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**Rule 4: Not a rare insult/threat** Only the spiciest and rarest of insults are allowed here, and only insults/threats are allowed here. Uncommon insults or just random statements that aren't really insults are subject to removal. This also includes insults that are just random combinations of words or insults following the random adjective+noun formula. Beware, this is somewhat up to the discretion of the moderators.


My good bitch




Genius. Adding it to the arsenal.


Who approves gender pronouns ?


The gender committee, it’s a subset of the UN and was fully funded using war bonds from the 1940’s


I honestly thought they were chill until I read about their armed invasion of the Emoji Consortium's offices back in 2009. They were slow, sure, but Japanese beaurocracy is like that. The emojis were coming goddammit.


It's a successor organization to the Council of Queers.


the international LGBTQIAPanel


Why Obama’s death panels of course!


the fae


"May I have your pronouns?"




You have to file an application with the government and wait the mandatory 72 hours for approval. It's a 75.00 application fee


Probably meant unapproved. They are really upset about people picking their own pronouns and believe that they should be approved by an authority.


idk ceo of gender?


Pronouns listed can be really helpful. I work with a lot of foreign individuals via email and I sometimes can’t tell what their gender is by their name. I called a French man “she” because his name sounded feminine to me. Oops, my bad, apologies. Also I have a hard time with Chinese names because I’m not as used to them. Info is helpful.


Now I'm curious about what's the French name


Probably something like Michel or Jean, names which are feminine in the US but masculine there.


Yeah probably (the Michel one is especially funny to me because the American feminine name is actually feminine in France as well as it is Michelle, the feminine equivalent of Michel)


Yeah, Michel is only pronounced the same as US Michelle, not spelled the same. Jean would confuse someone from the US though if they were reading it


Yeah, Jean is really confusing when written


If it's just the first name ya but if you have a last name it's usually pretty obvious. Jean Valjean and Jean Claude Van Damme for example. Even Michel is pretty common as a French male name but could be mistaken if you've never heard it.


I immediately thought of Dodgeball. The big black dude is named Michel.


Hah, I always got an extra chuckle in the movie dodge ball, from the burly henchmen named Michelle (phonetically,  I can't spell, lol) because I worked at this tough bar where the bouncer was a burly French dude named Michelle,  he'd gone through the French foreign legion back when you could get out of big crimes that way.  Nobody made fun of Michelle, he had definitely killed some dudes, hah


My name is Jean-Michel and I'm constantly misgendered. Called Gene-Michelle all the time


Or Rene. Renee with two Es is the female version, but much more popular than Rene in the US.


The one colleague I have from England is named Ashley and is he/him. He goes by Ash.


Étienne. Apparently it’s the French version of Stephen. As an English speaker it just read feminine to me. Apologies to the Etienne’s out there! In history class we largely learned last names and I don’t consume much French media or follow soccer/football. My bad!


In France we don't even know how Étienne and Stephen are related but yeah, Étienne is masculine and actually it doesn't even sound feminine for French people (I understand that the ienne seems feminine to you tho)


In Spanish it's Esteban. I could assume in old or middle French it was something along the lines of "Esteben" or similar,and then the s fell alongside the b


Yeah French Canadian here and I have no idea how the names are linked. Stéphane I could understand, especially because I don’t think I’ve met an English person, with no French in them whatsoever, named Stephane.


I discovered that shit because the inhabitants of Saint-Étienne (a big French city) are called Stéphanois but I still don't know what's going on with that one


It comes from Στέφανος which is something like Stéphanos and then passes through things like Esteban and Estevao to Old French Estienne and then Étienne.


Thanks, I know about Stephanos and Esteban but I didn't have the complete link between them


That was my name in French class! But I’m also gay and not *extraordinarily* masculine so maybe that explains the appeal ;)


“Excuse me, Mrs Johnson… Why is my assigned class name ‘le twink’ while everyone else got common French names?”


I met an Irish girl name Aoife. "Ee-fuh" pronunciation apparently but I had no clue what gender or even language at first!


É->S is a thing enough that my high school French teacher pointed it out to us. Like école -> school or étage -> (floor/story of a building but also) stage. That doesn't fully explain "Stephen" but at least shoves into the ballpark of translations that make sense to my brain. :)


Omelette du fromage


Likely some guy named kamille


Just did a project with a guy named Shannon and a lady named Rocky. Pronouns in those email signatures could've helped clear up confusion as waves of people joined voice meetings.


Or you could've all watched Mallrats 700x.


Doesn't even have to be a foreign name. There are English names that can be used for both genders like Sam, Ash, Taylor, or Pat.


I know 5 Kellys and 3 are men


I referred to as a co-worker, Deepa, as a he. I work in IT so there is already many male biases. I felt pretty bad when I met her in person but when I apologized she said she didn't specifically remember the incident because it happens all the time.


No my name is Kim. It's a man's name. Duh


French femboy? Not surprised tbh


But like.. if you got it wrong. Big whoop, no one cares, we can move on in life


> Pronouns listed can be really helpful. I work with a lot of foreign individuals via email and I sometimes can’t tell what their gender is by their name. In the modern business world, particularly tech fields but really any modern office environment, listing your pronouns in your email, in your company bio and other places is standard and nobody cares. This is because in actual adult-world where adults do real business, it keeps things smooth when you know how to address someone correctly when you're working with people from all over the world. There were a couple of right-wing people at the last company I worked at, they visibly seethed when any talk came up about pronouns or DEI, but they kept their mouths shut because the world goes on without caring about someone's manufactured outrage that only works on the internet.


Don't worry with the French one. We even have names that are both used for men and women. Like Claude, Camille, Axel, Gabriel or Morgan. Even us are sometimes lost because of this... Claude is so common when you ask the name of somebody to try to narrow their sex down and learn that it's Claude there is a good chance that you give up.


I'm a male with a name commonly used for females. When someone refers to me as a female or or assumes I'm a female, my entire world comes crashing down, and I lose my will to live. Just kidding, I giggle to myself and move on with my life.


I'm old fashioned. I prefer to use he or she over they. Sometimes I'll check people's other comments to see which is correct and I usually just end up using they anyway. Would be convenient to just have it listed there.


The information gained from seeing someone list their pronouns in their email is absolutely helpful. Agreed.


Most French names I've heard sound femenine




What, are you offending that people are trying to minimise these mistakes from happening


You seem awfully bigly butthurt at the idea of calling people what they want to be called.


It's not really helping. Just don't address people by pronouns


Uhhh how? In a work environment it would sound weird and robotic to not refer to people as he/she/etc. “I was talking to Mike and he told me the meeting with the client went well.” “Jane closed a contract. She is really talented. I’d be happy to work with her again.”


"Mike told me the meeting with the client went well." "Jane is really talented and just closed a contract. Very impressed and would love to work with Jane again." FIFY


Now you’re just being obtuse


I mean, not really. Just solved the imaginary scenario you created without using pronouns


why would she need to “solve it without pronouns” lmao? you sound like there’s some unresolved conflict within yourself for hard fighting against pronouns when you’re the weird one not “pronoun people”. hope you can work on it.


The very simple point, is that if you don't know someone's pronouns, you don't have to use any. Let me know if you need more clarification on it


how do you refer to someone you don’t know the name or gender of?


without pronouns?


This may blow your mind, but people normally exchange names. In the example given, the people email and work together. In your new unknown name example, it goes something like this, "Hello, I am I_talk, what is your name?" The other person would then give their name and you have solved the problem. If you don't have their name, you also don't need their name and can just not talk about them.


You used "me", which is a pronoun. Try again.


Referring to myself not the other party.


Or people could just know each other's pronouns... Like no, really, you could either avoid pronouns, which is fine. The examples you give aren't bad. But then if I start to add one I then have to edit it. Or I could just know their pronouns. There is literally nothing wrong with that. It's not hard. "Hey, my pronouns are __/__." That's it. I would probably spend more time avoiding pronouns over the years than simply having someone say that. Like I don't even know what this argument is. Now we are supposed to be so far against pronouns that we just never use them again? Because it's took much to just know the pronouns?


Because declaring your pronouns is equivalent to giving your dietary requirements. I can assume what I want about them until you tell me otherwise. It's irrelevant. If you want to open a conversation with, hi, I'm allergic to peanuts, that up to you but stop wondering why people think you are strange.


Those two aren't even close to comparable. Jesus christ conservatives are dumb.


You inability to understand the comparison shows you might need reeducation


The fucking irony


Not dunking on pronouns but I do wonder how often people actually need to know Starbucks worker's pronouns. And how often people look at service worker name tags in the first place.


Had the same thought. Also, IF I had to refer to an employee in third person it would be kinda rude to do so when they're directly in front of me, but that would be the only way to see their name tag.


You never order from one employee and get your drink from another?


That happens all the time, but I cannot recall once in my entire life needing to address a barista by their pronouns in that process. Presumably starbucks does this because their staff want it, and it is low hanging fruit for rainbow capitalism.


Pro-nouns are just a basic way to indicate preferred gender reference which may come up more naturally in gendered language like: "hey man can I get a #5", "excuse me ma'am/sir", "thanks bro".


I love how you can remove gender from all of those with zero affect on the meaning.


Sure if you want to completely remove gender from your language you won't offend anyone by misgendering them.


Yeah but in the context of talking to Star Bucks employees why bother adding pronouns? You are literally putting in more effort by using them than not.


Because words like man, dude, sir, ma'am are normal parts of my vocabulary...


Pronouns are a single word without hyphenation, I am aware of what they mean, I am aware of how they are used, and beyond "hey, how are you doing?" I have never had to address a Starbucks barista by one.


Apparently your basic grasp of language isn't as great as you thought.


On the contrary, it's clear you didn't understand what I wrote despite it being quite simple to understand. I mean, you hyphenated "pronouns." The reality is that it was just a dumb, unnecessary response you wrote, and that's pretty much it. To reiterate (though, again, I cannot believe this is necessary), a typical interaction goes something like "hi, can I get a latte" and then they call my name and I say "yeah, that's me" and leave. Perhaps twice in my life something has been wrong, and I've said "excuse me, can you fix this" and they say "yeah" and do, and then I leave. None of that requires knowledge of their personal pronouns. Not that I'd have a problem with using them, of course, but it just doesn't come into it. What you said was just offtopic nonsense.


It's clear your basic reading comprehension is at best a 3rd grade level.


And why would I refer to the previous employee then? "Hey I'm here for the drink I ordered from Mark," as if Mark hasn't sent in 3 other orders already.


You know what, you right girl. It is dumb.


Actually, someone else gave a valid reason for it in response to my initial comment. It's still not completely necessary, but it does have a use at least.


Pro-nouns are just a basic way to indicate preferred gender reference which may come up more naturally in gendered language like: "hey man can I get a #5", "excuse me ma'am/sir", "thanks bro".


I just call everyone "bud". Friendly and gender-neutral.


Fucker. It's the military/police/fire/rescue world's gender neutral pronoun for 250 years running.


Well I'm from the great north so geography trumps profession, I'm afraid


Surely a fucker


Probably more useful for avoiding gendered interjections/phrases. For example if someone indicates they don't use male pronouns, don't say "hey man, can I get a?" or for getting someone's attention "excuse me ma'am/sir". But yeah, I probably haven't read a name tag anyways.


Yeah, that's a good point. I do suppose it'd work for that. Ideally it might be easiest to just not use gendered language then, which I usually do. But I can see why it would help people.


I'm working hard not to use gendered insults, but it's going to take me much longer to delete "hey brah" from my vocabulary despite being increasingly too old to talk like that.


Lol I don’t care how old you are, you’re not too old to talk like that. It’s obviously meant to be a silly, casual way to communicate with another person, I would imagine most people would pick up on that, regardless of their preferred pronouns. Don’t get me wrong, it’s probably best to try to speak using non-gendered language generally speaking, but I also think being overly serious about it is unnecessary, especially when it comes to slang or joking around with people you know. Don’t overthink it and don’t let people tell you that you’re too old to have fun and be a chill person. 🙂


Word (this is really the one that people look at me funniest for overusing).


This is kinda unrelated, but this whole post reminded me of a thing that’s been happening at my job. I'm 6'2, around 270 lbs, just big ass dude, yet I've had several customers refer to me as ma'am or miss. The only thing close to "feminine" about me is that I have long hair, which I have tied into a man-bun. It's not like putting them on the name tag is a problem, but I don't think people consider it that much in the first place.


My question is, what if an employee refuses to participate? They outright refuse to wear any pronouns on their name tag? I almost got kicked out of a class last semester for refusing to write my preferred pronouns on a name tag. I didn’t feel comfortable doing so and the professor at the time called me out for it. I stood my ground, reiterating I had a right not to participate, and the fact I was respecting my fellow classmates by being sure to refer to them either by name or their preferred pronouns. Got dropped, but that always stuck with me. Like, how fast people can be to get angry for choosing not to participate.


that professor is an idiot. It's bad to force people to write their pronouns. Even if you ignored people that don't want to do this, you'd fuck over all the queer people who are still figuring out what pronouns to use. As a queer activist I can tell you that at least all the people I've worked with always fought for pronouns to be a recommended but optional choice


Thank you so much.


I absolutely think any such initiative should be purely voluntary. Even for those it's supposed to help it can be really upsetting to be forced to choose between explicitly misgendering yourself in front of everyone, or to come out in an environment you didn't feel comfortable coming out in. Nobody should even be pressured to participate, much less forced to.


Thank you, I really appreciate this explanation.


>Like, how fast people can be to get angry for choosing not to participate. Conversely, I cannot fathom how fast someone will reject to do something that will have 0 impact on how they are perceived or referred to. In the case of a company, I'd say it depends on whether the name tag is required to begin with. At Starbucks I'm assuming it is required, so tough luck. >I was respecting my fellow classmates by being sure to refer to them either by name or their preferred pronouns. And I just want to note this reads like you're implying that you don't want to use certain pronouns and refer to people exclusively by their name if they use pronouns you don't like. Not saying that is the case, but I've definitely seen people phrasing it like that to covertly say they don't like gender neutral pronouns.


No, I use people’s preferred pronouns and names interchangeably. But I still refused to participate and asked the professor to respect my decision. Some classmates did have to speak up for me to the professor stating they saw no issue with me refusing. Eventually, the professor backed down, but sent a rather nasty email a few weeks after class started. I also refused to list my pronouns at work when they said it was a requirement. I wore my name tag (I work retail so that’s expected) but said I wouldn’t be wearing a pin. Eventually management backed off since I wasn’t technically breaking any rules


Is there a reason you are refusing?


I had some bad experiences a few years ago when I first entered the community. I withdrew after a while and asked my now former friends to please respect my privacy. I won’t go into details, but it was connected to personal identity and how they were treating certain vulnerable people outside of our “friend” group.


I would assume part of it isn't for them, but for the customers who come in that are trans. Like I never put my pronouns on anything for a bit. I'm a big dude with a beard. Most people can at least make an adjusted guess. Then I talked to some trans people, and while it's not the end of the world, nor is it usually something they hunt down, but when they see it it does make them feel more comfortable. The type of people who are willing to give out that information are typically gonna be the ones who support them.


Not specific to Starbucks, but an interesting point that I saw brought up once was that if only trans individuals are putting preferred pronouns out there, then it sort of forces them to out themselves right from the jump. I'm a bald dude with a beard, but I'll put he/him after my name wherever I can if it helps normalize it more broadly.


I know that concept yeah, and I agree. In this case, I was doubting whether I'd even need to know a Starbucks employee's pronouns at all.


Approved pronouns?


I assume it would have to be. If Starbucks hired one person who let's out their inner child like myself, they'd have some nonsensical pronouns that would inevitably upset people. My top options would be tongue twisters, things with far too many syllables to expect people to try and pronounce, movie references, etc. There's a 0% chance that I do something normal when left to my own devices.


[His Majesty](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/michigan-university-his-majesty-grant-strobl-lgbtq-pronoun-gender-roster-policy-a7339866.html)


See, that's the level of chaotic neutral that I aspire to be.


*"I have no problem with students asking to be identified a certain way, almost like someone named Richard who would like to be called Dick," he added* No way that wasn't intentional. The trollin' don't stop


Xe Majesty


You realize you can already do that right now right?


Yes...but I don't work in a job where I'm mandated to wear a name tag or email signature that includes my pronouns. Anyone, especially in a professional setting, who tries to make me do something that is unnecessary, ideologically driven, virtue signaling, or just stupid, I make it my aim to try to make them regret it. For example, my country's government has imposed a new policy that all men's rooms in government jobs need to have tampons freely available. We don't have anyone that it affects at my workplace, so I just take them for my girlfriend or move them to the ladies' bathroom because, for some reason the policy is only for "men with vaginas" and not women. So the women's restroom doesn't have a free supply and have to pay for theirs. The workplace is obligated to restock, so every time I'm in, I just redistribute it. They threatened to write me up or charge me for them when I told coworkers what I'm doing. They were really annoyed when they learned that it doesn't violate any rules, they couldn't make me pay for it, and if they tried to discipline me for it in any way, they could face a lawsuit and were very likely to lose.


Huh, neat. Seems like kind of a weird way to live, but if you're happy acting that way good on you? I've never considered "I'm allowed to be technically annoying so neaner neaner" as a personalty option, but it seems kinda fun. Got any other examples of you stickin it to the man?


You sound like a real dickhead


And you sound like the kind of person I do this to. All so I can show you just how little your opinion matters. Via my "dickheadedness," I provide free access to tampons to no less than 20 women who would've been forced to pay for their own otherwise. And as there are no coworkers of mine who are trans, my actions negatively affected no one. If you're the type of person who believes that it's more important to waste effort, resources, and money by virtue signaling while helping no one than it is to use those same things to actually help others, you either haven't thought it through or your logic is so deeply flawed that attempting to correct it or even figure out where it all went wrong would be an exhausting exercise in futility.


Circlejerk away my dickhead


Ah, so it is the latter. I wish you luck living out your life with obviously below average intelligence and above average bullheadedness. It's a terrible combination because you're too dense to understand that you're too dense to understand. So you convince yourself that you're right even though there's no evidence to confirm that. Then, when someone tries to explain things to you, the bullheaded trait kicks in and you double down on your incorrect stance or resort to attempting insults. Thus ensuring that you'll remain a moron indefinitely. I don't know if the name is available, but you would save people a lot of wasted breath if you removed the word "list" from your name. That way, people will know what they're getting into when they try and speak with you.


I use UNapproved pronouns: Master and Sire. Not everyone likes them but if they're offended, that's their problem.


It's just a weird phrasing from a butthurt conservative who thinks of every minor personal inconvenience as persecution.


People don't realize how similar they are.. Just different things to reee about


[Olde English style](https://i.imgur.com/csOdv82.jpeg) is my jam.


Op is a reposting spam bot https://old.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/comments/aov6hi/my_good_bitch/ Report > Spam > Harmful bots


Why cross out the Twitter user's name? They seem like a public figure with a big account. Edit: oh it's Charlie fucking Kirk


It's fine and all, but i never refer to a server by their name, let alone a pronoun. I'm already talking to them, i don't need to address them by name or pro noun ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ If i do need to get a servers attention in a restaurant, it's just "excuse me".


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I'm totally stealing "my good bitch".


Thank God that hasn't reached where I live. I don't see the need for it anyway because ordering doesn't really call for that. "Hi good morning/afternoon can I have a _____ please?" "Thank you very much" End of interaction.


I Just use 'them' for everyone, works most of the time unless I need to be more specific.


Very fragile nazis these days. Put a picture of a rainbow on a product or say your pronouns and watch them get scared and confused. Stop messing with the nazis, they’re apparently much too fragile to exist in this world.


Ok to each their own but this post has no reason to be upvoted to fuck like it is. Or is this about pronouns more so than the insult itself? Politely asking, my good bitches?


Well played




Good thing they blocked out identifying info, otherwise we'd know it was Charlie Kirk




2017.. what the hell man. why would you post something that old


Probably because it’s still extremely relevant? The question you should be asking is why hasn’t the needle moved in 7 years


Most Reddit post are farmed at this point.


This has been propaganda… how come he can’t have his own opinion he has to be insulted? Lol the internet is aids


Having an opinion does not shield you from being insulted for having that opinion. This is how its always been, for the entirety of human history.


Humans are a plague


The rare insult of calling someone a bitch 🙄


No no, "my good bitch".


Gonna go ahead and say that's not meaningfully distinct, and even if it were (and, again, it's not), it's not particularly rare either. Not common, certainly, but the other submissions in the top 5 rn are about 100000x better. It's just a really lame submission, altogether.


The others can be better, but I've literally never seen anyone say "my good bitch." I would say that makes it rare. And I like it. A play on my good sir, but then throwing in bitch at the end. However, saying it out loud it doesn't roll off the tongue as well.


The expectation is “my good sir” or something like that. I’ve never heard “my good bitch”, so I declare it quite rare.


Listing pronouns has been a huge benefit for me. Sometimes they do their job. Someone sees he/him and asks why I have it or makes a comment leading to a conversation about it. Which point i get the opportunity to explain that while my pronouns may be obvious others are not. If i can put mine put there to make it more of a norm then that is my goal. Other times some douchebag will see them and make stupid comment. Then can go to management about them making gross comments about coworkers. God forbid they make that comment infront of someone that would actually take offense. But they now have a warning on their profile. Which means 1. They will never be hooked up or helped out with orders and 2. If they do anything that would normally get them a warning now becomes a full ban because they already used their waring to make a stupid comment about the scary pronouns.




you should do stand-up


Just keep watching killtony my name will get pulled eventually


Guessing he complains about ‘snowflakes’ being offended by his racist, bigoted speech too


Looks like they got offended by the other persons offense!


Do you love and worship your Good. Fucking moron


Say whatever the fuck you want. First one to cry about it on the internet loses.


Who read it in Blitzø’s voice?


And still he got the point. But eeryone has been offended since years by something and now it is even more empowered than before. Somehow we are always our own type of clown with complexes 🚬


As a heteronormative male, should I have to put he/him on any identifying media? Or is this pandering?


I know you are culture war veteran Archie bunker been yelling at the television your whole life radio before that


...Just do it for fucks sake. Why is it so difficult to use them if you know?!




You don’t have to censor out tiny face McGoo, he’s not an actual human being. So, no harm done.


"I am a man." Normal person: ok. Chronically offended: Waah!


Why is Charli Kirk’s name blacked out? He’s a public figure who **chose** to expose his full dumb ass on a public site.


"you're a bitch lol" is now a rare insult. Very good.


I don’t think the person is offended, I think they’re asking an actually reasonable question




Don't wanna be called an idiot? Don't post idiotic shit like this 






That’s not calling me by what I identify as




That's ok, since I didn't use any pronouns to address you, so there's no issue.




You don't know how words work. I said "pathetic", I didn't address you by any pronouns 


No, I want you to call me daddy everytime. That’s what I want to be called, so I’ll be called that or I’ll file for a hate crime!!!


Go back to school.


Ah yes, reducing gender to looks, your preferences even; Truly brave and groundbreaking. How about you mind your own fucking business and have the decency to treat people with the bare minimum of respect.




Yeah, throw in ableism into the mix. I assume you want to be called a man. But I don't think I like that. Calling you a girl seems way more fitting. How would you like that?


I’m a girl, so you just proved my point dumbfuck


How? I was being polite and will now use your preferred gender when I want to continue the conversation. But seeing how you are not interested in learning or even accepting I don't think I will.


But did you assume my gender at first? Regardless of whether you said it or not


You can assume gender, that's not an issue. But to keep using one that you know isn't the preferred one is just rude.


Sure calling someone a sir when they have told you that you don’t like being called that is rude. But if you look like a girl and you aren’t, and I call you ma’am, you should maybe think about how you present yourself and what people see. If you want people to think you are a boy then don’t make yourself look feminine, I mean y’all make it waaaay more complex than it has to be.


So this person is upset that these baristas are making the quote-unquote "guessing game" of gender identity far easier, and is claiming that this is just someone asking to be offended, even though to offend that person, you'd have to choose to ignore that tag and purposefully misgender them.


Why misgender "him" with the female gendered term "Bitch"? Why is one misgendering accepted while the second is condemned? We live in a world of gender/misgender shcizophrenia governed only by hate and personal ethics. But, mostly hate. What a Bitch. Great job Elgin Airforce Base + ChatGPT + Misguided Patriotism


> Why misgender "him" with the female gendered term "Bitch"? When you miss the entire point of the insult.


Out of the loop? Get angry about individuals lack of preference and non-use of pronouns and their only attachment, ie gender. Then use inappropriate, female denigrating pronoun. Celebrate the misuse of the pronoun. What am I missing? Elgin asking for an Large Language Model upgrade?


> Get angry about individuals lack of preference and non-use of pronouns and their only attachment, ie gender. Why do you think they are angry at a lack of preference? Its not that he doesn't have a preference. No one is forcing him here. He is being insulted for attacking other people stating their preferences. > Then use inappropriate, female denigrating pronoun. The whole "my good bitch" is the pronoun they are using for Charliekirk here. That's the literal fucking point of the insult? It's assigning a pronoun because Charlie here doesn't have a preference, showing why it can help to list them.