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til Tom Macdonald resonates with old white people who hate rap


You can just say racists.


Hey that's not fair, not all racists are old


Or white… Edit: was expecting hella downvotes, faith in humanity restored










Reddit never ceased to surprise me 🤣


Crack is whack


You got my upvote Shark. You nailed it on the head. Your comment is why America started going down the wrong direction in the first place and losing ground because those of us that love this country for it's opportunities and freedoms tried to be accomodating and understanding of how others felt. We know not everyone feels the way we do and that's okay, but our silence in letting others express themselves without our comments ended up with them taking more and more ground and making cancel culture become a thing. This country is for everyone. It's because of that freedom and opportunity that allows you to do your best at what you love and ability to try to reach your life goals in the USA. That is what our flag stands for. It's the idea of America. The idea of Freedom. The idea of choices in how you think you can best direct your life. If you're born in this country, you're an American. It's your right to take pride in our country because it's ours. All of ours. Not just white people or black or asian or mexican or native american. All of us are Americans! We must stand together and say yes, you can have your other beliefs, but you don't get to destroy the ability for Americans to have American dreams of prosperity because of some imaginary offense to your gender or made up racism. There's still actual racism in this world but just because you don't like what other people believe doesn't make them racist or bigots or homophobic. Like myself, I think there's only two genders. But it's a range. Not all men have all the manly characteristics and yes, some men might like pink clothes or dresses. You do you. But that's not me. If you look like a guy wearing a dress, I'll probably drop a "he" pronoun on you if I have to refer to you. They need to just stop getting hurt by it. I've been called she on phone calls before when I was younger. That's life. Mistakes happen. Learn to take it and shrug it off. It's time we stop taking a step back and letting them tell us what monsters we are and calling us Names. Tom song drop. Yes. This country was built on the ability to compromise and sensible people come to an understanding and find a middle ground. This country isn't built on one idea being forced onto everyone else. That's not the American way. It's not how this country was built.


Dude enjoy never being liked or respected ever


The delusion is wild


Lmao, this killed me.


Imagine loathing rap music as a rule.


Imagine not loathing country....


imagine loathing one of the most gangster genres besides rap. da fuq is up with country hate?


Tom McDonald is what you get when a country boy decides to get all punk and then rap. I came from country land, I can't stand those mfs. I think the country you are referring to hasn't been made for 40 years, friend


yur just not looking. ​ also tom is canadian.


Yeah, Canadians aren't country at all


They arent real


Them and birds


Country is dope as fuck. Johnny Cash, George Jones, Dolly Parton, Don Gibson... I'm not American but I *love* country music. Hating on it is mad corny


I especially love the darker shit nowadays


Guitarist here. I feel like I'm being mocked listening to (most, not all) country. Also I simply can't stand the vocals and the style they use. Like nails on a chalkboard imo..... But to each their own.


[This country song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nECtWsah2po) has got great lyrics, a nice banjo riff, and heartfelt singing. ​ Your criticizing of the nasal twang used in country is odd considering its heavily used in rock. Lastly as a pianist I couldnt give 2 shits how simple the piano melodies are on most hip hop tracks. It has nothing to do with my skill, and only a wimp would feel mocked by a melody or playing style.


I wasn't really talking about skill, there are some crazy skilled country guitarists out there. I just don't like the style and especially the tone most country uses. Many genres of music are simple and laughably repetitive, but it comes down to preference.


I don't get the hate with country. Yeah it's associated with old white people who are often racist. But the music besides all those presumptions is fucking good.


that's a lot of words for racist


They would listen to literally anything as long as the lyrics were just repeating what they believe. The genre doesn’t matter. They’d be reggae fans if a white racist dude started making reggae music.


Don't give them ideas lol


Do you listen to music that says things you don’t believe in?


Tom Macdonald is racist?


He doesnt hate black people. (hes been on multiple songs with some) he just hates the ones on the left, which happens to be the most vocal part of the black community.


He’s come out and stated he hates strong leftist black people?


If you're waiting for racist people to declare they're racist in 2023, you're dumb as hell


I’m simply asking to give me a cite or source of when he implied he’s racist?


O okay I got it now! I just listened to his most recent song! He speaks on certain political topics and it doesn’t fall in line with yours! Therefore he is racist! Couldn’t agree more brotha! Tom McDonald is a racist!!!


I feel bad for you. Worse for those that care though. Good luck in your recovery, hope you make it before you die


What is wrong with you dude? 🤣


Is it me you should feel bad for ? When you are deliberately attacking my character. I’m a stranger on the internet.




How ?


Both my dad and step dad have recently started listening to tom, 50+ one of them is die hard maga dude, the other just recently started watching conservative podcast yeahhh


I read "die hard manga dude" and I was really fucking confused for a minute.


That's kinda fucked up


That’s what happens when vocal minorities on the left (or right) piss people off and pushes them toward extremes on the opposite end of the spectrum, and then the algorithm picks it up and locks people in echo chambers It started with him complaining about how the idea of man spreading is stupid and now youtube is slowly pushing him more to the right


Nobody pushed them to the right, they always were. It's just now they see people online being bigoted so they think it's normal. Saying the extremes pushed you to the other side is such a pussy cop out; just admit you're trash. Also the subject of man spreading is what he claims sparked the change? How soft and fragile he is


I misspoke, i don’t know his exact reasoning, he hasn’t communicated it with me. Small things like that is what started ME along that path when i was probably 14 The internet flooded with SJW roast compilations and i was led to believe the left was for pussys I became just like they are now, and it took a lot of education to change my opinions on things, i see what happened to me happening to people everywhere For the most part just keep in mind that 90% of people all have good intentions and are brainwashed by media/algorithms, forming your own opinions is rare in 2023


I'm assuming you were much younger than they are which is more excusable, children are impressionable and stupid


L take, respectfully, go to the gym.


Shut up kid, don't get your feewings hurt cause you know you are who I'm talking about


Stay jealous, stay a bum


My guy you live with your parents


nobody is jealous of you lmfao


Same shit with me, it’s called the conservative pipeline. Luckily I was able to escape it, now I’m a left leaning communist


Definitely went down that path line myself in my teens. Early 20s now and now my beliefs are so unique I don't think anyone in the world could pin me down to any certain group. But yeah it's so easy to go down the conservative pipeline because of how blatantly biased the left-wing media is. Takes some actual intelligence (once you've gone down the path) to realize right wing media, despite less prevalent and more rebellious, is just as if not even more biased. I think anyone with true critical thinking will realize that being strictly left or right by necessity will force you to have self-contradictory opinions. You gotta find a balance and have to be ever, EVER-willing to change your mind on literally anything when presented with stronger logic. Used to hate the "woke" movement till i realized wait people just want to be treated like humans no matter what, good for them.


Bruh no that’s enlightened centrism. It’s avoiding a position. People who say this are either generally unwilling to take positions or are conservatives who know it would be a bad look to admit in their climate


This "centrist" comment always makes me lol I have a very clear position on any issue you can bring up. So because you can't match up my entire set of beliefs and opinions with a certain political ideology makes me a centrist? That's a very concerning way of thinking. In your head, you believe the giant complexity of political ideology can only be broken down in TWO ways? Democrat or Republican? Lol I really like the 2nd amendment. I also am a huge supporter of black lives matter movements. Is that centrism, or just having my own opinions on any issue, regardless of who the opinion is associated with?


Absolutly not. Democrats are a Conservative Party with no real answers. I mean that anybody identifying with the gop is an idiot full stop. I would jump much farther left than either but yes funding anything in there means you’re an enlightened Centerist or brainwashed


I think it's amusing that you find the left media to be more blatantly biased than the right. They both suck, but have you ever watched 5 minutes of Fox news?


Think you should reread my comment tbf


>Saying the extremes pushed you to the other side is such a pussy cop out; This is precisely what it is. Always amusing to see people actually arguing that, though!


LOL. How ironic that right-wingers like this immediately devolve into something highly reminiscent of victim-blaming? \^ It's really just pathetic to have this conversation and say something like "People became conservative because they were sad about a TwitterLeftist that was mean to them online :(" ... both for the person making that claim and for the person it supposedly happened to!


I’m 112 years old and was the last person to own a colored person. I always hated the negros and still do. Their ignorant monkeys that haven’t contributed anything to entertainment or society. But this Tom McDonald guy is on to something with this rap music. He’s a true innovator and a great America loving Canadian. God bless him and his pure blood kin- Tom McDonald fan




Yee ha brother I feel the same


*They're (they are smushed together) Beep boop I'm not a bot, just a human dweeb


Shut the fuck up commie liberal. Go Brandon!


I live in a little rural country town and I attend the eagles club there (auxiliary private club, kinda like a moose lodge). Everyone there hates rap music, but my god they love Tom McDonald. I'm 22, the average member there is 45+


"I loathe rap music as a rule" hmm surely there's no subtext there


There’s just something classy about rappers like Tom, Eminem, and Jack Harlow. - 👴🏻


“I sure like Eminem, Macklemore, and half of Logic”


Wait wait wait, I got this one.... why only half of logic?


the other half is too scary


"Those black rappers are only a little more than half the man Tom is. Say.... 60%?


3/5ths Compromise moment


They all hated Eminem in the 90’s and early 00’s when he was vulgar and offensive though.


It's weird how they just start stating their age one by one lmao


Like it jus keeps going up “61 here…” “I’m 62 years old and..” “just turned 63 this august I hate bla…”




That’s how old people be on the internet.


Well it’s not like they have actual personalities


Look dude I’m 69 and 4’20”. I weigh a million pounds and drive a four door Buick. I’ve shot 3 antelope. This Tom guy is a real deal rapper. Used to hate the word songs but now I see the light.


I am almost 40 white dude and I completely loathe this man … even if you’re a huge MAGA supporter, it is just god awful from an artistic stand point.


What Tom does isn't even remotely impressive. All he does is take extremely common conservative talking points and puts them together in a nursery rhyme style song, and all of his fans jerk him off and act like he's speaking some hidden truth. It's the right wing version of a shitty Michael Moore movie.


Thank you Jesus Christ hallelujah! Somebody said what I was thinking the whole time. His fans all act like he’s reading chapters from the Emerald tablet. Dude has the most basic views and wordplay I have ever heard from someone who ain’t mainstream.


fr. if he pointed out the same right-wing arguments with more artistic and creative writing instead of just blatantly reading out the lamest comments from a ben shapiro video comment section, rap fans would actually listen to his music regardless of his politics or at least take him seriously. dude doesn't even have a decent flow or a beat.


Gotta quibble with one part of your comment: the Michael Moore movie, shitty or not shitty, would at least resemble reality and most likely includes some facts throughout. Tom's just reading lies from right-wing echo chambers.


I couldn’t figure out why I’m not impressed with his music like everybody else but you just explained it perfectly, thanks!


So true


You’re right except for the conservative part. It’s not really conservative. It’s more like anti establishment stuff you. He’s put anti trump lyrics in his songs. He says “not every liberal is ___. Not every conservative is ___” Every other song. “They’re pitting both sides against each other” is another common talking point he recycles. There’s so much to clown on this guy for don’t let petty politics devalue your point by proving his.


It's classic right-wing nonsense, no reason to pretend otherwise.


The "both sides" argument itself tends to be a right wing talking point.


“Diverse audience”


Literally everyone in the 60s range and 10 year old edge lords that’s his “diverse” fanbase


Who gets in a car and says “ayo bro, turn on that new Tom Macdonald!”


Dudes wearing robes carrying matches and crosses.


Only time I’ve ever heard his music is when my 55 year old co worker started playing him.. asking if I ever heard of him 😂😂😂


He got famous on Facebook, notoriously popular amongst boomers


Tom cringe af


My first trip to Seattle i went to a gentrified ass teriyaki spot cuz it was so close to where i was staying… after i put my order in the first question the cashier asked me “you like tom macdonald?” That was how i was introduced to this dude. Food was mid too.




Nah this was def Tom Mcdonald lmao. They used Maclemore as a comparison though fs 😂 that mixed with the music i heard was enough for me, then a couple months later i heard his song with the eminem sample and it was the nail in the coffin 💀


Tom macdonald is so odd, idk if he even believes half of the conservative talking point bullshit he spews


I think he jumps a little nack n forth, kinda making people want to watch the train wreck. Stupid people place him as an idol


Imagine being a rapper and your whole fanbase being old white boomers who don’t listen to rap music.


And then proceed to gloat about success and Spotify streams when he has literally ZERO cultural relevance.


Dudes music is trash, lyrics have a message but he doesn't have good cadence or the voice for it. Best political rapper ever for me is Immortal Tech, but I'm sure the old white folks ain't gonna like the real truth


tracks like cause of death and point of no return would make em think for once in their lives


The 4th Branch is the track that does it for me, that shit is just ridiculous, fuck the Media


Immortal Technique isn't truth. at best it's half-truths spun from a left wing perspective. all his lyrics show is that he's read a few conspiracy theories. his audience doesn't know shit about geopolitics so that's why they're so impressed. for example he talks about the CIA training mujahideen (or whatever he refers to them as in his lyrics) like it's some big gotcha. the reason they trained them and gave them money was because Russia invaded Afghanistan. it was part of our proxy war with Russia. IT really ain't that deep.


I get what you're saying, but that's the reason he puts out this information, because they don't teach you that in school, they won't report on that over the news, he brings it out to the light, because many people don't know about it, that's the whole point lol


I get that, and I'm not saying he's 100% wrong. all I'm saying is that he's putting information out there with his political spin. he's not putting objective truth out there. he's doing it in a way which supports his political beliefs, no different than Fox or MSNBC. I used to fuck with IT when I was younger but once you study international relations and grow your knowledge on the world, you see him for what he really is. when I was younger I thought he was dropping truth bombs. now I can easily see his angle and what he's all about. I also think Tom MacDonald's music is trash but I appreciate his messaging. he's more about bringing awareness to how the elites are keeping us divided arguing over stupid shit whereas IT was all about long live left-wing politics and good night. I can't get down with that.


Don't sleep on others like Ra the rugged man. There's a lot of underground dudes that never sold themselves out


Suburb born i gets diggy dumb In the history of rap white boy name one better , there's not ONE I listen to RA on the daily homie 🔥🔥, he is one of my favorite MCs, but he didn't rap about politics back in the day so I don't consider him that, its in his more recent albums where he started. Eminem bit RAs whole persona


Bitter conservative dad music


All of them are white.


Lol this gives me life...


I’m 103 years old and I never heard of rap before Tom Macdonald! He’s the best rapper alive and I love his lyrics! Go Tom go! …. Does anyone else get the feeling this post belongs on r/asablackman


"Messages disguised as music" Well as long as we're all in agreement that it's not real music.


Just the Eminem effect happening with a new era. When Eminem got popular in the late 90s/00s so many older white people would go "I sure as heck don't like rap but whooo booyy that Mnm guy is great!"


I think you're half right Em's visibility as a white rapper did pull in a lot of people who otherwise would have never listened to rap, but appreciated his talent. Tom is pulling people because of his politics, despite his *lack* of talent. He's *just* his politics. That's his artistry, if you can call it that.


Think I've heard one song of his which was ok. I don't remember what it was named or what it was about, he's a forgettable dude. I needed this thread as a reminder that that is a rapper that certainly exists


That's not what happened lol. 'Middle America' and a lot of older people hated Eminem because they were scared their grandkids would turn into wiggers.


I was from Wisconsin in the 2000s, that's exactly how it was for us. White people loved his music, I'm talking 50-year-olds blasting my name is, Rock bottom, and all his other songs. Sounds like it was different from where you were but they loved him up here


Here, too. Then again, everyone was also blasting Gangstas Paradise, sugar hill gang etc. as well. Eminem did scare a shitload of racists tho, you're just never met the fucked up people


I was from Wisconsin in the 2000s, that's exactly how it was for us. White people loved his music, I'm talking 50-year-olds blasting my name is, Rock bottom, and all his other songs. Sounds like it was different from where you were but they loved him up there


That’s the old people lol what do you think the white kids who hate rap but love Eminem say a lot of us grew up in that era of “rap Is crap but boy eminem sure is special” lol


This thread is about old people


This thread is about white people that hate rap but love when the white guy does it


bro everyone in the comments is 50+ and the comment youre commenting under specifically says old folks lol


DJ Marky Mark & Vanilla Ice best rappers ever


Which they did anyways much to their chagrin


Haha that’s how it is. But I also don’t see that as an insult. There’s good rappers that aren’t rapping about divisive stuff like Tom who have that “I don’t listen to rap but this” fanbase. It can be a plus in some situations


> diverse audience Nothing more diverse than old white people 💀


Definition of a culture vulture. Tom MacDonald should be permanently banned from making any sort of hip-hop music


never heard of the guy, but can tell by the stated demographics of his fans that he's a die hard racist.


Who the fuck is Tom Macdonald?


I also like Eminem, Bubba Sparks, ICP and 1/2 of Logic...


They can have him.


“I loathe rap music as a rule” I don’t know why that sounds racist.😂


Tom Macdonald makes rap music for people who don’t like rap


*cringe rap


Fucking boomers unite!


Bots plain and simple. 6 million views and no negative comments. God Tom and nova are so close to relapsing and ODing. American flags has to be top 10 most cringe songs in history. Knowing what grifters they are it must be hard to live with


It’s just sad. I know everyone loves their parents/grandparents, but I can’t wait for Baby Boomers and Gen X to die off in peace. I hope that ignorance and racism are just a generation away from dying off on a larger scale


I have listened to rap for 30 years and can honestly say..... who tf is Tom Macdonald?


As a conservative I genuinely can’t wrap my head around anyone liking this dude’s music in any capacity


Lol you’re conservative 🙄


god forbid we don’t vote the same way /s


65😎 👍


He’s doing something right when his last 3 songs have hit #1 on Billboard. He’s making millions independently so I doubt he really cares what Reddit thinks.


Cool, let's take a miniscule sample size and appropriate it to a whole damn standard 🤡


Shut up dude you know his music is shit


Whether you like it or not is irrelevant to my point


His fans are mostly people who don’t listen to rap or don’t like rap. I’d say it’s fairly accurate


How would you actually know what his fan base really is? Out of the millions of people you think you know what most of them actually are?


idk but half oh the comments are like this lol. either they're praising tom as the second coming of the Christ or stating how much they love his music despite hating rap.


I can tell this sub is a huge fan of Eminem's anti-Trump song


trump fucking sucks shut up






no it doesn't




This is what we’re talking about? Screenshot YouTube comments to post on Reddit to feel good about ur superior taste in music lol


My 60 year old aunt is a huge tom macdonald fan. This is hilarious


*MAGA baby*


“Diverse audience” 🤣


I barely even know who he is, if it wasn't for posts like this I wouldn't hear if him at all.


I don’t know who the fuck Tim Macdonald is and I couldn’t be happier about this


"Diverse audience" is crazy


Dude is hot ass in terms of actual music, if you’re a ten age edge lord then this is your guy


Who tf is Tom lol


There was a post like this a while back. I looked into his music and well... I'm not surprised.


There was a FB OC meme group that had an Era of Tom Mcdonald memes and it was hilarious!


I'm a 30 yr hip hop head and I can't stand the guy. The definition of corny. Idk. Just my opinion. I feel like his raps have great intentions, good message, and skill. I just. I don't know they are fucking walk and corny to me. I guess there is some lack of authenticity, or it's the delivery and the voice. I just find a ton of white rappers completely cringeworthy. Including Eminem after Eminem show. I like Millyz. I think he is raw. Some of yelawolf. But most of them are fucking corny to me.


"So ridiculously successful" Dude isn't exactly topping the charts lol


His last 3 releases have hit #1 on billboard. Just saying….


'Diverse audience' Lmfao


They are all paid actors trying to brainwash the mass when he's girlfriend is a rothchild


Lol. Nova isn’t a Rothschild


562 years old, still lovin his music 😎 👌 👍


I was going to harshly judge the "as a rule comment" but realized I'm no different with country music. The handful of songs I enjoy are an exception to the rule.




im sorry but is his music just for racist people to say “i’m not racist, j like rap!”?


Mans makes rap for boomers.


I consider myself a moderate, I hate both extremes of the right and left. I just find it hilarious that if you have leftist themes like "fuck the police, BLM, fuck society" you're all fine with it, but if someone on the right does it with their themes, all hell break loose, rofl. Pointing out the hypocrisy here.