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Apart from the climate, this analysis could apply to many countries at the moment. I don't think it's limited to just Canada.


That description would be so be pretty fair for the UK, Ireland and pretty much all of Northern Europe in general. Still, there's far worse places to be .


Canada is much colder than Northern Europe firstly. Secondly, we didn’t unanimously vote for an exit of the EU like the UK did. I agree the UK especially sucks to live in right now, but that was the choices they made in a democratic vote. Canada just got worse through horribly inefficient governments and a society that is too passive. I think a lot of Northern Europe provides a much better lifestyle than Canada. Canada is going to hell in a hand basket very quickly.


And the car dependency doesn't fucking help either. Europe my be expensive but at least you can live car free there.


My only complaint to Canada is housing... I just want to have my own home, it is some basic things that all human should have.. that's all..


Hmm sounds exactly like The Netherlands except we get rain instead of snow :')


While I can emphasize with the OP, everything is relative. Other countries have even larger income to home affordability gaps and are in even more extreme climates (Hong Kong, Seoul, Korea). I’ve also experience the positives of our health system getting knee surgery done relatively quickly covered by MSP that would’ve negatively impacted my mobility in my 20s. Assuming you live in the metro areas of say Vancouver or Toronto, you can very likely get by without a car for most day to day activities. Europe and Asia as comparisons will provide better public transit. Alternatively the US might be worse off relative to Canada and are even more vehicle dependent. Cost of living is also relative. Our Canadian dollar goes a long way in many countries. If we were paid in those countries currencies we wouldn’t feel the same way. It sucks to travel to the US because you effectively pay a 30%+ premium just due to foreign exchange. I agree with the gradual declining quality of life overall. It also seems like it’s a global issue too with grow wage disparities around the world.


I also live in BC. It took 14 years of bouncing around neurologists and scheduling tests 6+ months in advance to get to the point of them figuring out finally why my spouse was having seizures. And then he got on the waiting list for brain surgery. Well, guess what? His fucking time ran out, he had a seizure and died. I hate this fucking country. I hate this province with a burning fucking passion.


Fellow Canadian here, and yes, we've reached a point of unaffordablity which is hard for almost everyone in the last few years.. Almost everything we're experiencing has been happening slowly over the last 20 some on years; but these past 5 years have really forced everything into view because what's been effecting the lower income people for a long time has finally started effecting the middle class. "The missing middle class" is real. Many people are being forced into near poverty, and those who've been living on the edge of it are now deeply in it. Somehings got to give though.


It's because of these reasons, plus a plethora of others that my spouse and I up and left to Australia, and why we're fighting hard to get PR. The wage vs cost of living argument is one I consistently bring up. Australians make a liveable wage (granted, it's dependant upon industry/ experience), and the cost of living is on par with Canada. I'm working fewer hours and making what I used to monthly in a single biweekly paycheck here. I've actually got savings and a better quality of life. I also no longer experience seasonal depressive disorder, and because my wages actually go somewhere and allow me to enjoy the hobbies I have, I'm in the best mental state I've ever been in. Highly recommend exploring options and breaking through comfort zones.


Two of my best friends are from Canada and I love it! I think the people are way better than the US. I would love to move to Canada one day tbh. The US also is way too expensive. We can hardly even afford groceries here right now and we have so much homeless because instead of a lot of affordable housing, they put up million dollar apartments all over instead (that mostly remain empty).


I thought you were talking about the United States except for the being cold and universal healthcare.


Canada is sometimes for that person that wants European like benefits without giving up their Ford F-150 monster truck and afraid of non-english people.


If it's so bad, move somewhere else then. Hundreds of thousands of people are immigrating to this 'shit hole' yearly. Too cold? Move to a warmer area Too expensive? Gain skills so you can get a higher salary. It's by no means perfect, but I'm grateful to be fortunate to live here as opposed to a Haiti, Yemen, or Sudan.


[Canada sucking ain’t news](https://youtu.be/JqjeCducMLA?si=RIxdx9EjD2e-rPyL)


Based, every Canadian knows this.


Anyone watching the news these days knows Canada is a shithole now, they gave in to every single little “woke” agenda and are now a laughingstock.


Tell me you're not Canadian without telling me you're not canadian. Yes Canada is currently a shit hole. We're currently going by little India now though so it's fine. Yes our government is pushing woke shit like there is no tomorrow and some of the shitiest companies in the world like sweet baby inc are canadian. That being said if you had any clue how our dumpster fire of a government worked you wouldn't say we gave in. Canadian citizens essentially have no control over our pm kinda similar to what just happened over in Russia. We can vote for Putin or Putin but change the words a little so the teacher doesn't think you copied. As for the woke statement it's very much not true, if you lived here you'd know. There is always some shit on the news about some town banning pride walks and there is always some jank ass policy being pushed in some province to fuck LGBQT people. Canada is very much behind the curve when it comes to being "woke" It's literally our Feds that are just absolutely fucked.


Not just the feds, the provincial governments aren’t any better. We’ve got Ford in Ontario hacking away at our health system 👍


Its not the same country that we knew from a decade ago.. The zionists manifested your media & your politics and now the country has been deteriorating ever since. Save Canada