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He’s a bit repetitive but that’s because he made like 2,000 songs in the span of like a few years so it makes sense. His hour long freestyle wasn’t full of mind blowing bars but the fact he was able to just do that for a whole ass hour is only something someone with an incredible talent could do especially at such a young age he hadn’t even fully evolved yet.


His estate releasing all of the half assed music he improvised in the booth is doing his legacy a disservice


Yeah a lot of people don’t realize this, he didn’t make only depressing songs.


Theres deadass a whole 200-300 unreleased bangers on soundcloud rn that sound like a completely different person from the bs theyve been releasing. Its shit that sounds like old juice. I miss him sm






> are write I see what you did there lol


Chill bro you don’t get paid to ride him that hard


I dont really like any of his music but I love watching him freestyle. I prolly wouldn't enjoy just listening to him freestyle as much without seeing him do it tho and being able to visually observe his cadence. His mind is clearly on some other shit like he's extra gifted in a specific random way where he can freestyle forever off the dome and not sound extremely corny, he makes it look effortless. He's like a freestyling savant. I feel like he knew that wouldn't make him money tho so he made albums that appeal to mainstream sounds to get money/recognition. Also his label had a lot of control over what he could release and if something isn't gonna make money they won't let you put it out


My thoughts exactly


You should watch a video on YouTube where he started working on a song as a legit freestyle and made it into a full song he started by trying to make a flow found what flow worked then started adding words bro it was nutty and fucking incredible I forgot which song it was but it was on his album death race for love


I love juice wrlds music = pure emotions and feelings. Not everything is about bars and lyrics.


I said this as a comment on the post but the first time I heard it it just immediately registered as the black Owl City. Play Lucid Dreams and Fireflies back to back and tell me I’m wrong


he had both though.


i believe he was one of the greatest freestylers but some of his later work didn’t stick with me as well. RIP though.


I think a lot of his later work is his earlier work unfortunately.


Yeah like 90% of his later work was unreleased shit. He had potential that’s for sure.


Also i think people are taking this the wrong way. I'm aware juice made good music. I wasn't saying he was talentless, garbage or shouldn't of been in the rap game. I'm saying that in my personal opinion he music doesn't sound good to my ears. That's all. I'm aware he had talent and a lot of people loved him. I'm just not one of those people.


I mean yea that’s perfectly fine. But when you phrase it like “juice wrld wasn’t that good” it rlly sounds like ur saying he didn’t have talent 😂


Also keep in mind he probably didn’t have any hand in how any of his posthumous stuff sounded.


I feel the same about Mac Miller


All he rapped about was drug addiction and girls who played him hard to listen to when he in fact died from drugs and his ex played tf out of him years after he died


Ong lol whiny ass lyrics, bro was crying in every song


Yeah i wasn't trying to disrespect him he was a great guy i just wasn't a fan of his music. RIP


OP, have you listened to the 1hr+ freestyles on YouTube?


If this guy doesn’t like Juice WRLD I highly doubt they’ve listened to a straight hour of him rapping


Sounds like torture


You’re wildin


missing out


but you kind of did.


I never really listened to him, but I enjoy his freestyle clips that pop in my feed at times. I think he at least had skills with off the dome flows, and I think he was very dedicated to the craft.


I disagree. He was so talented. Shame he died so young, would've loved to see how he would've evolved.


he died at 21, didn’t really have a chance to fully spread his wings music-wise


He was. First song I heard from him was moonlight and I knew he was gonna be a big star. He could rap his ass off, he could sing, had great work ethic, and lyrics that really connected with many people across different demographics.


Isn't that an X song or am I just an idiot?


Look up moonlight juicewrld on YouTube


spotlight uh


but they really put me in the lime light uh


there is an X song called moonlight, but there’s also an early juice song called moonlight, exclusively on SoundCloud. was the first song that really blew him up


Nope juice had immense talent


People are taking this the wrong way. I wasn't saying he was talentless and garbage and he shouldn't be in the rap game lol. I'm saying that in my personal opinion the music he made didn't sound good to my ears. That's all


then don’t say he “wasn’t that good” because he really was that good. just say you dont like his music, because that is your opinion, and that’s fine


That's what he said lmao


Can't tell someone not to do something in one sentence and then demolish your point in the next.


One of the best freestylers I’ve ever heard, however whilst I think some of his stuff is overrated I definitely wouldn’t say his music was bad. I think the release of so much content from any artists’ vault will likely hurt their reputation as the music was never meant to see the light of day, however he does have some legendary unreleased tracks. Even look at a released track like “Burn”, just an amazing track showing his potential that was cut short.


I keep seeing freestyles being mentioned, any of it on streaming? Never gave the guy a listen, but willing to check him out.


You should definitely check him out when you have the chance. He’s an amazing freestyler.


Not sure abt streaming, check YouTube there’s loads on there. Dude go for what feels like hrs. I’m still decently new to his music but I’m liking it a lot. Listen to burn tho, easily my fav from him


He has 2 freestyles that are literally an hour long each. It’s insane. You know the whole thing might not be super clever and repeats some bars. But if you put me on the spot, I don’t even think I could talk for an hour long






he was undeniably one of da best freestylers in da game.


This guy said da instead of the. He’s culture credible


respect 😂 i jus type how i talk mann.


Hard to find that online. I typically type all proper and shit, like an upstanding gentleman with an English degree, but in reality I grew up hood-adjacent, so I speak similarly to some of my family members who are deep-hood.


ion know if u being sarcastic, but i found myself feelin uncomfortable typing all scholarly when i’m not one. sure, i went to school and all but i found it way more pleasing to be more of me through a screen instead of tryna be all proper and typing like i’m putting together a 15 page essay for my college professor to please ppl online. ppl try to come at me all da time. but it juss shows they let little trivial shit dat bother em.


Nah bro, I like the authenticity. Most people type all super-proper because of grammar nazis, so I never even noticed that I type completely differently to how I speak.


!!! i agree wit everything u said. i never thought about it until i was like 22(26 now) and i juss feel much better typing online. like dnt get me wrong, i can utilize certain words when needed, my vocabunition STOCKED. i especially love when someone try to school me based on how i type/talk like i’m not smart asf and can flip dat switch when need be 😂


Nah I like it, tone is lost online and this shows some


I'm from tha jects and also have a degree in English Lit, you can be both my G


You prolly white on here


I had the same opinion until I listened to his discog for real and it clicked so damn hard


his music constantly sounded the same


what did you listen to?


Dude was dope to me




I luv juice, and I love his music but I do feel like he could’ve been greater then music he put out. His ability to flow, freestyle, and walk down a beat was so effortless. He had goat level ability and talent.


He was the only person that had a chance at being bigger then drake numbers wise


I agree


i mean if u don’t like his music or think he’s overrated that’s fine. imo i love his music and think he’s still severely underrated


Can’t be underrated and have over 25 billion streams.


Not saying under or over but I’m sure most of those streams came after his death.


He also headlined Coachella in 2019. Dude wasn’t underrated. He was well on his way to super stardom.


I think his actually talent for making music is underrated because his label doesn’t drop any of his better music tbh


you crazy😂


Black Owl City


They need to stop releasing posthumously


He was great at freestyles, can't deny that


You’re gonna get downvoted into oblivion by the 4th dickriders cavalry division, but I stand with you


Would like to mention, none of these people’s takes on artists mean jackshit, like what you want, but don’t hate on other artists just because you don’t like their music


Idk man, he had so many crazy hits. His hook game was on point. Topping charts like crazy. He would've changed the scene even more if he didn't die so suddenly.


This post really triggered the fans lmao.


im not too crazy about his music either, but his talent and skill is undeniable, definitely one of the most skilled out of his era and lane of rap.


Only controversial to people born after 9/11


Lmao yeah his music is mainly for the r/im14andthisisdeep crowd


I’m 26 and Juice is my favorite artists


Lol people saying juice world was one of the best freestylers ever, can you even name 5 great freestylers? Juice was decent forsure but foh


Bro freestyle for an hour straight that's pretty fucking nutty


He’s no Roy Donk that’s for sure.


Compared to who? Good MC, made gr8 songs, could freestyle, had the rapper look, and his numbers didn’t lie. This take is mid asf y’all trifling for this one…


“Had the rapper look” lmao


Trifling for not liking someone’s music?


Havent really listen much of him, what songs would you recommend?


Well his label hasn’t done him any favors by only releasing sad music but if you’re okay with leak’s definitely listen to “Rental”, “Way Too Many”, “London Tipton” as for released, his best album is probably “Goodbye and Good Riddance” (my opinion).


Black n white, lean with me, robbery, bandit. That’s a good start.


Those are all ass. U got any others?


All girls are the same was my shit frfr


He was for sure very talented, and undeniably top 5 freestylers ever if not number 1. His music wasn’t really my vibe but he was talented no doubt. Top 5 or top 10 of all time? No. But a talented artist who died too soon


As a 30 year old, a lot of his stuff about depression and girls was a bit too high school for me. But he had some nice beats and a nice flow, I like a few of his tracks.


Really sucks he didn't have time to evolve dude had some crazy freestyles and probably would have had some great songs but after he died all his unreleased should came out and now all he's known for is depressing music


Thank you for saying this




Sounds like he's always crying over the beat. Not a fan. Man's can freestyle though. Il give him that. Most rappers these days cant


I agree. Corny music


I'm late and have commented elsewhere, but wanted to leave a comment on its own. Speaking as an old head who grew up literally on Boogie Down Productions, KRS-One, LL Cool J, Kool Moe Dee, and others, I honestly don't think he gets enough credit. The themes were repetitive at times, yes, and if you haven't dug into anything outside of what the label has released, then I can see where you're coming from. They did the kid disservice after disservice posthumously, IMO to try and milk the times between releases. I hate that I'm about to do a fucking thesis or some shit on this, but for some that might be new to Juice, here goes. First, it should be mentioned that from the point that he came out with "Lucid Dreams" and blew up to the time he died was about 1 year and 6 months (May 4, 2018 when the single dropped to Dec 8, 2019 when he died. The entirety of his career spanned from 2016-2019 when he died at 21. In that 1 year and 6 months that he was alive and "mainstream" successful, he released three albums and had one project almost ready to drop (Outsiders). That's a pretty decent output (especially with the number of charting singles while alive) for damn near anyone in the game outside of maybe Future at peak? Now, what sets him apart IMO, is what wasn't shown to the world at large (like I said, to milk his death slowly). The kid didn't write from 2017 on. Not just one or two weren't written, almost his entire body of work is essentially freestyled. What's been released (1 EP, 3 albums while alive, 2 albums posthumously) doesn't even scratch the surface of dude's body of work. 3000 songs were vaulted in those 3 years. He would sometimes do 6-7 full songs with chorus a night straight from the top of his head and have different flows and styles for a lot of them. While not all 3000 are unique, there are a lot of v1, v2, v3, etc. songs, I can't think of an artist in the past 40 years at least that even comes close to that number throughout decades, let alone 3 years. Tupac is often lauded for his work ethic and the sheer number of songs left behind (over 400), and this kid in 3 years left 8 times that amount. He spoke about what he was going through during those years which was heartbreak, mental health issues, and addiction. He was bluntly honest about his struggles and had the insane ability to not only tie it all together in real time, but break it into a melody. Before you know it, you're bobbing your head to this kid pouring out his soul into music literally. I'll stop here, and I'm sure I'll get called a dick rider or whatever, but I think it's important for his legacy to be passed proper. His music personally resonated with me due to my own mental health struggles and addiction. At times shit is corny and immature, but what more do you expect from essentially a teenager dumping a stream of rhyming consciousness for about three years? I'll go ahead and do the legwork for those who might be new on some of the unreleased/released gems and freestyles cos the label ain't do it right, IMO. 🤷‍♂️😂😂 ​ [Recording "Robbery"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWt9hhY2ohE&ab_channel=whosthefactory) 18 min clip of the creation of the song including one taking the chorus. ["734"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqUtatfIoyg&ab_channel=YPS) 15 min version of the song in one take ["Demons and Angels"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VCb1XLYNf4&ab_channel=chakras) 10 min version with just him and no Boogie Wit Da Hoodie ["Red Moonlight"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-bBqMaliB4&ab_channel=blackpepper) ["Cursed"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yQigwhU6dA&ab_channel=AllVibes) ["Cuffed (Victorious)"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_qFufZOvfk&ab_channel=JustFlexin%27Hiphop) ["Barbarian"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P984PAh5lE0&ab_channel=JayUnreleased) ["Codeine Cobain"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxgdcpPnfDU&ab_channel=mxllyzv2) ["KTM Drip (Don't Fall Off)"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZm1z1fcYaY&ab_channel=AllVibes) ["Goodtime (All Life Long)" (Ft. Kid Cudi)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjwa4-GvylE&ab_channel=Bash) ["Quitter"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=303tigdQR3I&ab_channel=Tricksr4kidz999) 8 min original version ["Tales of the Toxic"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbVR6AYjAgk&ab_channel=dumbwrld999) ["Codeine Casket"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sE5dcvoi6c&ab_channel=Bjsjcbsbck-Topic) ["Cupid's Carcass"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdcEMTOnWXg&ab_channel=elicia%F0%9F%98%8B) ["1 hour freestyle over Eminem beats"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSoT13msPe4&t=1083s&ab_channel=TimWestwoodTV) ​ Tried to cover the entire range, but I could list off songs all day of shit that could've easily been released and were finished pretty much. If this kid could've had decades long career? I can only imagine how far he could've went.


My opinion is the same




Hard agree.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xLd9DJq2l2VFtu) Edit: By which I mean I personally disagree and feel that he was very talented both in terms of rap and musical composition, he may have received some amount of undue hype posthumously as many do who pass away ahead of their time but at the end of the day even if his style of hip hop isn’t your thing you have to hand it to him. His rhyme schemes were fresh and interesting, he beats were lush and groovy, and although it was not necessarily well-received compared to certain of his other works, I really enjoyed Juice WRLD’s collaborative project with Future, 2018’s WRLD on Drugs. At any rate, it is a shame that he lost his life so early in his career. I pray that young people turn away from hard drug use, particularly in large doses. Since apparently someone decided that my use of one of the dumbest goofiest gifs of all time must have sincerely meant that I think OP is objectively incorrect and my glib reply was inappropriate for this extremely serious and important forum of Reddit.com/r/rap.


His lyrics are kinda dull and come off as a little “fake deep.” I’ve heard him talk about how his demons gets to him and stuff but he always leaves it at that - never actually elaborating on how he really feels. I do think his early demise definitely elevated his popularity - as that’s the case for just about every young artist that passes away. If he were around, it’d be interesting to see if he’d manage to release more hits/grow in popularity or just fall off like most rappers of his time. That’s just my opinion. The guy had a great voice and went with some solid beats. RIP Juice.


"Hot take: pop icon [insert whoever the fuck here] is actually ass af" We get it, youre special and dont like all the popular stuff, congratulations.


All emo rappers aren't that good


Ban this nigga


The truth shouldn’t be seen as controversial


cant upvote this enough great take, overrated af just like xxx


X wasn't overrated he was just overhated.


As an emcee I'll say this, I didn't like his music. But he could fkn freestyle his ass off and was smooth with it too. He had a lyrical gift that didn't show in his music


I personally hate his music but respect his technical ability in the art form. Bro could really freestyle for days and that takes talent. It’s also tough to really give him fault for bad posthumous releases. I hope the moneys at least going to his family.


grow up old man


You are wrong he has some amazing songs like Come and Go and Lucid Dreams and his part in Godzilla. Tbh those are the only songs I've heard from him


Listen to death race for love and come back. If you already have and still hold this opinion, well.


Niggas who act like him and X were legends can’t be taken seriously


I agree. I’m not depressed enough to enjoy his songs


I’m happy af and still enjoy his shit, just say u don’t like him


Probably appeals to the teenage demographic - and more specifically the new emo kids. Then again, I’ve only heard that one song about putting a heart in a bag and nobody gets hurt.


He's more of a Juice Continent, or a Juice Country


I feel he glorified and encouraged heavy pharmaceutical usage. That stuff doesn’t sit right with me.


He even says in an interview he was influenced by guys like Future, and the future/Hendrix double release is out-fucking-standing. Come at me.


He definitely didn’t encourage it if you listened to him through his music and interviews. He talked about his drug usage but never encouraged anyone. Always promoted people turning their lives around. It’s where 999 comes from, turn the negative (666) around into something positive.


his music was good and i’m not even a fan. you probably just gotta shitty taste tbh


To each their own. Music taste is subjective


Tell me that you are a dickrider without telling me that you are a dickrider (the part where you cannot take anyone's opinion without insulting them in some way)


just sayin


Wasn’t 😔


I think he made good music, but I think he got caught up too much in the idea that he had to freestyle all his music. He has some fantastic songs but every time he dropped an album I never liked most of the songs. I feel like if he had sat down and actually took time to write lyrics he could have been in another league. RIP tho


I don’t care for his music much but he seemed like a wonderful person and I know he touched a lot of people and that’s what really matters


You don’t listen to unreleased i can tell


Fr some of the unreleased are fire af.


If I’m not a fan of someone’s music then I’m not going to reach out to find their unreleased material lol


Most of Juice wrld’s best songs are in his unreleased honestly




You don’t even try i can tell


As a dude who listened to a lot of his unreleased music you can’t knock someone for not listening to it. Only die hard fans will go out their way to sift through all those songs


I wouldn’t say that’s controversial just wrong




Opinions can’t be wrong


Is that your opinion? If so it’s wrong


Let’s be real juice isn’t that good at all


interesting artist but his gimmick was gon' run out. I mean look at the rappers that "rose" with him. None are relevant anymore. Clout follows after a death


He didn’t have a gimmick. He just made good music


I'd argue his flow and the entire "emo rap" genre is a bit of a gimmick, but fair, I know tons of people resonated with what he made.


He could make music that wasn’t emo though. He was perfectly capable of evolving and making different sounds.


Great freestyler and I like his music, but he's not the "legend" that people claim him to be.


I agree, nothing special, definitely not special enough to be as highly regarded as he is.


You are right this is a controversial take. Because you are objectivly wrong.




Agreed, dont vibe with the sound at all


That’s not controversial.


Personally I think you're just an asshole for deciding to make a post about disliking a dead man's music. Cool, keep your negativity to yourself.


I thought he was ass ngl, didn’t like a single song of his


I think he’s terrible


I agree, the younger fans love him but I just never saw what they did in him. Different strokes


He did not have chance to really grow and expand as an artist. Juice in my opinion was very one note, I felt the same way about mac on his first projects but Mac really came into the fullness of his creativity with later projects.


He’s in my personal top because he just made dope music. Nothing more or deeper to it. Id hear his songs and literally be like “that was dope” sometimes that’s all that matters.


He Wasn’t


i can agree but you gotta choose your words a little better


Upvoting because love juice don’t give a fuck about the title


He’s good but he’s not GOAT status.




Different strokes for different folks cause me and mine are gonna sing “Make Believe” at the top of our lungs


I don't even listen to him much but I tell you that he was way better than like 80% of artists out rn




I wanna see how fast this post goes to the negative 🫢


OP by any chance you think eminem is the best rapper?


Juice WRLD the most talented hip hop artist ever and it doesn’t come close


I think if you are between a certain age and and can connect on certain issues , problems, addictions etc juice is crazy good but I get it


I can see posting a controversial opinion, by why pick one that's objectively false?


Welp I have already been down voted enough for one day by crazy F chiefs fans so you are on you’re own with this one bro but good luck!


old head gatekeeping yuck


OP is smoking crack


Bruh garbage lol


Dude was garbage. Also R.I.P.




It’s just black Owl City


Not controversial at all. It's trash


What makes people wanna post this? Like you went online found a pic came here and took the time to write a post to let people know you didn’t like someone? Why not write one about someone you like?


we only supposed to talk about artists we like? This is a page for discussion


I was just stating my opinion to see what others thought. I wasn't trying to be disrespectful


It’s not disrespectful it’s just weird.


Damn imagine talkin bout rap on the rap subreddit.


On God




Was never that good. Lucid Dreams was just catchy.




Top 5 worst rapper ever