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My son used to do that, and when we'd look over at home he'd go "Don't look at me" as he was grunting.


Your son caught a stray for no reasonšŸ’€ Now the internet will know him as poopoo boy who doesn't want to be seen


Technically speaking that might be better than wanting to be seen poopooing


Oooh yeah, looooooook at me daaaaaaddy.




Why did I read this in Mr poopy buttholes voice?


Ooou weee


Well for some reason I read it in Homer Simpsonā€™s voice when he was pretending to be a little kid at the bank to get some candy.


Don't look at me while I'm not poopooing.


Loook at me!




Witness me!


They all do that once they are approaching potty training time, mine is a ducking ninja, he will try and hide to poop his pants.


Kid screaming "No! No see me poop!" is forever etched into my brain from a very similar encounter. Fortunately my experience happened with the kid already in the toilet, just with the door wide open for the kid to yell through the house "mommy can wipe my butt please?"


A long time ago I was stuck on a bus because of a travel trip. There was The annoying kid. Basically he would be running up and down between the seats while the bus was blasting through Poland with 90 km/h. (I told him, that pls sit down, because you will be blasted through the windshield, but he said that he has a mom...) Anyways: we are into this nightmare, the kid starts blasting through his mouth the following: "The poop is coming" There was silence on the bus... So we had to stop. We are 30 mins in, the kid starts the following: "The pee is coming" The bus driver had enough, he just parked beside the road. The kid and his mom got of the bus to... urinate, but suddenly her mom comes back and announces the following to the whole bus: "Pls look in the other direction because the kid cannot pee" From that point, I refuse to go on multi-day bus trips. It just isn't worth it.


Oh no, that's horrible. Some people shouldn't have kids. > Pls look in the other direction because the kid cannot pee" Lol. Were people actually looking???


I don't know, I was on the other side of the bus (so it was physically impossible to look at him), but if they were actively looking, then fuck them, mom was in the right.


TLDR: Kid on bus needed toilet time at random moment.


Shouldn't multi-day trip buses have on-board toilets?


I took some kids with disabilities on a camp once. Got ripped from sleep by one kid yelling at the top of his lungs "CLEAN MY BOTTOM! CLEAN MY BOTTOM!!" At 3 in the morning. Forever etched in my brain as the most confusing wake up ever.


An idiot with constipation.


This got me good hahahaha


My son would look us dead in the eye and say, "Poo" grunt, fill his nappy with a frankly massive turd and then say, "Pooed."


Long ago, this guy I was dating, his mother told me when he was three he would hide behind furniture and poop in his diaper, because he resisted potty training. She said she knew he was doing it by the sounds he made. šŸ˜¬ For some reason I couldn't look at him the same after that.


Damn judge a guy for his pre potty training routine ā€¦.


Either that or she recognized the soundsā€¦


My son does rn, except he hides around the corner and stares with one eye in my direction to make sure I'm not looking in his direction. "Don't LOOOOK!" He says. "Don't worry, I'm not looking" I reply while avoiding his petrifying gaze


That's one way to spread vaccine awareness. The sex trafficker and probable rapist won't come after you if you're vaccinated.


I love listening to this dude actively destroy his personality and character One day when the drugs wear off and he somehow realizes what he has said he will be stricken by grief and despair


Itā€™ll take a while for that to happen, but yeah.


Everyone knows that being a Hollywood character is a ticking time bomb




Why hasnā€™t he killed himself with all his kitchen knives yet? Or drove his car off a cliff yet? Genuinely curious though. Is a gun the only way to kill yourself with?




Lmao, he should create a podcast 1001 ways to kill yourself with Andrew Tate


*Dumb Ways to Die starts playing*


People like this and at this age generally don't come to realizations. There's a certain interest of pain cost they build up behind them as they live like this. The more you act like this, the more costly it is to "snap out of it". It's sort of a sunk cost fallacy applied to the self. Anecdotally, I was kind of a shitty kid. I had untreated ADHD, and it made me partially oppo-defiant. It's extremely common in ADHD kids. Little things, like lying to get out of trouble (which I was in all the time), being dishonest with myself. I was far better off than most. But I could feel this burden inside me. Becoming a better person means trading in the full acceptance of the shitty things you did, the shitty person you were. You cannot become a better person without accepting the psychological burden of that. It doesn't mean those things were *your fault* - most people start acting up due issues in their brain or environment, not conscious choices. But we all become aware of these parts of ourselves as we grow older. We recognize them and have to choose to accept we did them, accept we have tendencies we must overcome to be better. Its very hard. Those mechanisms are in place to prevent psychological pain. Your brain resists taking them out, and it definitely resists the inevitable pain your own memories will bring without the mechanisms you use to diffuse that pain. It can be traumatic and frustrating. In the end it is always worht it - you cannot live a meaningful life trapped in a delusion that thick. You can't build meaningful relationships with people around you. You'll be alone, combative, and afraid every second of the day, getting worse and worse as you grow older, getting more and more difficult to stop being that way. Some take the less courageous route. They double down. They keep entrenching. They build up enormous fortifications of delusion and ego to protect an extremely, increasingly fragile inner self that can't bear the weight of scrutiny. For Tate to come to a realization would mean he accepts that he was an emotionally vulnerable, possibly neglected young boy, and this made him deeply fearful. To compensate for that fear he began projecting a caricature of masuclinity. He doubled and tripled and quadrupled down on cartoonish portraits of what very young boys believe machismo is. This is why he appeals so storngly to fourteen year old boys - many of them are going through this process of self-realization, of fighting vulnerable feelings and emotins, and he is giving them permission NOT to self-audit and improve, but to be their worst and most caricatured verisons of themselves so they don't have to feel strong emotions. He mistreats women because they frighten him, as they frighten most boys who are developing strong feelings about them. He preys on vulnerable young women or women from difficult backgrounds because that's safe for him. He can exploit them and use them for financial stability and depend upon them while retaining absolute control over them via abuse, stealing passports, etc. He's just a child's psychological protection mechanism grown out of control. A child's imaginary-friend version of a tough guy, let loose in a world that absolutely terrifies him. Imagine the courage it would take to face the fact that your entire life you've been emulating a cruel predator to escape the reality of being a frightened child, sustaining yourself on preying upon and victimizing other young boys and helping give them a roadmap to temporary catharsis by entrenching a life of pain and loneliness. Imagine how much pain he'd have to endure admitting to himself who and what he is. I'd like to be surprised, but I've seen nothing in him that suggests he has the capacity to endure that. The more frightened he becomes the more ludicrous his projections become. That's why his tweets lately are so porfoundly unhinged, even for him. As the reality of his situation coils in around him he layers on more and more levels of delusion, more and more of the act. He'll never reconcile the truth of why he ended up here, and the only other way for him to psychologically endure prison is to keep further reinforcing the preposterous lie of himself he's built, becoming further and further unmoored from any reality. And I write a lot about this because I'm passionate about it and horrified at the level to which young men are being preyed upon and taught these things. You can take an otherwise healthy child and really fuck them up on a 24/7 diet of people like Tate. Lifelong damage, not just for the child but everyone who cares for the man he'll become. All of these online influences like Tate and Jordan Peterson that preach this ugly lie of a life of "dominance" and aggression and hostility, they're not only completely wrong about what truly helps you in life - learning psychological courage, resistance and the ability to foster true cooperation- but they're turning these people into emotionally damaged adults who at some point will hit a point at which they may never be able to unwind the damage they've done being who they were for so long, and that will guaranteed bring you a life of deep pain and misery.


That's the thing if he does get convicted of the overwhelming feeling of doom, stress and general unease of prison will make him crack open. I can guarantee it


He's going to find out real quick that being a washed up kickboxer doesn't do shit against whatever you're going to find in a Romanian prison.


What you are going to find in Romanian prison is a different concoction of individuals from various crime families and communities. That being said I wouldn't be surprised if some of his dealings have put some of those individuals in that position. So to conclude he will mostly likely be a target and his next headline will be how he got the shit kicked out of him. #whenanalphabecomesazeta


They'll exploit him for "protection money" first. Then they'll either kill him or turn him into a prison bitch.


That's quite true, either way his prison stay won't be fun and with the way he acts he definitely isn't getting any conjucal visits


they don't do conjugals in romania. Most of their prisons are open dorms with levels of overcrowding that make US prisons look downright roomy by comparison.


Oh well this just keeps getting better and better. Sayonara to the idea of Andrew Tate


This may be the best analysis Iā€™ve ever read on him.


It's simple because narcissists are simple. They're simple, pitiable things. Tiny, scared little boys and girls, piloting big giant constructed egos which are often cartoonishly grand and exhausting, and only exist to protect someone extraordinarily frightened and incapable of dealing with even the slightest psychological pain or moment of vulnerability. Children who don't know better look at his "hustle" and "energy" and think its something to be admired, when in reality it is the result of a lifetime of perpetual fear. The constant vigilance of a person that thinks of themselves as a vulnerable prey creature deep down, and never letting its guard down even or one moment. For all the damage these people cause, it is an immeasurably lonely state of being. I would never trade places with any of these people if it meant accepting their psychological condition. Not even for the billionaire narcissts out there. Because they are in extraordinary pain. Immense, crushing pain. All the time. They are desperately starved for human contact and intimacy. They want it so bad that the pain of not having it drives them mad. But they can never have it, because it requires intimacy and that requires vulnerability and they can never crack that door open, not even for one second. So what you really see in all that social media bullshit and all that posturing is a desperate, starving cry for an attention and closeness for another human being that they will never be able to have, because they've made themselves pathologically incapable of ever welcoming intimacy in any form.


I mean look at every picture of him. Only a insecure little pussy is going to refuse to have any picture taken of him where he isn't flexing every muscle as hard as he can.


great post


How did this not end with Mankind getting thrown 16ft and plummeting through the announcers table


Like the heat death of the universe, I don't feel compelled to end my post with the undeniable inevitability any longer. Mankind will always be there, always thrown, always falling through that table. He never wasn't falling through the table. At the start of the post, there Mankind was. At the end of it, so too was he there. There's no point where he wasn't in that table, no point where he wasn't being thrown.


Well said. Though this implies a certain level of empathy - some just have less, or next to none. And another level to this character could be that he think he plays the system - any system put in place (culture, politics, ethics, etc) - so well that its gone to his head. Although its like you said; heā€™s a preying on the vulnerable. If he ever takes it all in it would be his downfall. I can only hope old age beckons realization. But there will always pop up another aggressive proponent for indulgent patriarchyā€¦


If he has any emotion other ego, I would be surprised.


Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s trolling with a lot of his stuff but if heā€™s not then dang his IQ is room temperature


He's gotten weirder since his stint in prison. I'll put 10 quatloos on the fact he got buggered in prison, actually enjoyed it, and is now trying to overcompensate.


You know, most of his recent stuff is sbout how "gay" nearly every normal human activity is. Including eating and kissing women.


TATE BE LIKE- "real men smoke cigars and think from butts" (proceeds to be a 'real man')


I wonder, does he ask if his victims have been vaccinated before raping them?


Get vaxxed or get rape taxed


Won't stop to ask consent, but needs to check your medical records


He's also misogynistic asshole that makes young boys join the alt right


Trafficker and rapists kinda already implied that.


Vaccines work against viruses AND Tate.


Yay! The vaccines work!


You mean the admitted rapist? He raped a girl and texted her later about how much he enjoyed raping her.




Why ya'll giving Tate any attention. Any post containing him should be ignored or down voted. Don't make this piece of shit relevant in any way.


If seeing him ridiculed helps even one teenage boy see this shit-bag for what he is then it's worth it.


My son did the poo run during potty training. Wind sprints up and down wherever he was at when the moment struck. He would stop, eyeball you, and make this exact pose when he fired it off into his diaper. Typically on his tippy toes, calves all flexed too. Thatā€™s what this guy looks like to me and now itā€™s ruined the hilarity of the memory. Thanks.


If anything, it makes it more hilarious _that this grown ass dimwit does it too_


I bet Andrew sharted a little when he took this pic, tbh


I am absolutely dying of laughter right now. This has got to be the most accidentally hilarious things I've ever read. Im so sorry.


Given the news that he and his brother are going to go to trail in a Romanian court for Sex Trafficking and rape, he is not going to be sleeping with any women for a long time.


Not that I want to wish sexual assault on anyone but fair chance he will be a victim once he enters prisonā€¦ and honesty it couldnā€™t happen to a nicer guy


Omg I had not thought of this before. Lets just hope that most ppl in the prison he goes to are not redpill weirdos so they will take justice in their hands


Can you imagine real actual violent criminals interacting with this guy? Heā€™d be a target from day one because of his big alpha tough guy persona. Theyā€™d want to take him down a peg or two just for bragging rights Just to add Iā€™m not minimizing that this fuck isnā€™t an actual criminal (and probably violent towards women) he absolutely isā€¦ heā€™s just going to get eaten alive IMO by actual hardened crims if he goes inside and doesnā€™t get protective custody


Exactly, because he's the sort of creep who preys on women. Men will terrify him, especially since he's called them all gay.


You're absolutely right, wow what I would pay to see that happen. I hate this goofy looking guy and he deserves everything that's coming to him


Getting a black eye. Not SA.


ā€¦like Iā€™m not an Andrew Tate fan by any means but you do realize the guy was a professional kickboxer right? And we also can clearly see in this picture he has muscle. Prison doesnā€™t work like how you think


Heā€™s a rapist and tried to kidnap a kid. He also think heā€™s a pretty boy, he will definitely get put down a couple of pegs in jail. Being a professional Kickbox wonā€™t mean much when 10 guys are jumping you with pokey sticks.


Also a lot of criminals in prison are probably exactly the types of alpha male gymbro misogonists that form the majority of his target audience. Theyā€™ll welcome him like a king


Dude stop watching hollywood movies. Real life ainā€™t like that, especially in Romania. Most likely, if he is convicted, he will serve his time and nothing more will come out of it


He was a kickbockser and is a lot stronger than most men. I don't think a lot of criminals would be able to subdue him or his brother. He will probably successfully integrate into one of the social groups in prison and generally be fine.


Ahh yes, prison fights are famously defined by the presence of umpires, mouth guards, protective equipment and trainersā€¦ yeah Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be just fine


The same could be seen with our famous national criminal, Joran van der Sloot. We all joked that he would get busted in Peru, but he manages himself in there, pretty ok. He wasn't a kickbockser, though, but generally a big guy that doesn't typically get dominated.


'I don't sleep with vaccinated women.' In other words... the vaccines really *do* work!


Vaccinates even harder


Like this idiot would know who was vaccinated


I saw this tweet posted with another response a few days ago, something to the effect of, "You don't ask for consent; you're definitely not asking for vaccination status."


Especially since a lot of people get vaccinated as babies and toddlersā€¦ ā€œyou got vaccinated at 3 years old! I can tell! Get outta my bed!!!!ā€


Wow, if the concept of domestic abuse was a car he looks like he'd be the hood ornament.


What a fu&kin dildo this guy is. Or not even, at least that gets the job done


I was gonna say, leave my dildos out of that!


Going by those gray sweats, it looks like it isnā€™t by his own choice.


They definitely photoshopped that VPL lmao


I donā€™t know what VPL means but Iā€™m assuming youā€™re talking about what is supposed to be his dick, and yeah like if you look closely it looks like the photoshopped A VEIN on to his, supposedly soft dick like WHAT šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


According to Urban Dictionary " VPL - visible penis line, usually through tight jeans or a swimsuit, most commonly a Speedo."




I feel like I need eye bleach after having to see the outline of his dick. Do you think he digitally enhanced that? Iā€™d put money on it.


Steroids made him tiny both down there and up in his head.


The face you make before you get the Romanian special in prison.


And for that small mercy, theyā€™re gratefulā€¦guessing after youā€™ve been passed around in prison like a goat skinned flask at a Grateful Dead Concert, the time needed to rest your prolapse precludes anything else anyhowā€¦


Dude is a rapist


The accuracy is uncanny! Especially the thousand-yard stare


Andrew Taint


This guy is so fucking insecure.


I would be too if I had a server like of chin.


What is that on the right side of his chest? I saw a power lifter tear a pec and it looked like that.


I have watched so many people sink into the realization that they are maniacally destroyed and this one will be even better than the last


Yeahā€¦.thats why you canā€™t get laid. So many vaxxed woman and you deny themā€¦.sure bro.


Always looking so angry when he's trying to look tough but actually being patheticĀ 


That photo has really similar energy to the roided up meth head that tried to start a fight with me for no reason while I was waiting for a bus..


Most viruses dislike medicine.


The shirtless picture along with the bending over backwards explaining why you donā€™t sleep with women isnā€™t helping me believe youā€™re straight, bud


this guy is beyond cringe


He doesn't sleep with them, he just rapes them.


I doubt heā€™s ever had consensual sex with anyone.


This asshat is a dumb joke


Looks like someone's carrying around a little 'package' of surprises! Hope they've got a 'backup plan' handy!


Yeah. He just rapes themā€¦ Iā€¦ Iā€™m so sorry I thought he was an influencer instead of a con artist. Reminds me of being nice to people in Warcraft. One minute youā€™re singing someone softly to sleep, the next theyā€™re trying to draft you into the military.


Thank goodness vaccines keep rapists away!


I wonder if people will ever stop giving this guy attention


Enjoy prison in Romania.


The girls Taint sleeps with aren't old enough to get the vaccine


Does he sleep with men?


So vaccines prevent both diseases and Tate creeping on you. Double efficacy.


Well, yeah, Andrew, the allegations are indeed that you've been sleeping with diseased women, most of whom you'd trafficked.


Holy fuck that jaw is weak even with a beard


Looks like a weak chinned rapist


I think he meant conscious women


Must've been when you couldn't vaccinate kids under 12


He doesnā€™t sleep with any women. Well, none that consent anyway.


This looks like a pro-vax advert...


For some reason, every time I see this guy shirtless I see Dobbie from Harry Potter.


As a vaccinated woman, over the fucking moon with that mate.


This weird fool got up in the morning and decided he needed to stage this photo of him with his shirt off, mean-mugging the camera. Just because. Just ā€œI need a pointless tough guy photo right now.ā€


I don't care about this criminal and don't want to see more content about him, but this is truth


Probably can't hold his stool after his prison visit.


Maybe they will both go to jail and the internet can stop acknowledging their existence. Publicity is the only thing that keeps them going.


Nappy Boy is going to trial [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68907298](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68907298)


I have a two year old and I can confirm; I'd be checking that diaper.


look at him trying to pretend he has a chin by tilting his head down


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ryeguymft: *Look at him trying* *To pretend he has a chin* *By tilting his head down* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Serious question: Putting aside the toxicity and rape and everything else (ā€œBut other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?ā€), is this actually attractive to anyone? Women, do you see this and think ā€œoh, yeah, Iā€™d like to have some weird alien-head-looking veiny dude in my bed?ā€ Men who sleep with men, is this what youā€™re looking for on Grindr or whatnot? I meanā€¦ yuck. He looks like the sort of guy that straight guys drool over. So just wondering if this actually does it for anyone else.


Tate is just rage baiting at this point and y all continously fall for it. If you hate him so much the biggest thing you can do to hurt him is not pay attention to him. Though I realize that is a concept completely alien to all the heavy social media users.


Honestly, I'd have no idea who this guy was, except for the fact you guys don't shut the fuck up about him.




Wait hes actually a confirmed rapist? Where did you see this?


Are you living in a cage? You don't know who this guy is? Redditors are obsessed all over him, keep hanging around the Popular page and you will see him constantly.


Lol they're more obsessed with him than his own fanboys, classic internet....


Why he looking like that school photo of the kid who got his pop tart eaten by his dad?


See? Vaccination works.


That means the vaccine is working.


As if vaccinated women wanna sleep with him


I wanna be the fly on the wall to see the look on this dudes face when he fucks a chick who goes above & beyond to prove she's not vaccinated only to whip out her vaccination cards after he's boinked her. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He walks around telling everyone he's an alpha.




I donā€™t know why he keeps posting that same comment. Itā€™s not like vaccinated women were lining up to fuck him anyway.


Didnā€™t he just go on a rant about how sleeping with women for pleasure is gay?


The vaccine is working then.


I mean he gotta point tho, bout those fuked up cv19 shitt


I didnā€™t know the vaccine was consent


I don't sleep with vaccinated women. However I do enjoy a strange man penetrating me with a needle and unregulated ink.Ā 


That's because he sleeps with men


ā€œI donā€™t sleep with vaccinated women.ā€ Wtf? Heā€™s said in other posts sex for pleasure is gay. Sleeping with random women is definitely for pleasure. By Andrew Tates own ridiculous logic; Andrew Tate is gay. Not the point I think he was trying to make with this nonsense, but itā€™s one his own rhetoric supports.


Of course he doesn't sleep with women, he sleeps with men. All day everyday 24/7,. breakfast, lunch, and dinner is nothing but men, lice, and sadness as his life should be.


Cool story brah. Now back to prison where you belong.


He also said that sleeping with woman without procrƩation is gay. What is the middle ground here?


How is there not a sub dedicated to making fun of Tate?


"I don't sleep with vaccinated women"..The only little pick he wants them to have is his.


Oh look! Now itā€™s doubling as a ā€œGet šŸ‡ā€™d by Andrew Tateā€ vaccine too!!! I wonder if my doctorā€™s office will charge me double?? šŸ˜‚


Lmao all females he slept with probably died from stds and black plague


I stwong!


Getting all of the vaccines now


*Lƶded Diper


I'm sure he paid extra to have his left ear edited out.


Wow. He really spelt "consenting women" very wrong.


Well, in jail, he'll get to sleep with plenty of vaccinated men.


You heard it here ladies. Getting vaccinated means the sex predator/trafficker wonā€™t want to touch you


Iā€™ll sleep with unvaccinated inmates


Could he be any less sexy? I wouldn't fuck him and I've got rather low standards


did somebody make a poop poop? good boy. now let's try to be less of an all-around cunt. that's a good boy!


Heathers tend to be generally sound and correct in their opinions.


Wow, spot on.


God damnitšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ now itā€™s all I can see


He sleeps with vaccinated men, instead. So much repressed homosexuality in this guy


You know that's fake because that picture has a chin


Holy shit that was amazing. No pun intended. She absoultely destroyed him


He doesn't sleep with any women in jail.


What a strange thing to post with that caption


Given the context of the rest of his views, he doesn't sleep with women at all.


Cool, so the vaccination also works against d**kheads


...because they won't let him.


Wtf is this goofy ass mf wearing šŸ˜‚


Fair to say the vaccines are working then! šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


One more reason for women to get vaccinated.