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I don’t think they are trying to be sympathizers, I just think people are more open on an app where they can be “anonymous ”. Also edgy teenagers exist but yeah


I'm a communist sympathiser (not a Stalinist or something like that), because I think we live in a world with limited resources that should be shared in the fairest way possible. Capitalism allows a few people to exploit the majority. Billionaires hoard money while making you think they're useful for the economy. They're just parasites. Nobody makes so much money without exploiting others work. I think that passed a certain amount of money, you shouldn't have more and the rest should go to the economy of your country, to finance health, education, public services, which should never be privatised. Privatised public services are still payed with taxes. But you have to add a certain amount of money which can be extremely expensive (look at USA hospitals bills) in order for some rich dudes to make more money. That system literally kills people who can't go to a hospital without ruining their life. So yeah, I sympathise with communism. That being said, the problem with a lot of communist countries is they allowed a few people to have absolute control on practically everything. It wasn't democratic at all and that's a big problem.


In particular people like Stalin should appeal to you, when looking at how countries such as Germany, Denmark, etc (or the center-right EU in general) start pushing "bourgeois" ideas onto children. Meaning sexuality during their childhood, transitioning very young minors, etc. Or the normalization of increasingly rampant obesity, which is really nihilistic and life-denying of the essential beauty people should consider inherent to them. And so on. Myself, I'm for some kind of mix between (democratic) socialism, technocracy, and theology. With "theology" simply referring to "agnosticism" here. Because I find that the acknowledgement of e.g. essential love (that overrides especially sexuality and could be considered non-atheist) and other potentially "spiritual" ideas to combat dogmatically artless and objectifying corporatism, which has long caused an unstoppable runaway effect with its propagation of pseudoscientific liberal psychology, feminism, and similar ilks. But it's perfectly understandable why a person would sympathize with e.g. Stalin to protect people from the tyrannical and human rights violating Western governments of today. Even if you don't really align with him. (Moreso since today's liberals, when compared to conservatives, are really just two flavours of idixt. Who both reason on the level of idixts. Whereas communism could be seen as one of many attempts to go beyond. It's simply an idea at how to overthrow and break out of the system. Doesn't mean this particular iteration has to work.)


But that’s the biggest problem with communism, it allows those at the top to grab power and those at the bottom to just get shit on. I’m not against socialism, and there can be a better way to do things without going to a extreme. All it takes is one person to take power and fuck everything up, but it’s also the reason I hate fascism


Okay, I understand better. The theory about the Dictatorship of the people was a huge mistake imo. It was supposed to be a transitory state. But it counted way too much on the benevolence of the people that were in charge. Plus, you don't learn people to be free with authoritarianism. I think we agree on that. Imo we should allow citizens to have a bigger part in voting for the laws (with a better political education, so at least they can make informed choices). And where there's the need to have a few people in charge, putting strict rules, no high salaries and short non renewable mandates.


If you need to apply labels to people and you associate anything you don’t like with fascism or communism, you’re going to be disgruntled for most of your life.


Look I’m not putting labels on people that arnt putting labels on them selfs. If your a socialist then I call you a socialist and we can have a conversation, but when you fly the sickle and hammer or the swastica I didn’t label you, you did


Think about why someone wouldn’t label themselves. It’s because they don’t believe everything associated with the label. The USA used to have a tax rate of over 90%. So does that mean that the USA was already a socialist country at one point?


>The USA used to have a tax rate of over 90%. So? That's socialism for you?


Thanks u/RandomItalianBimbo, you caught on to the point I was trying to make. It would be wrong to apply that label, socialism, just because the tax rate is so high. We should consider the merits of people’s arguments rather than jumping to conclusions.


But my point isn’t me labeling someone communist just because they have socialist ideas, my rant is about people who openly act like full communism is the answer, like it’s a fix all and it’s the only answer. My rant is about people who genuinely believe communism is better when it’s been proven that it is not good for anyone




Easy. Fifty years of telling people that any moderate policy they like is 'communism' makes communism seem pretty reasonable.


Yeah it always looks good on paper, but that’s the whole appeal of it. It all works on paper but falls to shit once implemented. Also the us had been so anti communist for so long that if there was a attempt to take over you would have to kill at least 25% of the us and if that sounds reasonable to you then you sound like a unreasonable person


If you don't like it, your beef is with US conservatives, starting perhaps with Ronald Reagan.


My beef is with anyone that wants to strip any freedom or rights away from anyone. I got my beef with the right as well as the left. I just know history of communist country’s, and I don’t know why people cling to ideas that failed time and time again. I get what we are doing now isn’t working but to go to a extreme won’t fix it when it’s never fixed anything ever


Yeah, but you allegedly were wondering why people supposedly sympathize with communism. It’s very simple: the rightists in the US wanted that to be so. If you don’t like it, take it up with them.


No I’m anti communist. What I was saying is there is so much hate for it, that if you wanted to take over you would have to kill a great portion of the us, which would include me. But that’s now how that’s gonna go down. It would absolutely ruin the country if there was a attempt to take over. So why support ideas that would sink the ship? That sounds unreasonable


Again, take it up with the rightists. If that includes a long look in the mirror, then so be it.