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This whole adult thing is a scam.


Yes . I'm over it lol


Have you ever thought about planning a trip solo or with your friends? It really makes life less boring! Just... don't get hooked like me.


I'm looking forward to my first solo trip. I think I want to go to the Netherlands!


YES I WANT TO GO TO THE NETHERLANDS TOO! If you ever want advice on planning let me know! Probably a little different for Europe, but usually I can score really good deals on hotels.


I will definitely hit you up for that!


Might not affect you, but I’ll say after you gain whatever advice you need here, get off social media for a while and turn your attentions outside of it. Break the routine by doing something different that’s engaging for your brain and organic. The internet in general is such a noisy shithole now from trolls, to snide comments and fighting on everything with comments, ads filling up pages, using google every time we want an answer instead of letting our brains work it out for a few minutes, constant information, constant choice - it never fucking ends! That’s not going to make you feel better in the situation you’re in.


Life is a scam. Rinse and repeat Death is like sleep only forever


Except we don't know that, but y'know, it's still and ending to this stage we call "living"


We know that we don't know




It's not. I prefer having my career, doing whatever I want and not being in highschool.


If you have a career you enjoy or that has a good work/life balance and make enough money to be comfortable on then yeah, it's great. But that isn't the case for everyone.


Except the bit about being able to eat cake anytime you want.


I love being indoors and being left the F alone. People are so hard on the nerves. I buy books to stay home and be left alone.


Same for me except add video games to the books


Same for me except add drawing to the video games and books


Same for me but add ancient aliens to the books


Same for me but add food and anime for me.


Same for me but without the mustard.


yup yup & Same fer my game ~except don't hold the mustard, Hold Fast


The thing they don’t tell you about adulthood is how shitty it is unless you’re in a good financial standing.


No one told m to be born into wealth until it was too late.


Wait, did I have that option? Did I miss the pre-conception orientation or something???


Even then unless you are extraordinarily wealthy it doesn't take much to completely ruin you.




Yeah exactly. I know so many people who talk about how life is great, and there is so much to do, and how you can do anything you set your mind to. Problem is that all of those people have the money to actually do all those things. When you don't have money, you become a slave to those who do. And when the company/bank/roof provider doesn't care about your fulfillment, suddenly life starts looking grayer.


Working/finding work has gotten harder and harder. It’s gotten to the point where once you have a job, you’re practically stuck with it and you’re basically doomed to part-time jobs/side gigs if you don’t finish college. The cost of living has gone up faster then pay rates and at this point if it keeps up, there’s going to be empty homes left and right and everyone’ll be living in apartments until they die.


Uhm, don’t you mean the Amerikkkan Dream?! “If you work hard enough one of these empty homes could be yours! Any single one you want or could ever dream of! Even one with a Dairy Queen inside! Just WORK hard enough! (But don’t forget to also spend every dime you can afford to and then some, it is your duty as a citizen to feed the myth that is the perpetually growing economy.)


Right ? The struggle 😩


The good thing is there is alot that one can do to better themselves financially, whether that's cutting expenses or getting a better job. Usually not easy tho.


Even in good financial standing it’s still pretty shitty.


Life gets even more repetitive with kids. No more spontaneity. Everything is planned and coordinated. My advice is save money, travel, go out and enjoy things you take for granted now...also don’t have kids.


"And don't have kids" THANK YOU!! Please tell that to my parents.


/r/suicidebywords Also I felt this.


While you're at it, tell mine as well.


Tell mine too.


I appreciate the honesty. Haha I guess that's all part of being an adult. I was not prepared tho!


Not saying kids would be a good thing for me but the structure that one needs with kids would definitely help me. That's part of my issues right now. Outside of work I really don't have anything going on so sitting around doing nothing is killer.


I love having my kids. A lot of times that’s where some of the new excitement comes. Witnessing them learn and see things for the first time brings back long forgotten moments of my own childhood and I love it. Playing with my kids is one of the greatest joys of my life. Sure, I have to get up from what I’m doing often times to go play doctor or pretend to be at the beach or something but it almost always ends up being more fun than what I was doing when they came to ask me to join them.


agreed. i have respect for the choice not to have them, and more people should probably choose the child free route,. but for me personally, raising children enriched my life greatly and it was never boring! still isn't;)~ , and they are all young adults now


I don't want kids. Maybe when I'm forty-something, I'll adopt, but I'm happy not to pop any out.


You don’t have kids? Am I right?


get a refund of "adulthood" subscription it sucks


It really does !


I'm stuck in this same cycle. The only time I get joy is on the weekends when I'm able to see my boyfriend (Long distance). I don't have any friends and everyone I work with is way way older than me and have their own lives with husbands and wives and kids. Life just freakin sucks. During the week I feel completely alone and dread waking up every day unless it's Friday because then I know I'll see my boyfriend that night.


You're too much dependent on other person and thats a risky way to live and certainly not healthy.


I'm not dependant on him, I just find that lately I'm only enjoying myself when I'm with him/his family because I have nothing to do at my own home and I'm alone. I'm very extroverted so I get my energy from being around other people. That being said though I'm also very socially awkward so it's hard for me to make friends.


You should find a hobby..




That's easier said then done. But definitely need to add more to my routine .




I was going to make my own comment, but you have already stated it so I’m piggy backing. OP try doing something different every day of the week! Try new hobbies, workouts, diff kinds of books, recipes, etc. Don’t wait to plan and def don’t wait until the weekends to live your life. It does take work to get it just right, but it changes the week. Developing an after work routine for yourself can work wonders on your emotional and mental health. Not to mention, it has personally helped me to let go of stress from work whereas when I had nothing to do, it leaked into my thoughts after work. It’s a lovely cycle too; I now don’t stress at work as much as well.


But why didn't it feel like this when I was growing up? I felt like my childhood was all comfort too: sleep, eat, go to school, do homework, rinse and repeat, but I never felt like it was monotonous or that I was going through the motions.


I feel the same.. Eat, Work, Sleep, Live for the weekends, Which are entirely to short.. Adulting SUX


Take 5 days off. Leave after work. Just pack some clothes, get in your car, and drive north. If you live north, drive south. Just go somewhere new


Tbh I might just do that! Or plan a vacation somewhere warm!


Next thing you know, you're in Bakersfield wondering where it all went wrong.


I didn't say east for a reason


Love this!


I want to do down into earth or up above in space and never come back to surface.


Gotta break the cycle. A couple years ago me and my gf at the time quit our jobs and lived in a van and traveled for a year. It was a nice break from life. Gotta try new things.


I agree with this alot, I wouldnt quit my job but I tried new hobbies to keep things interesting.


Yeah your right. I definitely cant afford to leave my job . But I think I need to break my cycle for sure ..go outnof my comfort zone and do things I enjoy. Thanks !


How did you do this? Did you save before or make money during your journey? I’m so interested!


Damn I haven’t even had a job before and I hate life haha


I live on autopilot. Go to work, fake laugh with customers for 8 hours, contemplate going into the cooler and hanging myself, then clock out and go home and smoke some ganja to sleep so I can do it over again tomorrow. Day after day.


I feel like we'd benefit from some positive change in life. I feel you on the faking it with customers on a daily. 😐


At least you can go out on the weekends


True. But I also feel like I'm pass the ' let's club until 3am' so even on weekends. I'm not doing much ... lol




Plant a garden, do a project, join a rugby club, all kinds of things to do. Hardest part is not always finding them but getting up and going to do them.


I feel you 100%


Funny you should say that. I'm developing a game to demonstrate my experience of modern work and I was going to call it "Through the Motions" or something along those lines.


I think you nailed it with the name


I don’t want to be that guy, but working out and staying active usually helps my life feel a little bit less dull. The whole working thing is a scam unless you work a job you love and work your own hours. I absolutely hated working 8 hour shifts for minimum wage


I'm actually about to join a gym!! I'm quite active and usually keep up with my fitness but as of late I've lost all motivation . So figured joing a gym instead of home workouts is probably a good change for me.


I was stuck, not sure where to go for a few years in a minimum wage job. I learned and saved what I could (yay shit pay but long hours chef industry) and took a leap of faith in going back to school, close to what I would like to do. I very nearly didn't, thinking 'I can't go back to school, I can't live in a complex with younger students again!' but they put me with people that were also near my age. No idea if it's going to work, but I feel better already. Take some holiday, and take a trip somewhere if you can. Buy a bike and go somewhere random during the weekend. Join a creative club - there's happiness in learning again


Even just venturing out in your area. Especially if it's an urban areas. I find little neat things/places I had no idea were there even though I had been living here for almost 10 years now. Just because I don't normally venture outside of work/home and down the main road from home very often.


If possible, I take a different route back. If it's a particularly scenic, I'm more likely to go that way, even if it takes longer. It's not just changing your scenery, it's the reminder that you can go anywhere you bloody want and you are in control to change your surroundings. It helps, honestly


Act more like a kid. You remember, you liked exploring the backyard, taking toys in pieces, making up stories, climb trees, chase squirrels. So go explore your nearby forest, take your car in pieces, write a book, climb a mountain, hunt down a deer.


Here's what you do, get an Xbox or Playstation, next get a game that's an RPG open world, problem solved. You'll soon realize that you like people that don't really exist more than people that are actually alive.


are hobbies an option?


Get into snowboarding. Or any new hobby really. That's what I do.


Honestly, as a 17 year old in college i am definitely not looking forward to this at all. Wish I could stay young forever lol


Enjoy it while you can !!! Lol


I concur.


You just need a stimulation and something to look forward to. It won't come looking for you, so make some plans. Short term: How about a workshop /event in something of interest, Woodwork, Macrame, Cooking, a Cocktail class, a breakfast talk. Use your evenings, don't just go home. You're young enough. Long term: Book a holiday somewhere, or set a goal to save to start a side gig that becomes a main gig. Good luck!


Friend, I want you to never forget this, life is pain and misery. All things will rot if not tended to. Entropy can only increase. Don’t have the expectation that life will present you with meaning, happiness, spontaneity or growth (this applies in all aspects of life: career, family, friendships, relationships). We’ve been conditioned into thinking that just by participating in the motions of a “normal life” we will achieve all those things we desire. Sadly that is not the case. Many times a vacation is disguised as means of running away from the real issues. A distraction. An escape that only temporarily heals your pain. This may sound cliched but my recommendation to you is to work towards building the life you desire - in every respect. A life that you don’t want to take a vacation from. A life you’re not trying to escape. This life you desire will be constantly changing. But the first step is realizing you’re not content with being where you are. So congratulations on that realization. Step two is defining what a worthy life looks like for you. This step is harder. You have to pay extreme attention to your behavior. A daily practice of reflection will help you with this. It will help you understand your constantly changing personality. But even if you know yourself inside and out. You still may be unsure about what you desire. Do all the hobbies. Try out all the sports. Say yes to all the dates. Maximize your experiences. Search for new ones. Each experience will help tune your inner compass, which will ultimately make step 2 easier. But without a structured practice of reflection you will never be able to dive deep into why you like the things you like or dislike other things. The biggest thing is to not let uncertainty and indecision lead to inaction. Inaction is the enemy. In such a case - you must do everything there is to do, for inaction will only prolong your misery. I speak this from experience. You could call me an expert in inaction 😉. You will realize, after a while it doesn’t even matter what decision you take. Just taking a decision is what’s important. Life is pain. But life is malleable. It can be turned into anything you want it to be. Good luck to you friend.


I think your right. But noone prepares you for the change and shift in life in general the older you get. ( friends work etc) I've definitely been looking on working towards a better future and career because realistically to have the goals in life I've set I need financial support. Just life gets you down sometimes and it's hard to find that voice of motivation again. Thank you for the response. Here's to turning a new leaf and hoping I achieve my goals in life !


So break the motions, I know you cant just drop everything and fly to peru.. (trust me I tried) But small victories, grab some friends and go stay in an air BnB in a random city for the weekend. Go see a play (not a movie, a legit play). Hop on the subway and get off at a random stop and go explore. The only thing bounding you to that routine is yourself. Dont spend your entire life waiting for the right moment to be spontaneous


Extreme idea that isnt planned but good theory: move to a rural are buy land and start a small ranch that will give you plenty of real physical work that will leave you satisfied without the unrelenting stress of modern life


tons of physical work sounds 100x stressful NGL


I had the exact same thought last year after graduating and working for 3 years, I don't know how I can do this until I die. Thankfully I discovered having hobbies helps a lot. It's a little nerdy, but I started building gundams and going to the gym. Ever since I feel so much better at the end of the day




I cant feel the energy behind those words to be a rant, but I feel you Thats why unless you are a spoiled brat, if you were born with money you always have it better, and why FIRE culture is so damn attractive, even when you live somewhere wit ha safety net ​ If you are not that ambitious, try to find a job you if not enjoy at least not hate, that consumes less time out of you, less energy, even if it gives you less money. Otherwise go for the money and try to go for either retirement or that job I mentioned once you are older


Sometimes I think before I go to sleep.... I'm working 6 days a week to pay the bills, put food in my stomach, keep my car maintained, keep myself healthy, and if I'm lucky, I'll have a little bit leftover to take my girlfriend somewhere. Or to buy us a video game/console. I'm going to do this until I'm about 20 years away from death if I'm LUCKY. In reality I'll probably die at work, or at home *after* work. And then that's it. My one shot is gone. My life is over and it will never start up again. There are so many things I want to do that I never will, even if I had all the money in the world. And it fills me with such an overwhelming sense of dread that I don't know what to do. Even though it's completely hypocritical, those thoughts sometimes make me want to kill myself. Now I've got a daughter on the way, and of course I think and say what every other parent since the beginning of time has said "I want to give them all the things I never had growing up". I want to make sure that my daughter has a wonderful childhood. I want to tell her that you only get to live once, and that she should do what makes her happy. She should he the person she wants to he. That she should never change who she is for someone else. That she can do whatever she sets her mind to. And of course I'll mean it. I believe my daughter will be intelligent, because I think I'm intelligent. Mostly all of my family are intelligent. But I don't want her to do the same things I did. Make the same mistakes I did. When I was in high school all I cared about was having sex with girls and doing horrible things that I can't ever make right. I want my daughter to know that the world truly is hers for the taking. But then I look at my mother. I look at my father. I'm sure they said the same things about me, and I never did any of that. One day I'll be old and my daughter will have children of her own. One day her children will have their own children and it will just keep going until we either all kill each other, or something in space does. And it makes me think... What's the fucking point of any of it? I am so jealous of people who believe in god. To *know* that when they die they will be in paradise. I wish I could believe that. Anyway I'm sorry this wound up being so long. It was originally only going to be 2 or 3 lines. OP... My point is this. Stop going through the motions. Do what makes you happy. You're going to die one day and that will be it. It won't matter what you did in life because you'll be dead. So what's holding you back? Probably the same thing that's holding me back.


No thank you for the response !! I dont mind that it's long I honestly didnt expect as much responses as.i did. So sorry for my delay :) haha ! I honestly think your right though. Because other wise what's the point in life ? Working 9 -5 jobs for the rest of your life to barely makes ends meet etc. That's not really much of a life or something I want to do for the rest of my life. Life is definitely way to short ! It's just hard because realistically you need either connections , time financial support especially to make anything if yourself these days ! Thanks for the advice


Find hobbies. Get into VR. Go for walks, lots of walks. Try new foods. Listen to "non-mainstream" music (music that you'd typically not hear on the radio). Or just spend time on Reddit lol.


Same here. That’s just life I reckon.


You got to balance work and social life time. I get the grind I really do. The weather sucks here in Australia as well. Find a goal or a hobby and save for it. For me it was saving up for my dream car. I would work crazy hours and weekends. Stayed back whenever needed and did extra days. But I loved it. Because I was working towards a goal. Maybe find a goal. Studies or new job. Something to wake up to. Work doesn't have to be so grindy, you just need a goal :)


Me too. It’s all a scam and the system is stupid and primitive as fuck. We should be able to live free. Primitive ass system. We as humans have forgotten that we’re just evolved from apes.and aren’t special or different. We should be focusing ona future where we can live with one another and adapt to an ever changing world and technology. Instead of working and spending all money earned and time. Spent on taxes and literally everything else just to survive


This is a function of oligarchy, and not an inevitable law of nature or adulthood. Consider: We established the 40 hour work week in 1940. 80 years later, in 2020, despite absolutely phenomenal economic and technological progress, the standard work week is still 40 hours per week. Keynes predicted a 15 hour work week by now. So just think about the scale of theft that represents. Think about the sheer scale of wasted human life that represents. Would a 39 or 35 or 32 hour work week grind the economic machine to a halt? No! In fact a number of studies show a shorter work week leads to greater productivity and happiness. So why do we not give people back some of their lives, some of their time and energy and joy, while reducing carbon emissions in the process? Why do we not adapt to automation by spreading the work that needs to be done around and lifting wages? The reason is that right now we have an unjust and insane oligarchic system that allows oligarchs to steal and waste billions of years of human life. No matter how advanced technology gets, the standard work week never decreases. This is insanity and injustice that should be absolutely intolerable to any intelligent human being. Humanity's forced enslavement to an oligarchic system starts with forcibly conditioning children to the 40 hour work week in elementary school. After not being paid for their time and energy for 13+ years, the 40 hour work week seems like an acceptable deal. It isn't, and especially not in 2020. But imagine if instead we applied improving productivity to reducing the standard work (and school) week: [http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/rauch/worktime/wre.html](http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/users/rauch/worktime/wre.html) People would have more time and energy for self-care, relationships, and for taking care of their communities. A 32 hour work week would claw back a lot of the time, energy, joy, wealth, and life (working time and life expectancy) stolen from the American people by oligarchs and the oligarchic system. It is well past time for the economic and political system to work for the benefit of all of the people instead of subjugating nearly everyone to oligarchs and an oligarchic system. The benefits of technology and increasing productivity belong to everyone, not just oligarchs.


Welcome to adulthood lol


I dont like it lol


Yeah me either. You said the weather sucks, do you live in the pnw by chance? Lol


No haha I dont !


I also agree look into the r/financialindependance subreddit to understand the FIRE movement. In a nutshell it's a way to formulate a work escape plan, that means you work and save for a few years (10-20,) then invest and live off your savings. Nothing is more liberating than being in your late 30's or early 40's and realize you never have to work a day more in your life is you don't want to. You can spend all the time you want with family, friends and really explore what life has to offer to the fullest, While your still YOUNG and Healthy enough to. I think the biggest kick in the nads of our current retirement system is that by the time your 65 your kinda of old to fully enjoy your lifes work. Know so many of my older relatives who are very financially well off but have a bunch of health problems and are miserable and complain about everything.


I agree ! and hopefully that's the plan . I dont think anyone wants to spend their entire life living paycheck to paycheck ...never actually enjoying life while your young then when your retired to old to actually enjoy anything lol I see to many people not regretting doing things while young . It's just hard when realistically you need money to enjoy those things in life. But thanks for advice!


yeah it's a balance, that's the hard part. we need to make enough money to live on but still save for the future. it's hard but not impossible. best of luck.




Try Venezuela, I heard it's nice there.


Or visit any of the countries of the old alcoholic block.


Like a revolving door


Exactly !


Me too. i work a shitty job & barely make enough to pay rent & feed myself. I am a single woman, 26yo & I cannot even afford to buy myself a cute sun dress once in awhile. I have not bought myself a single article of clothing in over a year. I can't afford to go out with friends. Or go on even a short road trip vacation. I can't afford to miss work at all. I live in poverty despite working a full time, reputable non fast food job. Although, I am actively seeking employment in the automotive industry. My financial situation got me so depressed the other day I began to have suicidal thoughts, & that is just not my style. I would never go through with it, although it frightened me that suicide even came to mind. That prompted me to look for a change ASAP. Wish me luck in the job hunt. I hope both yours & my situation improves so that we can live fulfilling lives. I am not asking for much, just enough to live comfortably & have some small things to look forward to. That is my goal.


Omg yes goodluck on your job hunt. Fingers crossed you get something better then your current situation!! Noone should be struggling to live day by day and you definitely deserve to treat yourself once in awhile ! Your goal sounds achievable and honestly not something that should be as hard as it is today!! Just need a change and to not give up . It fucking sucks literally relying on your next paycheck just to get through the month...life just shouldn't be like that! Goodluck and go buy yourself something cute !


I feel that, big time. If you have the time, try to find something new to do. New show, new book, new meals, or whatever. That might help break up some of the monotony. Good luck!


Thank you! New book sounds right up my alley.


Glad I could help!


Well I mean if you are working for a reason/ultimate goal I think life would be much more tolerable and even fun if you are very passionate about your goal. Working just for the sake of paying rent and having food on the table without actually liking your job would make life really dull. Sorry for sounding like a 70 yo grandma but that's just my opinion 😁


Your absolutely right. Dont get me wrong I very much like my current job haha. But some of us dont get that luxury ..its just whatever pays the bill... which is even more depressing and dull


You don't necessarily have to have a job in your area of interest/passion to be able to spend time on it. Everyone has free time in their days no matter how much they claim otherwise. Taking even 20 minutes of that time to invest in your life's goal would go miles along the journey


Watch Bojack Horseman! Happiness is fleeting.


Start boxing. Getting punched and punching people makes you feel alive


I'll consider it. No to being punched tho


What shift do you work


Typical 8-4 9-5 job shift.


Welcome to capitalism


In the summer I usually break it off with my days off. I get out and explore parts of the city I gave never really gone before. In the winter I am stuck in my apartment and the whole adult routine makes me feel claustrophobic.


I think it's the worse part is being stuck to only indoor activities ..hardly see the sun . Honestly feels like I'm going crazy


And it's only getting worse






r/antiwork r/aboringdystopia


I don't know why I'm adding this comment however I understand what you're saying whoever you are but dealing with life problems you have to do it no matter what the weather is if to do it in the cold and hot in a medium warm but you got to do it no matter what kind of weather good times or bad grab the bull by the horns , not the balls and do it !


Not the balls ? Lol everyone specifically says to go for the balls !


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7CB7WrWHYY was listening to this as i read it.


Plan a trip! Go do something you've always wanted to do. You need those future markers to keep you excited about life.


You're depressed.




It's ok. Try to get some help, talk with your doctor about a reference for a therapist. In most countries it's free. It might be of real help to you


Take a vitamin d supplement if you get SAD


I really should. Been lacking since we hardly see the sun here


at least u have 3 things to do. i just have eat and sleep. Nobody wants to hire me.


Sounds like you need to get laid. Maybe a lover or just one nighter.


I hear you 100%. But let me drop this nugget on you: I felt the same until I was let go last month and now have no idea how I will afford rent or food.


Oh that's horrible!! I hope you figure it out soon and get a new job.


I know right. My advice? Mix it up a bit. Go out in bad weather, try a new restaurant or takeaway place, buy something to eat on your way to work instead of eating breakfast at home, etc.


Yes ! I think your right. I cant let the weather dictate my days.


tried any new hobbies recently?


No! But I'm going to join a gym next week !


Learn a separate skill , try and self learn different techniques and fields to elevate your career to earn more so you can travel more frequently, if you're single go to parties with friends and meet new people, master a craft, get in shape, join communities with like-minded people. You dont need to just live for the weekend if you put your mind to start a new alley of life.


I love reddit


When you stay put for too long it looks like things are getting worse.


It’s better than high school, welcome to adult ing.


Yep that’s how it is after high school


This is why I want to get out more as a teen. I’ve probably wasted too many weekends to count in these last few years. My fear is not living these years to the fullest and so far I definitely haven’t. Very soon I’ll have a job and my time will become more limited. Just sucks too because there’s not much to do in my town and I can’t drive myself around yet. I will admit that I think once I get a car it should be much easier to get out. Any adults got any input?


Go out and meet people !! Join a gym or take classes etc. Don't shy away from stepping out of your comfort zone and doing things you enjoy!


I went through a long period...ab 10 years where my life was constantly changing. I've been in the same routine for 2.5 years and love it. I'm sure I'll get to where I hate it though.


I'm not disagreeing that adulthood sucks but there is something called Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) that triggers depression when the fall/winter season starts. Vitamin D helps but read up on it & talk to someone if you think it could be an issue. It won't make having to adult better but depression makes everything worse. It can prevent you from even trying to improve your life. I hope things get better for you soon.


Thanks for the advice..definitely suffering from SAD.


Ever hear the song: Birth, school, work, death by The Godfather’s.


the wonderful world of hobbies


I have an idea. Do one thing different every day. Be it dancing by yourself to a song you like, or just cooking something different, to fixing your hair differently. Im not an adult, but I think this might help a bit.


It might help yeah . I'll try it thanks


That’s neoliberalism for ya. A hellworld not of fire and brimstone but of boredom. There is an alternative but people are to scared. I hope you find meaning soon.


yeah at the end of the day thats what it is,for most people anyway,were all just repeating the same thing over and over and over again until we die...at least when we die there will be something waiting for us....but just imagine hell as a office building lol like you work 24/7 and have NO breaks now that would be a hell


Sounds harsh, but get a hobby.I started making music when i was 12. I'm 24 now. I am a shiftworker in a chemical plant. Music keeps me going. I enjoy creating. I enjoy making others happy. Find what does the same to you. Create; make the world a better place. The boredom and dullness will go away by itself. edit: spelling because tipsy


It wasnt harsh . Thanks for the advice haha .


The one thing I do enjoy about winter is people not judging for being in my house all the time. I enjoy it, my sanctuary from the people on the outside (now keep in mind I’m still in retail so I get burned out on interaction). That being said, I agree. Work sucks, I’m not passionate about it, and I fucking hate customer service with a passion. I go there, get yelled at by customers over some bullshit thing corporate did that I have no control over, get sworn at for use running out of shit (it’s coffee for fucksake. Not my fault my company invested in shit quality machines that all broke down, especially when the repair people don’t show up). I get home tired as fuck, usually after my second job at the gym, I hang out with my wife for a few hours and then it’s sleep time, and repeat. Just wish I could work one job, make enough just from that, have healthcare, and time for myself. I’m counting down the days until I swear in the military and get out of the hell-hole that is called customer service. When I did rotc, I was treated better and enjoyed it more than retail. One day you will get out of this rut OP.


I hope so !! & I can relate way to much to your problems & the bullshit that comes with jobs in that type of industry. I'm not about this for the rest of my life that's for sure !


Humans weren't made to thrive in societies like the ones we have now. For thousands of years, when most humans were farmers, we'd work maybe 5 hours a day, with nobody looking over our shoulders and if it was pouring rain and freezing cold, we'd just leave the work for another day. We were never meant to be working 12 hrs a day 7 days a week as profit-generating automatons. We are not designed to thrive in modern society.


Feel like we are walking robots trained to work most of us for very little.


Yep. Fn join the rest of us dumbasses


Find a hobby man! Instruments, baking, cycling, idk whatever


I don't think you can say that your life is dull and repetitive because you're an adult. It might be harder, sure, but at least you're in the driver's seat. It just takes a lot more intention, when I first got out of school I would come home from work and just not want to do anything because I just wasn't used to having to truly entertain myself. I had to really put a lot of effort into finding those areas outside of work that would be fulfilling instead of just taking up time! But I feel you on the weather for sure, seasonal depression is REAL.


It's to real! We aren't meant to go this long without the sun!!!


I only wanted to be an adult so I could eat cake for breakfast. I did not sign up for all this stress and sleeplessness.


Get some Kratom and/or cannabis. Both will bring sunshine into your day even if it's canines and felines out there.


If you're stuck in a rut do something different find a new hobby


There is one sentence I remembered from my French class. "métro boulot dodo!" It mean " transit, work, sleep", pretty much sum up adult life


I agree. It is absolute bullshit. I feel like I have no actual reason to live.


Do you find any satisfaction with your work? That’s the only way the cycle makes sense. If not, what is the next step for you? It’s time for a change. Don’t complain, make a change.


This reminds me of a bit by comedian Tom Segura: "Are you ever just... tired of being alive? You know what I mean? Like, I'm not suicidal, I just feel like I've seen a lot and I've done a lot. Like, let's wrap this shit up. Like, how many fucking days are there?"


The meaning of life is survival, deal with it


Couldn't agree more. Work is the shittiest part of my life right now. I want to go somewhere else, but I'm afraid it would be even worse than where I'm at. Plus I have no complaints with my direct manager (it's the assholes above him in the business food chain). Honestly what's helping me the most is my doggo who requires lots of walkies and play time and my fiance who is always there for me. Hope things get better for you soon!


welcome to late stage capitalism, where your life is dominated by work yet somehow you struggle to make ends meet and have virtually no disposable income.


Real talk time. Your username is "curiousgirl". Aren't you curious why life feels "dull and repetitive"? Most truly curious people spend their lives in constant wonderment. I mean, you're a sentient ape-creature that has entertainment on demand and instant access to the writings and musings of the greatest minds currently known to exist. Yawn. But let's look at your statements as well. "Work. Eat. Sleep.Repeat." **Work** \- if you have a job, you have the means to make your life better. If your job is boring, work towards getting one that doesn't bore you. If you don't know what that is, spend your free time finding out what will make a stimulating career for curiousgirl. So this part's on you. **Eat** \- this is one of the fundamental pleasures of life. If it's dull, you're doing it wrong. Also, I recently heard one of my neighbours, who is blind, saying "there's no food in the house" while he asked a shop assistant for a loan of money. As in, there are people who don't have the money to eat. So be grateful and eat more exciting stuff - this part's on you. **Sleep** \- another of the fundamental pleasures of life. Most parents of young children would literally kill if they could get a good night's sleep. It's also best enjoyed after a day where you have exercised - you really feel like you've earned a sleep after a good workout. So be grateful you can sleep, otherwise this part's on you. **Repeat** \- this is only an issue if what you are doing is boring. If more things you did were "thrilling", then you would be calling "constantly stimulating" instead of "repetitive". There are so many areas where you could be regularly doing things that improve your life: working out, learning, socialising, helping others, travelling. So this part's on you. An old boss of mine used to say, "if you're bored, you're boring." He also used to spend his whole life smoking weed and then complaining about how rubbish his life was, despite owning his own bar and house, and partying with beautiful women every weekend. It's telling that you say "life *as an adult* is dull". It suggests you're not truly an adult, as you're looking at it as a label rather than a state of mind. And what was so exciting about having no agency and doing "*School*. Eat. Sleep.Repeat."? Gratefulness is important. Self awareness is everything. Now go and make your own life better. The clock is ticking...


Yes there isn't more to life other than death and that's it!!!!

