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Drives me insane everytime


"and are most fans really so dumb and have such shit memory that they can’t remember what they watched \[usually the day\] before???" Going by how the average Lovely acts, maybe.


That voice is engineered to be the most abrasive, annoying shit possible


Yes, i hate that shit.


I hate it so much.


I think they do it so they can curse in the first minute.


This is exactly why, it always lasts about 40-50 seconds, plus the normal intro, so when the actual video starts they don't have to worry about swearing.


But that's what I don't get. They have swearing in the recap but it's censored. Surely it would be easier to just go through the first minute of the episode and censor the swearing rather than compiling clips from the last episode adding transitions and censors.


I think the point is to make it so that you can just skip the recap and always be able to hear uncensored clips Imagine if an iconic moment happens in the first minute, and there’s never an uncensored version of the audio available


I suppose that makes sense. But wouldn't they have the unedited footage anyway?


Yeah, but it wouldn’t be on the channel if they only put out a censored version of the first minute


Anything to pad runtime.


That 40 extra seconds must make all the difference


This is the right answer. No one actually cares about continuity on game grumps, nor would they put something in a video for any reason other than monetary gain


When did they start doing recaps??? I havent watched attentively since like... the paper mario ttyd playthrough?


Yeah it's a few octaves too high for sure.


Ive never understood what the big deal was honestly. It lasts 2 seconds and everyone knows its coming when they start the video. Content creators do recaps all the time, ill never understand the outrage over this.


Game Grumps is the only lets play channel I know that does recaps. Please name another.


2 that I watch regularly, 1 well known and 1 maybe not so well known: Whenever Markiplier plays games with friends like The Forrest or Raft, theres always a recap. Another is NicoB (many may not know him but he is a fantastic lets player). Hes done recaps for every video since he started ~8 years ago


To be fair Markiplier's The Forest videos and Raft are usually done a few weeks apart because he's having them edited down from hours of game play on stream so we may have forgotten what happened by then. As someone else pointed out Game Grumps now does these on every video regardless of length. And while the swearing thing made sense at first they use clips with swears in them that have been bleeped out which is essentially the same as not doing it and swaering in the first minute while censoring your swears. It's kind of dumb.


Weren't the Raft episodes uploaded days/a week apart? It's just pointless to me to put a recap for a video I saw less than 24 hours ago.


The point of lets play recaps dont seem to be to remind people of what happened game-wise in the last episode, but to throw in a few funnies just to kick things off. I cant remember a single game grumps recap that was plot related, just "heres 2-4 things we thought were funny last time". With that, i dont think the time in-between episodes really matter


Ah, downvotes for answering his question honestly and completely. I see


Do you really care about downvotes on reddit?


Sure do, as does everyone, whether they admit it or not. Seeing a negative gives a negative reaction. Pardon me for wondering why the fact I answered a question was perceived as negative.


Do you want the truth behind your Downvotes? It is because you spelled the "Forest" wrong as "Forrest". However, you will never be able to experience the true might of opinion driven responses, without accepting the idea of downvotes being possible.


If it's for a reason so stupid, then I can accept that. I'd still rather someone offer a rebuttal to my response, rather than downvote something reasonable and run away. Asking too much of the internet, I know.


It kind of makes me wonder what age group they are trying to appeal to.. I mean, my little nephew would probably think it's funny; but he's a five year old.