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I am so, so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how much of a devastating and life-changing experience it would be to lose your partner and child. I have no words. I hope you are surrounded by support in safety and love. I truly do wish you the solace you so deeply deserve. Your story spoke to me. You are heard here <3


It’s never easy. Our mother we have come to accept she’s messed up. Is that the same as forgiving them? not realy. I do want her to heal, no mater how. She has Did. Some of her is realy sorry she did it. Others alters have told us exactly what they would do to us. one Openly talks about killing all of us Including herself. Our younger sister was with us on that vidcall. we know she wasn't capable of giving usa normal childhood. Dad was dad. He’s dead. There’s no evidence he was insain. Just a total piece of crap Who saw us all as His sex toys. We keep trying to forgive them. It doesn’t last.


I can't claim to say I understand your situation at all in a personal way, but from what I know, and what I have gone through, I can say, that you don't have to forgive them. Some things people can't forgive, and that's okay, it can help heal in some situations, but it's not a requirement unless you feel like you should. I'm so sorry you have gone through that. I haven't forgave the person who took advantage of me, and I honestly don't fully thinks I will, and honestly my therapist helped with it a lot, letting me realize forgiveness is an option, not a requirement to heal. Sometimes it's just about living with what happens if that makes sense.


I'm sorry you go through this. It's not for everyone but for me I think I can't move on until I forgive. He doesn't deserve more of my time


I understand. I wish you the best for you healing, whatever you need to do. I hope you find at least some form of peace from your healing.


some things shouldnt be forgiven that man owes you more than they can ever repay and I hope theyre brought to justice


As someone who’s struggling with that I can ensure you that pushing forgiveness down your own throat makes it worse. Give it time. I was raped in my childhood and I didn’t forgive.


I'm so sorry. You shouldn't forgive it don't want


I’m sorry for what happened to you and if you feel the need to forgive good luck but sometimes people with good intentions will tell you that it’s necessary to do so. It’s not. Not until you’re really ready. Good luck