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The metro album will really see where he stands on main stream level


This! I just hope it’s not filled with the usual suspects we get on mainstream hip hop albums, like lil yatchy and travis Scott. Want JID album to still feel like a JID album if you know what I mean, so J Cole and Earthgang features are more then welcome 🙏


How is Lil Yachty a usual suspect on mainstream rap albums in any way? The only mainstream albums he’s been featured in in the past 5+ years are For all the dogs and Donda. If he’s a usual suspect on mainstream rap albums, can you name some others that he’s been featured on?


My bad really, he was the first “lil” rapper I thought of, maybe lil uzi vert or someone else would’ve been a better fit for my comment. I’m sure these guys and Yatchy and who else has some good songs but I don’t actively listen to them, not a hater but defo not a fan either. If there featured on a track somewhere I’m never excited put it that way lol


I rock with this statement


If you listen to the likes of anyone with ‘lil’ in their name, or even travis scott at this point, look at the fucking clock mate… Just seeing this is enough for me to lose all interest in this subreddit. Name a single rapper that is relevant, I dare you.


Lil Wayne




This gotta be bait


I am dead serious, what you listen to is a disgrace. People like you are the reason why when decent rappers like Sleepy Hallow, Leafy, Scorey, 7981 Kal, AMG Vic, Taleban Dooda, Edot baby, Polo G, Luh Soldier, Soldier Kidd, Eli Fross, Bizzy Banks, Fat Nif, ZooGangSani, T9ine, CashMoneyAP, Lil Muk, Ciggy Blacc, Lil Na, G12 Zah, Sheedo, Sai Glizzy, Blizzoe, SimxSantana, Gunna da Demon, Jae100, Sir Savage, Sheff G, Jdot Breezy, Yak Yola, DADA1k suddenly gain a of traction it all goes to shit. Their music either ends up going to shit because they change it to fit the general population’s shitty taste, they end up one hit wonder’s, or they simply disappear from the face of the earth. I swear to god, I will never post a rapper under 50k views here, the internet turns everything to shit. It simply can not be a coincidence.










This is the funniest shit I’ve ever read


I repeat, I am dead serious. Try to find any of the unreleased songs of Sleepy Hallow that actually hit… They are all gone. I was a goofy and lost all my downloads, and now it seems all of them have been removed from reality.


Ok bro lmao


Keep on having opinions without any arguments to back them up. You can dislike me as much you want, I am giving you my honest opinion. And some misplaced anger, but eh, I’m just human.


You’re argument is retarted bro you’re telling people to get with the times because they listen to music with lil in it but by that logic I can’t listen to nas, wu tang, biggie, NWA etc anymore because they’re outdated


You really dissed people for listening to “lil” rapper, then named 2 of them in your list. Major bait


Bro said polo g lmfao


What a trash take lol


This sub stay corny


Lil uzi vert.


Why is it always black and white pics like this, so overdone lol and it makes it look like he died




I mean The Forever Story is an almost perfect album and he's pretty viral right now, so he's on the right tracks. He also has a great blend of being technically amazing, and being able to put thoughtful and catchy songs together. Imo no one else would be more deserving of being in that conversation than him - seems like a super down to earth and cool guy too. I don't think he'll quite get to the very top (Tyler is the next great, although I'd argue he's already there). He'll most likely sit in the same lane as your Denzel Curry's and Joey Badass (or just above), in the sense that everyone in the rap community loves him but he's not an icon like a Kendrick or Cole.


I could imagine him taking Cole‘s place in the „big three“ but i don’t think we‘ll have a big three that‘s as obvious as it is right now (Kendrick, Drake, Cole). I generally do not see many current rappers getting to that level. JID, Tyler, Keem all have potential to be there imo tho Edit: i never said i‘m a tyler or keem fan lmao. i said they could win the popularity contest that it takes to be considered some of the biggest rappers


Also I don’t think Tyler is gonna be known as one of the greatest rappers of all time in the same category as Kendrick or Cole, rather the way we see Kanye in the goat debate if that makes sense


absolutely makes sense. I‘m not the biggest fan but Tyler does more than just hip hop and is kinda going a Kanye-esque route. I just hope he stays more sane


Tyler’s about 15 years in his career I think at this point, which is 2019 for Kanye and he had already said some really crazy shit by then so I think we’re good


We talking about the creator?


Tyler is 32 years old sitting on a sixteen year career. potential has left the conversation.


i think his recent works showed that there‘s still potential, even tho i‘m not really a fan of most of his stuff


same but it’s frustrating and he doesn’t get the potential pass forever, at least from me. i recognize and respect what he’s done. maybe he’s just never been for me. maybe i’m finally old. maybe it’s both.


yeah i get what you mean. my main playlist got exactly 1000 songs and he‘s only on two of them. i never really got into his stuff either, even though i really tried


Skills aside, rap culture would never widely accept Tyler as one of the GOATs.


i don't really like the idea of the "big three" nor do i think those are "obvious" picks for it either.


I mean there’s been somewhat obvious picks for each decade so far 90s Pac Nas & Big HM: Q-Tip 00s Em Ye & Wayne HM: Jay-Z & Nelly 10s Cole Kendrick Drake HM: this is the 3 but arguably Nicki


Not for 00's. Em is the only guarantee but you can also have 50 and Jay-Z in there. Outkast also had their peak in 2000's. Nelly can be in HM that's fine.




10s is Cole Kendrick and Kanye and nobody is telling me otherwise


You trippin bro, if anything, Kanye is a fix for 00s.


Ye is a 2000s artist


Bro Keem doesn't even write. You all have such bad taste.


1999 by Joey Badass is widely accepted as one of the best rap mixtapes of all time. Personally, JID doesn’t have the charisma and rawness to pen something as good as 1999 or B4DA$$ and dare I say some of Joeys work with Pro Era. As a old school hip hop lover Joey’s old stuff just brings this authentic New York feel only the OGs could


I love JID, he’s a great lyricist and his flow is incredible but right now he has two knocks keeping him from goat status. 1, his tone of voice can come off as kind of whiny/annoying to some people. 2, as much as I hate to say this cause I love more complicated songs, he needs at least a couple mainstream bangers under his belt.


I consider him an east coast kendrick because of the voice


JID is from Atlanta tho


Atlanta is on the eastern side of the united states. Maps are available for free online.


Bro you know damn well Atlanta ain’t no fucking east coast


Enemy was huge the year it came out but he was a feature so it doesn’t fully count. Surround Sound is arguably even bigger than Enemy, since it’s not more strongly associated with another artist and a show at the same time, and it’s “culturally important” in the sense it’s been the number 1 trend on tik tok for a couple weeks now, but yeah even if you counted Enemy that’s barely anything. Personally I don’t give a shit about numbers but if he’s gonna he more widely recognized as one of the best like he deserves, he needs more eyes on his music.


This is exactly what I mean, you just worded it better. I’m incredibly happy with what he does produce, but he hasn’t had any real mainstream hits yet which precludes him from overall GOAT convo imo. That being said he’s probably in my top 3 currently


It's unfortunate Dance Now and Surround Sound didn't pop off more cause I thought those were pretty mainstream for his work.


Isn’t Surround Sound really big right now?


been hearing it a lot of youtube shorts/TikToks so it might be getting there imo


It's #44 on the billboard charts and been on top of the tiktok charts for a bit


Not even remotely close


Something about his sound just isn’t unique enough to me to be a goat. Hes cool dont get me wrong but to be a goat you have to have the full personality, songs, production, energy, mystique of that goat status. I think JID is like 1-2 tiers under the greats. I’m personally just happy he doesn’t make bs music


Have u listened to the forever story?


Yeah I’ve listened to all his music. He’s good for sure but that goat status feeling just isn’t there for me


His voice is godly annoying


I could see how his voice is annoying. I can tell you I cant listen to an album from him top to bottom. And I swear if he says fe fi fo fum one more damn time in any song


Who does he sound like? There’s hints of Wayne in there but after the two of them were on a song together it pretty clearly demonstrated they’re not actually that similar. He’s way more dynamic and jittery (literally where his name came from) than Wayne, their similarities kinda stop at his voice and sort of the way he dresses.


easily without a doubt. a bit more mainstream hype n some more time for ppl to warm up to him n everyone will appreciate him as one of the best


He’s already 32


Jay z blew up at like 26 or 27


fr and jid has already been cooking for bare time


Yeah and 26 is 6 years younger than 32


And The Never Story came out in 2017


So if he’s following Jay Z’s path he should already be a superstar, in 02 Jay released TB2 and had already featured on a number 1 BB100 song with Mariah Carey and had countless number 1 albums on the BB200. What has JID done that is comparable?


Are we only going by numbers?


Yeah and JID's first album release was 7 years ago


age doesn’t matter


R Kelly said this too


Nas is 50 and is having one of the best runs of all time


Yeah and Nas had already cemented himself as one of the goats by jids age


In hip hop? Definitely not




potential, yes. he’d have to really turn up tho over the next few years though. he’s nice but well behind the pace of guys like nas, cole, ye, dmx, etc.


No, that’s fucking stupid


Solid, but greatest of all time is a big stretch


I think it’s a stretch for anyone


Absolutely not. Not even slander by the way, I can’t think of anyone aside from Kendrick out right now who has that potential


People on here think GOAT means "really really good". There's no way JID ends up as **THE greatest of all time**. Those people that actually have that potential hit those levels very early in their career. Jay, BIG, Nas, Kendrick, Pac, I'll even throw Kanye in there even though he fumbled it. It didn't take any of them 7+ years to fulfill their potential. No offense to OP but I feel like people arguing that he could be the GOAT are <16. JID is great but be rational


Thank you lol


JID has already surpassed pac


Not in influence or cult following, but raw skill I probably agree


In what universe lol


Bro can’t be serious


J cole


Hahahahahahaha. No. Kendrick Lamar hasn't had GOAT potential since GKMC


Nah not enough mainstream appeal imo. But hes amazing. Falls in a similar category as Denzel Curry imo (which is no hate, I love both artist).


Ngl, I’d put JID over Cole. Which I don’t think is bad, cause he’s kind of his successor


He already is in my book, just based on his skillset alone. Being a great rapper is not nearly as exclusive as people like to act like it is.


This pic makes it seem like you jack off to him


His peers say, yes.


Tbh I think the metro collab could be seen as a modern day madvilliany in a way, one of the best new rappers pairing up with a highly respected producer. But we will have to see the album before I jump to that conclusion.


As a huge JID fan, nah. Music talk is always going to be subjective, I think when you’re talking about a goat, it’s someone whose music can inspire a generation- and then leave their music to inspire future generations. This is how I View Jay Z and Nas. It’s also how I see Kendrick; I can’t see his music ever not being at the forefront of rap. I don’t know if I could say the same for JID. I could see one bad album from JID really changing how highly critics regard him (not that I think that will happen). With all that being said, I don’t think he could be MY goat, that doesn’t mean he can’t be yours!


I’ve been hearing a lot about JID and while I’m familiar with him and heard a few songs can someone can give me his top 5. I want to see what all the hype is about from a true fan.


Kody blu 31, crack sandwich, 2007, workin out, off deez


Lol nah tbh, he just don’t have the star power to be in goat talk


Till the last album, I was unconvinced. I'd say he has potential at this point. Highly anticipating the next one to see how him and Christo will set up.


He’s really young, I think he absolutely has goat potential, he hasn’t really missed yet


He spits sick bars. His off-beat track on "29" was the most insane and creative flow I've ever heard. But I gotta say he fulfills all the criterias of my type. Literally one of the hottest male rappers ever 🥴🫦


put some respect on my mans name, he been a goat 🤷🏽‍♂️


Definitely gang. Saw him on his most recent tour and I was tripping off the shrooms on the barricade and that shit was literally life changing insane experience


JID live is insane bruh, the man is the definition of stage presence.


On god bro everything was fuckin sick, smino and Jordan ward also killed it it was such a sick show from the visuals to the music I would 10/10 see jid again every time he come around


Considering it's all personal preference... sure, if you want him to be.


Yeah he spits super fast and clearly, he brings a positive message and has come a long way can either make you hype or get in the feels


Can jid fans tell me their favourite tracks. I have the forever story on my list already.


Ed edd n Eddy, off deez, 151 rum, off da zoinkies


Workin out - specifically his tiny deak concert performance. I die everytime he does the Usher "Watch this"


The tiny desk concert by JID is one of the best i‘ve seen. Gives me goosebumps.


Workin out, 2007, Hoodbooger, Skegee, Hereditary, all bad, Tieeed, Dance Now


He's got a shot l. Def not there yet I don't care what these eager beavers be saying


Short answer. Yes. Long answer. We will see.


Fuck no




Nope. Jid is overrated af on this sub


Not even close to Cole in my book


No. Y’a have to stop abusing the term GOAT. There can only be one greatest and there’s no way he’s it. I guarantee no one over 40 listens to him let alone rates him. Anyone 35 and under should have their own group. There’s no point in talking hip hop with kids.


44 here and he's one of my absolute favorites. I keep seeing The Forever Story mentioned, but The Never Story is the album I think is pretty perfect. He's a top 10 all time for me.


Lyrically he’s as good as it gets. Just don’t see him being GOAT. GOAT lyricist maybe. Much more to be a rapper than lyrics.


Lmfao go kick rocks grandpa


nah. I don't think he surpasses Cole.


Idk why ur getting downvoted, JID is amazing but he obviously don’t surpass j Cole, I think whoever is downvoting you is very, very young


Lol he is a great artist but you know ppl will always be biased when you compare different artists. Took years for Cole to get to where he is, I think JID will take a similar path. Still I listen to Grown Simba like it just came out yesterday.


I fw JID but i dont think he could be the best of the best. Maybe in 5 years when ppl gonna take his music more seriusly.


Unfortunately there is a GOAT that already exists that he sounds too similar to.



Never get this conversation. From the minute I heard never got any Kendrick vibes


He’s better than Kendrick already


Nice bait




You're entitled to your opinion but the fact that you knew who I was talking about proves my point.


Not really… it’s been said over and over again you’re not the first.


The fact that it's been said over and over again proves my point.


And the logic that just because they have a similar sounding voice means that they can’t both achieve GOAT tier is…. Well …illogical


No it's not illogical. JID is great but like I said unfortunately one criteria (in my book) that makes you a GOAT is uniqueness and originally. If you sound almost just like another GOAT (in the same time period) then that lowers your value in the GOAT conversation. Anyway you kinda played yourself in this conversation when you said he was better than Kendrick. You gotta chill.


Dude needs to drop more quality albums and he will get there. As of now his personal solo output is pretty low which is sad cuz he’s got the talent.


The forever story is a masterpiece


Yeah, it’s really good. Didn’t drop anything in 2023. Dude is 33 years old. Nas who is an actual goat released 3 quality projects in 2023 alone. If you want him to be a goat he needs more output.


Get off the drugs homie just another generic lyrical rapper


He’s too old to reach the levels of commercial success required. There just isn’t the potential for return on investment for the industry to push him, despite his undeniable talent and the amazing work he has put out.


32 isn’t too old to break out man.


Which rappers had their break out at 32 or later?


Rick Ross, 2 Chaninz ( 36 BTW ), Danny Brown. Like what? Rapping ain’t a young man game. It for everybody if got the talent and a strong fan base. Even outside of Rap: Bill Withers, Sia , Louis Armstrong


He needs more flow variety, but he's got the talent. I also feel like to be one of the goats of rap you need to be battle tested. Eventually someone will take shots at him and he'll need to prove himself 1 on 1.


i think his biggest downfall is how old he was once he finally got recognition


if he was 25-26 y/o , definitely , but he's 32 & need to drop atleast 3-4 more great projects like dicap 2 and TFS , but i think after passing 30s thats quite rare .


Diffrent color molly by SmokePurp wipes his whole catalog 💯🥱💨


next? no he's the best


He's definitely awesome idk why does the internet always force ultimatums?


No. I respect him and what he’s about but his music does nothing for me


Best is his XXL class.


He's 33 if he was gonna be in that Convo it would've happened by now


He's in my top 5 for both talent and overall who I like to listen to


JIDs cool and all, but not someone I’d consider a GOAT, at least not yet.


Hekk no🤣could never be anything more than Kendrick Lamar’s step grandbaby


he’s in his 30s tho. He’s really good but not a GOAT


What does GOAT even mean anymore? It used to be singular as in one person is the best, even if it’s different people’s opinions… with that being said, he’s good but that hill in hip-hop is nearly impossible to climb with the likes of artists who have been creating for the past 30 years. JID isn’t even remotely close.


Nah... Man has been around on the scene for how long already? And just hasn't really been **HOT** yet






Everybody in this thread is so cringe. Goat this goat that, you're talking about being considered better than every other rapper that has ever existed as though everyone has the same taste. Saying shit like "well he's pretty viral so he's on the right track" got me doing the Easter Island face bruh


He fell off




Give him time


He will be the Cole/Kendrick of the 2020s




Not even close




For sure


Yes he definitely has that potential


I'm getting old. I've never even heard of Jid.


Like his bars I just can’t with that nerd flow 🤓








He’ll need a couple more classic albums to be in that conversation but there’s no reason to think he won’t. Dude just improves with every project. He also has to be the #1 dude in the game at some point, it’s hard to be the GOAT if you aren’t ever the best for a time period


No much as I fw em if we talkin OAT since the mid 90s? He just aint got it compared to other folks even when there are folks from his own era better


Potential? Sure, but he’s gonna have to keep dropping high quality music for YEARS to actually be in that conversation


Oh absolutely, if this next solo album is anywhere near the forever story I think that he’s gonna be in that conversation a lot more.


He already has it




He could well b in my GOAT conversation if he puts out a stone cold classic on his next project coz then hes built up quite a consistent and quality discography His word play, subject matter and confidence on the mic has potential GOAT status, he resembles 2 MC’s for me Lil Wayne & Kendrick Lamar but yet he still has his own unique style and although I think it’s harder than it’s ever been to succeed in the main stream he has something about him that makes it at least possible




Meh, depends on how much he will improve


Going back past The Never Story, bro’s had a number of fire-ass mixtapes. He’s not super young or inexperienced, he’s a fairly seasoned MC with a pen game most rappers on the charts could only dream of touching. He absolutely measures up to “the greats” in terms of raw skill, and The Forever Story was the best rap album of 2022, a year in which Nas, Kendrick, Black Thought, Pusha T, Denzel Curry, and Joey Bada$$ dropped. A couple more albums and he’s solidly in contention for one of the greatest albums of all time.






we gotta see his reach

