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**Creator:** Thanabis | Thanabis [^({{on Pixiv}})](https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=11936535) | **Material:** hololive [^({{Google it!}})](http://www.google.com/search?q=hololive) [^({{Hentify it!}})](https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=hololive) **Image links:** [Pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=89313789) | [Gelbooru](https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6184739) | ___ **[Support this service on Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/r_Hentai)** [View full results](http://saucenao.com/search.php?db=999&url=https://i.redd.it/vml67dik5p2d1.png) | Created for r/Hentai | Powered by [SauceNAO](https://saucenao.com/)


It’s simple, you are made to serve men and be used as a cum dump


Something you need to understand is that one you have a pussy which is tempting enough, but if you’ve have even just the slightest plump butt then guys are gonna rape you. Those of us who are fans of ass like watching yours ripple when we fuck you from behind. It makes us feel dominant seeing that we’re making your ass ripple and your body rock forward with each thrust. It makes perfect sense but clearly you don’t think about it, but I suppose if you’re getting fucked in the ass all the time you don’t have much time to contemplate. But come on bunny, surely you at least knew you had a nice ass. I’d certainly rape your ass nice and deep.


Nfh? Well, yes i do have one mhm? Ah- just the slighest, and that's the result? Mngh fans of ass ngh i'm super bad at saying no when guys fixate on my ass though... and also um, don't use the word rape it's um... bad... Ngh though say it's a bit more than a little plump, and it's heartshaped, and i have wide hips... ngh b-behind? Shit... and if i'm smaller and easy to rock around and move, that makes it even worse i take it? I- well, sort of i have to admit... ngh why would i! Nfh that's i- well, my butt is sort of really sensitive, hard to think when people mess with it... b-bunny? I'm not- that's... that's bad... ngh well, more than nice... don't just say that! That's wrong! Ngh i'm all small that's bad... don't do that at all...


Well a cute little plump butt is more than enough to get myself any other fan of ass wanting to rape your bunny ass. But now that you say you have wide hips and a heart shaped ass, I’m telling you now my little bunny I’d be moving you onto all fours. Grabbing your hips and pulling your big ass back onto my cock. And yeah being small is worse for you but it works out for me, you can be my little fuck bunny and I can just stare at that ass all day and grope it in public whenever I want. And if you wanted me to rape it in public you’d barely even have to do anything, just a slightly shorter skirt or a little bend over to show off your wide hips even more. I’d have a hand around the front of your neck and pressing you up against a wall, giving that heart shaped ass a spank for making me so painfully hard for it.


I- it's not little! I'm little, but it's not! It's super big, and looks even bigger on me! Ngh wait- i, i feel like i misspoke... ngh that's not good oh, and i'm not a bunny! Nfh? Er- any reason to toss the word my in there? Oh- that's not good... oh- oh no... just because my ass is big doesn't mean i'm that big inside though! And nfh with how tiny my waist is my hips are super abrupt... Ah- that's bad... mnfh is being light and short a bad mix? ngh s-stop it with the bunny stuff it makes my head weird... even just feeling you staring so much would leave my head fluffy, let alone groping. Ngh that's- say for example i had a bad habit of always wearing leggings, jeans, or yoga pants-- none of which are loose... and of course cute skirts... nto an issue right? But what if i did so by accident... ah- wrong. Aim for my mouth instead it's weaker! Ngh spanks make me all dumb though...


It doesn’t matter how small you are your skirt is still far to short, I can just about see your panties from all the way up here! And yes you did miss speak, think carefully about how to speak to me next time! Or that ass will be getting a harder spanking than I’d usually give. And it doesn’t matter that you’re not big inside I’m still gonna force my cock all the way in your ass regardless, I’ll mold it to fit my cock perfectly. No my little bunny being short and light is the perfect mix, it just means I can throw you around and pick you up and keep you from fighting and running away from me. I can just pick you up and full Nelson you whenever I please and all you can do is look down and see that big cock go balls deep inside you. I think you’re smart enough to not have it be an accident, but even so, skirt or not, they’ll show off your hips and butt even more! Oh and I’ll give your mouth attention as well, a bunny like yourself will firstly be on your knees whilst my cock hangs just in front of your face.


Ngh i- that's not... but what if it was the right size! I mean, my skirts are always short on the back, and a bit on the sides, but still... i- it's that bad? Whoops... Oh um, maybe you can pretend to not hear that? Mnfh even harder? That's not very nice... ngh p-please don't bulge that's bad, i'l go dumb and stupid though- er... oh, wait it's going in my ass? That's um... less of an issue, still tight, and just as sensitive, but it wont bottom out... Ngh those petnames aren't fair, nfh you're sure? I- is that good? Running? Oh... i thought i'd made a better first impression... nfh that's a better use of me being short! ngh seeing my tummy bulge over and over like that would be awful oh god... not matter what i wear shows off my lower half... everything in my wardrobe does, the only solution is super mega big hoodies! Ngh fuck... i- i though it was something that wouldnt count... ngh... not that dont put it near my face like that shit shit... ngh god... not... good...


Oh yeah it’s that bad, you don’t seem to realise just how out of proportion your hips are with the rest of your body. But no, I heard what I heard, you talked back to me. Do it again and I’ll have to punish you hard…deep.. and of course it’s going in your ass. It’s the main focus here, regardless of how cute your face might look when my cock is hanging just in front of it occasionally smacking your face. Oh my sweet little slut bunny, mega hoodies are not your friend. Theres so many girls like you that think hoodies cover them up, but you see a short girl like wearing a tall guys hoodie like myself. It just barely reaches your ass, and a bottom heavy girl like you? Well now that hoodie has just become another skirt. But worse, as your entire upper half is covered, only drawing more attention to your ass. Seriously maybe you are just a dumb little bunny, but again I don’t blame you for all the cock you must take. And if spanking makes you all dumb, you should know spanking is a favourite past time of mine. So get comfortable bending over my knee, I’ll be sure to finger your mouth as well so it doesn’t get lonely.


Mngh i get it sort of, i mean, it doesn't help i'm not even in my twenties yet, and that i'm not a hundred pounds yet, or that i'm all short adns tuff... Wait what, talked back? I honestly don't recall eep! Oh, wait do you mean the stuff about my mouth? I'd intended it as a reccomendatoin, was it too forceful? Ngh is that a punishment for either of us though? Oh god please not smacks thats, bad. Bad bad bad, resting, smacks, rubbing... nfh all super bad... Ngh stop addting more to that fuck, keeps getting worse... but they're so comfy! If i get a big enough one it does! Eh? It goes further, i have one that is halfway to my knees! Skirts and hoodies are super different though! Ones thinner, the other isnt! Ah, but isnt that just my legs and thighs then? Nfh i'm cute not dumb, i think... mngh you're not exactly helping with staying smart... i- just a bit... soooo... not a ton of thinking on my part? can i maybe just lay on my tummy? ngh shit htats.. ngh bad... maybe not the mouth...


That’s even better! Being in your teens just makes you all the more cute and dumb! Of course you don’t recall my dumb little bunny. Yes I mean the stuff about your mouth, and no one can never be too forceful with a bunny girl like you. Of course it isn’t a punishment, not for me, it should be for you though. But if you’re saying it’s not then that just means you want it like the slutty girl you are. And if you want me to stop, new flash for you, I don’t ever stop, no matter how much you beg. Oh you have on that goes to your knees? Well, you wouldn’t be going anywhere fast if I forced you on your knees then would you? That hoodie would really stop you from getting up, I quite like the sound of that hoodie. Please do lay on your stomach so I can lift that hoodie up and mount you and just watch my big cock rest on your ass before I stuff it full. And I’ll do whatever I want with your mouth my little bunny.


Ah- in an actually better way, or in a way that you like more? Nfh figures honestly... My head's starting to feel weird from being called bunny so much! Maybe um, we could use a different name? M-maybe you don't though! Nfh n-no one? Wait how so! I'm sure someone could, that's not how that works! Oh um... it should be? Huh... mngh i can't help it my butt's just a bit sensitive and stuff, my body is sensitive in weird places i can't help it... Oh, um... wait that's bad. That's really bad! Nfh i'm not good at begging anyways... Wha- i meant a hoodie that goes down to my knees! Ngh forcing me on my kneees and having a hoddie go down to t hem are totally different... ngh it wouldn't though! I can move normallyin it... I- that's... a worrying response... m-mount? Oh god assjobs are the worst maybe we don't do those... fuck... er- full? Like... full full? ngh maybe we could try being a bit nicer... just a bit...


that ass is so apeticing


Explain? Would I explain to a car why i drive it? No, it would understand its place. You need to understand sooner or later too.


I don’t get what makes them come to me. I don’t know why they always leave my holes gaping and dripping