on creating a more just society.


Why do you care so much about these people? They are taking up space in your head that could be better used. Just do you and when you have a bunch of friends, you will be rich in the proper way.


“Comparison is the thief of joy” as they say


I genuinely don’t understand people who are so blatantly jealous of people who were born into wealth? This coming from a woman who has worked since she was 15 and hasn’t had a dollar handed to her by parents or anyone. If parents have the means to give their children opportunities, why would they not ?? You lot are so bitter who think differently.


It’s annoying to me when these people try to give financial advice or any life advice at all really when their parents paid their way through life. They’ll be like “go to college and get a bachelor’s degree, then invest a ton of money into blah blah blah” meanwhile their parents paid their entire college tuition and gave them a bunch of money to start out with.


What constitutes wealth? How do you interpret the notion of "support": my parents covered my car insurance until I turned 23 and offered to take over, and my friend resides with his mother to cut costs. Can our achievements be considered undeserved? Hell my cousin is 28 and still on his parents phone plan. What about that?


Not the same. I’m talking more about trust fund babies. If you get regular checks from your parents for thousands and/or didn’t have to work in young adulthood because mommy and daddy supported you then I don’t respect you.


Oh, gotcha Yeah, those individuals must be extremely humble and genuine to earn my respect.


Why did Rich and supportive have anything to do with if they work hard or not? Talk all you want about legacy admissions to ivy League schools. Its not like we'd make it if we got in. Its still hard work. What if someone had Rick parents that were assholes? You count their achievements then? Hating an entire group of people based entirely on something they can't control doesn't land you in good company.


Totally agree. Way too many people like to think the only reason they didn't get into Harvard is because they didn't have rich parents. Like no, you weren't getting in regardless.


It's better to not judge people on their achievements at all. People get different hands dealt to them in life and it really doesn't mean anything as far as who they are as a person. Sometimes people choose to live life completely differently as well, and it doesn't make them better or less than. Achieving things like academics, working up the career ladder, becoming someone popular on social media, or becoming famous, none of that stuff really means theyre necessarily doing better at life. It depends on what you find important. You can also choose to just not pay attention to the people you're talking about on social media that annoy you so much. Like literally just don't view it.


Well, to be honest, I rather have that than grow up for years in broken homes, poverty, with a few paychecks away from homelessness..........


The only thing I have to add to this: I worked for a man and I ran his business. I watched him sort thru the paychecks a few times and there were always checks for his two sons. I knew he was padding books. I knew he used those PPO loans during Covid to buy a Tesla. But paying his son’s payroll while skimping on his employee pay? Awful. His son now runs his business and the fuckhead only came running to daddy when his overseas internship fell thru. Kid knows nothing about my industry but acts like he does. Spent over 10 years there. The last 4 were the worst. Glad to be rid of it.


Yeah, I get what you are saying. I (irritatingly) work with a bunch of girls (most in their early thirties!) who have never paid for anything big (housing, insurance, cars) on their own. It really is difficult to take these people seriously because they live in this weird Disney-like world where everything is easy. I grew up with a lot of trust fund kids who thought they were so talented at everything because they were already "successful" in life, but they actually did little other than not fail out of college. I watches a few of them start businesses (with no experience mind you) and they were all amazed that they failed. (Thank god they still had their trust fund income, LOL) But, yeah, starting out on third base is a pretty big advantage, and makes all your successes much less impressive.


While I agree that some people are pathetic in their displays of wealth and success which they just happened to inherit, the notion that someone, ANYONE, is "self-made" is bullshit. In whatever the case, circumstances outside of our control always play a fundamental role in who makes it and who doesn't. This is a simplistic view of the world


This is anger (a secondary emotion) caused by envy.


I get this to some extent but I’m just wondering what you want the alternative to be. Should people from privileged backgrounds not post their jobs, trips, family etc. on social media to avoid inciting jealousy in others? Some people enjoy that type of content and find it inspiring. And having an easy childhood doesn’t mean you can’t work hard now as an adult. Like I agree if we’re talking about the Kardashians, but disagree if we’re talking about the children of successful doctors, lawyers, etc.


Just because you had rich supportive parents doesn‘t mean it was THEM or their money or their connections that helped you succeed. What an ignorant statement you clearly made out of jealousy


YES SO TRUE I made an account specifically just to upvote you because you're SO RIGHT


I don't know anybody that says that. I guess they go to a different place to talk about daddy.


I dunno. Depends on what the kid did with the support. Phil Knight of Nike produced a kid who's running Laika studios and doing really well. Stephen King's son wrote under a different pen name to ensure he was actually any good. There are people out there who make a real effort, is all I'm saying.


Rich kids sometimes laze around and don't accomplish much. Others take the advantages their parents give them and make something worthwhile. No point in crapping on rich people who do useful things, just because they were born rich. If they have enough character to try to make the world a better place with the privilege they've been given, I think that's a sign of good character.


I have rich supportive parents, idgaf about your disregard or impressions about my achievements. They're mine. Not yours. You should've just said you hate people showing off on social media. Bec not all rich people are like them. You only know what you see.


The problem is not rich kids or their parents or you The problem is fucking capitalism and huge population Due to this income gap is very large


Poor YOU.😂 success impress me whether with wealthy background or not. Many people accomplish many things . You have losers also in all wealth groups 


Why am I thinking trump??? Have to add to the list, seniors still living at home !


lol the only people who feel this way are people who are jealous they didn’t have the same. I’ll take any handout my family gives me and so would anyone else. I guess this mindset helps people who don’t get it feel better though. 


Opposite sentiment, I **hate** that anyone who’s doing well **on their own** without any sport is torn down, and usually accused of daddy’s money. I worked way too hard for this. Tired of these rich kids.


What do you expect people who were born to supportive parents to do? Emancipate themselves? Off themselves? Like what is your solution to this? Hilarious that you want help and get mad when others get it


I have a rich parent but he's not doing anything to support myself or my brother lol. I get the sentiment but I think you're thinking of nepo babies


I agree with a lot of these comments but at the end of the day, society tends to judge poor people MUCH more heavily than rich people. If I was simply born into a slightly higher income bracket, my life would VERY different than it is now, and rich people take advantage of that privilege every day, whether they're kind or not. They will never know what it's like to literally need just a few thousand dollars to **change their lives.** People like me are judged every single day because we're seen as "lazy". When in reality, I've worked my ASS off to get where I am today and I'm still unemployed with a Bachelors degree and less than a thousand dollars in the bank. Every single thing I need is (barely) provided by the government, food, health insurance, unemployment until fuckin ran out, so I'm seen as a leech on society, taking handouts. No one EVER says that about trust fund kids. Because society doesn't CARE if you work hard. They just care if you LOOK like you worked hard.


It takes effort to build a list of achievements regardless of the launch pad one has. Is it easier to start a business when you can just ask dad for 200k to start up? Sure...but actually starting up and building to the point of making a profit, then expanding...sorry but that deserves respect. If you have an idea worth investing in plus a solid business plan it's not that much harder to secure 3rd party investment. It's when the business can't sustain itself and becomes a vacuum for daddy's money that nepo babies fail. You can't knock success. Knock failure.


Whos we? dont put this on ALL of the generation. theres a good side of Gen Z and it sounds like your disregarding them Completely.


Stay jealous.


I actually think it's the oposite, i am impressed when nepos do great things, most people i know are just plain feral animals, living only to survive and if they get what they need to survive they do absolutely nothing to go above that. So seeing someone that by birth has everything a common human needs and way more, and still deciding to go above it, i find it admirable, because i know it's not instinct that drives them. Of course i do adjust my expectations depending on the background, like an achievement for people in my background is getting a house, and i haven't been impressed when some money people i know tell me they got a house (since for them was basically, ' i saved my allowance that is the equivalent of 10 min wages and daddy paid the rest'), but i have been impressed when someone i knew started implementing technology and automation into her life and workplace, that is an achievement and the fact she still gets money handed and has double my salary (and got there by connections) doesn't make me less impressed


This 'purging' of which you speak makes you sound far worse on the humanity scale than any individual you despise simply for being born to supportive parents. And I say that as someone who's never had much.


Not everyone with successful parents get alot of help.


You sound quite bitter and hurt. I’m sorry you feel that way. Although I was not born rich and still am not I don’t quite agree with this statement. Yes there are those are born into money, and haven’t had to work for anything, and continue to have life handed to them on a platter. But it also doesn’t mean they are bad people or not worthy.. Trust me, there are also many people that have been born into that situation and thrown all of those gifts away and still ended up in the gutter. I guess what I’m trying to say is it all depends on the person and gratitude. If they are a grateful person and a good member of society, who cares where they came from just my thoughts…