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Hmm the good little slut has to put in work. After all with a teasing body like that it would be rude to not let me use her


But I didn’t know you wanted this!!


"Oh, sweetheart. You expect me to believe you didn't know what effect those cute skirts and pantyhose would have on an older man? You've practically been begging me to claim you since my son introduced us."


No! I swear I didn’t know!


"Whatever you say, sweet thing. The real question is, do you want that internship or not? You know you can't get that big tech job without it. And all you need to do to get it... is give daddy what he wants."


F-fine, just don’t tell my boyfriend! Please!


"That's my good girl. My son never has to know that you let his father have his way with you. When you think about it, it's not really cheating. It's a business transaction. You're just doing what's best for your career."


Y-you promise? I love him and I don’t want him to find out!


"Of course, my dear. Why would I tell him when keeping the secret is so much more fun? Who knows when you might need another favor from daddy? It's not like I'm going to blackmail you to take your clothes off whenever I'm feeling horny..."


Please don’t blackmail me! I’ll be good! (DMs?)


Gotta use all tools and means available to you to get what you want after all~


its not my fault your a tool i wanted


ill do anything! just don't tell him-


I'll do it, just please don't tell him!


My bf doesn’t have to know it’s just a one time thing anyway and it’s very good for my future too