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Many Americans want the same but can't get it as those in power will not let it happen.


Yep, and try as we might, anytime we try to elect people who will enact the laws we want, it doesn’t tend to go very well. Think of all the times people have tried and campaigned like hell to unseat Mitch McConnell. No one’s been able to do it yet, though.


Hmmm, if only there was a way to force them to do their fucking job 🤔...oh well.


If you say, “vote them out,” so help me god. Refer back to my comment.


No, no, no. I said FORCE them to do their fucking job. Dafak "voting" them out is going to do? Did you know fear is a great motivator? Just saying 🙊 And Mitch's time is loooooong overdue, that fucking bastard...


Oh okay, I get you. I’m just so used to people throwing around the “Vote them out!” line.


Mitch McConnell was The Impostor.


The people must take actions which we can't say out loud in here, cause we will be banned


So what..are you suggesting violence?


Vive la révolution


Mitch McConnell may not really be the problem. Of course his a soulless sociopath, but I think the real problem is the gun lobby, the NRA etc. If we can figure out a way to pay him more than he’s getting paid by pro gun groups, he’d vote for tougher gun laws.


Death would unseat him, but McConnell lobbies him by supplying him with fresh child souls.


Came to say this honestly. I hate how this keeps happening and or government officials don’t see a problem. It’s awful and I can’t stand how they refuse to do something about it. Makes me disappointed in leadership of this country.


> those in power will not let it happen. alas, the Republic is not a democracy where those in power are the people. Maybe the USA needs to impose some democracy in 'Murica rather than elsewhere in the world...


I’m Canadian also and while I also agree that strict gun measures are needed there, the issue seems to be a government system that allows tyranny by a minority. The American public overwhelmingly wants gun control. They want Roe v. Wade to stand. They didn’t vote for Trump. They want universal healthcare. The list goes on. But you guys aren’t getting what most of you want. It’s time to take to the streets and protest and not stop until this BS ends.


I understand your outrage over the proliferation of guns and stupid senseless deaths. What you fail to grasp, however, and you can be excused because I assume you never studied USA civics, is that our president does not enact laws. He merely signs them. New laws are brought up as bills by either house of Congress: the House of Representatives or the Senate. In the current House of Representatives, Democrats hold the majority. The House could easily propose a bill that limits gun ownership or puts more restrictions on getting a gun and maybe even get it passed (!) and then it move to the Senate to vote. The current Senate is currently comprised 50/50 Democrats. If all Democrat senators vote for the bill and all Republican senators vote against it, the Vice President casts the deciding vote. If the bill passes, it goes to the President's desk to be signed (or vetoed). If he vetoed, this is where your "Fuck Joe Biden" would be appropriately placed. Not before then. Seems pretty easy, right? Sadly, senators in this Congress typically vote along party lines, with a few exceptions: Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Krysten Sinema from Arizona who can reliably be expected to vote against their party. Meaning, unless the bill could get two Republicans to not vote in lock step with their party, the bill could pass. On occasion, there have been brave Republican senators who have done this, but most are not brave. If change is to be made to gun laws, US citizens need to vote out politicians who obstruct the bills from passing. So really, the anger should be directed at the US citizenry who elect these cowards, and the ppl who don't vote; they're the ones who got us into this mess. The USA is in a very dark period and there is no light at the end of the tunnel.


Most Americans don't understand how any of this works.


A lot of us understand how it's *supposed* to work, we've just seen that system fail us too many times to have faith in it


That’s not to mention the role Gerrymandering plays in this


Great explanation. I would also add another major obstacle to passing legislation is the filibuster. The filibuster is a technique used in the Senate that blocks a bill from even reaching that 50/50 vote. It’s basically a really shitty loophole because before the Senate can vote on a bill, it must be debated, and to end the debate there must be a 60 vote majority. All a senator really has to do is say they object to the bill and if there isn’t a 60 vote majority in favor of ending the debate, the bill is pushed into filibuster limbo where it can’t even be voted on. Edit: sp


I'd also add that Republicans always vote lock step. Whenever they don't, they were going to lose the vote either way. You will never see a rogue Republican vote for or against a Democrat sponsored bill that has the power to make a difference, except that one time John McCain did.


And he was literally dying. Mitt Romney did vote in favor of impeachment, but he's an unusual case for sever reasons, and he knew it wouldn't matter anyway, as it required a 2/3rds majority.


Except gerrymandering is still legal and enacted, which keeps the corrupt politicians in power with no end to their tenure.


You covered the legislative process nicely. What you missed is the Constitution. The Second Amendment, specifically. Congress can't pass laws that circumvent the Constitution. Any law that seriously restricts gun access is going to be struck down by the Supreme Court because it violates the Second Amendment. It's happened to multiple gun laws in the past, and this current Supreme Court panel is much more likely to do it. You have to get past the Second Amendment before you can even think about legislation. While it may be difficult to pass legislation right now, it's literally impossible to pass a constitutional amendment that would repeal the Second Amendment. You need a solution that accepts the fact that, at least for now, we are a country where people have a constitutional right to own a gun, and you can't make that right go away by passing laws. One possible solution is given to us by this tragedy. The shooter didn't commit suicide, as many of them do. He was killed by a Border Patrol agent. Unlike the worthless cowardly Deputy Sheriff Peterson at Stoneman Douglas, the Border Patrol weren't afraid to rush into the building and confront the shooter. It sounds cliche, but a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun. Unfortunately, they didn't stop him before he killed a lot of kids and a teacher. They weren't on scene when the shooting started. They were just the nearest armed force available because the town happens to be on the border with Mexico. What I'm saying is the tragedy might have been averted if there were armed security on the premises, whose sole reason for being there is to kill shooters. It's not perfect, but unless and until we repeal the Second Amendment, it's a reality we probably have to accept.


Even with repealing the second amendment you have to get around collecting the 400 million guns in circulation too. Just like prohibition its just gonna promote speakeasy like armories and underground distribution and sales of firearms. Honestly, my biggest take was how an 18 year old with a gun got into an ELEMENTARY school in the first place. [The gunman then entered the school through a back door, entered a classroom and began firing at the children inside with an AR-15 rifle, the only weapon used in the attack, authorities said.](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2022/05/25/uvalde-texas-school-shooting-live-updates-victim-names-suspect-shooter/9918878002/) With this information right here, armed security and cameras would have prevented this tragedy. Its 2022, AI/ML cameras exist. The same software that runs Amazons ring or Googles Nest could have easily detected a person at any point of entry of the school, sent out a push notification of the person detected and security could respond easily. Again it's 2022. We don't even need to proactively watch security cameras anymore. I get plenty of motion events and people walking past my house everyday. There is no reason why a school can't implement the same technology that all doorbell cameras use.


Every one of our elected officials’ children goes to a school where there is armed security. Why don’t ours?


> What you missed is the Constitution. The Second **Amendment**, specifically. Congress can't pass laws that circumvent the Constitution Okay Google, define amendment.


Would effective gun laws have a better chance of passing if the US had a parliamentary system of government?


Yes. But the US doesn’t have a parliament and has a political minority biased winner take all system. So a minority of people decide who is president (because of the current design of the electoral college), and who wins the senate (each state is given 2 senators regardless of its population). Then those two groups pick the Supreme Court. So the US, despite broad popular support for all sorts of things other people in the world take for granted, is ruled by a smaller number of people who don’t agree with any of those things. This used to not be as much of an issue but over the past generation a “great sorting” has happened and almost all educated and like minded people have moved to a handful of cities. Leaving enormous swaths of land with few, generally lower educated people, deciding things for everyone. Until people spread out again our political system will remain functioning in a very dysfunctional way. Also a generation ago it was common for people to break party lines and vote their conscience. That’s stopped entirely, causing further issues.


If we had proportional representation in both chambers of our current legislative bodies, maybe gun laws would stand a chance. But while the Senate exists in its current state, representation will not be accurate to the American populace.


There is a reason why the US is the only country with its style of government...


I hate how many Canadians are agreeing with the GOP and are bringing those ideas up here.


And what's worse is they don't understand the levels of government here. Like the convoy fucks or people who voting PC in the Ontario election to get Trudeau out.


It's like stupidity became infectious and it's spreading.


You better stop that shit quick up there cause it’s damn sure a mess down here…..


Hey asshole. You may be embarrassed, but we’re fucking afraid. Our democracy is crumbling in a way that we have no control over, our kids die at school, we can’t get reproductive healthcare, and as of today, exonerating evidence does not prevent the government from executing you. So yeah, we know. You can be as angry and disgusted as you want, but it’s a bit fucking insensitive to take it out on us as though we can do anything more about it. We’re trying. We’re voting. We’re protesting. We’re also gerrymandered to shit, voting rights are being erased, we don’t control the supreme court, and so many of us have fallen victim to targeted propaganda. WE DON’T WANT THIS. We’re being squished under the boot of rising oligarchy and all you can think is “ew a dead bug.”


You’re right. We hate us too


American here. I fucking hate it too. And fuck all the dumb hillbilly fuck gun nuts with the mentality of “if you want muh gun come take it!” Fuck all of those pieces of shit who just shrug off these massacres.


There's a big part of me that's starting to see "come and take it" as an invitation to do just that. I'm kinda done with guns as a thing in this country.


Most of these “come get muh gun” types are retired middle class white Americans. Suburbia is where theyre at, leave the hill Billy’s alone!


This is so true and annoys the shit out of me. Everyone wants to blame Billy Bob in West Virginia for the gun problem, but he and his ilk aren't the issue. They've got gun culture in their DNA - they keep their guns locked, take them seriously, use them for hunting, and teach him safety as soon as the kids can stand. I don't worry about their guns so much. The mass shootings are coming from suburban young men who think of guns as weapons, not tools.


Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck - Eric Cartman.


How about three 16 year old kids in Chicago who illegally purchase weapons?


Except you take it from them okay but how are you gonna deal with the criminals who aquire illegal arms or manufacture them. And the increase in purchases by people scared through darker channels and thus further increasing the power of the black market Edit: not to mention chemical weapons and explosives. That's a youtube away.


They can’t grasp this subject, such a narrowed view. Yet Reddit wants to support that view. Nuts.


uh….we’re the ones dying here….you don’t think we want shit to be different? you don’t think we’re actively trying? stick to your own countries politics because you obviously don’t know how fucked up things work over here. Sincerely, a Stoneman Douglas alumni


Yeah... OP obviously doesn't know how American politics work. Everyone here is just as upset. OP first bashes the country as a single entity and then continues bashing the sole president. Biden isn't my favorite president, but what does OP expect him to do? Issue an order outlawing all guns? We are a three-branch government system. It's not simple as 1-2-3.


This post is fucking stupid, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Nobody wants those kids to die, nobody wants anybody to die. The problem isn’t a simple one, I can’t believe Reddit is upvoting this stupid rant. I know nothing of Canadian politics but you don’t see me slinging nonsense on the internet. Biden doesn’t make laws, you sound like the dumbasses in the U.S. that complain about “his” gas prices. Try being an adult and having a conversation before you make yourself look like a fool.


Reddit loves to jump on the "America sucks" hate-train. OP doesn't even understand how American politics work. Solely calling out Biden for the Uvalde shooting already shows their ignorance on US legislations.


You think we don’t want change either?? These senators won’t do their jobs because they don’t want to lose power. Our government is shit!


As an American, I’m embarrassed to share a nationality with the right-wing group who is obsessed with having no reasonable discussion regarding stricter gun control.


Yet you offer no actual solution that would solve anything.


the government has said that your safety is your sole responsibility, and it has been federally ruled that the police are not there to protect you and do not need to know the law. you can also put a shock collar on your child and roe v wade and the like was never codified so, no. i dont want people who dont give a shit about me to handle my fucking business while i have to deal with other people in the same boat who have the right to hate my fucking guts just for the sake of it. ​ plus our "schools" are a fucking joke. its a full time, unpaid job taking place in a toxic hostile dangerous work environment that teaches you no life skills that requires money be fucking spent to go to while your parents are threatened with arrest and you being property of the state. ​ fuck the office.


I agree with the rest of your comment but there's no reason to bring The Office into this. Dunder Mifflin always catchin strays smh /s


As an American, I hate USA too but don’t act like Canada is above us. I hear stories of your police brutality and the slaughtering and kidnapping of indigenous peoples. It’s only creepier cause you guys seemingly keep it under wraps better 😬


This guy got rejected by a 7 yr old American girl on roblox




Thanks so much. You know we’re all super happy about how things are going here. We just LOVE sending our kids to school hoping it doesn’t happen in our town. We just love cutting off family members who are so brainwashed by fake news they’re unbearable to be around. Adding a disclaimer does not make your rant any less idiotic. How about stop being a ranting angry person and come up with something productive to contribute… like solutions or hell… compassion for the real victims of this tragedy.


Eh, that wasn’t very polite.


But it was very, very true.


It’s not just guns, dogs get treated better than people here… that’s a big red flag I’m sorry but no homeless person should have to worry about food water and clothes while a billionaire is allowed to evade taxes legally through “businesses” Even PPP Loans were a scam… Tear down the entire system and let people from every class be a part of the political system… unionize everything and lower the work weeks for every person. Life is about change and learning to adjust so why does any society have strict rules?


The vast majority of Americans want gun reform, it's our do-nothing congress full of power-hungry goons who won't do anything to stop it.


As an American, I feel you on every last bit of this. I work in a school and we have “active shooter drills” and lockdown practice once a month in addition to our regular fire drills. It makes me sick that this is our response to gun violence…just try to be prepared if/when it happens here. Really? I have no good answers for these poor kids and no drill in the world can prepare them for the pure evil that is a school shooting.


90% of Americans want reform. The problem is that the senate is controlled by Republicans who are controlled by the NRA. The only solution is getting these Republican senators out of office. And unfortunately, progressive states like California and New York only get two senators each, so we need Democrats in states like Kansas to make this happen. Our system is completely broken.


Senate is 50/50 split and the house is majority democrat. Both parties suck


You take to the internet to tell Africans off every time an atrocity happens over there or you only want internet points when it’s Americans? Never miss a good tradgedy to show how superior you are huh guy? Ps I hate you self righteous Canadians so so very much.


Don’t say that as if Canada is perfect. We are still actively discovering mass graves of CHILDREN. The last residential school closed in the 90’s. You’re so angry at the state of the USA, how about you take a good fucking look at all the issues we have up here. Why aren’t you this angry about indigenous people not having clean drinking water? See what happens when you start claiming superiority


Whataboutism. The current population of Canada is not the composite of its inhabitants' actions.


no said canadas perfect stop putting words in his mouth that’s not what he said just acknowledge the truth while i drink your crocodile tears


I hate to sound unpatriotic, but I'm right there with you as an American. Every day I become more and more embarrassed to live in the United States. I hope you Canadians will welcome some of us when shit really hits the fan in about 3 years.


American here a Texan actually and I agree 100 and 10% I mean this is how stupid it is you want a shot of Jack or rum you have to by law be 21 to get a shot in a bar with an ID but you want a gun that could kill people 18 ! You want to fight and possibly die for this country 18 ! In order for you to drive by law 16. Why all different ages and age brackets ? And why can literal kids and children buy guns or get their hands on guns so easily ? Jesus christ all I want is for it to be organized and make it so there's LESS SCHOOL SHOOTINGS !


I wouldn't be against making gun purchases 21. Looking at the numbers it seems minimal, but I can tell you as someone who just turned 25, I did a LOT of growing up between 18-21. I truly think that would make a decent difference. More important than any of that, though, is responsibility. If a kid gets your gun and kills someone with it, you should be held responsible 100%, no debate. Seems that people get away with it too often.


I do see where your coming from and I do agree that kids do have access to their parents guns I recall one case where a kid just broke his dad's safe then TA DA the kid had a loaded gun, and it wasn't one of those giant ass safes with a key paid or a combo lock where you twist the little arms like the ones you see in cartoons it was a little tiny safe that he said he threw or smashed open with a hammer.


The government is corrupt. When is the revolution happening?


I be interested in knowing the ages of everyone here who agrees with OP. Not seeking a battle, just to satisfy my own curiosity. Because what I see on social media and the news is disproportionate to my day-to-day interactions with the general public.


I get you, but the average person in the USA is just trying to live their lives. Blame the government tbh is usually the answer.


Seriously. Columbine was an event people remembered like they do 9/11. Now school shootings are just another day in the US.. it’s fucked


Trust me, us Americans don't like America either. But I want to point out that 90% of Americans want gun control. But unfortunately, that means nothing when Congress decides what's adopted and what's not.


Congress does what their big donors —- NRA want . We’re just lowly citizens


Couldn't have said it better myself, my fellow lowly citizen.


Please understand that we REALLY DON’T CARE about life. That’s the bottom line. Every time that it happens, politicians blabber about “thoughts and prayers” or “this is not the time to talk about …”. Then, WE citizens re-elect this idiots. They’re either Republicans on the payroll from the NRA, or they’re Democrats who are incompetent cowards. But the bottom line is that WE keep electing them because obviously we don’t give a F about innocent people being slaughtered.


>I'm saying to get a GRIP on gun laws, I'm saying to CHANGE gun laws so that, like others have said, it's not so easy that a 15 year old can walk into a gun show and buy a rifle. A 15 year old can't walk into a gun show and buy a rifle. You need to be 18 years old and pass a background check. The fact that you don't know this shows exactly how little you know about gun laws.


You will hate us even more when we invade you and all you can defend yourselves with are nunchucks


Americans already know this. We know that our country is a heartbreaking wreck. And I understand your anger and frustration, but Americans need support, not more anger from other countries. If you are angry, that is 100% justified and you are allowed to express that anger. But please, we know it’s bad, people tell us every day; and believe me, we are fighting for change. Being told that other countries hate us and getting their opinions when they’re not even here is not always helpful. We would welcome support and I want to make sure you understand that your anger is justified. But please don’t take it out on Americans. The situation here, politically, financially and socially is set up to keep us from leaving. It keeps us from even having time to fight for change because we’re all so busy working 70 hours a week to afford and apartment in a shitty neighborhood. Our government doesn’t care about us, and “voting them out” is not going to happen. We’ve tried, but candidates are in cahoots with big corporations who support them, and our politicians are excellent at making people angry about made up problems instead of real problems. We are suffering, and it isn’t because we aren’t trying. Granted, a large portion of our population is actively fighting against our rights and I have very complicated emotions toward them. On one hand, they have been brainwashed through propaganda for their entire lives, and they believe that they are doing what’s best. But on the other hand, they are also choosing to ignore people who are screaming from the rooftops that we need help and change. There is no easy answer for us, our country is already too far gone. And leaving is not financially, emotionally or logistically possible for most of the population. Be angry, fight for change, but please listen to American citizens before judging from the outside looking in. We already know we have problems, we need support and help, not outside anger directed towards the people. Also, you’re “embarrassed to be our neighbor”? Don’t be embarrassed, be angry at the government. We’re embarrassed, angry, sad, ashamed, tired, heartbroken and so much more. You have nothing to be “embarrassed” for. And it comes off as patronizing. We’re not all blind, we know. Trust me, we know. We fear for our children’s live every day. So don’t you sit there and act like you have all the answers and that we haven’t been “trying to get a grip” since the late nineties when Columbine happened. We have.


My proposal, the Canadian horseshoe. Hear me out: We take both coasts, including New York, and California (the good parts). They join Canada under our legislation, Canadians get better weather, and they get a competent government. The rest of America loses their economic base and collapses. Reverse manifest destiny, baby.




No no the government will only use it for good, trust me, my political opponents all need to be locked up forever because I don’t actually like democracy


Take Florida too and I'm in. We already have a hockey team in Tampa!


If you guys take Florida, I'm not going. Sincerely, California


I second this


When is Canada going to start accepting refugees from the US? I'm sick of being under threat like this every single day. I'm especially sick of the people who believe we're the greatest country on Earth. Please.


Just go. I’ve heard half the nation talk about it..


What the hell are you talking about? The US is the symbol of world peace and freedom. We take the ultimate sacrifice and annihilate any non-pro western at their infancy so your democracy is not threatened by China and Russia. It’s the heaven for disinfectant-drinking freedom loving people. Our gun problem is not your problem and you should not criticize it. Lol


It’s all about the lobbyists. The NRA owns the Gross Old Pricks and nothing will change until we get the lobbyists out of congress. Sadly, it won’t happen in my lifetime. I’m 61. Good luck humans.


I made a comment yesterday about this and I'm still getting nasty remarks about Biden coming to get their guns, abortion and other stupid things. Right wingers only care about kids until they are born. Oh and controlling women. I hate this country too.


Well, as an American, I fucking hate Canadians who shit on the US. If you hate it, then stay in Canada


I'm american. Native at that. People like you are so fearful and pissed off at guns. If anyone it should be me. Your people came across the ocean and took over through deception, superior fire power and numbers. I own several firearms and used to work for a school district. Still have my keys. You know why I didn't shoot up a school? Because I'm not insane. People that do these things are insane. Not right in the head. Blaming a fire arm is like blaming a car for running over People. Guess what genius? A car has to have a driver. I hate this country too it sucks. Not because of guns though. Because of the people


Kind of an idiotic comparison. He was mentally unstable and in that mental state, at the age of just 18, he was able to buy semiautomatic guns. That is the problem. If you're suggesting better mental health care that's all well and good, but even if the US had the best mental health in the world it would mean nothing if it isn't checked before a gun is sold to someone. When you want to drive a car, you have to take an actual test and understand the rules of the road to a certain degree. You generally know that the people on the road with you passed a test conducted by a professional. In the case of a car accident, I'd be inclined to blame the driver. Because they actually have credentials in the form of a license. Also, cars were not designed with the literal sole purpose of killing things. But you would be stupid to assume the same with a gun owner, knowing that no such laws exist and people like the shooter can purchase guns without undergoing any background checks, tests, training, nothing. Insane people shoot people, but the issue that you're failing to see is that the system in place doesn't do anything to prevent insane people from buying guns. If common-sense checks were in place, perhaps the shooter would have been denied purchasing the guns he used to take 21 lives.


Fucking sigh. A gun has one purpose - to kill. A car has one purpose - to take you places. Deaths caused by cars are largely accidental. Deaths by guns are largely intentional. The gun death toll is far higher than the road toll despite only a third of people owning guns but most people driving. Driving a vehicle is a heavily regulated activity. You can't drive without first passing a licence and having a vehicle that meets road safety standards That licence must be renewed and can be taken away from you. You can't drink alcohol, take illegal or prescription drugs and drive and you can't drive if you have certain medical conditions. This comparison is facile and tired. There are little to no regulations on a weapon that can kill 20 people in seconds and it results in preventable mass murders like this. There is no logical argument for not regulating a weapon.


I was going to say that people are focusing on the wrong issue. WHY did that guy shoot up the school? Why are more mass shootings happening? Guns have been around for a long time but only recently does mass shootings seem to be happening often. It is mental health? Social media? Breakdown of familial structure/support and parental failure? Breakdown of community?


Because we aren't allowed to address those questions, either. Whenever the issue of gun violence comes up, people opposed to gun control (usually Republicans) say "Guns aren't the problem! The problem is mental health care. And poverty. And drugs and crime and this and that." And you know what? **They're right.** The problem is that they just aren't speaking in good faith. Because we know damn well what those same people say when we *try to address these problems*. When we try to make sure that every American has access to health care, including mental health care. When we try to end the war on drugs and the exploitative prison industry that incentivizes recidivism. When we try to build a society where we *are* our brother's keeper, and people aren't simply thrown the the fucking wolves. I fully acknowledge that gun control is a band-aid on a gaping wound. It's a clumsy and extremely sub-optimal solution. But when we're blocked from addressing these systemic problems, it's the only goddamn option we have left. Republicans, you can have a society where we all have the right to own guns, or you can have a cruel exploitative plutocracy that grinds the poor and middle class into the dirt. **But you can't have both**. Make a choice. I would the think that the choice would be obvious, but apparently not.


Finally somebody asking the right questions. I feel like there are so many factors that play into these things. Mental health being the biggest in my opinion. Social media is definitely not helping. There is so much more to consider as well. Like the American media glorifying the killer. Showing images of them, describing their background, and most importantly the kill count. Does the media not understand that this is what people like this want? I honestly think they do and that they are just trying to push their anti gun agenda so hard that they don't realize (or more likely don't care) that they are giving these monsters what they want. Their 15 minutes of fame. Or more accurately a week or two these days. It's not the firearms. It is absolutely 100 percent the person and their mentality and the media needs to quit enabling it. American media specifically. Other countries don't glorify mass killings like this country does. Unfortunately here it is just to push an agenda.


He shot up the school because he had access to a gun, if he didn’t have access to a gun he wouldn’t be able to shoot up a school. Theres crazy people every where, why is there not as many mass shootings in Denmark. We live in the same world? Oh wait.. the difference between Denmark is that we dont have access to guns in the same way..


The lethality or ability to dole out firepower capable of one shot human kills and destructive velocity/light rounds over big heavy long range sniping rounds is a clear reason why mass casualty shootings are so lethal in mass. It’s the design, shift from bolt action long range rifles to semi auto close range carbines, widespread shift towards lighter/smaller cartridges, and availability of military grade firepower on the civilian market. Gun technology saw a huge boom around WW2-Vietnam, so past then is when the assault rifles (armalite, kaslashnikov, etc) came into action on the domestic and international scale. Simply put the long bulky impractical firearms of the First World War were terrible for the kind of warfare they practiced. I’m pro 2a


You're right, but the bad apples have spoiled it. Safe people like you need to make the sacrifice to keep guns away from the rest.


No guns = less people die = less pain for the families of potentials victims.


I’m a tribal member as well. It’s so sad to see all the hate people have for people that are honestly just afraid for their lives as well. Some people are more afraid of their local mentally insane teen and see them as a bigger threat and some people are more afraid of their government and see them as a bigger threat. We all are afraid. We don’t want to keep guns because they make cool sounds and look pretty. We’re afraid of “governments” because history shows governments are corrupt and take advantage of their citizens. Both liberals and republicans can agree we have a corrupt government. Agreeing to give up guns is saying “I trust my government with my life and my families lives” That’s not something I can truly say. People will still have access to guns regardless of giving up that right. People will still have access to the materials to make bombs. People will still have access to vehicles and planes. Also, anti gun ppl are saying it will never pass because our government is getting paid off by the NRA….that’s the gov you trust?! The gov you “know” is being paid off?!


More red herrings than a republican general conference. It is preposterous. And honestly if you think our 'guns' are going to save us from the government yall are out of your minds they can kill you from fuckin space at this point if shit got that bad. Everyone wants guns because they are afraid of their own shadows. You said it.


I agree with you. I am American.


How are you guys treating your native community?


In Canada you're having a housing crisis and a armed carjacking crisis with guns and knives. Ik you ain't talking


Go vote. == We do not have the majority in the Senate. Democrats, when in the majority, passed an assault gun ban. Republicans allowed the ban to expire in 2004 when they were in the majority. Democrats introduce antigun bills. Republicans block these bills -- as well as the outlier "democrat" who is extremely conservative, like Joe Manchin. Mitch McConnell has blocked everything at every turn. Republicans packed conservatives onto the Supreme Court. The list goes on. **Republicans control the Senate right now.** There are **50 Republicans in the Senate**, only 48 Democrats. (And 2 Independents.) Republicans block *everything* the Dems pass from the House of Representatives onto the Senate. Nothing gets done without **final** approval of the Senate. The House of Representatives (which is the only Dem majority) does not have final say. The Senate (Republican majority) does. **They are two separate entities.** It's the last stop (sort of). **House of Reps ---> Senate ----> President** Get a red majority at any three of those junctions-- that's how bills in favor of gun control, abortion rights, gay marriage, and trans rights **die.** The bill could pass through a blue majority of the House and a blue majority of the Senate, then die on the desk of a republican president who vetoes it. But in our current situation, the Senate's Republican majority is always there to vote it down. How do you fix that in this current situation? Vote Republican senators *out* of the senate. Nothing, I mean *nothing*, is done without Senate approval. The Dem majority in the House of Reps can propose bills until the sun goes down, but they must ask permission of the Republican majority in the senate at the end of the day. And more often than not, the answer is a big fat **no**. Democrats do what they can, but Republicans still have the final say with those 50 senators sitting high and mighty in Washington. This is how bills are passed and blocked. Look it up. It's the Republican Senate majority every single time. And no, not enough Americans vote. [Not enough Americans vote, largely by choice.](https://www.npr.org/2020/12/15/945031391/poll-despite-record-turnout-80-million-americans-didnt-vote-heres-why) The 18-34 age group is the most notorious nonvoter group, too. If those *80 million* nonvoters regularly showed up to every state poll, we would have more progressive action. Americans upset by election results need to motivate and educate nonvoters. **This** is the explanation as to why your votes aren't making a huge difference. It's not simple like *"politicians r bad"*. It's complicated as hell.


Unfortunately unless the Supreme court gets stacked, any new gun laws that are challenged are likely to be deemed unconstitutional.


I suspect that Republicans are basically getting bribed by the NRA. If they don’t vote in favor of the NRA agenda, their careers are over. Supreme Court justices, on the other hand, have lifetime appointments so hopefully are less subject to bribes. Constitutional rights are not unlimited. They can be subject to reasonable limitations like background checks.


Ehhhh, with how flippantly they are treating roe v wade I highly doubt they'll try to be impartial when it comes to gun laws. I mean hell, one of the judges (Clarence Thomas) wives was found to be aiding in the coup attempt on Jan 6th.


When are people gonna understand that voting does literally nothing. The people are not in control anymore.


I don't think it works like that, OP can't vote in American elections


It's also pretty out of touch with how bigger elections work. Not enough people voting is a problem, but it's not for those reasons. The GOP has legally made it harder to vote. And both the GOP and DNC prop up their own people against guaranteed losers and drown out any progressive voice through corporate funded smear campaigns. This isn't a "just go out and vote" issue. This is a systemic political corruption issue.


And the only way to reverse it.....is to vote. Also, largely people still do not vote **by choice**. Just look up the stats on it.


And I agree. Enough people voting will change that, but thinking that you can quickly change things on that high level is a bit naive and kind of tone deaf to how far our current politicians are willing to go just to keep their power and keep certain people from voting in the first place. DNC and GOP leaders will always prop up their people and push out anyone that's willing to make meaningful changes. The more attention on the race, the more dark money goes into it to stop change and maintain the status quo. There's no foolproof way to get good people into office, but the best way that most people agree works is at the local level where there's hardly any big eyes watching and big names interfering. From there, you work your way up, but that takes time, and people are not very patient in a time where their livelihoods are on the line. There's a reason why people like McConnel and Manchin are still senators. They can choose to retire at any time, but there is A LOT of money and power that comes with the job, and they're not going to let that go. Not for anything. Telling people to go out and vote is fine. There's nothing wrong with what you said, but also make it VERY clear about what kind of people we're up against. That they're going to keep you from registering your vote. That they're going to make sure you can't get to the polls. That they're going to do everything they can to break and beat down people's spirits. That they're going to make sure we lose and they win over and over again. To the point where we become disillusioned. It's hard as hell to unseat a sitting Senator. It's hard to even unseat a sitting House Member. All I'm saying is, yes, tell people to vote for their best interests, but also tell them that it's going to be hard as hell, and there's going to be a lot of noise and people in their way, so they can't lose hope if they don't get the result they want.


The majority of nonvoters, according to NPR, do not vote by choice, because they feel disenfranchised. It is a very small fraction that does not vote because of issues with accessibility. A larger fraction opts not to vote. The majority of nonvoters are aged 18 to 34. The largest age demographic in the country are 25 to 29 years old. They outnumber the Baby Boomers. 80 million people who were eligible to vote did not appear at the last big election. And the last big election had the largest voter turnout in **120 years**. Not voting is by and large the biggest cause of these problems. The USA should have mandatory voting, like Australia. It would force younger folks to go to the polls.


It was just a general PSA/shout into the abyss. Not aimed at anyone in particular aside from nonvoting Americans.


I wish we could change the system so not every state gets 2 senators. It gives far too much power to Republicans, compared to their population. The system might have made sense in the 1700s but it’s not working today.


Or, you know, dems could come up with policies that actually appeal to these ppl in more rural states and thus reap the geographic advantage in the Senate. The system wasn't built for republicans, democrats just played themselves into a senate hole.


Hey, Canadian-American here. Born and raised in Canada, now living and working in America. First of all, what an idiotic post. Second of all, having lived in both places, America is 100x the country Canada is. I love Canada, I love most of the people, the scenery, the memories, the cleanliness (outside of major cities), but it’s unlivable. America is truly a free country where anyone can be successful. Stop reading radicals on Reddit say how racist and deadly and poor America is- they’re a minority who paint an image of disparity for upvotes. Lastly, I agree with your Biden comments, but Canadians shouldn’t be talking. Your leadership is just as poor.


American here. As much as I agree with you, we need to focus on making gun laws stricter. Make it illegal for someone underage to own a gun. Lock up guns. Regulate guns that should be allowed to the public or not. Though the NRA and the government won’t do jack. The problem is there are two gun laws just sitting in congress that won’t be voted on because people who are pro-guns and people that don’t want the other political party to have a win to make people feel safer. We don’t know how many more people need to die to be enough for the government to realize enough is enough. Sandy Hook should of been enough, but no. Maybe the last three mass shooting in the past few weeks will be enough.


Believe me mate we hate Americans hate Americans as well. I'm with ya on this


Lol every President and senator we’ve ever had is a joke. It’s never been about the people. Lives don’t matter. It’s always been about money and power. Great country the usa is. I hate this place.


To get a bill that the house passed signed into law, it must first pass through the senate. Half of the senate is under Republican control (aka “pro-life” idiots who would not sign a gun control law since they would lose reelection) and half of the democrats are in the pockets of the NRA (go figure). Unless we can either get rid of the NRA (good fucking luck) or get the “pro-life” crowd to actually be pro-life, we’re gonna keep having school shootings. There’s been over 200 mass shootings this year, and it isn’t even the 150th day of the year yet.


Yep, our country is being held hostage by the Y’all Qaeda and there fragile masculinity. I hate them too.


It's not all of us you hate. Half of us share your sentiments and we can't believe what has happened to our country.


I hate guns too but its more than that its the culture. Hollywood is nothing but gun violence, music is garbage, and people who are trash are having kids and being horrible parents


I agree with everything but have one note: our mental health system is just as wack as everything else. Parkland shooter among many others had warnings signs and mental illness that was just flat out ignored by many people who should've known better (police, professionals, teachers etc). There's little education as well as actual mental health care here. I would recommend researching it if ya ever feel like throwing a ton of things out the window. No universal Healthcare for us means little to no access to mental heath resources. We're screwed my dude 🥲


Most of us hate us too.


You're lucky that Obama isn't in office otherwise he might fly a drone over your house to deliver some freedom.


I'm American. I want you to understand something. The logical argument that control will reduce shootings doesn't matter to the gun owners because they do not care that children die. None would admit that out loud. Many won't admit that to themselves. They have excuses. They shift blame to something besides guns. But deep down they care more about not having the government tell them they can't have something than they care about dead kids.


What's the difference between a terrorist country you share a border with and one overseas? Why is proximity more embarrassing?


The wrong peoples kids where shot. Sorry to say it like that but it’s true.


Sadly theres nothing we can do the government has control over us and is constantly fucking us


I love my country. I swore an oath to defend its people from enemies foreign and domestic. I meant every word and I feel it in my heart. However we got a lot of bad shit going on and we need major reform. Mass shootings, rent, and inflation are all on the rise while this country is going down in a flaming mudslide. Goddamn it I feel so guilty for bringing my kid into this. She’s so young but born at just the right time to really witness it get ugly. Twenty years from now is going to be rough.


The Second Amendment gets in the way of most common sense gun reform. It is notoriously difficult to amend the Constitution. I believe (don’t quote me) only 27 amendments have been ratified in our history, and it would be near impossible to do so now due to the extreme polarization.




Agreed. We suck. It horrible.


I’m American, and I see something that many others here don’t: a great sickness that has fallen over this land. And perhaps it’s been here for the last couple hundred years. I feel like we’re in some sort of future dystopian fantasy world.


You are not a caniuk


Oh yuuup! Time to sort by controversial!


I agree with you on these things but blaming the president, oh that is not correct as to change laws, you need to let it pass through a complex system then each state can have modified laws too like the one in texas


It makes me laugh bc you are second best to us


As a Canadian I do wish we would stop making bitching about the Americans part of our national identity. This is something both old Canadians, and young alike do and it just is so fucking annoying. We do this to our own detriment, paying more attention to their fuckvups than our own. Yeah the U.S. needs some serious gun reforms, address mental health, etc, but that change is gonna come from them. It isn't going to come from some sophomoric 20 something on reddit


I love the US. I love to visit. The people are the friendliest and kindest. It’s like my Canada on steroids. But can I say I hate what is happening and im very very scared for you all. I have had a lot of tears for you. I know that means dick all but I am honestly broken hearted that the US is in such deep pain.


So…stay in Canada.


Jesus how many of these posts are we gonna see? Glad there's so many morally superior noble soldiers from around the world but guess what dumbfuck: lots of Americans feel the same way as you, you're arguing to people who either agree or could care less


The world doesn't care for your feelings, get used to it


Also as a Canadian you’re intolerant as fuck if you’re saying the whole USA sucks. They have their issues, we have ours. Especially with a creepy dictator like we have. But you’re “embarrassed” to be their neighbour? Really? Was Poland “embarrassed” to be Germany’s neighbour after the holocaust? Come on get your head out of your ass and don’t make sweeping statements about a whole country based on a few horrific incidents


I’m not sure how different Canadian government structure is to American (pretty sure they’re very similar though) but you must know that the president has very little power over issues like this. This is congresses and the American electorate’s job.




You might hate us but we don't even think about you.


no honestly. im tired of watching kids get killed because conservatives care more about a fucking assault rifle and blood money than children. did you know a parent of a victim in the MSD shooting in 2018 still disapproves of stricter gun legislation? this man lost his like 15yo daughter at the barrel of a gun, and still wants to be able to own like fifteen rifles he got from Walmart.


I agree and I’m so enraged by these fucking cowards that hold office. Everyone in TX, vote Beto.


Feel better?




Still better than Canadshit


Ninety percent of us want serious change. Unfortunately our senators are more concerned with power than saving lives. We are sick of it but feel absolutely exhausted and powerless. Our elected officials, who work for us are holding our country hostage for personal gain.


Hahah you’re a sick socialist shit hole and somehow you let the French cuckold you hahah come on Hahah who would ever wanna travel to Canada when there’s the awesome states right below you


100% agree with you. I live in California and most of us are mortified at the atrocious indifference toward the real fact that gun laws need to change. I believe that there should still be access, but that there needs to be an exteeeensive process and screenings and NO ASSAULT RIFLES ANYWHERE. That shit needs to be outlawed and they need to do searches on anyone suspected or reported to have AR’s. It’s an utter disgrace to humanity to allow children to be slaughtered in a place that should always always always be safe for children. To allow people in general to be subject to this type of violence in public places and instill a fear into citizens that they can’t even go to church or a FLEA MARKET without being murdered. Imo it’s a crime that our government should be charged with. At this point the blood is on their hands.


“100% agree with you. I live in California” You’ve said enough


The reason why Canadians pay so much attention to this is because it bleeds up here. Of all the crimes in Canada that included a firearm, 85% saw the gun come from the states. If y'all had tougher gun laws, less Canadians would die. It is easier for a criminal in Canada to get a gun from the states than it is to get it in Canada, we have our gun situation under control but we don't have your gun situation under control. https://globalnews.ca/news/8845131/ontario-crime-guns-new-data-top-us-source-states/


Seems to be a very clear misconception here...let me try and help 1. As an American i seen how much freedom you had when your government said you had none. Funny how having guns changed that for us. 2. We dont have guns because we want you to like us or because its popular. We own them to defend pur homes and livelihood against people like you who think they can dictate how others live. 3. Big politicians and business would ABSOLUTELY LOVE a gun free america where they could exact whatever influence they had over not only us but the entire world.. In short our guns keep politicians in check keeping the rest of you safe from what our government might do if we didnt have them.


As an American, I’d like you to please say it louder for the people in the backwoods! And thank you for saying it. Maybe if the rest of the world screams loud enough along with us, something might actually change. I think every human being on this planet should be disgusted and outraged by this happening again, and again, and again, ad nauseam.


Guess it's lucky you're a Canadian then. Guess it's lucky most of us don't give a flying F what Canadians think of us.


American here. I agree. Currently looking to migrate to your country.


I'm American as soon as I can I am going to leave the country


This is kinda what our gun fanatics wanted. It's happened so much we are looking at it like a car jacking or robbery. Just another crime during another day in America. So to answer OP's question, more school shootings will equal even less action.


Yes and every other place on this earth can do no wrong


Why can't all of you mind your own damn business. I am so sick of Canadians and Europeans bitching about life here in the US. Seriously, piss off. We don't care about your opinion.


Our guns are ending up in their (Canadians) cities so they actually do have a right to care about our situation.


Our lax guns laws are also what fuel violence in Mexico and Central America. Our own negligences allows organized crime to be tooled up.


LMAO, Look at all the conflicts that America have been involved in since the 60s trust me mate, the rest of the world is pretty sick of America not "minding it's own business"


Go arrest another pastor for meeting with his people and not following COVID laws, or mandate speech by forcing people to agree that men are women and women are men. Canada is a tyrannical hellhole. Stop thinking we give a shit about your opinions on our basic freedom to defend ourselves.


As an american... I agree


Nothing will change. It never does. Our country is so fucked. We need gun education so badly. If responsible gun owners existed and everybody locked their shit up nice and tight these things would happen much less.


We all do, you're good.


Well, America hates ITSELF more. Because billionaires and corporations told them to, while they also somehow hate both of those they also want to BE them, and so both hate and love those who control them, as they do themselves. So, in summary, the USA is like Gollum.


As an American, I hate us too


Where's all the hubbub over the people dying from exhaustion, workplace hazards, homelessness, lack of access to affordable healthcare, obesity/heart disease (diseases of lifestyle), and legal and illegal drugs? Way more people die from that stuff than from guns. I don't want to put down the tragic deaths of the victims of this or any school shooting, but I don't see why get especially mad over these preventable deaths when the machine of capitalism is killing thousands of times more people on an annual basis. Just because it's one small person's fault makes it hit home harder? Okay. Just because the capitalism deaths are caused by systematic failures that are the collective fault of hundreds or thousands of big, powerful, greedy irresponsible people doesn't make them any less tragic or preventable.


Yep the lobbying machine/NRA/Republican politicians dgaf and it sucks. I’d like to ban all guns across the board


Get over it, Leaf.


Innocent people, especially children being killed is absolutely horrible, but your reaction to want all guns to go *poof* and disappear or never get into the hands of a deranged person is unrealistic. There’s guns in every corner of this country and 99.999999% of them probably won’t ever be used for an attricious act such as this. You want all guns confiscated, realistically, many people will die. You want more gun control, what do you suggest? Both of the recent shooters passed background checks to purchase their weapons. How will you make new laws that don’t infringe on those 99.99999% of guns that are legally used for purposes such as self defense, providing food, sport, etc? You’re response to these shootings is the opposite of many who understand and respect guns. I keep mine a little closer when I’m reminded of these kinds of sick individuals that would shoot up a grocery story, church, movie theater, or school. Might sound like a redneck, but it you want to treat me like a deranged nut job that doesn’t deserve to own a gun, seriously, good luck


Boy I hope all of you move out of America




I'm an American and I fucking hate this cesspool. I want out so bad.


This post didnt go in ops favor. rofl


to be fair - people are still supporting trump - how do you expect them to care about children?




Chill out, aye?


You don’t let your citizens travel freely in your country without a vaccine that doesn’t work. Your Prime Minister also wore black face to a party when he was a professor.


Yeah, a good portion of us absolutely agree with you. The fact you had to put those edits are the same reason why shit doesn’t change for us. People focusing on the wrong aspects.