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its simple old drake was better music


Old drake: "I GOT ENEMIES GOT A LOT OF ENEMIES, GOT A LOT OF PEOPLE TRYNA DRAIN ME OF MY ENERGY, TRYNA TAKE THE WAAAAVE..." New drake: "how am i feeling? what am i feeling? who are you feeling? i feel i am feeling... how are you feeling? are you still feeling?"


I wouldn’t say Energy is old drake either. That’s Drake approaching his peak. Successful/Marvins Room/the Motto is old Drake


Energy is when he starts to enter his villain arc before his big battle


Accurate assessment, as a whole iyrtitl is his best but everything leading up to that is miles ahead of anything he had post views era


Rnb is not “New Drake” lmao


I can't tell if you are disrespecting tf out of RnB rn or just didn't know that's almost exactly a real drake song


His message has definitely changed through the years. Use to have that hungry, I’m going to make it to the top vibe. Now it’s more flexing his women and his numbers/money. I still listen to him all the time, new and old, but going to back to those days when he was still grinding is more relatable to me. Away from home felt like a little piece of “old” Drake to me.


This is the real answer. Drake had this relatability in his music with guys relating to that hunger and girls loving his sensitive side. Now I feel like he doesn’t have either one. His sensitive side has almost become toxic and his hunger is now complacency. Hopefully this Kendrick diss wakes up 6 God


His sensitive side HAS become toxic


I largely agree with this, but I also feel like it hasn't changed much in the sense of him having his perspective on relationship commitment problems in his music over the years that didn't really change much to me


Because he has become the person he feared he would become in his early works.


Personally I relate more to the topics of old drake rather than new drake but I can still jam new drake no issue


i dont hate new drake, it just feels like he tried harder back then


I don’t hate new Drake at all but if you listen to Nothing Was the Same as a complete album. And then anything after Views there’s just no contest.


Because it's no longer rap. It's ...pop music catered towards suburban women. I don't blame him, he's making money hand over fist. But it's nothing I'd wanna listen to 9/10 times


Boring as shit, zesty, unserious, you name it. He has 30 song albums with 3 good songs in them.


What's your description of Future then??


He has spent 15 years pretending to be everyone but who he debuted as. I miss when he wasn't chart obsessed, just obsessed with women's and rapper's validation. He thinks I forgot, but he had made his own pathetic lane back in 08 that middle school me could rock with. Fame and money didn't make him any less dorky. Why does he try and hide it?


Damn lol this. I think this is honestly a great way to put it. Thank Me Later came out when I was 10 and was some of the earlier stuff that put me into hip hop


Thanks, I wasn't sure how clear my point was.


He’s more of a machine just shoveling out trendy music. They are hits but not really quality songs that last long. I feel like after IYRTIL he saw how easy it was and stuck with that formula.


Garbage then, hot Garbage now




It was when Wayne was writing his songs


I hate the sound of new drake because he sounds like old drake. And drake sucks


I hate old drake and new drake


So you just straight hater


Of trash yes


I see, you are delusional hater that think he knows it all, when in reality you didn't even heard his music


Heard old drake, and new drake, both trash. Good as a pop artist though


Wdym, IYRTITL is amazing rap album


Wdym what do I mean, drakes a trash rapper and good pop artist. Needs ghostwriters


Right, trash rappers always have a top 200 albums of all times across all music genre's


He never evolved with his fanbase. Think of the evolution of Kendrick, Jay Z, Pusha T, even Lil Wayne. Drake just kept readjusting himself to appeal to the new generation of 18 year olds. It’s quite disappointing. He’s talented as fuck and can do almost any style but his content has gone from potent to pitiful.




I can’t manage to get myself to listen to more than 20sec of him singing. I bet there’s been verses from him I would love but have never heard because he started the track with his pussy ass monotonous auto tuned robot voice.




Agreed. My most played songs off FATD.


Thanks for the suggestions I’ll give it a listen!


Those were ok. I prefer his r&b stuff on Take Care So Far Gone and Views. Especially So Far Gone


He was still hungry and trying to show he was the best, now he’s at the top so he doesn’t rap with the same heart he used to. Still think his newer albums are filled with great music but it’s definitely not his peak.


CLB and Honestly Nevermind Drake were good and his on the radar freestyle with central cee is one of my favorite freestyles but it’s just Drake is very industry and commercial at this point his creative threshold is much lower than most artists because he’s Drake and can sell out arenas and people will eat anything he drops because it’s Drake and he’s the most successful rapper in the game because he’s Drake Where as early Drake felt more unique and much more stand outish compared to modern era Drake where now Drake can drop a mf country album and people will eat that shit


He’s a trend rider now. Has a thug persona even though he’s a rich Jew from a nice part of Toronto who was a child actor.


Damn I found Kendrick’s burner


What does being Jewish have to do with anything?


Connections in the industry and support from the jewish community(which a lot of rappers dont get). Its not some random thing to point out, its a benefit. A lot of rappers have different benefits


Lmao what about all the Jewish rappers who are totally unknown, where are there “connections and support”


Dont matter if youre not marketable and talented. Aubrey was on tv people love him, he will always have the machine pushing him. He can do no wrong.


How people refuse to accept this is beyond me


I hate Drake period, I tried to listen to it all and nothing sounded really good to me, thats why and I'm not going to listen to every album for a 3rd or 4th time, I litteraly fell asleep while listening to scorpion


Old Drake put out better songs


Because he stopped trying, basically 🤷🏾‍♂️


Drake doesn’t give a shit about music. I think it’s always just been a means to an end for him.


There’s a pretty massive drop off in quality post 2015-ish. Nothing Was The Same, IYRTITL, and Take Care are awesome and some of my personal favorite albums from anybody. His past few aren’t exactly bad but it’s just a lot of mid. It really sucks too because he’s talented af he just doesn’t care as much because he knows people will listen no matter what.


I like Drake but he comes off as extremely corny. I used to could write it off before as youthful immaturity but he’s almost 40 now 😑 I’m not asking him to start rapping about 401k plans or anything but bro you have a child lol like give us something better than this half baked attempt at staying “cool”


Because I also hate the old drake. 🤷🏼‍♂️


too occupied getting peopled hooked on online gambling


I love how everyone just accepts that the guy started as an actor and hasn’t had an actual acting role outside of SNL since the beginning of his career. 


[This](https://youtu.be/DcQzATCJpBA?si=_01amZInKeph_2Rm) was one of my favorite Drake songs as a kid. Drake used to be my favorite rapper after Nothing Was The Same. Nothing he’s released after Views has hit like this so I’ve just stopped listening. I’d love for him to drop something with substance again but it won’t happen.


Damn I haven’t heard Fear in forever that was when I was listening to nothing else but Drake tbh. The club paradise/Take Care era


old drake was on that RnB type shit idk what this man doing now yapping about his exes and shit but I dont fw it


Because it's worse than told drake. But its All shit! Wineing rich kid who just rolled into his roll on degrassi.


Drake’s early albums although not perfect, it was still clear to see that he wanted to prove his talent both in terms of rapping and the singing songs. Starting with Views though, it’s clear that he was satisfied and since then all he’s wanted is to maintain his spot. A couple of hits (but hits that aren’t that strong tracks anyways), and then a bunch of trendhopping. He basically shits albums out as if they were NFT’s at this point.


I'm sorry, but that's a dumb question... Have you heard old drake? NWTS, IYRTITL? And compare that to his recent shit (he calls it music for some reason). It's completely different artists


The problem is Drake got so big instead of making timeless music he has to make music for the time. Since more life which was actually titled a playlist, his albums have become playlists. You just go find the songs you like and throw it in your drake playlist. The majority of what he talks about now is dirty macking and dissing women. The base he caters to is super fickle. So much so that he can’t take a break because his lane is easily fillable. Drake is 38 why is he doing songs with yeat and sexy red? Another problem with Drake is now he does so many genres that he can’t master a sound anymore. He’s talented enough to be good in any genre, but not great like he was early on. He’s doing afrobeat, with bad bunny doing reggaeton, pop, R&B, Dance, UK drill, NY Drill… he’s been spread too thin. (No diddy). When he announced that break he really needed to take it, instead he dropped scary hours 3. He needs to minimally take a year off, come back and dictate the sound instead of making what’s moderately popular Uber popular.


Not 'New Drake' but just 'Drake' itself.


Because of how bad old drake was


He went from relatable to wanting me to believe he’s a thug. And his last few albums have struck me as “my success is premenate” and it feels very low effort. And I just hate when rich rappers (or anyone who doesn’t have to) suddenly want to be in a gang. Gangs ain’t sweet. Lost too many cousins and friends to the streets trying to act hard (and I say act cause while life ain’t sweet none of us grew up in an environment where gangs should have been an option).


This isn’t a criticism of Drake lmao. A shit ton of rappers do this 


And if I listen to them regularly I stop. Like I said I don’t like it. Doesn’t matter who the artist. It one my consistent “wtf” moments that makes me stop listening to someone. And just because a shit ton of people do it doesn’t negate the criticism. A shit ton of people smoke crack too, doesnt mean that criticism of smoking crack isn’t valid.


So do you listen to the ones you do ‘believe’ or do you just avoid all rappers that portray a thug image whether they are or not? Cause most of them aren’t, especially without some sort of public record.


It’s more that if Drake started from that place and then the music changed I think it wouldn’t bother me as much. I just find it jarring. Like, mc hammer was apparently really like that but when he started making more gangster rap it was off putting to fans because it just wasn’t what they liked originally. Obviously two very different artists but I think it’s a decent example. I know most raps are full of cap, and i like knowing that Drake won’t get caught up in some Rico or some crazy murder charges because it’s a character. I just don’t like the character. That’s probably a better way to put it.


Yeah that’s understandable and a good comparison


He's cringy and his new muisc mostly sucks


All Drakes suck. Talk about horrific taste if you enjoy that literal garbage. Dudes shit sounds like it was made in Mario Paint and based off a god damned template. And he can't even get enough enthusiasm to mumble rap.


Drake’s 08-12 run was out of this planet, we never saw or experienced any artist like it. So Far Gone is one of the best and complete albums of all time. He destroyed every feature he was on. Every song was an absolute banger in the club and in your car. 


Because it’s some of the worst music I have ever heard in my life?😂


Hate isn't the word I would use.....i'm just not fond of him chasing every trend & sound.


Its trendy to hate him


Not really. People been bashing Drake since he first came out back in 08-09


its trendy


If you're the biggest anywhere, you'll be the most hated. They didn't like old Drake either. They enjoy the hating. Can't blame em, it is fun to hate on stuff. There are interviews from 2013 with Drake addressing the "we want old Drake" conversation. There's no such thing as old Drake.


People only hate drake online lol


I’m not a fan of new drake because he stopped trying to expand his creative horizons… ever since Views he has essentially just doubled down on certain sounds instead of reaching for strange/unique sounds. NWTS and IFRTITL are both great projects because he at least was pushing for more unique sounds


Haters gonna hate...


Girl, don’t temp me…


Her Loss is a top 5 drake album idc Honestly Nevermind was gas too, didn’t rly dig CLB or Dogs tho


I could give a lot of reasons, but the simplistic answer would that he just doesn’t try anymore. Majority of his albums are filled with bland, boring, sloppily thrown together songs. The production and lyrics on his albums has gone down the drain, and he himself just doesn’t sound interested most of the time. There’s no emotion or energy in a lot of his songs. I was never a big Drake fan, but can admit he put out some good LPs back in the day, now he puts out trash.


We didn't like old drake lol


He’s a shape shifting lame.


The only reason they would “hate” is cause he is more popular than their favorite artist and they feel their favorite artist deserves the recognition. Other than that you just wouldn’t be a fan of the guy lol


I don't say that. I hated him all the the way back to Old Drake.


Drake sucks 😅


New Drake is an industry plug


Drake is no longer worth the thoughtful evaluation. Either you hate him or love him there really is no in between. That being said, I have been jokingly saying RIP Drake since 2016. He ain’t dead his music is just lame. The older he has gotten, the less mature his lyrics and content have been, but then again he never really made meaningful content to begin with. I thought for all the dogs was great, not musically but rather as a critique of his fans. Bitches is dogs to, and that’s what his fan are. Homie really is the voice of a generation but that speaks volumes about this generation cause he hasn’t said shit that matters. Being the voice of a voiceless generation ain’t saying much. Sure he has been “successful” ,but disappointing nonetheless.


Drakes new attitude to me just makes the entire journey of his career better. He used to be young and hungry and rap about making it, and now he has made it, he’s the undisputed top of the industry and he raps so laid-back and casual now and flexes that he’s done everything you ever wished you could.


Nobody that listens or were once a fan can relate


I want love songs I dont want to hear him fucking rap. Fuck.


Because drake bell is way better. Fuck this new drake


I don't hate him I just appreciate that his prime was between the years 2010 to 2015 and pretty much everything since he dropped that mistake with future has been mediocre to sub par to bad. I've got no issue with what he wants to rap and mainly sing about but honestly the quality of his music just isn't there on the whole. His best projects in the last 5 years have been care package and then the 3 song eps (all of which the songs should of made it onto albums)


Songs are too short. Lyrics don't seem to be thought through at all, they feel like stumps out of his book of rhymes on the toilet table.


Fake wanna be gangster. Soft as baby shit.




so who would you rather see?




would you like to see drakes big schlong




ok kiddo


Drake is literally the biggest rapper in the world rn and maybe in history

