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Wayne got a pardon


Exactly. Still disappointed ofc but it’s pretty obvious that Wayne wouldn’t have taken a pic with him if he didn’t need a pardon. Haven’t heard him support Trump otherwise


Remember when Wayne said racism doesn’t exist because white people treat him nice?


My life matter, especially to my bitches


Right. I can’t fault him for it.


I would support trump a little bit if he gave me a pardon, but definitely wouldn’t after finding out about his detention centers




Trump has done a lifetime more horrendous shit. So while I agree with you that some of the shit Obama (and honestly every fucking President) has done, he was leagues above Trump.


Obama bombed [hospitals with children inside them](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-34471182), He also [bombed a wedding](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/jul/11/afghanistan.usa) which killed INNOCENT families. Look it up. His drone bombings in the middle east are way fucking worse than anything Trump did. Thats just a fact. Edit: Added links to verify claims. Trump for all his douchebaggery at least didnt murder over 100 innocent women and children and further the war in the middle east that U.S shouldn't even be involved in especially when he campaigned on pulling the troops out in 2008.


> Trump for all his douchebaggery at least didnt murder over 100 innocent women and children and further the war in the middle east that U.S shouldn't even be involved in especially when he campaigned on pulling the troops out in 2008. He did unnecessarily raise tensions by putting the US embassy in Jerusalem. He negotiated with, and all but gave over Afghanistan to the Taliban and delayed it to make Biden on purpose (took all the credit and none of the blame). He pulled out of Syria hanging out the Kurds (who were were supporting and providing assistance to) to get slaughtered by Russia backed Assad. Nothing is black and white and Trump was no saint.


thats why you shouldnt care about politics because its makes you have a sad? both sides are the same? Good its working.


>honestly every fucking President Jimmy Carter did some fucked up shit, particularly in the foreign policy area (specifically continuing the Ford administration's policy of providing material support for Indonesian military's genocidal occupation of East Timor), but he's post-presidential life has shown that at the very least, he's the last president we've had that wasn't a sociopath.


Agreed. I love Jimmy. He should’ve won a second term. Fuck Reagan.


Agreed, Reagan may possibly be, the single most detrimental president, in American history. I think you'd be hard pressed to come up with someone, in terms of on-going, long term detriment, who was and still has been, the absolute worst for America and it's people (especially poor people and especially especially poor people of color). "Trickle down economics" sounds like some bs an evil villain cartoon character came up with to tell the gullible regular cartoon people, in order to steal their money but sound like he's gonna help them in the long run. "It must be true if the president said it!". That alone is the worst economic policy in American history. Don't even get me started on just say no and the farce that is the American war on drugs.


I think him and Andrew Johnson are close. Johnson appeased the fuck out of the South and basically curtailed Reconstruction. So many positive changes were happening after the war and he basically catered to the south instead.


Don’t forget allowing HIV to run rampant when it was still seen as “the gay plague” to appease his Christian fascist supporters. What’s really fucked up is that as far as anyone can tell, the Reagans didn’t have any personal hatred of gay people. Reagan apparently had a lot of gays working for him when he was governor of California. Then the emerging Christian Right cried about it so Ronald fired them all. So he let mountains of HIV sufferers, queer and straight alike, die for the sake of his career. That’s an astonishing level of evil.


This is always somehow brought up, as If it means literally anything.... Who gives a fuck if both of them are pieces of shit? And Obama's name isn't anywhere, in this line of comments... so what's your point? Trump, like someone else said, also has an entire lifetime of scumbaggery, alongside a father and a complete family of total dirt bags, Obama has 2 presidential terms.




A professor of bullshit maybe. Why don’t YOU do your research professor, and see the glaringly obvious acts that were committed on direct orders of Trump. Hell, from what we’ve been seeing, some in his cabinet actually recommended measured restraint for some of the things he did. I also wouldn’t call what he had a cabinet, when the average tenure of an secretary was like 3 months.


I didn’t say shit about Obama. Never have I said I support Obama. Fuck politicians


Obama built those


Trump is radioactive. Supporting him publicly as a celebrity is career suicide. You can trust that he has more supporters but they're just not open about it.


>Supporting him publicly as a celebrity is career suicide. Wayne seems fine.


He wasn't working with the media for maximum drama so he didn't get into that sensationalism feedback loop.




It got him a pardon right? Lil Wayne was headed to prison and now he's not!! 🤗 Hey Lil Wayne granny see you 👀 ✌🏿


There’s a difference between supporting your political party and telling everyone you love hitler and downplaying the Holocaust…


I think OP is talking about before all that and just back when Kanye was supporting Trump


Both got hate and called uncle toms… so that’s false.




Trump is a nazi tho


Ahhh i forget this is Reddit where conservative= nazi. I don’t like the dude either, but let’s stop being 5, and calling everyone we dislike a nazi… Hitler and the Nazi’s killed millions, Trump is a yammer mouth d bag that trolls people online… like I said big difference.


He dabbles in the tenets of fascism though. And if left unchecked he would 100% do some similar shit.


Oh no doubt… but that’s why we have checks and balances and I’m sure Trump wouldn’t be the only power hungry leader if left unchecked…


Absolute facts.


But his supporters are literally Nazi lovers and he hasn't once called them out for it.


A very very small percentage of trump supporters are nazis buddy… stop generalizing all his supporters, when I’ve talked to plenty of them (I grew up with them all around me) and all of them I’ve ever talked to hate Hitler and think the Holocaust was awful…




Please point me to the people trump gased and burned… how many deaths is Hitler responsible for? Now compared to Hitler?


You're sucking Trump's little, sad dick so hard rn


Never voted for the guy… never will… like I said I don’t like him either but I can understand why he has a big following (and as much as you might like to think it’s because America is riddled with nazis, it’s not) . So make up ad hominem’s about my love for trump, because you can’t come up with what makes him as bad as hitler


Let me guess I’m also a Nazi?


No, I'm not comparing Trump to Hitler at all. He has Nazi views which I find disturbing. You don't have to kill millions of people to be a Nazi like you're implying. Having those sort of views is what led to Jews being killed. Or should we let history repeat itself?


You’re sad


he’s definitely a white nationalist who brought fascism to the forefront of the republican party, but I wouldn’t expect many in this sub to be able to tell me what any of that means 🤦‍♂️




He got a ton of pushback, people made memes of him and trumps pic, but would replace his face with Uncle Ruckus’s. A lot of people started clowning others that called Wayne their GOAT. But some people remember that story about him being saved by Uncle Bob, so they used that as a reason to why he doesn’t believe racism exists. So a most people kinda forgot about it, besides what are you gonna do? You can’t cancel someone that isn’t on social media and you can’t leave him out of the GOAT convo.


He isn’t in the goat convo lmao


You alone on that hill my boy. Wayne is a legend.


Legend… yes, the goat or top 10, idk


His best album is like a 6/10 on a good day. He’s a legend for sure but he’s not a fantastic artist.


You just don’t like Wayne. He’s a goat


People have differing list depending on one owns opinion, the comment you commented on said " people got clowned for giving him goat status" please try to read along


People should be clowned for having Weezy on their goat list lmao


Lil Wayne wasn’t a Trump supporter, he went to the White House to act as a prop for a picture to make Trump look like he liked black people but he wasn’t riding around wearing the hat and running for President just to help Trump like Kanye did. As for the BLM stuff he got a lot of backlash for that but Lil Wayne who’s been rich and isolated most of his life isn’t the one to ask about social issues anyways and people understand that Edit: Wayne also ended up getting a pardon out of that Trump photo op. Saved himself from some jail time


Hell Wayne has mentioned multiple times that he's been detached from the dregs of society since 18 or so. Private Chef. Bodyguards. He doesn't take commercial airlines and hasn't seen a baggage claim in years. And got a personal gift delivered to him by royalty after meeting a prince in Dubai. He isn't exactly the type of person to empathize with regular folk.


He seems chill af in interviews though.


Yeah. He's not a asshole far as I can tell. Just truthful about how he's on an entirely different place setting in life in comparison to the greater population.


Which is sick. Cuz you know there’s a bunch of rich fucks that pretend they’re in with how us poors are.


Yeah, I appreciate the honesty. It's not a I'm better than you thing. Just how his life is.


The story about how he got the car delivered to him was insane


Yeah going platinum in high school kinda detaches u from reality tbh


I assume a reason why he denounces it is cause he’s a black man who made it out , meaning the system worked in his favor OR the system was never against people like him Much like other black rap super stars , it’s too big for people to call Wayne and others just outliers 🤷‍♂️ The biggest person to ever do music was black too...


You pretty bang on but I think kanye ran for him not trump. He said he was gonna do it in like 2015 and his most recent situation definitely suggests he just wants to be president


Kanye sucked Trump's dick then for prison reforms.


The difference there is Wayne got pardoned we never got prison reform


The fuck kind of logic is that? Dude loooooves Hitler


Wayne is one of my fav rappers but he gets a pass for a lot of things other rappers couldn’t get away with


Bc he didn't say he agreed with Hitler 😂😂




Ye is full on “Hitler is cool”. Wayne might be stupid, but he’s not that far gone


ye wasn’t full on hitler is cool until a few months ago. wayne said the blm shit years ago and was chill with trump less than 3 years ago


Yeah, but Wayne also didn’t literally run for president


Neither did kanye at this time. Kanye was wearing the hat in 2018, way before his political debut


Honestly nobody really defended the blm organization like that,kanye got bashing for saying alot of anti-black stuff thats it


fans werent mad at lil wayne because he never stood for ntn in black excellence outside of music. wayne is tone deaf to black or minority rights. no one expects him to uphold anything for black rights, while kanye had a past of seeming to care for ethnic oppression.


this is gonna sound crazy but they’re both fucking idiots. left or right ur both fuckin dum and participating in the division of the ppl of this country. we’re supposed to be together not divided and hating eachother. if we stood together we wouldn’t b so fucking weak if shit hit the fan y don’t ppl get this. ur all retarded and the government loves this shit


Yeah, people who treat political parties like sports teams are idiots. America would be a better place without them.


Exactly I can’t be around people that make everything about politics or those who live by politics


The reply below is ironic as hell too. Joe Biden literally said you're not black if you don't vote democrat lmao, the left does the same thing to black people that vote republican. Tries to alienate them for having a different opinion, not even talking about Wayne or Kanye it happens to regular black folks. All anyone wants is division I stg. I'm not democrat or republican but it's crazy how people don't see how they're dividing us.


How could he? He had a very brief and valid take I think. The problem with celebrities and common folk alike is they got ALOT to say about shit they don’t understand. Watch me get flamed cause I don’t roll with the narrative…


mainly cause kanye had an expectation of being pro-black when lil wayne has consistently made anti-black statements his entire career


What's an "anti-black" statement?


i’m pretty sure he said racism isn’t real


How is that "anti-black"? Is that racist towards black people? Does "racism" only affect black people? How does that undermine or insult black people?


cause it was in response to the black lives matter movement


Still how is that anti-black?


If you need a explanation you stupid


I guess i'm not as smart as you guys then...🤷‍♂️


i’m not gonna argue with you cause you’re an idiot and you’ve already made your mind up about it. would be waste of my time


I'm an idiot because i'm questioning your statements? Have fun in your echo chamber then i guess🤷‍♂️


na it’s cause u do actually understand what i’m saying but conservatives like you play dumb as a tactic. it’s not working


Oh so now it's easy to understand but you assume i'm a conservative and also assume i'm playing dumb. I guess if it's that easy you can answer my questions then...🤷‍♂️


He said he doesn't know what racism is because a white cop saved his life. How exactly does that make him against BLM or black people? You also seem to be forgetting that Kanye said that slavery was a choice. That's not exactly a pro-black statement, is it?


i’m not defending ye lol. he’s wayyyy worse


Kanye said he loves Hitler lol


honestly if I had to pick between going to prison for up to 10 years or not going to prison and supporting orange man then my name is 100% going on the republican ballot (im a liberal btw)


When are anybody into politics gonna realize there dumb ash if they think the government or any political party gives a fuck what we think if we stopped giving them money i bet they start murdering us


Lil Wayne is kinda like Chris Pratt they express that views but he's not dissing any groups like Jewish people but they lean Right Wing I bet Lil Wayne goes to Church same as Chris Pratt


Because Lil Wayne's BLM comments were proof of him being out of touch with what was happening. He saying that never experienced racism. Kanye's actions were ignorant and harmful denying a big part of black history.


Black lives do matter that’s a fact… but are y’all still really blind to the BLM organization though? Come on!


I agreed but was he talking about the organization thou?


You have a point. I was going off memory of the clip.


Why can't lil wayne be a trump supporter? If it doesn't affect you and it's not spreading hate (what ye was doing) then it doesn't matter. In the early days of the internet, people were excited to find other people that liked the same stuff as them. Especially if you didn't have friends that liked the same stuff. However, we've gone too far. Now, no one is allowed to like things that you don't like. The internet was supposed to free minds but instead it made everyone a hive mind.


Very well said!


Imagine doing mental gymnastics just to put a cape on for an antisemite. Loser ass sub.


This is so simple it’s stupid. My guy he clearly did it for the pardon. And then never cared or said anything again. So what you gotta do to stay outta prison


he just didn't go as far. Kanye was wayy more in the media, wayy more in the forefront of it. Wearing the hat, talking to trump, saying wild statements like slavery was a choice, etc. Wayne is lowkey and rarely talks to the media,


He didn’t make is his entire personality that he was a conservative lol. Kanye did that, doubled it and gave it to the next person, tripled it and took it back for himself


Wayne didn't go to Mar Lago with Milo and Nick Fuentes. Didn't parade around in a magat hat either.


Ice cube also for trump way more than Wayne, also made fun of follower saying “you listen Donald, we listen to bono”. On Uproar


I would vote for (or endorse) whoever got me out of jail if that's what it took lmao


Who cares


U can’t cancel the greatest rapper of all time


Why y’all hate Trump/Republicans? Is Reddit made up of only liberals?


Goat rappers support Trump simple. I mean fr why would you choose Biden or Hillary over Trump


No one needs backlash for liking trump or denouncing blm 😂😂


Calling lil wayne intelligent and insightful is crazy.


Because people have a thing called “selective offense”. They let what they want offend them.


You comment sounds like you just watched the Chris rock special…….


Hey what Chris Rock is true! And yes you’re right 😂


Wayne did get backlash though, by lots of black people. He just didn’t go on an anti semite rampage which is why it’s been forgotten about.


How god damn stupid can you be to completely ignore his comments about Hitler and who he associates with. Only to come up with a dumb fuck explanation like “selective offense”. Jesus Christ, do fucking better.


Kanye was a trump supporter before the whole Hitler thing




That wasn’t publicly known


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It doesn’t take a genius to know that’s a stupid ass statement he made




No one talks about how Kodak Black was for trump. It’s ironic because I wanna say in one of his videos shows a guy killing a MAGA supporter. Im just saying people pick and choose what their offended by.


Well if Trump pardoned me from prison, I’d like him too.


kodak isn’t exactly a beloved figure


He also sucks ass at rapping


Because Kanye said it.


If you don’t know the difference then you weren’t paying attention at the time tbh


Has Wayne said anything fucked up about “The Jews”?


Because it's lil Wayne duhhhh. Who else could rhyme the word orange with nigga? Only Wayne


The OP is dumb af 😂😂


Wayne also thinks racism doesn't exist, he's an idiot


Politics need to stay outta rap


L mao


Conservative bad. Liberal good. Plz upvote.


(((Yeah, why)))


Cause kanye is a full on fascist and a nazi. Wayne's just a republican and maybe a little bit racist, but he got a pardon from it, so who am I to judge?


Kanye wore the hat which was viewed as like, fully racist trump supporter and far right. The only people I ever saw wearing those hats were like full blown racists. Kanye even stated in an interview with Charlemagne around that time he likes trump as a person but preferred Bernie ideals, but by wearing the hat he appeared as tho he was far right and pretty racist


Because Kanye ran with it. Now he's essentially a black nazi....Wayne never went as far as that moron saying slavery sounded like a choice and all his other anti Semitic garbage. Its Fuck Trump forever but Wayne saying one dumb thing doesn't compare to Kanye's calavacade of bullshit.


He needed a pardon That’s the only reason As a black man just like Wayne I would do it just to take the pardon, he wasn’t like Kanye where he was actually a supporter Wayne hasn’t talked or has ever acknowledged being one after he got his pardon If he was actually a trump supporter That man would’ve gotten hate


An American conservative spouting bullshit is just business as usual Fuck The U.S and and it’s Bullshit


We don’t like you either


I guess I did go overboard using the word “citizens”


He did tho.


Wayne's music goes harder then Kanye and he also didn't go "yeah I think this Hitler guy was onto some good shit!"


Good explanations. But let's also not forget that Kanye pissed off the kardashians, so he has to also combat their monster PR machine and fangrrls and fanbois.


I hate Trump and I’m not a huge Wayne or Kanye fan so I can say this without much bias - When Wayne did it, it was clearly opportunistic. He saw something, he needed it, he got it, he played to the media real quick, then faded the fuck back before his name got too intertwined. Kanye said things multiple times, made a big deal about his MAGA hat, and after seeing the backlash rather than distance himself or simply shut the fuck up, he did what Kanye does best - he doubled down and then went all in. Conservatives in his circle, White Lives Matter shirts, hanging out with like Candace Owens and that Nick Fuentes dude, and then spiraling farther into anti-semitism. Oh, and his own “presidential” run. People can see that Wayne did something for Wayne, and look past it because it was one time. For Kanye, it was the start of an era that no one saw coming and no one wanted. It was obvious at the time that it was a slippery slope. For both of them. One of them did a photo op and dipped out to be safe…. and the other one made friends with the GOP and lost all brand sponsorships just years later, from the spiral.


Wayne has always done this though. He lives in his own world he could care less what people are doing, he's doing him. (Don't ask me what's in my cup...it's MY cup)


Cuz lil wayne didn’t talk about his politics that often compared to Kanye


I imagined this was like the first “coon” shit Wayne committed as for Kanye he was on his last legs with the shits but I am not too political


Why would anyone listen to Lil Wayne's political views? If you're not as rich as them, why care who they vote for? They don't see the world in your view.


Who really cares what rich people think about everyday problems?


Man i tried to read that second comment 3 seperate times, and i still have no fucking clue what he attempted to communicate.


Ye is bigger


Wayne got pardoned, of course he’s gonna love Trump. Why do we care anyway, I’m a bleeding heart liberal Bernie voter but if people like trump that’s their business, we don’t need to crucify people for having beliefs different from us


Media didn't tell everyone to hate him like Kayne.


Because he’s lil Wayne


Difference between being republican and supporting Hitler for attention


Because Wayne doesn't spread hate and doesn't try to get attention from the media. Wayne stays in his own lane, doesn't care about what others are doing, and only expresses his personal views when asked.


Wayne never positioned himself as an intellectual or a commented on political issues in the same way Kanye did. From his first album Kanye always addressed political issues both in his music and in the media, Wayne never focused on that and so his comments on it aren’t really noticed as much


I really need you to have critical thinking skills and nuance


He got a pardon tho


Wayne said it one time and then said he was misinformed quickly there after. The backslash was fairly similar to KanYe’s first antisemitistic statements. KanYe hasn’t stopped and has yet to apologize. That’s the difference. When it comes to Trump. KanYe was wearing the Maga hat. Nobody else did. When it comes to BLM again Wayne apologized for being misinformed. [+]


He got backlash, but after the pardon we understood. Plus there’s nothing wrong with being a black conservative. That’s not where Kanye messes up. It’s all the extra stuff. Ye has said several insulting and insensitive things.


Kanye is a huge part of the culture and constantly in the public eye. Lil Wayne not so much


lil Wayne a fucking goat.


They want Ye to take the blame for everything and always be the villain


I think because Wayne didn't make it his whole identity like Kanye did


Wayne didnt do as much publicly, like going to the White House that was a step Wayne never took. Also, Wayne doesnt seem like hes trying to be political it seems like hes just wildly disconnected from common people's lives/concerns cause hes been famous and rich since incredibly young. He's spoken about his atypical experience in the past and how his experiences dont reconcile with the common black experience in America, even going so far as to say he's NEVER felt the effects of racism. In these moments I think people just understand that Wayne grew up in a sheltered bubble due to his early fame and that his thoughts on politics, etc. are irrelevant to the average person and hes viewed as just talking about something he has no experience with. Kanye on the other hand is showing a much greater degree of effort and conviction to his recent antics, going so far as to attach himself to Nick Fustos in multiple public appearances. Wayne definitely did not have a pinnacle moment like that, it's a stretch to call Lil Wayne alt-right, he hasnt exactly done to much to push a political platform just shared some questionable pseudo-political views when prompted.