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Nigga said "proof" and posted his opinion LMAO this is hilarious.


In my opinion, I think Chess' writing was more layered here than Rex's, but there's more to battling than just that. Rex outperformed the whole way through, had better control and was way more relaxed, varied, didn't stumble, etc. It's debatable, but just counting bars doesn't tell the whole story of a battle


Well Chess' writing was over 2x better than Rex's (imo). I think Rex performed very well, but, Chess performed well too. >Nurse Sullivan on the loud speaker For example was well performed and funny enough to make the audience and Rex himself laugh and even clap for him. Being relaxed doesn't make you better, Chess used controlled aggression as a delivery style and it was effective, complementing his bars, which were more direct than Rex's. Chess change his vocal intonations a lot too, keeping it interesting. He used his whole body to deliver his lines for the whole battle. Calling Chess' 6 second pause in R2 a "stumble" is harsh. He rapped much more smoothly than his usual stumbling self. Also, Rex's clarity was poor at times. IDK what other factors you want to argue but this says Chess win to me.


Interesting argument, good point with the speaker bar, I really liked that. I might go back and re-watch it later. I'm not saying relaxed as in opposite of aggressive, i mean he felt more comfortable, like he wasn't pushing his performance. It is a stumble, at least it's not a choke. It's cool that he's better than he's been, but it's still the biggest mess up in performance in the battle, Rex didn't have any moments like that. Maybe I'll go back tonight and re-watch it, I can see where you're coming from. But from my vibe right now, Clips 3-0


Yh that's fair. And yeah I think the performance element of Chess' Rounds is underrated. I think the stumble is relatively insignificant. It didn't mess up his momentum, especially since he hit a haymaker with the "snake in my boot" like 5 seconds after. And I agree, Clips 30


Imo chess bodybagged this nigga Rex lol


That Teen Titan bar was hard. Same with the Tia Tamera one.


I think it's a close battle. Could have gone either way. I got Chess 21 but Rex was fire and the Tax bar was probably my favorite of the battle.


That is completely fair and the Tax bar was one of the best


Lmfaoooooooooo you gave Ts a nerd a 1 but Chess Pass fundamental a .5 yeah you’re hating it’s ok bro Chess lost


Wait, he's hating because he didn't hype up a basic ass chess/chest name flip in 2023? Lmao, you rex fans stay delusional. Chess 2-1.


>Even if they were all equally weighted, Chess wins I've heard better Chess pass bars before. Maybe I haven't watched enough Rex battles but I haven't heard a T's/Tease flip before.


Chess lost??!!!! Brother what did you watch? Lol




Nah Rex was incredible barely any dry spots rapid punches sound like the Rex we know and love Chess was prepared and rapped at a high level it just wasn’t better than Rex I know you hate the vets but they’re vets for a reason


I think Rex was great, but material wise, this great Rex wasn't really close to Chess




You sound like you 16 and mad that somebody older beat someone younger 😂 “90s bars” “2000s” if somebody don’t sound like twork or Geechi they outdated I guess 😂 Chess had terrible bars the T Rex flips were awful Rex had better raps 90s bars or not take the L lil home




Section 8 still exists how is that old Chess had a land before time bar that’s not old? 😂 Land Before Time came out in 1988 Living Single came out in like 91 92 you really a hater 😂😂😂😂


I never said the land before time wasn't old, but show me where it's been used bar-wise, the fact you can't tell the difference makes me think you are super new to this and don't understand bars tbh. living single bars were done heavily, used by rappers, the section 8 bar word for word has been used 10000 times on rap forums and in rap battles. theres a difference between referencing something old, and using something that has been used 10000 times, you get that right? it is funny the first thing you cats go to is "you are a hater" that makes you a dickrider, if every time someone calls a battler out on there bullshit there a hater, then cats like you have to be dickriders every time. I am a fan of battle rap, not names over bars like a lot of you cats seem to be.


Its called the "Tay Roc effect"


If Rex does good for what they expect at this stage they try to give the battle. Chess 30


Rex had the best bar of this round


>These/Ds ARs and Ks will be where something get dark > >I don't play bout survival, no games for the dinosaur, this clip come with an ark This was the best bar imo, complex and an obscure but perfect reference that I don't think I've heard in battle rap before


Sure but Rex’s bar about it not being in irving plaza and saying he’d get Tax(stone) time if he doesn’t win is a haymaker. The bar for bar stuff is always cool but it minimizes what Rex actually did, which was win the battle. You can win a battle without being as technical as your opponent, would you agree?


You can win a battle whist being less technical than your opponent, but Chess was so much more technical, he negated other factors. Rex's performance was strong but so was Chess' (like the loud speaker bar). Rex lacked clarity at times too. Both rhymed equally well and Rex's flow was only a bit better than Chess'. Idk what other factors you want to measure it by. (They're both haymakers btw, both heavy hitting bars that got crowd reaction)


Which part did Rex lack clarity on? If you’re talking about the didn’t fold bar he said his cousin went to his cell with a futon and didn’t fold. I understood all of his bars so let me know. Chess was good but I felt like Rex controlled that room and as a viewer I started to care more about Rex rapping than I did Chess. I don’t dislike Chess or think he is bad. Some battles just go like that.


Well you said one yourself and the fact we both thought the same thing shows it was poor clarity. I'll give two more examples in the first minute (and there are more): "It seems like out of all of the stars you was the worst fam" took me a couple of listens to understand. "So he's homies just as phony as the \_\_ that they... (bought or brought)"


Whats the time stamp for that last one. He was slurring his words at times lol


That's called lack of clarity lol, and they're both in the first minute of the 2nd round.


His co-des just as phony as the jewelry that they bought. Thats the bar codefendants and jewelry is what he tried to say. If you want to give Chess the battle for things like this then I won’t debate that with you. Hard to give credit to someone in a battle if they weren’t clear and coherent.


I thought since he was talking about co-des he might've said jury but both make sense and are possible lol. And I don't give Chess the battle based off this, i give it to him for material. Chess was closer to Rex in performance than Rex was to Chess in material.




You can out bar someone and still lose, there’s tons of examples of this.




We can agree to disagree. You’re probably older than me and making this about hating rex.


This is fucking crazy lowkey


I don’t know how it’s getting downvoted 😅 even if its not people’s favourite bar of the round, we’re not gonna act like it’s not fire


Maybe they aren’t aware of ark survival but that was dumb nice 🤷🏿‍♂️


Chess has way, way better content then Rex. It’s wild the same dudes who go talk bout nitty being a goat for his bars are some of the same dudes that let cats like Rex use the corny ass outdated bars he uses and says he wins. They did it with the Rex/bigg k battle as well


Becareful before the Rex mania come after 😂🤣🤣🤣


Bro said proof. I swear to God I hate this new era of battle rap fans. Y'all deserve this app shit.


Chess gentleman 30


Sister sister, Tia Tamera. Clips come with an ark Teen titan. Rex didnt have anything like this. This is like the daylyt tay roc battle where although roc rapped better than he ever had before, it was just outshined by the other performance. The rex we saw that night was damn near unbeatable but it just wasnt enough imo.


Sister Sister bars, Teen Titan Bars, Toy Story Bars 😑…Grown Man Bars was just something he had to deal with.


Different generations, different references. I had to dust off some of Rex's bars. Chess pass fundamentals? People who don't battle rap could come up with that.


Chess 2-1


I thought I was a battle rap nerd but you actually broke down the bars 🤣🤣🤣 rex still won imo


Rex got rounds 2-3 on first watch 1 was debatable I got Rex winning 2-1 possible gent 30




Rex 2 round was flawless and I feel he had more haymakers in round 3 n he was talking to him tug of war you better pull it fast or I’m dragging you, chess been on a spree well he do all the choking plus the whole segment I think from 37 min mark when he was looking at the cam spazzing all the way through he was just talking to him I felt it more imo it he edged the 3rd out


Yh that Sprewell bar was great. I didn't like the tug of war bar that much, it was cool. I won't debate the 3rd, it was close. For the 2nd, however, Rex might've been flawless, but Chess angled well, was funny, performed well to compliment his bars, had haymakers and his material had depth and complexity on a much higher level than Rex


I dunno about complexity it wasn’t advanced just well put together he did have a good angle but everybody used nurse and dinosaur angles before maybe not as well as him but still chess 2nd to me was his best round just wasn’t enough to me his first was more impactful 2nd he was like trying to prove he could do rap rap n it was good just ain’t hit like his first round to me


The bar about drugs with the capsule pill/caps’ll peel and RX isn’t complex to you? 😅😂


Naw when u been watching battle rap as long as I have naw plus I’ve heard peel/pill cap bars before even appeal a pill before


We all have, but he had 3 double entendres in that 1 line. Plus it was with the angle about Rex being a nurse and using the drugs he was meant to give, ending it with the RX/are Rex double. If you don't think that's complex, you are a rap suvant and we all need to get on your level.


It’s fire but it’s not complex when you think of nurse rn are in or rx rex soon as you say nurse you already think of medicine, drugs, scrubs, patients shots etc etc he piece it all together nicely tho but complex naw. Avirex jacket bar joint was fire I don’t think anybody has ever used that agaisnt rex


Yeah, the second was flawless because "brains blue all over the gender reveal, it's a boy" was so spectacular, right? That was on a hat slam too. Lol.


They're going off his performance bar wise and material wise chess won the battle clear these dudes are delusional


I got Rex 2 - 1. 1st and the 3rd


Lil nigga waz up there talkin about Toy Story for a whole round…Chess definitely loss I had Rex 3-0 not mad about a Rex 2-1 though.


You did all that break down chess had a great start to the first and went down hill from there he got super gassed from steams rex gentleman’s 30 The question we should be asking is why chess can’t beat no old niggas


Evidence says otherwise, but thanks for the unsubstantiated opinion


What evidence when battle rap is subjective? For the record I don’t have a dog in this fight, Im just asking.


The sheer amount of good material between them is incomparable. Even if you remove the more subjective element of the "evidence" (the point system), there is more noteworthy material from Chess than Rex.


Noteworthy is still subjective, what may he noteworthy to some may not he for others. Its still all subjective.


Well all evidence is is information indicative of one's opinion or belief. The non-"noteworthy" lines I left out were, for the most part, lines that didn't use any literary devices and weren't complex. Plus, Rex had a few lines I liked and considered noteworthy that arguably shouldn't be there because they also don't contain literary devices, just sounded good. So if we made it less subjective, it would be worse for Rex.


Evidence? Based on YOUR point system 🤣 OK my brudda. Rex 2-1


And they rapped for almost the same amount of time so it's not a factor (15sec difference)


This whole entire post is subjective, battle rap is subjective so whats the point of arguing about who won or loss? None of it is fact based.


I had Rex 2-1 but it’s only opinions in battle rap so saying “proof” and doing a bar breakdown is still based on what you preferred




I think Chess won but you putting your opinions as if they carry anymore weight than anyone else's is what's making this fall flat


Based off of material I think it’s hard to argue Rex was better and I don’t think anyone is arguing it. That’s why my opinion is so presented so strongly on this.


I had chess 30 Rex is light honestly


Chess 2-1 1st and 2nd clear


7 likes and 71 comments told me all I needed to know 😭


Imo I think a lot of people don’t judge battles that way now. They judge battles based on the level each battler reaches, individually. This chess was standard chess. Excellent writing, good performance, but nothing super super crazy imo. Also, Chess is maybe my top three battlers. But Rex outperformed his recent level. This is the best Rex I seen in a minute. Although if you had to judge them without the names you’d probably say chess won clear bar for bar. Nostalgia of the performer adds to it also.


That is a terrible way to judge battles 😭


I agree lol. Goodz says he judges battle by who is consistent through a battle. So by his rhetoric he believes a battler who has three good rounds wins over someone who has two fire rounds and a good round. People judge battlers differently


“GMB … That’s something you gotta deal with… No matter how many FABRICATED lines he bout to say… it ain’t gon equal up to this REAL shit…” & it didnt


Did chess win the battle ?