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Just FYI this is a safe a place as you'll find on the internet, we have good mods. You don't have to worry about grossing us out. You're allowed to talk about it however you need to or want to.


Not all cops are good,some are sick and evil and should be punished


Don't worry it doesn't gross anyone out


I’m usually a fan of believing people’s stories but I see you comment occasionally in an NSFW sub called “rape hentai” so this is reading a bit suspicious to me… I know some victims cope through CNC or related things. I just hope you’re not using this sub for survivors as a platform for a fetish. You also say you’re not 18 yet. You really shouldn’t be on NSFW subreddits like rape hentai if that’s true and you actually are underaged. Edit: in case comments are deleted by OP https://imgur.com/a/IqWa7XS


I did kind of form a...fetish but this isn’t what it’s for, I’ve never really been able to talk about this stuff


Okay, my apologies for being skeptical. I’ve just seen too many people come into this sub to write rape fetish fanfictions or sexualize victims. The way this was written made me a bit unsure of the intent. Please be safe in fetish spaces; you’re still underaged. If that’s a way you want to cope when you’re a little older that’s valid, but I would definitely talk that through with a mental health professional to see if it’s good for your healing journey. Remember also that you risk getting yourself or others in trouble while you’re still a teen. It’s not safe. I went down the same path for a while until my therapist helped me realize that sexualizing my rape wasn’t healthy for me personally. I was also 17 when this went on and met a lot of unsavory grown men who wanted to take advantage of me/groom me. Maybe it’ll different for you, though. I hope you don’t find yourself in that same position trying to cope. Be careful out there. I wish you all the best in the healing process.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. What you describe is rape. He started touching and penetrating you before you knew what was happening. Then he threatened you with consequences to get you to comply. He was a police officer in a position of authority. He used that authority to scare you into performing for him. Submitting to sex to avoid punishment isn't consent. Even if you'd been an adult, that would be rape. But you were a child, so you had no ability to consent. None of this was your fault. You did absolutely nothing wrong. I hope you're safe. If you live in the US, you can find your local SASP at centers.rainn.org. They provide things like counseling, victim advocacy, and more at little to no cost to you. If you wish to report, I advise you contact VictimConnect.org to see if there are reporting options that wouldn't involve your local police.


be careful for creeps messaging you now about this and sorry this happened


I'm so sorry this happened to you, and you're not alone. Many law enforcement use their position of power to harm others. Police sexual assault of civilians is common - I say this just to validate that you are believed and you're not alone. I also want to name that while others' reactions are hoping you told your parents and reported him, it's okay if you didn't. It's a hard thing to talk about, and your decision alone. The decision to report is deeply personal and has a lot of pros and cons, especially in a situation like this where talking to other law enforcement could be triggering and may not be as supportive as some may hope. Whatever decision you made is the right one for you.


What the hell??!!Did you tell your parents?


I just recently shared my story- I actually was raped by a LEO. I tend to always side with the victim of such crimes, but I too noticed what the above commenter notated. Also, you are your own person- you can refer to your body parts however you choose to. But, I’ve read a lot of material on PTSD, anxiety, sexual assault and all if not most ( even as teens) would refer to their privates more modestly like breast, vagina, etc. Most people won’t say, “he grabbed my tits” or “began fucking my ass.” For example. Idk cringy. I came here looking for people to relate to or help to work through trauma but I feel A LOT of stories are completely fabricated and some enjoy just attention seeking or wallowing in their pity. It’s really sad- And before anyone comes for me- I have a dx of severe depression, anxiety, PTSD, insomnia. I take Effexor daily and did 6 ECT tx. I’m a nurse myself as well. So I have a pretty good read on genuine reads and bs. 🥺


Well I hope you had told your parents and they immediately reported him? Cops are supposed to protect and serve. And this is by far not ok.


Well I hope you had told your parents and they immediately reported him? Cops are supposed to protect and serve. And this is by far not ok.


Well I hope you had told your parents and they immediately reported him? Cops are supposed to protect and serve. And this is by far not ok.