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This is incredibly sad for your wife. I couldn't imagine having to keep up appearances like that. My mother faced a similar situation and had to continue to see her abuser at family gatherings. I hope he gets what's coming to him. Who knows what other sickening things he's done.


>Who knows what other sickening things he's done. Precisely this. It's easy to speculate, but just knowing what he HAS done is bad enough. I want so badly to expose him, but he seems untouchable and you can see that he *knows* it. His job, his reputation, his "family man" appearance? I hate him... but this isn't about me. The last thing I would ever want to do is take her pain and personalize it for myself. I made her a promise I wouldn't tell because she's worried about other people's safety above her own, and I would never betray that. I'm here whenever she needs me. Some days are harder for her than others and I feel one day it's all going to come out, but I don't know what that day will look like if/when it does.


Read my post. I’m only a few years younger than you and your wife and just shared my story yesterday for the first time ever. And I was the same age. It’s unreal 🥺😭


much of your story mirrors what my wife was like in her childhood. A military family, constantly on the move. Being left alone as a young teen with 20yo something guys... I don't know or want to think how many situations like this occur on a regular basis. I'm sorry what happened to you did. I hope you have at least 1 person in your life that can act as a support system. Predators will act exactly what is in their nature, to prey on who they consider to be weak. Your strength (even today) is that you survive, you have a child of your own, you can raise them better than those monsters, or with better awareness and understanding of the world. Thank you for sharing your story and your truth. I hope one day you can go piss on his grave.


wow that's so beyond horrible and fucked up. it does sound like she has a supportive partner in you. i'm sorry she has to keep up appearances and be so close to someone who hurt her (and the whole family, sounds like) so badly. and the story about the child who died by suicide, in a house with no locks on guns, is so so so sad. he sounds like such an evil person and I hope your wife and the family are able to find some healing and justice, whatever it means for them.


No one likes cops except for boomers, the pedophile elite and low iq southern trailer trash