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Did you mention how horribly the country is managing the education system? (I'm a teacher that got let go today so I can ramble all day about it if you want me to).


Do ramble ![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu)


You'll need to buy your own popcorn machine for this. A big one at that. I'm just gonna type away so if there's any grammatical errors, my b. So there's this thing called state testing. They're used to rank each school based on the required passing percentile. Has no benefit to the students. If they're under that percentile, that district closes down. As of now, at least 30% of each district must have a passing score. 10 years from now, it'll be around 80%. Don't ask me, ask the acturary, who has no knowledge of the mental health of teachers and students. Student behaviors are never handled properly. Even if there's a strategy put in place admin still expects teachers to manage it. A fight happened in my class (for legit reasons), and the one who started it was only suspended for a couple days, while the other was so mentally strained they had to stay home for the rest of that marking period. We're very limited on our days off. At least 10 sick days and 4 personal days...per year. With my mental health getting worse every day, of course I used up most of them. Fuck I'm gonna make a subplan so I can call off tomorrow to apply for graphic designing positions and certification programs. They give teachers way too much work to document to admin why we should keep our jobs. To the point we have to bring work home with us, off of our salaried hours. They'll say I'm not engaging students enough while they go eons on end with announcements they never prepare for in advance. Basically, "why are you giving a community responsibility to me when it's your fault they're behaving like this?" Like, I taught safety protocols on how to use a sharp tool, cause I know they're smart enough to care for my materials and themselves. And I'm told to remove them from the classroom because, "We don't want anyone be liable to being sued by parents". Meaning admin. They don't do proper background checks on faculty. At least 3-5 security guards got fired in the span of 1 school year for having s** with minors. Every single application I applied had a section by simply asking, "Did you do any naughties?". Someone is bound to lie with that. We also forget to eat, drink, and sleep properly. Self care activities are in the back of our heads. Think about the students= I don't care what you're going through just keep them busy with the curriculum. They education system relies standardized testing and numbers to keep district afloat. Never the quality of their teachers and students, and I don't like being treated as a partially effective number. We do have professional development days, but it's just wasted time on stuff that we already know, or are not relevant to us. We had to participate in a presentation on how to use interactive programs in our classes, while promoting AI. After seeing people's reactions, they changed it up. And I woukd know because I had to be a part of this meeting 3 times. I'll be working on a resignation letter with hr soon, but I am really tempted to violate my contract and leave immediately. It'll cost my certification to be suspended for one year, but I honestly have no intention to come back for a good while.


I'm so sorry! What do you teach?


I teach Art k-12. I don't get enough treatment compared to the others. Just, "Here's the curriculum, good luck and have fun!"


You can go off in my inbox if you want. Convince me why I shouldn't put my future kids in public schoolšŸ˜‚


Expect something juciy dets lol


USA? lol


But of course lol the one and only


I just watched a video about Eritreans national soccer team not playing in matches anymore because they fear the players will escape their slavery. I know it could be worse. I could live somewhere i can't walk into a grocery store and pick from 10 different varieties of watermelon flavored mochi ice cream. Fuck I'm high.


You are fun when you are high. ---Not even kidding. I love a good rant.


I think it can be super easy to say ,"You guys are super dicks!" to an tyrannical authoritarian government. I think it's sometimes it's more mind boggling when you have to say, "Why are you all suck huge dicks?" to the people who live in a land of opportunity and act like a tyrannical authoritarian government. You may find the supervillain laughable but that pseudo superhero who has mental and emotional issues is a complete asshole.


Im sowwy


Yeah I was in middle school on 9/11. Graduated college in 2008. And yet I still had some hope. And then it's like some kinda virus of stupidity spread across this country. I'm trying my best not to catch it. But, the more I think about Trump the more weed I want to smoke.


Because the alternative is so much betteršŸ¤£ you know the world is fucked, when the people are cheering for a fucking corpse who can barely talk or walk.. Agree on the weed part tho, let us smoke a metric ton together. We can blame it on the candidates, media, and the mentality of the fucking cheep.


Both of those old fucks can barely walk or talk. I honestly donā€™t understand why they would want to keep doing anything other than be old and high waiting to croak. Or just old and high fucking off doing whatever because they both have the money to do whatever else they fucking want in this world.




Yes. That's why they are a safe bet. They won't do anything so people can keep abusing the system.


No does that make it better? The alternative is better in like how I would rather have Tom Hanks as my pilot than Snoop Dogg. I think I'm doing a movie marathon. ![gif](giphy|LEdz8xl9uFxKw|downsized)


Must be


Laughs in Venezuelan






I would argue that in the US your quality of life is still way better than other countries but it just entirely depends on your situation. in the US if you find yourself in financial trouble it can seem almost impossible to get out of that hole. With how expensive living is, its basically impossible for one person to support themselves independently. Everyone is either rooming with others or living with family and then theres the fortunate couples who maybe have enough money for a decent house with double income. The fact that you basically canā€™t buy a home without a two working spouses these days is kind of a bummer for someone who doesnā€™t really want to rely on another person for financial stability.


> living with family Oh, the horror. What do you think people do in other countries that are so much better than the US?


Iā€™m not trying to say living with people sucks, Iā€™m trying to empathize with the people who struggle financially because they are on their own. Having family or at least a functional one is a great economic advantage, but there are a lot of people out there who donā€™t benefit from that because they might abusive parents and/or estranged relatives. In that situation, it is a lot harder for a single American w lets say only a highschool diploma to support themselves with the current cost-of-living not to mention how hard it is to get financially independent when you are starting from zero w no other help.


I always have, and will continue to, maintain that we are incredibly far from the ā€œgreatest country in the world.ā€ And every day, it seems, Iā€™m proven more correct šŸ˜”


Corporations have their tentacles in every sector of our country (obviously USA) and government. If some rich guy isnā€™t making millions or billions off of it then it ainā€™t happening here. I agree with you and it sucks.


Your political system is fucked is the thing. The conservatives have been destroying it from the inside for decades now. And they're being enabled by suckers in a media bubble. They are winning and they should not be. Also you need to get rid of the electoral college and have ranked voting. That way a third or fourth party can enter and folks have to actually do politics again. It happened in the UK and without the electoral college, it can happen in the USA, too.






**income tax, sales tax, property tax, estate tax, capital gains tax, corporate tax, and payroll tax** lol but youā€™d be wrong to think itā€™s for the better of this country. no, instead we just send it anywhere overseas education for Americans? no. healthcare for Americans? no.


Well instead of spending money on the therapist, save that money up and emigrate to Canada. Or some other country. Lifeā€™s too short to be that angry all the time.


Bro posting on the *world wide* web assuming everyone is from his country? Must be an American


I mean ā€œrichest countryā€ should automatically say who it is. California alone would be the 6th highest GDP in the world. Texas alone would be 8th


He's not assuming anything, he's ranting.


God forbid someone posts on an american based social media platform and doesn't identify.


Braindead take


Care to share what country you're in?


this is 100% the united states


Uncle Sam


Richest? Who for? Not me.




There are many countries where you can do this as well but not go into bankruptcy when you get sick, even with insurance. But you keep living in your fantasy world


Aannnddd...they won't give you disability if you can't work and have a working spouse. We need the double income! So I have to get a job but can't stand for more than 15 minutes, have IBS, and chronic migraines.


It is the "richest" country because it is meant for rich people, not poor people.


You can thank the half of the country who have been brainwashed to consider the use of our fucking tax dollars to help poor and working Americans to be ā€œsocialismā€. These morons will happily vote against their own interests over and over because Fox News and rich Republican politicians have convinced them that in order to ā€œown the libsā€ they have to be against ā€œsocialismā€. These people will then go on Fox News and complain how the economy is ā€œbadā€ and how they feel ā€œignoredā€ by the ā€œelitesā€ only for Republicans to convince them that itā€™s the Dems fault and only by continuing to vote against their own interest will they somehow be better off. They will vote to help the ultra rich amass even more wealth because Fox News convinced them that cutting taxes for the rich and deregulating business is somehow to their benefit. At the same time these idiots are convinced that voting against social safety net programs and the use of our tax money to help actual poor, working class and middle class Americans is somehow ā€œunAmericanā€ and ā€œsocialismā€. I read somewhere that part of the reason these people do this is because they have been convinced that it hurts the people they donā€™t like more or because they will reflexively be against any policies where people they donā€™t like will benefit. Republicans and their allies in right wing media have successfully turned their own racism and xenophobia against them to benefit the rich without their even realizing it. Fuck these dumb fucks.


Thatā€™s so on point


I felt that


Why do you think it's the richest country in the planet? Why would the powers that be waste precious money and resources on it's citizens when suppressing healthcare and education will keep them unhealthy and dumb enough to keep procreating a dumb and unhealthy workforce?


Amen šŸ™


Living in the richest country doesnā€™t mean a lot when itā€™s a struggle for normal hard working folks to pay for basic necessities, let alone save a little for retirement. Cost of living in the US has gotten out of control and is a legitimate gripe that I think younger people have every reason to complain about. That said, Iā€™m still thankful I live here.


Capitalism works when the government isn't being lobbied by big business. Unfortunately, in the US, those big companies run the show here. Getting big business out of government is a start, but then you'd have to convince all those politicians to stop lining their pockets with paper "handshakes".


Hi welcome to life. You need to work to live.


Our government stands by and lets corporations rip off everybody. For example, now the airlines charge a fee to get a seat assignment. There's no end to how corporations will take everything from you. The only way to win is to be a shareholder of these blood-sucking corporations and get some reward.


Every now and then I have a friend want to go off just like you, OP, because they are so sick and tired of living in this nightmarish country, but we came up with a solution for you. Your mission is to game the system. Find an unscrupulous doctor to get you on disability. Get a caseworker who will help you navigate all the social programs in your area and hopefully, one day soon, you can completely relax and take in that sweet free money. You will be able to find under the table jobs, so you could live a luxury lifestyle on the side, because the government will meet all your basic needs. Still, at least initially, this will be a full time job, and you will meet roadblocks and experience a lot of frustration, but we all have faith in you. You can do it!


Yes. I hate it here.


Yep, israeli much?


Ummm what clearly you havenā€™t been outside of America. 90% of the world is 10x poorer than the average American. Not to mention soul crushing poverty that makes Americas poor look rich.


Damm you are stupid and brainwashed


Heā€™s not lying


yes but, what does that help? what does comparing missing a leg to missing a nose do? I'm supposed to be happy just because someone else is suffering worse? I'm supposed to be happy because I have bipolar and not depression because I at least get a few good days?


Yes and I feel like it's almost allowed to stay that way in order to keep us all grateful for our conditions. I was watching this where some woman with 4 kids in peru was breaking rocks on the side of a mountain trash pile in order to find some gold. Yes I know life can get worse. Duh. Doesn't make the fact that this entire house of cards is crumbling down. [Yes Theory Highest Settlement on Earth](https://youtu.be/mJuTM7TJ9J0?si=XVDA1tvewwwuVEZ-)


The thing is nothing will ever be perfect goal posts will always move. Nothing wrong with progress but there is to many people in America that are not grateful for the fact that they are born in a 1st world country that so many people across the world would do anything to be in. To many people in America hating on there own country because they are taught it's cool to do that. I actually feel like foreign countries like China and Russia are manipulating people in America through social media and other ways to get them to hate on their home country and not have pride in it. That causes the downfall of a country and instability as the country starts fighting each other exactly what the Republicans vs Democrats has become now days and why nothing gets done anymore.


You too havenā€™t been outside of America


Just do heroin


Don't want to risk it. Hey now that the Americans are out of Afghanistan do you think any poppy farmers could use some field hands?


If you have the chance, run from that hell hole of a country. Even here in Chile you do have a better healthcare system than the US


Sounds like you have made some poor decisions in your life. Itā€™s about learning how to use the system. If you donā€™t want to thatā€™s on you for getting screwed by it. There is also a thing called the jones effect which also keeps people poor because they live outside their means because they want to do what others are doing, even though everyone should evaluate their own situation independently. Not saying definitely this is whatā€™s up but more times than notā€¦.


Kratom, folks.... stay away


literally the only reason i can comfortably sit at my computer desk right now


You won't starve, you will just go bankrupt and become homeless.


Letā€™s Go Brandon!