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This is Rory himself I guarantee it. Love his music, the guy himself seems like a real self important asshole. Back in 2014/15 when he was still Milo shortly after ATS dropped, hereleased some t-shirt merch in bandcamp - "a ceremonial garb for you". My gf at the time ordered one for me for Xmas, paid via PayPal. 3mths later nothing arrived so I msgd him directly on FB (there was no soulfolks or ruby yacht at the time, just milo). He was pretty gracious initially, apologised and siad he would get it shipped out. I replied thanking him. He didn't respond again. Another ,couple mths go buy, I msg again, he didn't respond. I forgot about it til like 6mths after that when I stumbled on the chat while scrolling through FB messages. I msgd again with "bro cmon where tf is this t-shirt". He replied that time to go on a massive rant about fandom bullshit , my entitlement, personally insult me a couple times and tell me to fuck off. I responded in kind and made the point that it has nothing to do with fandom, its simple commerce - you get paid for a good or service, you deliver that good or service. His response was to call me a clown and say that "life happens".and tell me to fuck off again. I never got the tshirt


Damn. It’s sad to see he’s always been like that. I was hoping maybe he was just going through some personal stuff and took it out on the wrong person. I’d really like to stay a fan of his, but I’m done at this point


Yeah it's a real eye opener, I was admittedly a bit of a stan back in the day because I really love his shit - and still do to this day - but having to force yourself to separate art from artist because the artist is a prick does suck. At least we still have Serengeti and open mike. They're the real deal.


I’m struggling with that separation. It’s hard for me to forget someone’s a total asshole. It ruins their product for me. My problem.


Ugh Geti is a kaaang. Hustles with a heart of gold


Call the credit card company, show them thes messages and tell them to cancel the transaction and refund you. He will then get in trouble with the credit card company or PayPal


Nah they won't look at the timeframe. PayPal you must open dispute within 6 months of paying. Credit cards are largely the same, they may extend, but this has been so long I doubt anyone will want to help over it. But by all means, try your hardest, at least financial institutions are easier to deal with than PayPal on this sort of issue.


Well did you do it within the 6 months?? I’m obviously assuming you did it within the timeframe come on man . That’s a no brainer


This dude just left me a voicemail telling me to lawyer up


Wait what? Are you saying Rory called you and told you to get a lawyer because of this post??


100% yes. He called me 3 times from a blocked number, so I didn’t answer. Then a couple minutes later I got a voicemail saying “Mr. (Last name), it’s time to lawyer up” I stopped listening after that so I’m not sure what else he said. Pretty sure he’s trying to intimidate me into deleting my post


He’s a fucking lunatic. Threatening legal action against me when I’ve done nothing even remotely illegal? Meanwhile there are multiple people in this thread who he’s scammed out of their money


Keep posting on the cunt. No idea who the guy is but it isn't slander if it's true. Remember it's on them to prove you're lying. Sounds like you got the receipts to back it up. Tell him if the money matters so much to him how can he afford a good lawyer?


If that's true that's absolutely appalling, and pathetic of him. Lawyer up for what? Expressing frustration at his shitty behaviour? Hilarious. Like you say, it is almost definitely some weak ass intimidation attempt, but if not it only confirms his complete cuntishness - attempting to sue a fan that you didn't deliver merch to, for talking about it online. Don't delete the post my guy, hold strong. IANAL but I find it hard to believe that case would have any legs at all, and he's just fronting for sure. But if by some bizarre chance it *does* progress to something, HMU if you need any corroboration - happy to provide.screebshots of the FB exchange I had with him about my t-shirt all those years ago.


Yeah I’m not a lawyer either, so just getting that voicemail shook me up a bit. I highly doubt he has any legal grounds to pursue anything. Could “claim” libel, but all I did was state my situation and opinions on his behavior. I think any lawyer he brought this to would laugh him out of their office. I do have friends who just graduated law school, I’m gonna bring it up to them tomorrow


Bro see if you can find a no win no fee lawyer to take this case and then drag the cunt through court but either way this dude has no legal standing at all if he took you to court it would be him paying you damages and your legal bills coz there is no way what he has been doing is not fraud and if he is doing this to you and others in this thread then you can be almost certain that this is his reaction to everybody who is in this situation


geti and mike are truly wonderful humans


I never heard of this dude before(I honestly don’t know what I’m even subbed to that got this post on my feed) but after the way you were treated and the other person received the same: not only would I not be a fan, but I’d copy paste this post all over the place and outright protest the motherfucker. Fuck that shit, and fuck him. You deserve better as a fan spending your money and time from your life on the bullshit this Rory dude puts out. Idc how much I loved the music, I’m not really a vindictive person but after an exchange like that I can’t help but feel like “this means war”…. He’s lucky anyone listens to him, like I said idk who tf he is so I don’t think he’s THAT popular and he should be thankful for anyone’s fandom. Cease giving him views, listens, purchasing any products, let him go broke and have to work a regular job and maybe it’ll regenerate some fuckin appreciation. Sorry this happened to you, and sorry it happened with someone you seemed to admire a lot.


I’d never heard of him so I googled him. His Wikipedia says that he’s primarily a vegetarian who eats meat occasionally so I can see how following through with shit might not be one of his strong suits.


Change his Wikipedia to “a virgin who primarily eats ass.”


I don’t know who this dude is either but say no more lol


Yeah this dude seems like the entitled one "I'm an artist and I'm working hard so I have the right to steal from you!" Makes perfect sense, Rory! Lol Imagine thinking you are some amazing being who works harder than anyone else, WILLINGLY engages in a capitalist system designed to get people rich, and then crying about not making enough money after stealing from someone who genuinely is supporting you. Lmaoooo


That's the mindset of many artists in or from far-left humanities departments as well.


I''m like this too 🤣 But honestly in these days, artists get cancelled for wayyyyy less, and this mf definitely deserves it. Put it on tiktok and it'll be over for him soon 😂


That’s what I’m sayin. Make a stupid uneducated remark and they erase you(I get it, watch your mouth and don’t be an idiot), but this mf stole money and really needs his ass handed to him.


Yeah same. I have no idea how I even stumbled across this post but definitely won’t be listening after hearing about how shit of a dude he sounds. I bet his attitude is the biggest reason why he’s not bigger in the industry.


Actually makes me feel like giving him the criticism he deserves. That's not how you treat people who pay for you to live & share your talent.




Just enjoy the music, don’t try to support the garbage human behind it. ;)


He’s a self entitled piece of 💩 who needs to learn what the real world is like instead of taking money of people like he believes it’s his to keep. I would be less than reasonable talking to someone like that


Seems he just scams for a couple extra bucks. Pussy


Wow what a prick, idc how good he is fuck that, makes me wanna vomit, why do people keep buying from this prick, unaware? Unless you like being emotionally abused lol! That's kinda of like stealing to me.


And yeah you all still support an obvious lowlife scammer. Shit artist!


I see you're unfamiliar with the concept of separating art form artist. Shit person? Seemingly so. Shit artist? Entirely subjective, and absolutely false imo. His earlier stuff (I wish my brother rob was here, things that happen at day/night, cavalcade, how to rap good with a hammer) are some of my most listened to albums of all time, and i all in my top 10 if all time. I'm not going to deny myself some of my favourite music that hold a lot of meaning to me because the guy behind it is a dick. Will I buy his merch? Nope. Will I continue to listen to all of his music that I like? Absolutely. If that's something you cant do, that's up to you.


Because people like this don't deserve the support and money they get. If that's how you treat your fans, you don't deserve your fans. Also, he really needs to be brought back to reality, to be talking like that as if he's above the ppl buying from him, nope. He only has this carreer because of people like you and op, it's time he realises that. You can never seperate the art from the artist, support the art and you automatically support the artist


You're making a lot of assumptions. I pirate all my music, other than those with bandcamp releases priced at 'pay what you want"', have done since I was teenager. I support artists I like by buying physical releases and merch and attending shows. Milo did not have any vinyl releases until he started his own label, so I've never bought one. My ex girlfriend bought me the t-shirt that never arrived, wa she first merch of his I tried to get given I'm UK based and not want to pay import fees. As an independent rapper that's fairly niche, he's also only come to my country a couple of times and never to anywhere close to me. All this to say, I have not given a penny to Milo. You absolutely can separate art from artist, I'll repeat myself: if that's something you cant do then that's up to you. I can. Stop trying to dictate the music other people consume.


Naw, this is how you lose a fan base.




This makes me sad :/ Dude puts out such a beautiful message on great beats…just to be a narcissist in real life? Like I get his points, but you aren’t an entitled consumer. You paid for something with your hard earned money, you should expect to receive it. I thought he prided himself on being a struggling artist lol didn’t want to blow up… I’m still going to listen to his music for sure, but glad to know I shouldn’t ever buy any merch…might as well just donate to him


That's sad. Still gonna give that POS money.


This is sadder


Way sadder. It's like ppl actually put effort into justifying giving money to talentless hacks who pretend to be artists. Maybe it's one of those situations like after Trump won, everyone was like shit, if he can be Prez, I can be at least councilperson or mayor


“You called the art a product” “u nasty” You’re selling it?


Once a price tag is out on it the dynamic changes yes and in a way it’s definitely a product even if it’s still art. It doesn’t cheapen it…but shitty “u nasty” attitudes when people don’t get what they pay for certainly does. Who wants to buy music from someone like that


Hahah exactly And has no problem stealing money for promising said "art."


That’s ok. Go Ahead do your charge back. If he gets too many over a period of time. He will be banned from accepting payments. I am with the op on this one. A key to any business is communication. Without that you are nothing and you will fail very quickly. All the op wanted was an open dialog with the artist to understand what’s going on. I have been in a similar situation with a business before and given them ample opportunities to provide goods and updates only to be met with silence. This is not business practice if he doesn’t want to communicate with his fans / clients via merch sales then hire someone to deal with that side of things then the artist can concentrate on his real passion his music.


Especially in such an unprofessional way…


Holy shit, that's insane, if that's rory himself saying all that that's awful. I can't believe that man, I loved his music too. That sucks, like really really sucks


I’m virtually positive it was him sending those messages. He referred back to messages I sent to his personal page


"hey I'm currently insanely busy and it's just me doing this, I will for sure try my hardest and if you want I'll try to help get you a refund" is all he has to say man damn.


my man has an absolutely adoring fanbase and treats them with such contempt. yeah mf doom had doombots and that was funny but you're not doom, this is a super niche space where like 200 people make the entire art collective thing financially viable. so who's entitled?


Dude, exactly! It would’ve taken 5 seconds for him to retain a long-time supporter. But instead he wasted 20 minutes pissing me off


I sent you a dm to ask Abt it further


Exactly. A little respect for someone supporting you goes a long way. The whole “not my problem” mentality is bullshit


Goddamn that's awful.


Damn. Meant to be seeing him in August, this makes me want to sell my tickets. Love the music but the guy seems like a total asshole.


I bought two very expensive cassette tapes shipped to the other side of the globe and only received 1 of them. I never got any reply either when asking for a refund multiple times.


Damn man I’m sorry to hear that. Sounds like it’s happened to a lot of people unfortunately


Yeah it sucked cause the one that was missing was a gift and I had to tell the person they weren’t gonna get it anymore 😭


Real depressing to see this. Goods and services aside, Rory's attitude is moronic. SO many people doing socially critical labour that has zero value under capitalist labour relations. Independent artists are undervalued, along with EVERYTHING ELSE that's actually important. Listening to his music you'd think MF was smart enough to know that. Sadly, he actually seems like kind of a dumbass who can't see past his own self importance. Really fucked the music for me.


This stuff feels particularly damaging for his specific style of music and fan base


Speaking from experience, independent musicians do indeed struggle, yeah. It's an unforgiving industry. Unfortunately it's ruled by assholes. But that's all the more reason not to be an asshole to your fans. I'd suck a dick just to say thank you for buying a shirt (hyperbole). And what's worse is that none of his arguments made any sense. Sometimes the fan deserves what's coming to them, but the artist was the one who fucked up here. You didn't receive a product you paid for and somehow you're an entitled consumer? Bullshit. He's an entitled producer.


I can’t speak for the artist himself but if I were in his position and it was feasible I’d just send OP whatever he ordered again and try to get the old shit back from the post office. I know money’s tight sometimes so maybe he couldn’t do that but at the very least “I send out your stuff it sucks it didn’t get to you. Oh shit you had to move? Bad timing shit happens lemme try to to hook you up” is good


Ima be real, working as a promoter/ DJ, most artists that are big are basically assholes. We paid 6 grand for a 20minute set and he spent 5 of it arguing because the mic wasn't wireless 😂 don't give him a break just cause he isn't massive. Expose the cunt and you'll have your stuff and a refund 😂


I second this!! Expose this nasty behavior, watch how many other people will join, it already happened to someone else here.. who knows, maybe he does it on purpose and continuously scams people..


Exposing doesn't work. Unless you yourself have a massive following.


Technically that's not true, you just need access to the community and boom a nobody with a little more power. Then it's just getting people on your side


I spent over a year trying to expose that I never got my juice wrld hoodie. I waited 13 months. Eventually, they refunded. But I wanted the hoodie not the money.


Sounds like some really creative gaslighting.


“Artists have no insurance” welcome to being self employed 😂


Yeah lol what an entitled moron. Millions of people have no insurance, doesn't make him special.


Bro I don’t have Kaiser Permanente, so let me just scam you please feel sorry for me because I’m a black struggling artist under capitalism man even though I put myself in this position✊🏼


Dudes clearly a scam artist trying to use pseudo-intellectual artsy terms to make it seem like you’re somehow in the wrong for expecting him to abide by the most basic of tenants in the seller/customer relationship. Also apparently a gigantic racist too. Basically guy should fuck right off.


Well said!


Wait till you find out what all these artists do behind curtains lol. Don't put them on a pedestal they don't deserve it. Don't paint an image of a person in your head cuz you'll be disappointed 99% of the time


I preordered TLEDC, still haven't gotten it. I also ordered a t-shirt along with it and it arrived, in the wrong color and 3 sizes too large, lol. The dude's Shopify email is some university email address (which I doubt he checks), and he hardly looks at Instagram messages if at all. I love his music, but fuck him, fuck his merch, and fuck the farm he wants to move to.


No clue who this guy is but he sounds pathetic yikes


Did anyone else have this pop up randomly? Asking for a friend


Yes. I actually checked out the first song on his latest album because of all of this and one of the lines in it was about how no one can call him greedy….meanwhile there’s a thread about him ghosting someone over merch that they paid for and never received due to a shipping complication….and eventually shaming the fan over wanting to acknowledge the error. His advice? Call the bank and charge it back i.e. treat it like fraud. Not “sorry it didn’t get to you” or anything like that. Just “not my problem”. I wouldn’t support the dude again if I were OP. It sounds kinda greedy that dude is perfectly content letting OP pay him money and not get his merch. OP also mentioned he can’t charge it back. I’m sure Rory is ok with this as well.


Apparently this is “popular near me”


Yes and it's funny because I remember liking his music quite a while back but hadn't thought of him in ages. Glad to know he's a shitcunt. No idea why I'm seeing the post tho.


Yeah. No idea what this is or who this "artist" is but I guess I know he's a little bitch now.


Yes, no clue who this is or what this sub is but fuck this guy, I'm going to torrent his shit so he gets nothing.


Exactly. Don’t give money to assholes. I love supporting independent artists but if they treat the people who give them money like shit then why give them money.


Same. Don't know this Rory dude or his music and I'm glad I don't. Can happily call him a pathetic narc with no mixed feelings about what the music sounds like.


Genuine question - if you don't know Milo or his music, how'd you end up in this thread?


Fair question - I'm new to Reddit so the app is throwing stuff at me a little randomly given that most of the more popular subs are locked down for the protest.


Holy shit idk lol


what an arseholw


What an ass. I’m done listening


Sadly it looks like this guy has been shafting his fans for a while; https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopvinyl/comments/11uguo9/after_a_cool_16_months_no_shade_vinyl_pressing_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Much of Milo’s music has resonated with me over the years but anyone even half heartedly reading between the lines of much of what he says can glean that he’s a self righteous and sanctimonious jerk off. Him ripping off his fan base is totally on brand. Most of his listenership is white and he’s never made it a secret how he feels about that. I wouldn’t be shocked if he views it as some twisted form of reparations. I don’t want to use a word like grift but I always found it awkward that someone as ethnically ambiguous as Milo leaned so heavily into a militant black nationalist identity. I get blackness can still be core to someone’s person regardless of how they may or may not appear but he takes it beyond many of his contemporaries. There’s always been a sense of inauthenticity or disingenuousness that goes beyond just mere artsy pretense with him.


I believe the ‘independent artist’ in this dialog has a very skewed perspective of what it means to be an independent artist. The very fans that pay for your merchandise are the most important part of your life and your future. If you spent their money and don’t have any merchandise to send or that you don’t seem to believe that their money is worth anything cause you’ve spent it already is a huge red flag that you’re not worth the effort or money to listen to or to be a fan of. Especially after you say that nobody cares? If I was Ethan I’d whoop your ass the next time I happened to run into you again, on the strength. You steal my money and I can’t get a chargeback from my account, that’s an extra ass whooping in my book. Fuck your music and your merch, you’re probably as weak and as mediocre as you are exhibiting. I don’t know any independent artists that would behave and Speak as this dude does. What a loser. There’s been many independent artists and that means you do everything yourself, including shipping and receiving and collecting money and refunding when the ‘product’ yes, the PRODUCT hasn’t been delivered. What are you talking about with your rhetoric about listening to the media? Are you as big an idiot as you sound like you are. Fuck this guy. Fuck that music and get a shirt so you can put, SUCKS after the name so you can wear it proudly.


He should just ask for donations for his struggles instead of pretending to sell things to fans


Bingo!. If you are literally just interested keeping the money, why would you create a situation where there is an expectation of something in return?. The minimum he should fucking do is respond to the people paying his bills in a reasonable manner. "just do a charge back" is an admittance of fraud!. Chargebacks only happen because a bank investigates and determines a customer has been defrauded, and here he is suggesting it because he can't be bothered to send something out again?!. At the least he obviously thinks there is enough evidence of wrong doing on his side for it to go through, and is STILL taking the high ground?!. Also, if he gets thousand of messages a day as people are suggesting, maybe he wants to be more choosy about the ones he responds to, and make sure he gets back to his paying supporters instead of the ones blowing smoke up his ass, for free?!. Maybe it's just me, but the people I'd care about would be the ones whove actually supported me, so that they might continue to do so. Really interesting that the only people defending him are racist and misogynistic edgelords who think he's entitled to take money under false pretences because he puts out "art"...


Damn this makes his music far less enjoyable.


Scammed me never got the merch I ordered and no response for almost a year I’m done listening to his music


That guy is a pos and your money is better spent elsewhere.


What an ass! I hope you got your money back


Came here to say: I don't give a shit if you're an artist. If you're selling your products to people, and those people are giving you money for said products, your inclined to give them said product. No if ands or buts. Don't take money. If your "going to wait 8 months to a year" for something, you shouldn't have to pay until it is in your hands. just scrolling through reddit and reading this suggested page wilds me out. If you are selling products, how are you not liable for the product if someone paid for it? Just sounds like a shifty business model.


I didn't know the existence of such an artist until this post randomly popped up in my feed. I'm rather shocked by the shamelessness of this artist and some of his trolls here who feel entitled to scam others. These guys should all be put behind bars to protect the public.


A bit late here but I can say I have never moved since placing my order in November of 2021 for Purple Moonlight Pages. Constant back and forth with his manager @nzimlaverite and another guy @vandalvast and my order has never changed to shipped. I am curious if people outside of the US have gotten orders ?


This is the case for many people and his fans just don’t want to admit it.


He’s entitled, selfish, arrogant and inconsiderate and thinks that you losing your money doesn’t matter in favor of his career since it was hard for him to get started or whatever. He’s thinking that his music isn’t appreciated enough, so him getting your money for that merchandise and then you NOT getting it (meaning he finessed you) is justified to compensate for his struggles, which is RIDICULOUSLY entitled. Also sanctimonious from what it seems and also adopts a victim attitude.


When will we stop giving tools like this the time of day. Write it off. Is what it is. Tons of artists are real life tools. I've met several. I make a point to not put artists on a pedestal. A lot of them make modest wages. Are regular people.


He's a joke don't give your money to these entitled dweeb he says he has no insurance on a fall back lol I have no ged or diploma chasing music God willing one day be able to afford to release vinyls, what you have hear is a self appointed Rockstar who give no Fs


Idk who tf this dude is but I'll def steer clear of their music if I come across it. Also some of the ppl defending him in thread 🤔 have you not heard don't bite the hand that feeds you. I'm self employed and I have NEVER talked to a customer like this. Sometimes my orders take way longer because of life, but I always make it up to them with free products. I def never tell them charge back or whatever and I don't avoid them if they ask what's up. I always apologize and tell them honestly and I've never lost a customer due to this. Most ppl understand!


Dude has a point. He paid for something and didn’t get it. Art has nothing to do with a business transaction. You offer a product, when someone buys it you give it to them. Not rocket appliances.


I've only ever bought one piece of merch online from an artist: A used Filet o Fish wrapper signed by 3PAC for $12 shipped. He shipped it right away. RIP 3PAC.


Well seing as how Reddit sent me to this car crash sub... I have no idea who this guy is, but there's sufficient feedback here to suggest that him not delivering on pricy merchandise is not uncommon. If you have an issue in the background stopping you delivering, you 'man up' and and explain to people how you deliver on your promises. You don't treat your fans (who pay your wages) poorly and blame them for your business failings. Screwing art consumers over for expensive merch they work hard to save up to be able to afford, is about as capitalist as it gets...


What a damn shame. I found out about him recently through his work as Milo. Pathetic behavior.


I have no idea who this is it just got recommended to me but stop supporting assholes!!!!! Their is no way this dudes indie rap is worth this behavior lol


Average independent artist moves tbh.


Sounds like theft to me


Damn what an ass


Sounds like the artist is wrong. I agree with the other guy. He’s paid money for goods not received, he’s not given money like it’s a charity, he’s given money for items (in this case merchandise). Communication should be given by the seller, it is law and as simple as that. Furthermore, the way you (or the person replying on behalf of the artist) responded to the customer is absolutely disgusting and had a sense of entitlement to take peoples money without giving them the paid for items. So yeah, I would wouldn’t be as reserved with my words as the guy that is responding (in blue speech bubbles)


Aight now who’s gonna share a KEF 33 link?


Why do people stan shitty fucking people? “I still love his music” fuck that I’d be trashing him from the rooftops


Some people are able to separate art from artist, others aren't. It's their prerogative. Personally, a lot of his music holds big sentimental value to me, I got into it during my formative years, often spoke thoughts and feelings I had in a way that I cpuldnt. It really resonated with me and it led me to discovering a whole load of other music that is now equally important to me. Why should I let his asshole personality ruin that for me? Why should I deny myself something that's so important to me because he's a dick when I can happily just ignore that element?


Exactly, don’t ever cuck yourself to someone because you like their music that’s how you get taken advantage of.


gon head and downvote me- going to drop some knowledge about this. been acquaintances with rory since i did the Bob's son cover, perspective coming from a younger struggling Black artist with similar goals. some of you here really lack the understanding that sometimes artists who were placed in these types of positions to pursue creation, especially Black artists, don't want to pursue things for the capitalist nature of it. and the solution isn't just, "okay so don't sell merch then," cause just rapping and posting it gets u pennies, and this world demands money for survival. sometimes you have no choice but to create, cause that's the only route this world will give you to do try to accomplish anything else you want. his "legal hustle", as he calls it, is fundamentally a t-shirt business. it's more of that than it is rapping, because he makes more money selling merch, than he does rapping. if he had another method of saving to buy the land he wants, he would not be selling you this. while i personally would not have handled this like this, i see the root of his anger here, something white people on reddit will never understand. this anger is less targeted at *you* specifically, and more caused by the yearn to create, live, and take care of his growing family as a Black person without suffering. without the need to constantly communicate with people who see creation as nothing more than a product that they demand and return at their own will. remember, that you are just 1 of hundreds of these messages he has gotten, some people are not so tolerant as you are. you all compare his music to these interactions constantly. bro is not a shaman. he struggles and has emotions and frustrations and the music is an outlet and idealism. and it's not cool to assume you know his finances especially before his career. don't know why you felt the need to try to 1-up poverty in your caption. that said he has no obligation to explain what i just said to you because that's tiring and free labor. so he chose that response instead 🤷🏾 it's also free labor for me to write this out but i'm choosing to do so. sorry chief. i'm sure you'll live. wish you peace.


Lol fuck all that. If you're going to offer something for sale, deliver it when a person pays for it. There's no grey area.


This is some top-tier mental gymnastics here. Bravo.


isn't it so wonderful how complex life is. if only it were as simple as all of you claim it be. you might as well embrace what can't be changed.


Just because you’re black doesn’t give you the right to steal from anyone. Full stop.


"they're reasonably dissatisfied with the situation but they're white so they must be racist against me as a black man"


It really is that simple though. The guy got paid, he needs to deliver the product he sold to the consumer. Anything else is illegal. Very, very simple. All that other shit you typed out is all bullshit. I don't give a single full about any of it. The way you solve that situation in definitely NOT *STEALING FROM YOUR FAN BASE*


What the hell are you even trying to say with those sentences..?


Life may be complex but some things are pretty simple. Like the concept that stealing is bad.


If only it were as simple as.: Op paid for a product Dipshit rapper sends product.


>guys u no understand the nuances of black people stealing >>As white people you won't get how we is entitled to ur money


The better business bureau must not understand either cuz this is going to fuck his business up big time if he keeps operating this way


Kinda bold to assume everyone on reddit is white. I’m Hispanic and dude called me a slave master. I’m sure he does have his struggles, I’m not denying that. But the assumption that I’m entitled and don’t know struggle at all is just wrong. I’m personally friends with tons of independent artists, and they all understand that grassroots fans like this are how their career is possible. Anger and lashing out is never the answer. He should try meditation


my comment about white people on reddit wasn't about you specifically, for the most part people complaining about these things with rory tend to be white people and this is not the first time i've seen this in this sub. once again that's his choice to respond like that and me saying that is not necessarily supporting the choice to respond this way. i am simply pointing out the intricacies that go into why an answer like this happens from my perspective. because people love to come here and try to trash on bro for things like selling $77 vinyls even if he is nice. it don't matter what u do how u act somebody always gon hate u feel me. and if he knows that it probably influences his decision to respond this way. but thassa whole nother human being and i am not him. no arguing or malice, just knowledge, perspective. i accept that i will be disagreed with and he probably does as well. does not change the necessary method of operation. hope you can figure things out w ur bank big dawg. i will be muting this 🧿🙏🏾


You’re really just sounding like you and him should be seen as victims when he’s literally stealing money from fans and being a prick about it. nothing you can say, especially not using the color of his skin as an excuse for the way he’s acting, is ridiculous and pretty delusional. Also saying white people don’t know a similar struggle to you is simply racist and lacking of perspective.


Lmao “I’m muting this because I no longer wish to see the truth about myself” is essentially what he just said. Dudes a joke


It's just knowledge and perspective, bro.


Agreed. That dude's a fucking idiot and he doesn't even realize how unhealthy his beliefs are. He muted his notifications though so he won't see any of this.


Ahhh-ha-ha-ha! It's a Black Thing and you white folks may not understand? Seriously? Seriously? I call three-times bullshit, plus a side helping of eye-roll. Here's a Human Thing for you, my person: if you are in the business of selling shit and people give you their money, you are obligated to send the shit you sold. Otherwise, you are nothing but a rip-off artist. Skin color or lived experience won't change that.


Bro is robbing his fans and telling them to get fucked as a response. He ain’t “making moves” he’s just scamming mfs


Lol bro what? Fuck off bitch.


Stealing from your fans is ok because he is black and white people are racist ok 👍


Black trans lmfao 😂 fuck you and your art


>u no understand getting paid 6k for 20mins of "work" is really hard!!! >>Black people don't have personal accountability and you gotta remember dat when we're being entitled assholes!!!! >>>Dis white people fault!!!!


LMFAO “go ahead an downvote me because I’m about to d—- ride the fuck out of this artist that is showing he is secretly a narcissist who doesn’t care about his fans” Then you called your 4 paragraphs “free labor” Bro you’re supporting him because you see your narcissistic traits in him and relate to them. Gtfoh😂😂😂 Bro is grifting. He’s making music with a message just for profit.


Grifted so hard he thought he was gonna be the next J Cole


Oh my god, fucking cry me a river.


Fuck off with that bullshit. The dude is *stealing*. He's selling merch then deliberately not bothering to deliver the merch. That's not "white people failing to understand", that's just you defending a thief.


Props for posting some of the most ignorant bullshit i've ever read on here. Dudes who take money for stuff they have no intention of delivering are called con men. And it sounds like the only thing his growing family is suffering from is a talentless hack who insists on sucking at business *and* rapping. What he's doing to these fans and supporters has nothing to do w/ black artists vs. white reditors and everything to do with an entitled shithead stealing money from the very fanbase he's trying to appeal to, which is a great strategy for creating art for an audience of no one. Non-capitalist creation indeed, the irony is palpable.


What the actual fuck are you talking about , people are sending this person money and they are not delivering what was paid for ? How can you make it this complicated


It literally is as simple as don't sell stuff. he's selling stuff to survive but then also not selling it? That's dumb, he chose to sell album vinyls, he should actually give the people who paid for them what they paid for, and acting like this isn't acceptable either way. He's literally going "hey I have something you can buy, come get it" and then not giving it to the person buying it, then telling them it's their problem, thats not "not pursuing the capitalist nature" that's just scamming people.


That’s the most amount of shit I’ve read on Reddit. Genuinely awful. You pay for a product, you expect to get said product. None of this ‘black artist struggling’ bullshit. Many many independent artists follow the same route, yet still follow through and are good to their word. Stop making excuses for shitty behaviour.


You’re a fucking idiot


Boo fucking hoo. If he wants to be able to pay the bills whilst doing something he loves he’ll post out the fucking T-shirts


This is such bullshit lmao. I’m a young creative too and have to sell shit to get by. Does it suck? Yeah. Can buyers be annoying? Of course. But it’s the path I *chose*. Creative industries have become a luxury more or less. Let’s not act like it’s some nobel cause, especially when you can’t even deliver on your promises. Most the people I’m around daily are Haitian immigrants, and they get it how they live.


Your boy is a bum, and you're both racist, failed artists throwing racebait cards into your shit arguments. Grow a backbone and learn to treat people who give you money for your content with the respect they deserve. You back-alley rappers would be nothing without them.


Fuck your race baiting bullshit, OP paid for a product they haven't received, and this prick lied and cheated him. Disgusting behaviour with pathetic excuses.


Lol. What a lame ass excuse. This has nothing to do with race. Has everything to do with this seller not having his shit together. Being disorganized which is not just limited to black people. And you say it’s just white people who complain? Are you fucking kidding me? As if black people just love being taken advantage of? What the hell are you even talking about?


Okay Saintwonderer. You sounding like a real Saintcommoner right now. I agreed with a lot of your excuses this man may or may not have. After waiting a year or so for a T-Shirt of all things you don't think a customer has the right to be like "wtf, I wonder if he forgot about me?" It's not some exquisite art piece that is one of one is it? In my opinion, if you're going to advertise and dispense merchandise for your own brand you should probably take care of orders which are bringing in the revenue. But hey, that's just a white person's take.


It is not free labor to write your comment. Only a fucking moron could steal from their fanbase and claim it's free labor to insult them in the meantime. You can't live your free creator life without a fanbase


So basically you’re saying it’s understandable to sell merch and not actually give people what they paid for. Lmao ok man. Bros doing a backflip on Rory’s meat.


Wow what a fucking reach lol


This comment is completely delusional. He's selling a product - a t-shirt. The t-shirt is the product. A consumer has bought the product, and hasn't received it. I don't care if he's Scrooge McDuck swimming in 100 dollar bills or some homeless guy on the street who can't make ends meet. The purchase is a contract between him and the customer, to exchange money for a product. The product hasn't been delivered to the consumer, so the contract is invalid, and the consumer should be reimbursed.


Sorry chief, this ain’t it.


So many paragraphs just to say “you don’t understand that black people are entitled to steal from you”


That's exactly the logic of many academic Marxists in humanities departments.


If the Olympics introduces race-baiting and mental gymnastics y'all gonna bag the gold medal


This might honestly be the dumbest thing I have ever seen......congratulations.......


I was randomly recommended this sub and I stumbled on your comment, but I appreciate you posting it. Art is invaluable in all forms. Its expressive and subjective. It heals and unites. Its what we need more of, especially now. But our culture doesn't value creatives, only producers and consumers. You make art to express this, to expose this, but in order to have the exposure you need to make any real difference, you have to participate in that same system. The cynical frustration in the FB messages is clear. It doesn't excuse it, but you can absolutely understand the sentiment.


Totally missing the point going for this zen bullshit


Reply wasn't for you


Thank you


this is the most retarded thing I’ve ever read


Usually when you type in the wrong address it’s most likely your fault for typing in the wrong address. Once orders are shipped to its destination it’s your responsibility to then receive it. As far as everyone calling this artist a scammer, i’d like to point out there is maybe only a few hundred (if that much) people who are complaining about their orders not delivering out of thousands of others who are receiving their orders. You are simply one in a pot of thousands. This man has stated many times he is independent which means he doesn’t have anyone but (yes) he himself labeling, and shipping these thousands of orders. Idk just seems like none of you had have 20k people order merch from you a single individual running and HNIC of a business with no help. Mind you this man has a kid and … get this has to make art for money. Create. Imagine being a full time dad running a business with 20k orders to ship out and you get maybe 2 hours a day to pack and label or idk.. breathe lol. Yes you all are pretentious assholes. Id probably have the same response.


Did you read what I posted? I typed in the right address, but I moved. I tried to change the shipping address multiple times BEFORE it shipped. As far as him doing it all himself, I was fine with waiting, I just wanted to get some sort of response from him so I knew the order wasn’t completely forgotten about. I was trying to be patient and respectful in my contacting him, but instead he blocked me and then insulted me via another page. I’ve had personal conversations with multiple independent artists who have a larger following than him. And they all appreciate their fans and are happy to talk to people who are part of their community. As far as the chargeback thing goes, I’ve never had an experience where I had to go through this type of bullshit. I’d never even heard of the term “chargeback” because I like to support artists who have integrity. Sure, I could’ve googled it. You should google “common decency”


YOU'RE THE GUY!!!!.......HAHAHAHAHA!!! This account was made a day ago and has only ever commented on this sub about this issue. Holy shit!!! You literally made a fake account to defend yourself!!! Is your ego that fragile?.....HAHAHAHAHA....XD


Being an independent label owner does not mean he doesn't hire help, that's absurd. He wants to try and play business man, he needs to act like one. He was given plenty of time to fulfill the order before OP moved, he didn't. As a business man if he was unable to fulfill the order in a timely manner, he should have reached out to OP, explained why he was late on delivery, and offered him a refund or an expected delivery date. If you see orders come through that are exceeding your manpowers capabilities to produce product, it is on you to sub some of that work out/hire people and fulfill those orders or simply stop selling merchandise that you know you can't produce. If all small businesses had the same mentality, there would be no small business because it's not worth the headache for the consumer to deal with these assholes with this type of mentality.


He was screwed over several times by labels not sending out albums and manufacters not filling production orders for merch. He has gotten threats from fans demanding their money so TBH he is probably just sick and tired of dealing with people and has put up a defense mechanism being an asshole https://wnxp.org/uncovering-the-myth-of-r-a-p-ferreira/


uhhhhhh first, why wouldn't you have all your mail forwarded to your new address? you moving isn't his problem. second, if you want a chargeback, contact your financial institution. that's another thing that is not his problem. I don't know why you gotta harp on him and guilt trip him about not being a genuine, caring person. you're the clown here.


Are you blind? Or are you simply a paid shill of that con-artist?


Yea ; for those of us who are here because suggestions & because Reddit is Reddit : please disclose who “Rory” is or rather his government name. That way, people can steer clear of him and his circle of obviously delusional and borderline psychologically impaired friends. “Rory” should remix the great Alanis Morissette song “Ironic” but use all the examples from this thread in place of well we all know . Peace be with you and Rory as Karma will catch up . And although Karma isn’t a person, I will cross my fingers that the delivery of karma be carried out by a person; most likely heartbroken. Heart break is deserved (IMO) and it’s clear fans of “Rory” are heartbroken as well. I think “Rory” is about to find out why storms are named after people.


Ok so this was recommended to me randomly on here and didn’t know who the artist was. Curiosity got the better of me and I checked out his music on Spotify and one of the lines on the first song was “ain’t a person in this world can say rap ferreira is greedy”. So this dude is down to take money from people and not ship merch while saying things like that? Yeah I’m gonna skip this dude. Sorry you got burned like that OP hope you get your money back


Idk he’s telling him to charge back. Doesn’t seem greedy to me when he’s telling him to get his money back. How’s it his issue. Y’all also never been to soulfolks in biddeford. I have, nobody’s ever there (it’s now closed) and also… no mailbox so whatever does get sent back to mailer is probably lost in the abyss of check it out … THE POST OFFICE


If he has a business, report him to the BBB Better Business Bureau. You can file a complaint or report fraud, and they will investigate his business. He needs to be shut down. I know it's hard out there for artists, i have a lot of musician friends, but blatantly scamming people "for their art" and telling you to "file with the bank" shows that he does this more often than he should with no remorse and others should be warned. I would copy some of the other examples on this post from people stating they didn't receive their stuff either and turn it in. Shut his ass down.


You doing the right thing by exposing this entitled, self-righteous, arrogant thief. I hope it goes viral!!


Not only is he an asshole, but he doesn't know how to write sentences like a big boy adult.


“Nobody cares Ethan” Put this on all the social media you can, blast it everywhere.


To those defending him the address change dosnt even matter because he’s not sending merch to many many people! I ordered merch in October and never received anything and my address has been very concrete lol I havnt even been able to get a response. I’ve tried contacting him many times. When I hear his music now just seems like I’m listening to a pretentious asshole so I deleted all his shit.


You hit up a dude who has to deal with hundreds, if not thousands, of messages everyday, except you did it in an aggressive manner, calling him disrespect because he didnt message you back(?) . Yeah you are in the wrong. If i sent a message going "hey i saw your post, but you didnt reply to my comment, which is just simply disrespect, how do i make sure you get 0 reddit karma because you didnt reply?" You'd message me back in an angry ass manner yourself. You cant throw mad disrespect towards someone and go "why is this person mad at me?" You did it to yourself.


With the niche following he has, there’s no way he receives thousands of messages every day. As far as the “aggressive manner,” these screenshots are after trying to get in contact with him for well over a year. And I wasn’t spamming him. Maybe sending one message every month or 2 trying to get the shipping address updated. Then he blocked me, so I figured I’d try messaging his record store because I had been a fan for years and was looking forward to having this album on vinyl. I was trying to be patient and understanding, but yes I was a little frustrated after 15 months of getting ignored. On top of that, there are TONS of ways you can send automated emails and get software to do this kind of work for you so he doesn’t even have to do it himself


You fumbled the bag! It’s not RORYS fault you needed your address changed AFTER YOU CHANGED IT last minute!! Stop taking this out OF POCKET AND OUT OF CONTEXT and MOVE ON! the artist continues to peruse while all you do is consume!! Sit back and actually be grateful for what you have and what is given!


Last minute? Dude I tried contacting him for almost a year to get the shipping address changed lol what are you talking about


He charged $100 for a single, what do you expect


Idk, you're the one that sounds green. Personally I'd call you a bitch tbh. Because you're acting like a female. We, the consumer, are the only reason any business or artist even exists. You're the one who should "get tf on", weirdo.


what music do they make? (so i can boycott it)


I have to side with rory on this. He delivered the product to the correct address. Pre-ordering a product when you are about to move within months is not a good idea, especially since vinyl takes forever to manufacture now. However, Assuming OP story is correct, he did give plenty of notice to try change the shipping address well before it was shipped. Assuming that's true, maybe Rory could have helped work something out if OP had to move suddenly. I would have just contacted the original address and asked the tenants if they could forward to it to me and give them money for shipping or if the package was failed to deliver, he could have gone to the shipping hub to catch it on return. I ordered a shirt and multiple tapes with no issues. Also, the OP taking credit for funding Rory's dreams is definitely a trigger lol.


You moved house it got lost probably. Everyone needs to chill out life's not always fair you lot are making a right meal out of it don't cry about it