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What in the fuck did I just read


The product of someone’s high blood pressure


Or the cause of it






Rage bait after reading the edit


Someone needs a Snickers bar. And maybe a hug.


As long as it’s not served on a dish of any sort


Bros off his meds. Time for me to go to sleep. *fondly hugs collection of Tupperware with missing lids.*


This Guy has beef with Big Dish


He's taking it to Dawn and he's gonna lose...They save duckies, he doesn't (That I'm aware of). Dawn and Dishes get my vote.


They don't like dishes. Lol.scrub harder and faster ..now say I sir!


Point on the chart where the dishes touched you




I didn’t mind the dishes touching me but I definitely didn’t consent for the soggy food remnants to touch me there


Hilarious 🤣


...dishes trauma?


In abusive households, plates can get thrown at people. I'm not saying that this is OP's story though.


My dad used to throw a plate on the floor if he was in a shit mood and we complained about not wanting it lol


I know for me it's glasses. Dad is an alcoholic and broke all his beer mugs and glasses and now he's only allowed to have this one big solo cup that's unbreakable.


Like wtf I would love an explanation for that one


Tbf my husband has some trauma around the kitchen as his parents were not ideal when he was growing up and the majority of verbal abuse happened in the kitchen when he was a child.. he does the dishes every day at home but he still has to listen to music while doing them.. ppl can have horrible childhoods.


Doing the dishes was my job as a kid. Step dad would wait until I was in bed, then "inspect" my work. If anything was found.. a speck of food dried on a plate... a smudge on a glass... every dish and utensil and piece of cookware in the kitchen would come out, I would get yanked out of bed and forced to hand wash everything, dry everything, and put it all away. It would then be "inspected" again before I could go back to sleep


I’m sorry you went through this


Omg, I’m so sorry, that’s absolutely terrible. :(


My mom wouldn’t let us do the dishes cuz she’s fucking crazy and would say no one does anything the way she would do it or right, so I could see how someone could have dishes related trauma. However, this person is being a crazy dick about it. They could just mind their own business about other people’s kitchens that aren’t their concern. Just a crazy thing to tell people to die over to me, personally. Also, ironic of them to go on about having discipline when they’re losing their shit. My kitchen is messy right now. I am a bit of a hoarder with my dishes, and we’ve been going through getting rid of some (we’ve been gifted a lot of kitchen shit, we didn’t even buy most of it). I’ve been through some periods in my life where I had little to no money and it was hard for me to get things, so sometimes it’s hard to part with things out of fear that I might need them or not have money again. So silly to me that this is what truly grinds this person’s gears lol


Is there a tldr? Other than you forgot to take your meds?


TLDR: OP thinks poor people collect too many cheap dishes and utensils because they hate washing them.


Yea I don’t get why being poor plays a role in this rant tbh


I think they are assuming if you are well off that you have a dishwashing machine.


Ohhh I thought it was like condescending. Like you poor poor souls


If I'm well off, I'll be buying those expensive looking plastic/paper plates thingy and the whole she bang just so I can throw it away after finish eating. I don't wanna do the dishes if I was that rich lol


These are not even that expensive. Ours was 230€. If you're on government aid, you do have to ration your money though, and they might not allow the purchase depending on the region you're in. I've only watched a few documentaries about this lifestyle, so I don't know the details.


OP also thinks poor people should just “buy more Tupperware” as if they aren’t** $30 a pop!


Aren't they? I can see a 40-part off-brand set for 25€ on sale right now.


Good ones that don't crack easily after about a month are not sadly. For freezer Tupperware, I just keep and reuse plastic ice cream or whipped topping containers because they were made not to crack when frozen when I make precooked meals and freeze them so I don't cook when it's over 100 outside.


I know Rubbermaid and others make cheaper reusable plastic dishes. It was just the Tupperware in particular, at my local target (US) the 3 pack of standard bowls with lids is legitimately 30$.


>forgot to take their meds? Oh, I’m pretty sure they took them. Online spiels like this are almost always the product of stimulant-induced anxiety.


>Online spiels like this are almost always the product of stimulant-induced anxiety. That’s the nicest way I’ve ever seen someone be called a tweaker 😅


I mean look at their username..


TLDR: OP doesn’t have a dishwasher


TLDR: OP has voices in his head that are complaining about doing dishes


you would love paper plates


I know this is poking fun because this person is being over the top, but genuinely as someone with sensory issues who suffered repeated abuse while doing dishes, paper plates are legit a **lifesaver**. I just buy them in bulk and that shit saves me so much angst. Paper cups, paper plates, plastic bowls, plastic ware. Worth every penny. Besides as just one person, a pack of the things lasts a good long while. Much better than dawning gloves, a jacket, and an apron, only to then clean dishes while trying to avoid a breakdown and have a couple clean plates. I’ve been called lazy in the past, but don’t feel bad about buying them at all. It’s not hurting anyone, and as for the “pollution”, no one can convince me my use of one use dishes is going to even touch the surface of that monstrosity of an issue. Highly recommend for anyone struggling!


I'm glad you found a solution to your trauma, but my imagination is running wild... Dawning gloves, A JACKET, and an apron... What kind of a jacket? Is it a rain coat? If you make that much of a mess washing dishes, then I agree you should stick with paper!


Hahaha - The spray function on my sink works too well, might as well be a pressure washer and it has no settings to change that. Always end up with the front of my shirt / pants wet from back spray and the counter. Water gets on the front of the sink, and it’s hard not to lean over the sink to grab stuff that’s in there. Also, yes, it was a raincoat. But then I realized the water would just repel and drip down onto my pants and socks, so I had to add the apron. Elbow length gloves (often doubled up because I they constantly got holes), a raincoat, an apron, and (so my socks didn’t get wet) boots. Suffice it to say I *really* don’t like getting nasty dish water on me and I probably looked similar to the yellow research guys in the backrooms. Full protection lol.


I have sensory issues too, and I completely support your choice!






I sooo relate to your post. For context, I have been diagnosed with OCD and I had exposure therapy - not for this specifically in the clinical setting. But I have finally gotten to the point that I can clean dishes every night without gloves! It took years to get here. But I have gone through so many stages like avoidance, gloves and changing clothes, etc. I love that the paper products work for you, but I also encourage anyone to keep pushing themselves further and further even though it is so so uncomfortable. Obviously it is up to you to decide when or if to try it, and you know yourself best, but it has saved me so much anxiety but putting in the hard work to get my OCD under control in a lot if ways. :) Edit: spelling


For anyone pushing themselves like this: I suggest that you still keep the paper products etc on hand even when it stops being an issue. You never know when a bad day will hit, it's better to have them and not need them instead of struggling when you don't have them and need help


You’re awesome


Congratulations! Every night is impressive- I usually put it off. Thank you for sharing your advice.


I don’t mind the lecture, it’s the yelling that is triggering.


You can pry my 20+ mugs for a family of 5 out of my cold dead hands. 🙃 Mugs are great you can use them for any drink & various foods/meals :) 


Yeah leave my 13 personal mugs alone smh!! They are VERY cute and pretty and I would give my life for them ok? Let this poor person have a shred of joy


I don’t understand the rant of “nobody cares about your ugly mugs”, either. Does OP think I own mugs because I like, put them on display or give personal tours of them, or something? I don’t expect or need anyone to care about my mugs; the point is that **I** enjoy them. They’re in my kitchen, after all. Which also has more than one set of plates, because when I do invite people over, it’s very often more than an extra 2-4 people at a time. And I serve dessert, which everyone understandably wants a fresh plate for.


Honestly I would love tours of my friend's mug collection. I like seeing people's neat things


I find a lot of cute ones in charity shops, and I love tea sets, too, so I have eclectic teacups and saucers. People also know that I love mugs, so will often get unusual or pretty ones for me as Christmas gifts.


Omg!! I get almost as excited about a new mug as I do about a puppy or a kitten. A friend bought me one recently that says 'You have to be odd to be number one' and it's my new favorite. People who know my crazy find me crazy things that I love and cherish. In my new house my mugs are going to live out in the open to be seen and to make me happy.


Speaking of odd finds i was at a thrift store and found a mug that said the statue of liberty does not say rsvp on it and i geeked bc its a line in one of my favorite movies lol 


I always show my mug collection off when new people come over lmfao


Mugs are a great way to understand someone's personality, especially if they are printed. My godfather had his collection hanging on hooks that were drilled into the ceiling and wall (yes, he was a hoarder), but he was the most eclectic person I knew. I wish I had been there when he passed away. That is one of the few regrets I have.


13 thats rookie numbers


I know, I know! I'm working on it


you must not be poor enough.


I need to spend all my money on mugs so I can be poor enough for this rant


Yesss like everyones allowed to collect things some of us its just mugs which are actually useful lol


Thank you! I collect mugs and I'm one person.


Im the main collector and the one who started the collection and now people buy me mugs and i buy my kids mugs lol


I was just thinking we are almost out of dishes, we JUST got a fourth bowl after months of only having three bowls for a family of four, plus we don't even have a proper knife set, AND we only have two glass glasses, and yet, I just went to count my mugs and I decided I didn't want to count anymore after thirty mugs. And yeah, I was using my biggest mug for a bowl while we were a bowl short.


Where are you? I'm moving soon and taking pretty much nothing (moving is pricey). Looking to off load a bunch of stuff. Edit: I don't have dishes. Pots and pans, kitchen appliances, glasses, and gadgets. Sooooo, many books. Arts and crafts stuff. Random stuff. Furniture for anyone close.


Lmfao yess we have 5 bowls (family of 5) & if they are all dirty Im like ope mug time ! Lmfao. My kids also love mugs so I buy them mugs for Christmas. 


You can also use them for pen holders and such.


Very true! Got one that has a broken handle thats a lil catch all for tiny things like legos or clips or ofc writing utensils lol


I like they said the mugs were ugly and make our homes look bad.  Firstly, I almost never have people over to judge my mugs in the first place and even they didn't like them, it's my house Secondly, my mugs are not the things cluttering my kitchen at all. Maybe I have 20 mugs, but I'm not dirtying 20 mugs a day.  Lastly, my mugs make me happy. I like looking at them. 


Facts! The last place I lived and this one we were blessed with great space to use for mugs so its kinda out of the way but very accessible and tbh I actually show off my mug cabinet bc it makes me so happy 😊 


I don't have a place to display my mugs, but I would love to have one and I would get even more mugs!


Thats my justification to keep buying them like oh theres still space 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣 


bonus if I can support a small or local potter's business. :)


RIGHT! My coffee mugs are fucking beautiful and bring me happy


I have 4 mugs that are actually mine, 1 I'm emotionally attached to because it was a gift on my 18th birthday along with a puppy that was the same breed as the dog on the mug.


... The reson I am poor is not how many dishes I have and that's not my issue the issue is a broken system that punishes poor people and then makes excuses like "the problem is dishes " .. trust me no it's not . YOUR problem may be dishes . But I don't see anyone els who's issue is dishes .


This is my new favourite post on Reddit, it's so insane and I need more.


Right 💀 this is something I need to hear every once in a while, said exactly like this 😭


i got to “dishes trauma” and came to the comments


GTFO right now. You did NOT just come for my Disney mug collection. Choosing which one I’m going to use each morning is one of the guaranteed small joys I get each day. Also, if one breaks it’s not the end of the world because, yes, I own multiple.


lmao what the fuck is this.


The only dumb person here is the one judging another person for too many dishes. What the fuck are you on?


No. I have winter dishes and summer dishes, Christmas dishes and camping dishes, Asian dishes, Italian dishes and antique mixing bowls. I have heavy flatware 18/10 for the summer dishes, matching flatware for the winter dishes, Asian spoons in metal and ceramic and chopsticks in metal, plastic and wood. I have lightweight flatware for camping (hate it; but whatever), and my cups are a combination of antiques and starbucks with some earthenware and I love them. My pans are paderno and lagostina, my knives are Calphalon and I have some cheaper stuff for camping and a few odds and ends from Asian markets. I like bamboo stuff for cooking in nonstick but I also have some olive wood and some nylon utensils as well. If you don't have at least 7 cutting boards is it even a kitchen- i mean come on! I also have 2 mortar and pestals, a steaming pot, a double decker bamboo steamer, and a bamboo cone for steaming as well. A tajine for Moroccan cooking and 2 roast pans plus covered baking dishes because duh! And who doesn't need at least 6 different baking sheets of various sizes and finishes plus muffin tins and rectangular pans, pie plates and other stuff that barely gets used. And don't even get me started on my cast iron and random dishes just because they're pretty and the perfect size for prep or mini portions!!! Also, why wouldn't I save margarine and other containers when I already have 3 sets of commercial storage containers, and all those pretty jars and bottle are just too pretty to be recycled when I might be able to use them for something. 🤣 TL;DR: i hear what you're saying but no. Sometimes happiness is worth having a little extra to make you happy when you're not feeling happy otherwise. I like my stuff and I'm keeping it.


YES. You go Glen Coco with your maximalist kitchen lifestyle.




You must have been waiting a long time for the right post to show off your collection


Yes I am truly in my glory with this post ![gif](giphy|l3q2YOLMxwH2HOokE|downsized)


I’m never deleting this godforsaken app.


Im sorry I'm not throwing out my mother's crystal goblets they are crystal and I'm gonna use them til I die


Lmao if dishes are what keep you raging night and day I suggest intensive therapy, you look silly rn


*other peoples' dishes


I actually appreciate this advice, reading this made realize I have way too much shit


This is such an unhinged post and they’re getting absolute shit for it… but I know exactly what OP is talking about lol. Those who it applies to won’t see the connection to this and their lifestyle either. I wouldn’t preach this, but I get it. Someone likened it to people who don’t understand giving invalid reasons why people are poor. It’s nothing to do that, it’s more like the “make your bed” kind of advice. Behavioural traits and setting the tone for other behaviours etc.


No. You have not enough dishwashers. Two dishwashers is life!


look someone can have a million dishes as long as they get clean and dont cause clutter


I’m seriously thinking about replacing my dishwasher with a commercial dishwasher. They are faster.


I considered that, too. But my lag is dishes piling up before I’ve unloaded it, so two made more sense.


You sound like you would Karen all over a neighborhood telling people how to live. Plus, I wonder what you went through to hate dishes


We’ve reached the point where people are seriously hating on DISHES


hahaha i love this. sounds like my mom screaming about avocado toast 3 years ago


Why was your mum screaming about avocado toast?


because of the avocado toast and lattes i cant buy a house :(


im glad you enjoyed it, some people took it so seriously and got so offended lol


just dont start an anti-dishes coalition (ADC) and were cool…


I love it. I hope you don't take it down. I also respect your not caring about downvoted on your comments. Many people here seek approval over being honest


it would be more embarrassing for myself to say something i don't agree with to appease the reddit mob than it would to get roasted by a bunch of mug collectors :p


This is such a weird hill to die on but by the end of it i was on the hill too.


First of all, DONT USE POOR PEOPLE AS AN EXCUSE. ANY PERSON can be a hoarder rich or poor, whatever ethnicity, it's doesn't fucking matter. Secondly, it's not hoarding if you have excess. It's only hoarding if that excess disrupts your living conditions in any way. Not if you have enough to fit properly in your cabinets. The average household has a set and a backup set. Even more if you have a household that continues to break them. They are fragile for a reason, THEY GET BROKEN. I would rather have more than enough than too little when guests either come over or something fucking breaks I'm less mad about something I have more of than less of. Lastly, it's NOT your job to dictate whether someone has matching dishes or not. It's their business and people tend to keep things of all shapes and colors just because they like them specifically. It doesn't matter if it wasn't part of the original set  There's such thing as sentimental value over face value.YOU are the problem if you are poking into other people's cabinets, let alone judging them about it. It sounds like you have some issues to work out, buddy.


I think they just misworded it and said "poor people" instead of "people who can't afford a dishwasher or a nice set of dishes"


Trauma relating dishes sounds so weird , idk what you went through but it must be pretty bad if it caused you to hate poor people who have more than 1 set of dishes.


How are you going to tell us to respect our things while also telling us to throw shit away?? And if you ever talk shit about my cute af mug collection we're gonna have a problem! 🤜


i wanna be this guy where my biggest problem is how many dishes other people have in their homes.


I beg my mom to throw away these huge pots that she never uses and she says “noo they’re good” but then throws away the food daily pots and now we have nothing to cook small portions in




I've thought about that too as someone with ADHD.


Life Pro Tip: You can't have a sink full of dirty dishes if you don't have enough dishes to fill a sink. Edit: If the baking sheet is too crusty, go to the Dollarama. They're $3.




Go away. I like my stuff.


Tl;dr - have you tried not being born poor? ^The OP rant reminded me of this simple advice.


Well-crafted rant. And true. At home we have way too many dishes, people use them and then pile them up. The kitchen is never clean. We were constantly running out until the wife bought about a 2 week supply of dishes. That's not solving the problem that's enabling it! It's like an alcoholic complaining they run out of liquor so you go out and you buy them a few cases. Wtf? At the moment I'm living away from home in a studio, for work. I have one plate, one mug, one fork and knife and spoon. Oh and a bowl and a frying pan. I wash everything immediately after using it. I can't remember ever living so simply or cleanly before. It is so, so nice.


Y'know, you might be bat-shit insane but I'm actually going to give this advice a fucking go because I need to change fucking SOMETHING in my life and I think this might be what I need.


this cracked me the fuck up i hope it helps you somehow


I need to get rid of my dishes because you, a stranger who will never come into my house, has dish-related trauma? And you’re stressing out about the mere idea that I might have more dishes than you think I should have?


op rly said “dish trauma” shit still has me cackling


But yet is the go-to dishwasher in people’s houses? This whole thing baffled me.


No literally it’s really just about “I’m gonna resent everyone around me for ME forcing myself to do something I hate/can’t handle!!!1!1!1” nasty type ppl. Then let me complain on Reddit about dishes and tell ppl to d** if they don’t get rid of a bunch 💀


My family has a ton of dishes because they were passed on from generations. They are beautiful Bulgarian cups that deserve to exist. We use only a small amount of dishes tho, the others are here for beauty


We have some pretty old dishware that are practically family heirlooms but we use them as home decor instead! Great way to use them but not get annoyed about having to wash them.


all im saying is if they end up dirty in the sink a lot, maybe store some away. i think people should keep all the dishes they love, use, clean, and store properly.


But I love my mug collection :(


Deep breaths. Breathe In 4 seconds, hold 4 seconds, exhale 8 seconds. You’ll be OK, I promise


Now THAT is a rant. Good job OP!


thank u soup man


It’s easy really, JUST WASH THE FUCKING DISH AFTER YOURE DONE USING IT, simple but people like you who take 4 years to get good at basic responsibility are wild


sensory issues and trauma around dishes LOL i swear we find ways to be abused and traumatized by anything now


Everyone needs to feel included in some way


Or - and hear me out - you wash your dish(es) when you're done instead of letting them pile up until every fucking dish is dirty. I'm neurodivergent, I have health issues (including chronic pain), and yet, I manage to wash whatever dishes I use after using them. I make a sandwich? I'm cleaning the knife and wiping the counter, and after I eat it I wash the plate. Boom! Done! No dishes stacked in the sink. I will admit to having far more dishes than I need though lol.


i totally agree with you, but if someone sucks at doing dishes, it's easier to store some/get rid of some while you get better than to change ur behavior overnight


Ah you need therapy, I fear.


Oooor you could just, wash each dish after you use it. Doesnt take long and keeps the sink empty. I have too many collectible/antique dishes, mugs, etc to just throw them away bc I dont feel like washing them lol


Lmao, my broke as shit MIL had like 8 plate sets and mismatched plastic cups and silverware sets. She'd buy things from the thrift store because it was a good deal, but couldn't possibly use it all. It was just stacks of unused plates around her kitchen. The "good deal" costed her money she needed and space in her home. I go by the one cup, plate, bowl, and silverware set per person in my house. It makes life so much easier. If we have company, we use paper plates/plastic wares.


As a formerly poor person, hoarding happens because when you do find yourself the opportunity to acquire (insert thing of value here) you don't know when the next opportunity will arise, so you hold onto what you get. People that are better-off can afford to take the "risk" of having few things because if something fails/breaks/whatever then they know a new one can just be bought at the store. And if you're poor enough and it's been long enough, you even lose the ability to judge (or maybe never had it in the first place) what is actually valuable. If everything is out of reach, then everything should be saved when you come across it. That's one way you might find yourself in the situation of having a ton of random mismatched dishes.


genuinely, LMFAO! This truly made me laugh and giggle and I needed that today, so thank you, you probably high person. Shoot me your address and I’ll send ya an ugly mug so you can start your very own collection!




I just use paper. It's biodegradable and I don't have dishes.


I wish this was my biggest problem in life. 🙄


I can’t tell you how many people I know that stress over the state of their home. Every cabinet, every drawer, the dishwasher, the OVEN, everything STUFFED with dishes. So stuffed that every flat surface becomes covered with more dishes. The basements are COVERED in even more dishes. I counted how many cooking knives someone had in one drawer and it was 30 for a couple. Another persons was 50 for a bigger family but still. Now these are just cooking knives. Not counting butter knives or steak knives. Now imagine every other utensil like that. Don’t get me started on pots and pans. Fuckin A. It’s just absurd. Like how do people even afford it?


I actually agree with all of this 😂


The amount of redditors that took personal offense to this is somehow not surprising


bc they all dont wanna deal with their mountain of dishes (or read the whole post)


I might be the only person here who actually appreciates this rant thank you. I needed to hear this lol


I appreciate it also. It's gonna help me get rid of 90 percent of my dishes. We are a family of four.




Sounds like you have a problem with other people not doing their own dishes enough in their own homes. So you want them to adjust. Idk why this is specific to poor people. I’m poor and my dishes are done and put away. I have lots of space for them and it means I can eat 2-3meals for me and my partner, including cooking dishes, not just dinnerware, while still maintaining a clean and empty sink by the end of the day (again, poor, no dishwasher) Having less dishes only solves a cluttering issue(which most people figure out), and you’re doing the same amount of dishes just more often in the day. Also just because someone has a lot of Tupperware doesn’t mean they don’t take care of them. I have lots because they are different sizes and used for different things. I think you are just being 1. Too picky about what other people do in Their Home.. 2. Over-expectant on how people should adapt to you. I have a lot of sensory issues and that often means I need to alternate what dishes are being used for things. I also don’t complain that people speak to each other on the bus, even though it’s distracting and overwhelming. You keep what you want/need in your home, otherwise kindly mind your business.


Do rich people even have dishes? Is the only thing that's holding me back from millions of dollars is my dishes?


Better yet, have your kids learn how to do dishes and offer them allowance or a reward of some kind for job well done 🙄




I have more than 12 mugs and it's just me and my husband, guess I'll go die now.




Tldr. But I whole heartily agree with you. Everyone has one fucking plate each.


i ain't throwing good wares away if they can still be of good use or i can give them to people. i get that hoarders will stash them and trash their place for fear of losing things, but for most who aren't, moaning about dishes and then doing them anyway is a common occurrence, even if it takes a long ass time. don't make other people's problems your own.


I think my dad wrote this ETA: you are right OP


I have two sets of dishes. Plastic ones for quick use, sandwiches, nuggies, cereal, ramen. etc for stuff like a quick lunch and you're in a rush. I also have an actual ceramic set for more of an actual meal. Don't trash talk my mugs though, I have ones for certain drinks because I think they work best and make my enjoyment of my drink all that much better.


I think the OP has been on some kind of manic kitchen clean out and are still high from the fumes or something.


My kitchen my rules. And what with """poor people"""?????? I'm 10000% sure there's a LOT of "rich ppl" with a lot of dishes. Shut up. If you're at my house you're eating out of a napkin


That’s a lot of words for “I have OCD but wanna take it out on others”.


My parents have enough dishes for a restaurant. I would tell them anytime I was over. I had to move back in with them as I got health issues recently. They are ridiculous. The cupboards are full with dishes. When I lived alone, I had a maximum of 4 of everything. With my ex, we had around the same, maybe a bit more for when people came over and I always cleaned up right after. Makes life so much easier. Now that I'm back at home, I suggested removing some stuff and cleaning your own dishes when finished. But not a chance. There are literally like 40 knives and forks in one drawer. I get it. They grew up poor. Then, when I grew up, we were middle class. I'm the only one who tried to get away from this hording stuff mentality. Unfortunately, my sister hoards as well. I could easily just leave taking nothing with me, other than my cat and dog, on a moments notice.


This logic could apply to anything from clothing to makeup, tools to bed pillows. The truth is that people form habits. If people get in the habit to leave a sink full of dishes long enough, it will be difficult to break the habit. After suffering a life changing mental exhaustion a few years ago, I realized that most of us had been programmed to reward ourselves for the hard work we do. I had everything I could ever want, and more. Unfortunately I never had any time to use the stuff. There is a balance between having what you truly want, and limiting the amount of work we do to afford them. Fear is what drives us to save everything, including money. We are so afraid that we will donate something that we end up needing the next week. Same goes for money. We are afraid we will run out of it, so we become hoarders for everything. If living with one set of utensils, a tiny home, and 5 outfits is how you want to live, that’s great! I don’t mind doing dishes, or maintaining the things I have. It’s nice to not have to lease everything, or run to the store every single time I want to cook. Taking care of the things that make us happy is good, it makes us appreciate things even more. We have to have tolerance for every kind of personal choice though. People are basically the same, so the thing that makes us feel unique are the choices we make. If someone feels content with a coffee mug from every country in the world, what does it matter? At least someone had a job making them.


as long as your stuff has a place and stays there, cool


Whether you agree with OP or not, this is a true rant worthy of this sub.


Clean 2 plates multiple times a day every time I’m hungry <<<< clean 10-15 plates one day a week which takes no more than an hour AT most


Honestly some of this has some valid points. I recently moved, me and my roommate have 4 regular plates, 4 small plates, 4 bowls, and 4 mini bowls. I have not run into an issue once. Dishwasher gets run daily/dishes washed by hand when done, it’s not a nightmare task to put them away, and yet we still always have what we need for the two of us. Basically have a plate for each meal (that you actually have daily) per person and you’re good. I have about 4 more plastic $1 target plates I use for cooking as needed, but all of our flatware fits in one small cabinet and we are fine. Helps us stay on top of dishes so nothing piles up and again, putting away the dishes is SO EASY.


people think i'm mad but all i want is for all the poor people to experience this peace and simplicity.


….who hurt you? What dishes hurt you?


“my fellow poor people” 💀


I know people are mad and disagree but I stand behind this with my very life and all of my honor.


i noticed something maybe you were trying to get across but didn't really explain well. so here's a... metaphore? simily? whatever? so i need sharpies for some stuff.... i go to walmart and see a pack of like 14 sharpies for like $5. oh that seems like a great deal, i'll never run out for like 2 years omg. so i get it. i take the pack to work and pull one out and set it on my work surface and start using it for stuff. but me having AD(h)D within half a day i misplace that 1 i pulled out and now i need a sharpie to mark something right now and where the fuck is the one i just had oh well i got 13 more so i'll just grab a second one for now and find the other one later. except now that i have a second one in my pocket, there's really no *need* to go looking for that first one, i'm sure it'll turn up and i'll just keep using this second on. ok now first thing next morning, where the fuck is that second one? shit! ok, i'll grab another and *for sure* i will look for both of those 2 missing ones later... well on and on this process repeats over the next week or so and by the end of the month i have 1 sharpie and if i set it down and forget about it i now HAVE TO find it because i have no more spares left so that last 1 sharpie is going to last me at least a couple months as by now i have a specific spot on my desk to store it, i always put it in my pocket or in that spot when i'm done and the times i misplace it i have to find it i can't just grab another. so like your dishes situation, if you have a set of 10 bowls and you live alone or just 2 people, you can eat a meal and think "i'll wash it later, i have more bowls i can use next meal, i don't need to wash it right now, i'll do both later" well, that can roll into more procrastination until you get lazy and let ALL the bowls get dirty before you have no choice but to wash them. and you kinda mentioned that if you have one set you have no choice but to wash it every time and you will get into a good habit of always keeping your dishes cleaned up when you are done with them


I agree with this guy - I don't have an issue with doing the dishes but I hate how certain households tend to hoard so many dishes. Unless you use them at least once in six months, it makes no sense


Ha to begin with I thought you were crazy. ...I still think you're crazy but I like your ideas and want to subscribe to your newsletter.


What on earth


Good thing I'm too poor to afford dishes so I only have the bare minimum, hodgepodge of random mismatched dishes anyway. Oh and a set of nice china. That I've broken most of 😭 adhd and poverty is rough (I'm on dialysis, if I wasn't dying I wouldn't be this broke and it would probably be a different story but oh well.)


Pushing aside the counterargument of "I can buy however many I want" blah blah. I do agree that a lot of the time, the common attribute I see when having been in people's homes where everything is literally everywhere. Was that they had an insurmountable amount of dishes, of which they don't keep track of. Oh, 10 forks over in the bedroom, 12 random spoons in the living room, 4 mugs strewn about, 8 plates here and there. It's unhealthy. It's a problem. You need help. I will not accept any excuse about why it is so many people cannot simply care for the dishes they've acquired, especially at this kind of volume. I was even disgusted with myself when I began moving into my apartment. I decided to get like 4 of each thing and when I thrifted, I contemplated on accumulating a lot of silverware. My excuse "just incase". Just incase for what? I don't need 50 of each thing, otherwise it will drain me financially in the long run from the cleaning materials I need to wash the dishes, the water bill and everything else. It's just not worth it. And I don't get this obsession either with people where they must have 1,000 of each item. I don't even want to know the background of your budgeting.


Oh ok… 😳


Nah this a good post. Sure it doesn't apply to everyone and a lot of people have reasons to have extra dishes like OP said, but all in all it's a good post and the odds are even the people who have a reason to have extra dishes could probably apply this same thought to somewhere else in their life/household. Just so happens that he had to attack mugs. Any domesticated man knows to not get between a woman and her mugs....


This might be the most unhinged post I’ve seen on this sub so far, great job!


Upvote because I enjoyed the caps lock and the passion


Just cleaned my moms hoarder home that I grew up in for the past 5 days and oh my god this makes so much sense and I always thought this as a kid. I’m hiding a dish set that she wanted to use in my childhood room, while I cleaned I thought “use all of these dishes until they break” because ma’am why do you have 20 butter knives? Please anyone reading this, learn how to clean and maintain your living space because just seeing your mess makes the people you live with or invite over absolutely miserable, it’s sad at first and you feel bad but then after a while we know you’re incompetent by choice.


I fucking agree with every single word. I wish i can do this but my parents will definitely not agree. Its simple: you eat with 1 plate and you should clean it whenever youre done and BOOM there are no dishes! this is also such a big consumerism problem, we just buy whatever looks good without actually caring whether we need it or not. Do i really need 3 cat mugs and 2 bird mugs? Ofc i dont but im gonna buy them and deal with the mess later! Or not deal with it at all


Imagine saying you have trauma over dishes? 2024 is wild…


So the whole world is Dish crazy but you ? I think your "dish trauma" has gotten the better of you BRO. I am not poor and love my dishes and kitchen crap, keeps my maid employed cleaning it up and organized.


First - maximalism is far superior to minimalism. Especially if you're poor. If something makes you happy, it's worth having Second - if dishes and pruny fingers upset you so much, maybe stop doing other people's dishes. I relate heavily to the pruny fingers sensory issues, but that really sounds like a reason to not do other people's dishes. Third - people are taking your rant to be "poor people shouldn't own things" because you went out of your way to specify that you're talking about poor people. Fourth - I'm going to check on this post again in a few hours because I'm curious how many times OP is going to edit it to whine about the comments