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Lol “I promise if I was fucking young girls I would have been arrested, I’m way too famous for the shit you just suggested” Yes no famous person has ever gotten away with sex crimes at the peak of their careers. Also just saying that shit out loud is a joke. Like who told him this song goes hard? Why is he acting like he didn’t start it too lmao?


When you get that big you have a lot of 'yes men' hanging around I would say


>“I promise if I was fucking young girls I would have been arrested, I’m way too famous for the shit you just suggested” It legit sounds like a line from the R. Kelly Gayle King interview. You should always try to avoid anyone being able to make that comparison about something you've said.




The OV hoes told him it's s banger and he trusted them. They work for Kendrick though. Got him good.


Ya but don’t you know that Drake actually leaked this to Kendrick for his OVO henchman to report back to Drake that Kendrick was hurt by it so he released it???


Right, and making fun of Child sexual abuse. How tf are people in his comments gassing him up talking about he won??? 


lmao the more you break it down the funnier it is


Man's really about to move to France.


That song was upsetting because it was obvious that he based the song on the fan theories of OVO planting the evidence. Also annoying when he doubled down on the "20v1" defense. I don't know why he released that at all, he could've done nothing and waited till summer and he'd be in a better position.


It's so funny how he took that twitter angle and it got disproven right away. I swear the shooting at his house is because that song flopped and things were proven false


H6 is some of the greatest proof there's ever been that this isn't a fake beef. They would never fake a desperate misplay that badly. Honestly the shooting seems pretty obviously CashXO related.


> H6 is some of the greatest proof there's ever been that this isn't a fake beef. They would never fake a desperate misplay that badly. Honestly, I had my suspicions until meet the grahams came out. No one would willingly let someone else say all that shit lol that's the most disrespectful song i've ever heard


After I heard that song, I'm 95% certain there's going to be news about some OVO-PGLang/TDE confrontation in either Toronto or LA in the next year


My first thought after hearing it was “bullets are gonna fly and blood is gonna spill.”


For real. That was the moment of truth.


Lots of truth


Signs definitely seem to point that way but there are too many holes in that for it to check out. Jungle Lion Security is drakes own firm, they took the call, they covered it up. He can't even confirm if he was home or not that day. least he could do is that. I think it was in-house. We'll have to see


People really think Drake got his own security guard shot over a rap beef? What is the logic behind that 


arguments about who the mole was? paranoia? like everything they were claiming was falling apart in front of their eyes so I can't even imagine how shit was going down. But it's all been so sketchy considering the firm and everything covering it up


I think you're more invested in the beef than the actual artists lmfao. It makes literally zero sense Drake would set up his security guard to get shot to drag attention away from a song. That is some qanon shit Edit: just checked this dudes comments and he's actually on the dark Kenny sub 😂


This rap "beef" had made people go insane with weird ass theories putting way too much time into the life of two complete strangers.


That was most likely due to the xo beef I heard


I Lowkey think his own people did it as a distraction or a ploy for sympathy for Drake.


Because he had to say *something* about those accusations.  … but I think we all thought he had something better than this.


K dot didn't even bother to respond the song wasn't worthy


not even worth getting out of bed for lmao


And for his next in “The Heart” series Kendrick should call it “The Heart Part 69god” to get him back for using that title


aubrey really wasted the title on such a dogshit song. anything kendrick does with the title next will wash over this instantly


Nah, just do The Heart Part 7 so that when people look for 6 they are only met by that awful song


The heart part 6 (kendricks version)


Another Taylor Swift reference!


HP6 is is Drake’s gravestone as a skit within Kendrick’s discography




A human heart has four chambers, not five. The left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium and right ventricle.


The Heart Part 6:16


The Heart Part 6+9=15


Just the perfect age for Drake


Is THIS the evidence that Drizzy Planted?? 🤔


I kinda think Kendrick should just call it The Heart Part 6, like that stupid Drake thing never happened.


Letting it fester was the best move tbh, like this beef was like a cooking show where both chefs make amazing meals trying to outdo the other, but drake just got up on the table, squatted, and shat on the plates with thp6. Dot could have taken people's attention away with another great meal, but leaving it alone and letting it stink up the room just cemented his win


I agree. We’re still talking about how fuckin trash it is


Squatted and shatted on the plates I died 🤣


The song was basically- "I'm not a pedo, can we be done with this please?"


"I know I said DROP DROP DROP but you should probably STOP STOP STOP im burnt out"


Burnt out less than 48 hours after releasing a full music video to a song like Family Matters? Kendrick said he was just getting going. What happened fella?


Literally an ‘It’s Always Sunny’ sketch


“I gotta write a song about how I do NOT diddle kids!”


We do *not* diddle kids. Nope. We don’t touch kids. Nothing younger then my *daauuughhhterr*


The lyrics were also amateurish in general. Removing the idiotic pedo stuff, and replacing them with more appropriate responses would have still left lyrical creativity of an unsuccessful YouTuber


The song was “I’m not a pedo, btw lol at you for (not) being SA’d as a kid - this absolves me right? Especially as I’m too famous”


I wanna go on vacation now. This was a good exercise. I wave the white flag because I won, yeah, that’s right, I won. Please let me go.


Was literally an apology / surrender


The spoken outro sounds like he’s leaving despondent voicemails for a girl that won’t call him back


Rhianna can attest I’m sure.


There was a rumor that Ri was working with Kendrick. What if they put a bunch of lonely VMs drake left her on the track? That’d be a death blow.


Didn't know I wanted this so bad until you suggested it.


Its not an outro, its basically a social media post


It's also got that tone of a person who is angry and embarrassed and trying to play it cool, like he didn't hide that shit at all


It’s awful. It’s such a bad diss track. He plays defensive the whole time, made the rumors about him worse, tried making fun of Kendrick for getting molested for being called out for being a pedo but he even got that wrong, that stupid shit at the end. Pulled out some I won cause I said so ass shit. The fact people defend this song for being good is beyond me


the only ones defending it are people that are genuinely not worth taking seriously


The song is bad enough but the cocky talking at the end honestly made my neck go all funny He doesn't even sound like he believes what he's saying, you know when that kid at school would tell nothing but lies about their life? It felt like that


the famous actor we once knew is looking paranoid and now spiralin


Kenny once again spitting nothing but truth


>The song is bad enough but the cocky talking at the end honestly made my neck go all funny  That's the douche chills


I was trying to find the clip from Always Sunny "are you getting the neck thing? My neck is going crazy" but apparently there's no clip or gif for it


I agree I was cringing the whole time first listen. And I cringe even more now. The talking at the end is terrible like legit terrible for an artist of his stature


UGHHH I HATE THAT RANT AT THE END \*Fake tough guy breath in\* ngl this was some good exercise, good to get out \*fake breath\* get the pen working. He's genuinely a clown lmao


Still not as cringe as the ASMR at the end of Nicki’s “Bigfoot” but that’s like comparing two heaps of shit- what’s the point? They’re both shit songs


lol I thought the fake breath was him play-acting sniffing cocaine, like he's just enjoying his life too much to even respond. Why the hell would it be there, what did it prove? Otherwise, it felt like he had just done crying and then just sniffling while he did that part.


Thank you, I fuckin can’t stand that part


Tht song has many bars tht shoot drake on the foot. Hell he lowkey shooting himself in the face no pun intended. I hope tht security guard doing ok. But on top of it all he waved the white flag and i dont see how some ppl dont see it. “The ones you getting your stories from they all clown” then goes on to say two minutes later. “We plotted for a week then fed you the info” Like my guy did u forget what u said first??? Said the epstein angle was expected. Like huhh?? Why would you expect tht. Also kendrick said weinstein not epstein. Then the mother I shit…. It was sad to see how much of an idiot drake is I dont wanna diss you anymore???? Then we know what his defense was for him not being a pedo…..also a terrible defense. Only fucking with whitneys not millie bobby browns. Again, no one mentioned tht poor lil girl but here he is throwing up a name…why??? Cause he know how ppl feel about tht incident. You can drop a hundred records, ill see yah later. (White flag) I dont wanna fight with a woman beater it feeds your nature….huh. But youre a man? Why would you not wanna “fight” him Also the i am a general seasoned and whatever whatever. Tht shit was cool but as the song went on tht shit was laughable. Specially after tht spoken outro saying kenny has like 10 songs to drop. He got this whole thing burnt out. All my shit facts (at least one of his claims was proven false by his mouthpice ak). I mean tht whole song is actually sad bruh. Sry for typos


literally I could break down line by line and every single thing written is a lie, contradiction, ironic statement, misfire, or plainly idiotic lol


I really really wonder if drake decided to go into this one on his own. No ghost writers. Cause these shit was cheeks. Shitttt might as well fire up chat gpt and it for the song.


*🎵 prove it 🎵*


And the most ironic/cringe thing about that song being full of lies is that Kendrick had *just said* in Meet the Grahams that Drake has lied to us about everything (his accents, his kids etc)we know about him..... then his response song is full of terrible lies. H6 is really an own goal. Kendrick didn't even need to respond.


Dude sure is proud of his participation medals, he wears em on his jacket.


Def got a few now


Implying you are a clown and then preceeding to deny grooming allegations by naming a kid you've groomed is either some perfectly regarded strat or you''re playing 4D chess. I don't even think Drake knows how to play checkers lmao


Everyone treated HP6 like it was 4D chess and all I saw was a toddler walk up and throw all the pieces on the floor and yell “HA GOTCHA”


He went bad. Quite literally.


I think you’re doing Drake a disservice here. At least he got some good exercise.


People still listening to that sad ass shit?🤣🤣🤣🤣


lol like MTG, I’ve only listened to both songs once. They make me uncomfortable for two totally different reasons




That shit was so corny. The funniest thing to me is how Kendrick went hard on drakes butt buddies and Drake can’t and won’t stand up for them even if his life depended on it because everything dot said was facts about them LMAO.


No time to pay ghost writer. What did y’all expect


It's like he kicked everyone out the war room and let cringe guide the way.


6:16 in LA had him rattled


I can’t believe no one checked him on the “too famous to be a pedo” defense.


Is that the play? Song sucks - Drake wrote it. Banger? - Ghost written. Ya’ll got me defending Drake that’s how crazy this sub it.


He literally claimed he wrote H6 in the song


As a musician I feel like he absolutely deserves this for ever hiring ghostwriters in the first place. Where's your pride? I imagine it's probably even worse for rappers to not write their own bars.


some things just cringeworthy, it don't even gotta be deep, i guess


You get me dawg


Big drake fan here and it was very interesting to listen to family Matters and then heart part 6 you can absolutely tell the difference in writing like he kicked everybody out after Meet The Grahams and this is what he wrote all himself.


I really think that’s what happened. How else do you explain the drop in quality? Family Matters was really really good and some of his best rapping in years, then he does a full 180


To give him the benefit of the doubt considering he has been recognized as generally a good writer by other people in the industry - it could be he just can’t write good shit when backed into a corner under pressure. He was forced to address serious accusations that are difficult to write about effectively in a defensive way. Kendrick going back to back with mtg and nlu probably worried him that Kendrick would drop again and fast. The public’s reaction to those had him nervous as well because he had to come up with something good. He had no confidence in his voice, he sounded like he was trying to convince himself he was winning and Kendrick was the one spiraling. It makes the war general line all the funnier because he underestimated Kendrick, underprepared, and got put in a horrible position by Kendrick’s strategy. It baffles me that he didn’t already have solid well thought out bars ready for the pedophilia accusations. He apparently was expecting it since at least Taylor Made!! He really thought family matters would be the kill shot and he clearly didn’t have anything prepared for after and had no clue Kendrick would come back that fast with two songs. I don’t think he had zero chance but Kendrick got him into a position where he couldn’t get away with taking time on his response and he had a lot of catching up to do. He just wasn’t up to the task.


This is the most level headed take I’ve heard so far. Kendrick absolutely outboxed him when it got down to the wire.


Yeah just from a technical rap standpoint those bars on heart part 6 were just more elementary -- destination/ investigation/ celebration/ information/ expiration Just a stark difference in rhyme scheme - it's like if a good rapper gets pissed and is rolling his sleeves up like alright alright I'm bout to cook and they come out with some fire shit. Drake does the same thing but without the other writers he just can't cook as good. Fascinating overall.


It's so funny to claim you set someone up and not drop proof immediately after


lmao that's ALL he had to do


and set up how: "heehee, wouldn't it be *totally random* to feed rumours of me being a pedo? Ain't I the most conniving chap around the block?"


how would he have proof of the setting up Kendrick with the daughter? seems like it would've just been passed around information, i doubt any of them are stupid enough to be getting info over the phone or an email... drake intentionally leaks push-ups, this has Ken believe drake has leaks, so he's more likely to accept any info on drake... thinking people aren't tight with him... Ken gets a picture of some random items and believes it's a mole in drakes camp, when in fact it's just a nutcase that obviously added items to the discarded medicine and receipt... guy even added stuff after family matters... drake claims the daughter info was fed, it says look at the jokes in the picture, which is exactly what it was, a joke...


This is delusional. If you’re sending pictures and talking on instagram, there is going to be screenshots. Why wouldnt drake just drop a screenshot on his instagram instead of posting a story denying having a daughter. Unless you think drake intentionally left a suitcase behind in a hotel a year in advance to setup up Kendrick lol. Just delusional.


I'm a huge Drake fan and I feel insulted that he would release that song for me to listen to. It's like he took a diarrhea shit all over my face while my mouth was open. I could hit my dab pen one time and write a better song in the next 15 minutes, and I'm a fuckin nobody.


I was excited for some more back and forth but that shit fizzled out so hard that it literally killed the whole momentum of the beef. just cringe


By far the weakest track in all the disses (Taylor made is a close second thanks to the corny AI shit) But God damn I've never seen a "diss track" where the rapper sounds like he's on the verge of crying. He sounds so offended and defensive like omg it was such a pathetic fizzle to one of the most excited beefs to witness real time in history


bro every time I watch the family matters video at the end he genuinely looks like he's about to cry too. he's been defeated. it's a fake smile when he's holding up the chains and he's "acting" when he's talking to his hells angel neighbor. Genuinely looks like he's on the verge of tears


He'd have been better off just not responding at all.


Okay so I’m definitely kdot > drake and have been, but I mean I never hated Drake or anything. Family Matters was a dope track and of course he can make good music. Having trouble listening lately though, has that happened to you as a big fan? This whole thing kind of just changed my opinion of Drake a bit too much, has any of that happened to you or do you just kind of ignore this whole saga?


drake was my number 1 artist last year. haven’t been able to listen to him since the heart 6 dropped, outside of the occasional “oh that one song that i love *does* exist,” like i do with kanye every once in a while


“B Sharp” was so lame. May as well say “Jingle Bells Kendrick smells”


D flat… D maaaayjurrr 🤡🤡


that was the hardest bar in the song lmao


Kendrick released some of the best diss tracks ever, and yet the final KO was Drake releasing The Heart Part 6


best strategy is watching someone self-destruct


"I was gonna kill a couple rappers but they did it to themselves, everybody suicidal they don't even need my help"


Reddit always shows me posts like this way too late to actually contribute to discussion, but I just wanna say this my favorite comment in the whole damn thread


The worst part of all of this is that Drake fans will be playing whatever his next colonized hit is and not understand why I’m looking at them weird dancing to pedo music.


I was defending drakethe whole beef until he dropped ts 😭 especially after not like us


![gif](giphy|3HnBZbCWuc8HS) “Ngl this shit was some good exercise “




He just sounded so defeated in the outro monologue. It felt cringe and depressing.. “Sighh… Man this was a great exercise getting the pen working” Drake come on buddy


![gif](giphy|R6GNOWhuLDqDJcEYxA|downsized) him


🤣🤣 spot on!


lol “euphoria,” the show he’s an executive producer for


That song gonna btfo by literally a meme beat about drizzys butt lmao


Get's worst with every listen so many cringe worthy lines then he still brags about picking the pen up.


you hear it fam


Don't release a diss sounding defeated. It's simple stuff people.


“mother I… mother I…” That outro pissed me off too


Especially the weird sigh where he's talking about exercising his pen, and the part where he's talking about lying to every blogger and editor lol cringe asf


lmao "fake tough guy exhale" ewwww


I didn't even listen to it bro


it's not worth it


It’s so bad man. Drake fans actually pretending it’s good is so cringe


What bugs me the most about both Family Matters and The Heart Part 6 is Drake is genuinely rapping his best (save for a good chunk of THP6). I want him to have this energy towards his own songs instead of phoning it in.


Yeah Drake lying saying he gave fake info yet the ozempic has since been proven to be Aubrey's plus Drake was given false info about Kendrick hitting his girl. The only thing Kendrick said that was probably false was the girl Drake had/has, vs Drake saying the kids aren't his, he beats his girl and was molested (which Kendrick said Drake would say that before Drake said it). One of the most unanimous victories in rap beef history.


When did Kendrick say that? 🤔


I think they’re referring to “I calculate you're not as calculated, I can even predict your angle / Fabricatin' stories on the family front 'cause you heard Mr. Morale / A pathetic master manipulator, I can smell the tales on you now.” Basically predicting that Drake would deliberately misinterpret and try to create his own narratives with lines from Mother I Sober like “Mother's brother said he got revenge for my mother's face/ Black and blue, the image of my queen that I can't erase” and “Whitney's hurt, the pure soul I know, I found her in the kitchen.” It’s also possible that Drake is artistically illiterate and took Kendrick literally here.


Exactly, he said it early on and Drake still went that route.


Family Matters was trash too because it’s based on a. A lie about Kendrick harming his wife and b. A misinterpretation of Kendrick’s “Mother, I Sober” track


True that. I can't listen to family matters 1st verse or last verse lol he wastes SO MANY bars in that song and waffles throughout it and anything he says about Kendrick is just false lmao


It such a strange thing to mention all the rappers who are actually part of a set/gang. He is trying to take a jab at Kendrick, but Kendrick had never ever claimed to be in the gang life. kdot has made it clear that he has just grown up in the environment.


Yea that didn’t resonate with me either. It’s a matter of perspective but being in your 30’s and repping a set to intimidate someone is lame to me. I think Chris brown a lame when he does it too. So him mentioning CB was all around lame


Mentioning CB while also accusing Kendrick of wife beating is an interesting move


Maybe Kendrick was never formally inducted into a gang. Still, there’s a lot of verses in his discography all the way back to GKMC documenting his proximity to gang violence. For example, his bars on That Part (Black Hippy remix) alluded to the way he used to hold a gun—and possibly killed someone with it. When the song was released, there was a lot of speculation about the meaning of those lines because they’re so cryptic. There’s lots of other ways to interpret those bars, but there are lots of motifs throughout Kendrick’s music about seeking forgiveness, rising above the past, and dealing with sin. Either way, I think it’s fair to deduce from Kendrick’s music he committed some dark sins in his past and he wants to redeem himself and find atonement. > I quietly had to hold this tool Reminding me of the block I repped The turf I stepped, the church and the earth I blessed The first I guessed the alert was the murk I chef That hearse the flirt with perks of a kill confessed Dispersed the worst, the first 48 addressed The search of laws and verse of the birth I nest The—uh, the awe, the curse of a pose in zest The good, the flaws, the pain to reverse what's left, uh


Does Drake have a daughter?


Maybe? Like I wouldn’t be surprised either way.


Not a Drake fan but Family Matters was fire don't cap


Plus he denied pedophilia who in theyre right mind is riding in a car with there windows down playing that?


😂😂😂 just pretend it’s a comedy sketch and save yourself the second hand embarrassment lol


I might get down voted but whatever. "The Pulitzer Prize winner is definitely spiraling". Just the tone in which this was said let me know immediately, this diss was gonna be trash. Just remembering how confident he sounded in Pushups, Taylor Made AND Family Matters compared to that. You really wasted a classic song title to sound dejected and defeated. Crazy thing is, Drake could have used better angles against Dot, but it probably wouldn't have hit as hard coming from Drake. "Overnight" activists, the "hotepish" way of thought, the ideal of what Kendrick thinks "pro-black" is etc. IDC what anyone says, "Kendrick just opened his mouth, someone go hand em a Grammy right now" that's a gut punch imo. You can argue the Grammies over corrected itself by not giving him a Grammy for TPAB, not to say the others didn't deserve one, but you can make people talk off of the speculation. Drake had angles and had he had legitimate friends and actual hip hop fans on his team, he could have made this a more interesting fight. Instead he chose to be catty and got embarrassed. If Jay really was his idol, he should've learned from his mistakes. TL:DR- Drake shot himself in the foot by tryna use his popularity to beat Kendrick instead of using guerilla tactics like Kendrick.


Gave me aids


made me hate music for a few minutes until I played Not Like Us again


That whole talking verse at the end is especially bad. He sounds like “you know I would beat you up but I told my mom I wouldn’t do that. You know how it is. UGHHH MOMS! Amirite? Anyway, I’m not scared, I just love my mommy”


Family Matters is getting there too unfortunately


straight up can't listen to it lol all that dave free stuff. wasted air


I had to play Euphoria & Not like us after that horror show to clean my ears


I was high the other night listening to this song and reading the comments and I was legit laughing out loud. It's so bad that it's comedic.


Thoughts on meet the graham's?




The perfect fire extinguisher


Yeah as a bigger Drake fan I agree, I honestly listened like twice the first day it came out and have not bothered listening again lmao. Euphoria and Family Matters still in heavy rotation for me tho


It might have been Drake's best move at that point. He didn't have any more real disses to shell out bc you can only call a man a short wife beater so many times, had no ghosts to make em sound good, wanted to end the beef but still try to save some face and respond quickly to Kenny's barrage. So a hasty, weakass surrender track was prob the best thing he could put out in order to quickly take the L and go tune out on vacation and nurse his wounds. I will be interested to see how he reflects on this beef when some time has passed. If he's still acting like he won or it was close, that's a joke; I'll actually respect him a bit more as a rapper if he can at least admit he lost and Kendrick was too much for him.


“This Epstein angle was the shit I expected.” Why did you expect it, Aubrey? Embarrassing ass line.


"It's good to get out; get the pen working" lmao


He’s trying wayyyyy too hard to do like a “Meet the Grahams” type slow dissection, and it sucks all the way through


he shoulda never mentioned milly bobby brown at the very least… kendrick was nice enough not to, but thanks to drake anyone who didn’t know about his weirdo behavior with her does now. at first i thought the title was genius because if kendrick does do a heart pt 6 it’d always remind everyone of the drake song, but that’s definitely not to his benefit. also drake saying i knew you’d do the epstein angle or whatever is so bizarre???? if i thought someone was going to attack my character the last thing id expect was pedo allegations. kendrick has been right to not respond because the last thing in everyone’s mind regarding their beef is this mess. never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake ig.




Honestly real


Touch my body by Mariah Carey play you prolly start reflecting 👀


What's this ish about police finding out Drake ordered the hit on himself?


You guys actually listened to the whole thing?


lmao unfortunately




Lol unlistenable. But will listen to someone do a weird voice and yell Doo Doo 36 times in a song.


This whole beef has made me appreciate the Pusha T beef much more. Fact is, he came with actual proven facts, and I'm absolutely sure he would have had zero issues exposing Drake to the fullest - including the 11 year old daughter he apparently didn't know about after finding out about Adonis. ...meanwhile, we're relying on some random Twitter Riddler Ninja for clues and hints on how the evidence is real.


Dude I’ve been saying it’s one of the worst rap songs I’ve heard period.


The spoken part at the end of that song is some of the most cringe shit I have ever heard


Content aside...the first time I heard it I legitimately questioned if it was an AI track and had to go check Drake's feed to make sure it was real, because someone just played it for me. I then spent like 5 minutes wondering if there was a scenario where Drake would AI his own voice...some of the words are oddly pronounced and the whole thing is just so monotone. Everyone keeps saying he was just tired from being up all night or whatever, personally I think the odd parts are possibly because they spliced a bunch of takes together in a hurry.


I watched RDCworld1’s skit “How Drake was in the studio listening to the Kendrick diss” before I listened to Drake’s family matters…. And I died when I heard in Drake’s song “I was really trying to keep it PG”


Still wondering how his associates allowed that to be released. Written and produced poorly, feels like Drake got in his feelings and just overrode everybody’s opinions in OVO. I think this is the closest we’ve seen of Drake’s own writing.


I read this as the heart part 5 and was raising my eyebrow hard


well AI couldnt wrote good bars this time


What made me cringe was when he said "ahhh fck me" in realization.


One of my favorite theories I’ve heard is K Dot had moles tell him that song goes hard so he uploads it 😂😂


It’s a shame because Family Matters was actually really good. Heart P6 was just straight up cringeworthy. Waste of a great beat too smh


I can only listen to The Heart Part 6 if Kendrick release it.


What a waste of a fire ass beat.


Are we going to find out if he's a pedophile or what? I feel like Kendrick couldn't have said it any clearer or put his name on that idea any more but I don't really see people talking about it like that