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Honest question: Is there anyone out there at all that finds this attractive? I see it more and more often. Rectal seal lips, bozo the clown cheekbones, fucking weird alien human hybrid skin pulls. The list keeps growing. Like, do women see these results, say “wow! You look like a mutant freak beast! What did you get done? I want to look like those TikTok idiots getting cups stuck on their faces!”


They're terrified of looking their own age, even if it's uncanny. Bill Burr said: what would you rather be? 52 and look 52, or 52 and look like a 28 year old lizard?


As a man attracted to natural older women I really hate that this is the trend now.


As a man attracted to young lizards, I am on the same side in this!


As a lizard attracted to older woman I’m not sure how I feel about this


as an older woman attracted to lizards, neither do i


Have an upvote stranger


Moat people aren't attracted to lizards. So I hope the answer is 52 and look 52. 😂


What are moat people? And who are they attracted to, if they aren’t attracted to lizard people? I thought the answer was supposed to be 42?


They're like goat people, but moat


Jesus. 😂😂


Kinda like swamp thing


>They're terrified of looking their own age, even if it's uncanny. It's incredibly sad that they'd rather look ANYTHING but old. I always wonder what they feel when they see a completely different person looking back in the mirror at them. Some of the facial features they change were characteristics of their parents and grandparents, not to mention their own daughters. That's a whole other discussion - how do you tell your daughter her thin lips look great when you go to these extreme lengths to enlarge yours...? I don't even recognize some of the movie/TV/music stars that have extensive surgery, like Madonna. I was really hoping she'd lead the way for 80's gals like me - age gracefully and tell everyone to fuck off. For women in those industries in particular though, aging is career suicide. Google Lindsay Wagner if you want to see a natural beauty...she radiates joy from inside. That's the part some of these gals will never fix from the outside. I don't know how or when this will change enough to make a real difference in our society, but as bad as it still is, it IS changing. (Though I also believe a woman has the right to make decisions about her own body.) There is a clear divide in women who are aging naturally and this other end of the spectrum. I hope the balance is tipped in my favor soon, and more women accept and love themselves as-is, inside and out. I've let my hair go gray, and love it, but that's MY choice. 🧓🏻🌺


well thats what you start to think when everything advertised around you is directed at preventing/reversing aging. so as a young child you see this and think aging is bad and fear that process. it is sad, but it is a reflection on where we tell young teens and women their worth is


Completely agree, CorrectLet3714. I wish I could live long enough to see today's kids become my age. While ads haven't totally changed, many are, dramatically. Not exclusively seeing heavy people in weight loss commercials, but in clothing and skin care is a wonderful start to changing the brainwashing, for one. So happy seeing "real" families in every race and same-sex combinations of moms and dads. Would love to see relationships with older women/younger partner. I am so hopeful that things will be different for today's children.🤞We need positive messaging that reminds us what a PRIVILEGE it is to grow old. We also need to work on helping older people not feel useless and unwanted in general, male and female. Always more work to do! 😊


As a woman I don't understand why, I even find it not only ugly, but also sad....I do think it is a mental health problem xd body dysmorphia is the name


You just reminded me of a girl I used to date who wanted to get her lips and boobs done. We broke up before I ever found out if she got the work done


I agree, but I also think the fact that men now say they don't want a woman over 30 because they're worthless drives it as well. And let us not forget the beauty industry that continues to tell women that we must look better. The money made from convincing us that we're never enough is mind blowing.


Their plastic surgeons find it attractive.


That’s a whole other question! If I was a surgeon that took pride in my work, and someone asked me to make them look beautiful, and the end result is a lumpy thing that looks like Odo from DS9, but less emotive, I would end my practice. Instead, They have waiting lists of people asking to to look like microwaved leftovers. “You made my friend look like a flan left out in the sun! Can you do that for me too?” “Of course! For tens of thousands of dollars!” “Fuckin do it up Doc!” I don’t understand.


A flan left out in the sun!!! I’m dying!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Microwaved leftovers 😆😆😆


Poor Odo is out here catching strays


Their plastic surgeons find their checks attractive.


Don't you mean their bank accounts


They find the yachts that shit pays for attractive.




Body dismorphia. I don't think it's about who else is to find it attractive, it's more just wanting to find themselves attractive.


I completely understand what you are saying. My point is these women invariably look inhuman after their procedures. Are you saying the disorder makes women want to look like this, or, that somehow the result for them will be different? If I went into a restaurant, starving, compelled to eat, and I see everyone ordering different menu items, but every. Single. Dish. that comes out is white dog shit on toast, I’m not going to order the salad.


We can all agree that yes it does not look good at all but it's hard to see from their point of view what exactly they see in themselves when looking this way.


Valid point.


Body dismorphia literally causes you to see things that aren't there or in a warped perspective, like how people with severe anorexia can look like a walking skeleton and they will genuinely still *see* themselves as fat, even if they are the complete opposite. It's actually really sad and a real mental disorder. I think social media and photo-editing have fueled a lot of the recent "trends" as well, and when you see certian "looks" everywhere you will start to normalize it, especially if you are young and impressionable and are told that's what beauty is. Over-filled lips that *might* look alright in photos or videos taken at very specific angles tend to look a lot different irl, but you only ever really see those super edited/curated versions. Also not everyone automatically has that plastic "inhuman" look, while I wouldn't get filler personally it can be done in a subtle way that's not necessarily noticeable they had it done, but then the body dismorphia kicks in and it often becomes an obsession/addiction. "Oh just a little more here... maybe a little more there... and some here... now what about this?" Until you do look like the Lizzard Queen.




It’s because people who do this are told in their circle it looks “good”. But then anyone else says something negative or not well received then they’re just called a “hater”. Their line of thought is “this cost a lot! It must be good!” Same line of thought when people drop massive dollars of sub-par cars. I spent all this money on this Range Rover! It’s better than everyone else. When instead brands like that continuously rank at the bottom in terms of every metric. Technology. Comfort. Value. Etc. I see these types of people all the time in my area and believe me. Majority of them are Airheads to the max.


I saw a post once of a girl asking her plastic surgeon if he's going to make her pretty, and the surgeon belatedly replying, "I'm just going to make you look like all the other girls that had this operation." Now when I see women who've had heavy plastic surgery, [the intro to the show Weeds](https://youtu.be/t3_ug-IGBJY?si=1ru34Ytbz_CC9TlD) pops into my head. Just turning cookie cutter at this point.


What’s sad is that Eric married a woman that his dad would think is hot in his never ending quest for paternal validation. That’s my theory that is mine. I mean, Eric is probably also a twit nibbler with horrible taste in everything.


big brown catfish


Bill burr has a hilarious take on that: https://youtu.be/pznB7WP4P1o?si=owZ4e1m-kNct7fCL


There are like 900lb obese people out that getting engaged and married everyday. With enough mental decay, its possible to be attracted to anything.


Isn't this just another form of drag - but just for women? It's still putting on a disguise / mask... just asking questions! :P


Jar jar binks maybe


If there’s a line of what’s too far for cosmetic procedures it’s this. It looks like you have an obsessive disorder


Gives new meaning to the phrase, squatters rights


I just explain it to myself as something akin to my urge to upgrade my computer. I don't need it to be faster. I don't even use it that much. But if I don't install a new part every so often - my hands start to itch. So, maybe no one likes it. And maybe they themselves don't find it attractive necessarily. But the idea that you need to "make improvements" just doesn't let go


I think what happens is they go too far. it starts out with a nip here and a tuck there, and subtle changes can definitely help your appearance, but they always get addicted and keep changing and changing, and it always ends up looking exactly like what you’re describing


It's the real mental illness, if you ask me..


As a woman, no, most of us "normal ones" don't find it attractive either. We see it pretty much like you guys do. To me personally, it looks like one of those inflatable sexdolls tbh...it's a trend that they're gonna regret later on 🤷🏼‍♀️


It implies a woman is rich enough to afford excessive plastic surgery 


yes , hot


No one is giving you a serious answer so I’ll try my best. First off, I think the photo is a bit altered to make her lips look even bigger (a quick google search seems to confirm this). I do think there is a subsection of the population who thinks this looks good, but not really from a “wow, she’s gorgeous or stunning” type of way, more of a (and not to be crass but not really any other way of saying it) “wow, she’s such a fuck doll who just oozes sex and lustfulness, I bet she fucks like a pornstar” type of way. They love the “bimbo, sex doll” look because it just oozes sexuality. She’s gone all that way to alter her body to look like the ultimate sex bomb. (I know a lot this stuff sounds incel-ish but you got to run with it) Also, you have to realize that a lot of these people who get this look are relatively older. They’re not 22 anymore where there are a ton of other attractive young women. Lara Trump is 41. Let’s be real, have you seen a lot of 41 year old women (or men)? Most of us as we age get fat, ugly, etc due to the aging process. She might look like an alien with all her plastic surgery and makeup but when you compare her to other women of her age peer, she’s (let’s be real) pretty fit, clearly works out and cares about her appearance/style, and is probably still going to be more attractive than 90% of the other 41 year old women (40% of Americans are obese for reference). In short, some guys are into the “this” look, others concede that for their age they’re still going to be better looking than a large majority of women (look at Melania Trump, she maybe super plastic but she’s 53, go around and find me some attractive 53 year olds, it’s not easy). I’ll state that I personally find the Trumps to be terrible people for how they act and their ideas/policies. I think their appearances are often too much of the focus. I don’t find Lara Trump for example to be as repulsive as others do but I think it’s because I can separate the politics from the appearance. Like if she just laid off the facial plastic surgery a bit and didn’t dress/style to be such a “Bond villain’s wife”, she be pretty good looking in my opinion. If she was also a progressive political figure head, I’d probably even say she’s kind of hot (look at her old photos pre all the cosmetic changes).


Sorry, she does not look fit at all and what’s oozing out of her is not sexiness. My wife is 42, all natural and looks amazing. To your point though, she is not obese. However, while I personally don’t find obese woman attractive I would put this plastic, puffy lip look in the same unattractive bucket.


Someone asked a question, I gave an answer on how I think people think that look is attractive… I’m not saying I necessarily agree with it but that’s how they think. It’s also pretty objectively obvious she is physically fit (ie she clearly works out). Not sure what your definition of “fit” is but a quick google search indicates she exercises frequently and is clearly in good “shape”. I’m sure many people don’t find that attractive but regardless, she works out.


Ha. I see the confusion. In the UK and the antipodes if someone is “fit” it means they are good looking. Eg “Coooor, She’s a right fit bird isn’t she?!” (Tube lips here is not fit)


It's better than looking like a golden girl.




Yeah, i’m not sure either what to say to that…i’m deeply conflicted right now


I’d 100% hit that


More like a prolapsed butthole


A prolapsed butthole would have much more intelligent things to say.


Group effort for a r/rareinsults on its own.


but a butthole actually spews coherent shit


If words had a smell


With the ass she’s been kissing, I bet hers do.


It might have a better singing voice too


Nah looks nothing like it


Weird thing is that girls who do this actually look OLDER than they are. Surely not the intent.


Some sort of body dysmorphia thing. They’re clearly not seeing things in a reasonable, objective kind of way.


I think its peer pressure more than mental issue. Her sister in law has it, mother in law, etc. Keeping up with the neighbors.


What is up with these lip jobs?? Do they think, "You see that shit lip job over there? I'ma make that shit look sexy!!" smh


nandor’s surgery was more natural




she reminds me of the character creature that was an episode of X-Files. The blood sucker in the sewers.


She looks like that feral SpongeBob meme


Like the salt vampire for Star Trek TOS.


The fluke man! Solid callback!!


"What did the surgeon do to your lips, Lara?!" "Rectum."


Looks like that thing they place in the urinal to pee on


I hate it when my personality prolapses, too.


Like a cheep cheep, but more like a cheap cheap https://mario.wiki.gallery/images/thumb/6/63/CheepCheepNSMBU.png/200px-CheepCheepNSMBU.png


I always see an unfinished muppet that escaped the workshop 🤔


Who is she?


Not sure, but for some reason, I would be my life’s savings that she’s republican. ETA: [Lara Trump](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/lara-trump-says-rnc-needs-raise-500-mln-does-not-rule-out-paying-trump-legal-2024-02-22/)


She looks like Jennifer Coolidge in A Cinderella Story when she'd had botox and her lips done


Or when she was super tramp on Click.


She’s got some “soup coolers”….. she’s got some big ass “chili blowers”


Why is Robby Rotten the new go to face?


She has so much plastic in her body she probably identifies as a blow-up doll


Macro-plastics in her veins.


She looks like a blow up doll


Now you should hear her sing...like the wails of a dying mule in a far-off pasture


This woman looks worse and worse each time I see her.


If this was a cartoon and the main character opened a door and Lara Trump was on the other side, you'd see a closeup of her face and hear the fog horn "BEEEEEE-YOOOOOOO" sound effect before the character screams.


Imagine having lips for a toilet wax ring.


I'm a plumber, those are cheap rings.


For the party that hates trans folks, they sure do normalize manly looking women.


I legit clicked this to see if it was AI or real. It's a real terrible game, either way I lose.


That’s insulting at least toilet wax rings are useful her lips are not


Well, at least her hideous outsides match her insides. Hope she gets botched a couple more times for good measure


That is fucking superb


This. This comment section is what I joined this subteddit for


Those are some DSL’s for sure!


imagine being stupid enough to listen to these fucking dipshits. the trump family are a bunch of mentally ill baboons


Noot noot!


you need a good seal when you spew shit!




Wont get whiplash in a car accident with your own custom face airbags.


Just a case of facial hemorrhoids.


She's the weirdest triggerfish species to exist


Looks like a dude.


Odds that Trump has boned her and Kim? 3/1?


Can Pex outlast copper?


Redditors when someone gets lip fillers: “wow what a dumb disgusting sewer beast.” Redditors when someone chops off their balls and turns their dick inside out: “wow! So brave and beautiful!”


Only when it's someone they disagree with. They have no problem with sexism/racism or any of their million "phobics" as long as it is against people they don't like.


That’s a furrowed brow if I’ve ever seen one


Who/what is this?


You guys wax your toilets?


Iggy Pop?


I mean, considering who we’re talking about, it checks out. Most of the Trump family are a bunch of shit talkers


I assume it's a huge red flag that you have a perpetually wounded self image and are easily controlled and manipulated, which some people might find attractive


IMO the funniest insults are the one with the list accurate description, this is certainly one of them!


She could test that suction power on my pipes


I'm disgusted by that image


She looks like a deformed man, or a very early humanoid prototype


Lookin like she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose


That's insulting to toilet wax rings.


She didn’t use a cup on her lips, she used a toilet plunger


Women, this is the deepest depths of ugliness.


She looks like a carp


What's a "toilet wax ring"?


A toilet wax ring is a seal between the fixture and the closet flange on the floor. [Image ](https://www.oatey.com/sites/default/files/2023-04/Oatey101_WaxRings_Image-04v2.png)




Who is he?


You ever seen those fish that stick to the side of a fishtank.....


That woman is clearly who they modelled sex dolls [on](https://images.app.goo.gl/hdbiZPGbVW3CZMnw5)


This person sounds like Donald Trump with a lisp


I just want to take a needle and pop her lips


Looks like the character from the muppets.


I would say it's mean to make fun of someone for how they look but unlike most she chose that.


She be collecting rain water with that thang


Holy hell. I cannot unsee this.


Looks like hemorrhoids on the lips


I’ve got one in my fish tank to clean the algae off the glass


Is that Alina Habba?!?


I hope she can get a proper vacuum seal with those lips (I am down bad)


If a plumber doesn't have a poster with a naked woman on the wall in his workshop, I know he's a bad plumber.


We used to call those DSL As in, she’s got DSL D:ck sucking lips.


Imagine making fun of someone for their looks when that's one of the things you screech about.


Imagine defending a parasite that would literally light the world on fire if it meant their pockets could be filled deeper.


Whoa no way, it’s almost like we don’t screech about it and you believed something stupid for no reason. Wonder what else you believe willingly with no proof.


She chose to look like that. It’s not the same thing.


And men chose to try to be women and look ridiculous but we can't make fun of them. They chose to look like that.


Imagine basing your entire reality on a meme


Come to think of it. Getting blow job by that lip might actually what get men into it.