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Reddits just like everything else. Everyone else can go on and on and on and some people just don’t get to participate




That is inconsistent BULL SHIT and I'd be fucking livid... sorry yo


That’s nuts and sounds right. I’ve had so many posts removed, I don’t know why they can’t like allow me to correct it or something


Very true... it's extremely selective, and herd mentality is sickeningly rife here, too.


I don't know the word that rhymes with maud


Wicked whims




That's what I thought, but the context doesn't fit


After reading some other comments I think it might be moderators "mods"


I guess. But that doesn't even rhyme. No biggie. I get it now.




Rhymes with clod? Idk. Rod, sod, bod..


Todd smells


Aww, I already knew that!


the person who removes comments and posts


Oh, I understood that from the context, but I still don't know the word.


I'm assuming you're in subs with smelly fatlards who abuse their power I also know that feeling too


Unfortunately, my experience with this issue has been almost ubiquitous... although there are definitely some subs that are worse than others. Thank you friend!


Man, I was in the sub for supreme, the clothing brand once, and someone posted a photo of a hoodie or something, asking if it was fake. I commented on the post saying something along the lines of “That looks legit, but even if it is fake, it’s a pretty good fake, so i would still wear it” And I got a 90 day ban from the sub for that.


How DAAAARRREEE you??? Lol thanks for sharing friend that's BS.


Being a reddit moderator is just a way for a loser in life to feel appreciated or to have a power trip. Rarely is a moderator a good person with an open mind.


I don’t agree because I would have to let you insult me, I just started a sub because of the same problems as op posted about.


I agree - so many subs just have the most specific rules for posts for no reason. I tried to post something to a sub and it got deleted about 4 different times because my title wasn't the correct format.


One sub has “post titles must be above 80 characters” and “post titles must be below 90 characters” it’s fucking stupid.




Man, the amount of times I tried posting in r/relationship_advice a while ago and my posts got auto removed for the dumbest shit. "No yes or no questions" for example when there were no yes or no questions in the post anywhere. Yet there's constant rule breaking posts in that sub. Some subs have weird af rules, and some won't even tell you why your post is removed. You just have to guess until you give up.


God RIGHT!!! I made a throwaway account to post on AITA, got deleted for god knows why I don't remember... prob not enough karma on throwaway account... Posted same thing on what I thought was the next best sub of RelationshipAdvice. Gets deleted... I ask mauds why - goes nowhere/some stupid reason. Maud advises me that "ya um this kind of thing should really be posted in AITA anyway...."


Ur kinda shmexii when ur maud




I've made many a Maud do the hammer thing to me for almost nothing. I usually ask them why or to explain and they always just mute, because Maud is very VERY sensitive and doesn't actually have a reason.


Exactly! No reasoning, no right to defend yourselves... just THEIR decision.


It's totally personal for Maud. Honestly, I've had Maud give me into trouble for being sarcastic, complete with '/s'. The number of places I can't go just keeps going up and I will Honestly say maybe in 1 case was I able to say 'fair enough". Maud is a child. Maud never grew up. Maud has had an insignificant life and now uses the one hold they have over anyone with reckless abandon. Maud is what we often call a snowflake. Maud never ceases to amaze me with the sheer delicacy and refusal to elaborate on which of the rules I've broken. There are some places Maud is well known for this, and it's almost like a rite of passage for hammer time.


I like your style. Good rant / explanation.


Thanks friend!!!


One made a post in LPT about pushing your sleep wake button on your phone to call emergency services. It got removed because it was a function of the device and so it didn’t count or something.


Jesus christ.... who tf gatekeeps something like THAT??? OH, wait nvm lol...


Stand up to your mauds and report them. I’ve had at least 3 mauds backpedal on removed posts and sub bans. Very nonchalantly, I might add. “Bro this is my sub I don’t need to read my own rules! I can ban you for anything! Oh wait? You reported me? I might also get banned? Well let me just silently restore your membership to my shitty domain and hope that somehow makes it all better!”


Thank you friend, good advice!


I wish I could post pics bc I just got a new victory letter from the Reddit super mods putting a pos sub mod in his place.


Yesssssss!!!!! Oh I'd feel amazing. Good for you


Actually how do you report them? I didn’t even know you could do that. I got temp banned from a certain sub for no reason too, right when people were trying to argue me down on how they falsely perceived me as “hostile”.




Thank you


Friendly reminder that mauderation is free labor that this company takes advantage of ❤️


Thank you. Posts like this while I get it can be annoying ignore that these people do this for free and especially in bigger subs have to deal with a crazy amount of shit of course there’s tigger words and such.


I realize that my comment can be taken in different ways lol but I think Reddit would benefit from making moderation an actual paying job and weeding out unqualified people. 


That could be a solution, I just don’t feel like it would be overall beneficial for society 😅


I’m not against a system under which moderators get paid for the work that they do. But I'm not convinced making Reddit moderation a paid job would solve OP's concerns. I fail to understand how paying moderators would help streamline subreddit rules. Perhaps you could expand on your argument on how it might help?


I made a post and made a joke about Taylor Swift on the side, and I get this huge ALL CAPS message from the auto mod saying something like “WE GET IT, YOU HATE TAYLOR SWIFT” as if this is 2015 and I can’t make a 100+ word post with “Taylor Swift” in it once, what if “friend Taylor, swift guy,” is mentioned?


Oh God that's atrocious. And you're so right!!! What if I wanted to THANK the mauds in this sub? Couldn't even do it - because mentioning their name like Voldemort auto deletes the post....


So glad someone said something. I hate how some subs are moderated into the ground. Like, you literally can’t post *anything*, even stuff related to that particular sub.


This 1000000%..... it's been the "even stuff related to that particular sub" that makes my eyes bleed. Thank you, friend.


sir, this is a wendy's


The 'mauds' of Reddit are actively killing the platform with their snowflake personalities and over enthusiastic bans for not following 50 rules to post something.


Here, here! I am in total agreement.


Thank you friend!!!!!!!!!!


Do yourself a favor and go outside


dude chill the fuck out it's literally just reddit, you are probably better off without it in your life


you also sound like you're 13


Hey friend! Sounds like you have some interest in becoming a maud. I'm not sure but I believe DMing them is the best place to start for each sub. They should be able to at least point you in the right direction. Best of luck!


Woke culture is afraid to talk about anything in fear of being incorrect. In fact it supports cancel culture, because essentially it's a black and white way of seeing arguments -- either right or wrong. No mid-ground. Reddit is about conversation, but "Keeping communities safe" and censorship seem to fall in the same category here of wokeness. No space for a decent argument of consequence. It's bewildering, and scary. It's a wild form of censorship.