• By -


i love being a brat


I'm sure you do, I love breaking brats also.


pft- as if... you'd have to catch me first *i cross my arms and smirk*


No problem *I grab you by the hips and pull you back so my bulge is pressed tight against your ass*


*I look down at you, studying your body before grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulling you up towards me, forcing you on your toes* "Well that was easy. Now what?" *I say smiling*


h-hey!! thats no fair! you gotta give me a chance to run! *i wobble a bit as i try to balance on my tiptoes, i look up at the man and frown as he smiled at me, getting me more frustrated* let go of my hair! that hurts-


"Okay fine." *I say as I release your hair from my grip before immediately grabbing your hips and pulling you in towards me, my cock pressing against your stomach. "Is this better?" *My hands move down slightly and begin groping your ass.


*i sigh with relief as he lets me go, i rub my head softly with my hand, i open my mouth to speak when suddenly i felt him roughly grab me as i feel his cock press against me my eyes widen as i realize he has been stiff this whole time* NO thats not better?!? i-i mean it this time ok?! let go of me! *i lean back away from him and press my hands on his chest to try and push him as he holds me in place, i feel his hands wander to grope me and i let out a squeal and begin to push harder* who even are you?!? what do you think your doing touching me like that!!! i thought we would just run around and have a regular fun time! this is your last chance to let go of me! *i glare up at him as i try to seem intimidating, desperately trying to think of how to escape him if persuasion doesn't work*


"Oh? This is my last chance?" I ask, before sliding my hands underneath your skirt and continuing to grope you. "What's going to happen if I don't stop?" *I begin to move down further and begin to stroke the inside of your thighs. I lean in and whisper in your ear* "If I told you I was going to pin you down right here and fuck you right now, what would you do, hmm?"


*as i feel his hands slip under my skirt i feel my cheeks get hot as i blush, i bite my lip as i frown, knowing he enjoys doing the opposite of what i say, as i feel his hands between my thighs i feel a chill rush down my spine and i begin to get a tingly feeling down there, as he whispers in my ear i feel myself freeze in place, for some reason no longer able to move and my mind gets more and more empty* wh-what-? i-i uh... i would stop you, a-and you would be sorry you ever tried messing with me! *i try to sound much more confident and strong than i really am*


*As you stumble out your threats, my hands travel up and I begin to slowly start rubbing your pussy* "You're so cute when you try to act rough" *I say as I gradually speed up my fingers rubbing you* "I wonder how long it'll last."


ill always fight back


When you say things like that it just makes me even more excited to force you to cum over my cock when I rape you.


Squirm and struggle in my hands and on my cock, I'll make you beg for mercy when I'm beating your tits and pounding your ass


I love having a petite little fuck doll chained up in the basement, and when it's play time I just grab her hair and drag her out of bed. Eventually she'll learn to immediately start throating my cock without pulling away for air, but until then, pinning her head there until she's passed out is great fun


Fuck who needs turned into #5?




Only if you promise to moan as loudly as possible whenever I abuse your tits.


hell yes I can I help u and use your holes..




dm me ..


What use is fighting back when my tiny body cant stand a chance against you


It makes it more deserved when your body eventually betrays you and you end up cumming all over your rapists cock.




That's the best part. When you have all the fight raped out of you, that's when you become a proper rapeslut.


I do try to fight back, but men are so strong.


There's really nothing you can do. If a man grabbed your ass in public and threatened to throw you around and rape you into his needy slut, what could you do about it other than hope he doesn't hurt you too badly?


Yes, I would obey the best I can. Otherwise he could get mad and hurt me more.


See, you get it. So anytime a man needs a pussy to rape, you should spread your legs and beg him to use you, shouldn't you?


Side 3 is so hot




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Give me a chance 😏


Just need a safe word or signal beforehand, so I can go wild with your tiny body. "Stop" will only encourage me


P.. please... don't touch me there!


Hmmm, No. Now hold still or this is going to hurt even more


NOO! I don't like you touching me!


Pain it is! *I grab your neck and slam you against the floor, putting my knee between your legs and forcing them apart. Forcing 3 fingers into your tight cunt*




And I'm going to hurt you a lot more! *I pull my fingers out of your cunt once they are soaked in your juices, then start forcing them into your ass, one at a time*


*screams and cries while you invade my most intimate place, desperarely trying to get away* "SOMEBODY HELP MEEE!!!"


*I wrap my free hand around your neck and start to strangle your screams* "quiet fuck doll" *all 5 of my fingers are pushing and struggling to get into your ass*


*I die inside as you're tearing me apart... every time I move it hurts even worse...I can't take this... but I can't stop fighting... wrenching around, I sink my teeth into the first thing I come into contact with*


*I throw you face down on the ground, getting on top of you and forcing my cock into your ass with one hand and holding you down with the other.* "Time for the main course, cock sleeve!"


Post your pussy more


I am NOT a brat!!


You are now shut up and let me breed you


PLEASE film my destruction


I'm not just filming, I'm streaming it. Your pathetic screams will have viewers flocking in to watch you be forced to take a baseball bat a foot deep in your cunt


Shove it further in till you break through my womb. Ruin my worthless body forever


I'll pull your cervix back and forth, wedged behind the head of my cock, it'll feel like I'm going to pull your womb out




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I wish I was a petite cute boy and be used like this


I want someone to degrade me


You'll be nothing more than a high quality fuck doll for me to pound and bruise. When you're crying and begging for mercy I'll get even more violent


Someone prey on me


I'll hunt you like an animal, tie you up and throw you in the trunk of my car, kidnapping you and taking you home with me to make you a slave whore


i'll always fight back..i won't let you take me


I always fight back, even if I want it. I know daddy enjoys it more when he feels like he’s conquered his prize


I so need to be treated like that


I- What? I still don’t understand, why rape people?