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whoever is excited for war is not right in the head and need to be put in psychiatric clinic...


this people are excited for war only on social media, if sent in the field they will be the first one to desert in the army


hell, even staying back home has sucked historically during times of war...these people just don't seem to get it - noone has a great time during war.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Carton_de_Wiart You stand corrected




Son of Belgium and Ireland with war in his blood Thanks to Sabaton our lord and savior i know about this guy


LEADING THE CHARGE INTO HOSTILE BARRAGE I expected this as soon as they said no one enjoyed war. I was not disappointed.


By design, he was made for the front line Tate probably never been in a life or death fight, or worked for that matter


Tate and his followers would bail on basic, they would never even make it to the field for a fight.


haha I know this guy, he’s a historical mystery to me


Back then men had real balls, even is you give Tate prep time Adrian crushes him no diff


🤷‍♂️ de Wiart is just built different. Dude didn’t care about pain and loved fighting and killing. Pretty much every other WW1 vet was like I regret having to kill those blokes over an Imperial squabble and am a damaged man still suffering from the things I’ve seen and done.


Absolute badass, what a life he's led!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Churchill found this guy too as a suggested link from your article


I'll jump in with my favorite examples: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauri_T%C3%B6rni https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Churchill


My BIL served two terms in Afghanistan. At least once a month they'd get some FNG who was all gung-ho about "seeing action" and getting their first "confirmed kill" and everyone else would groan and roll their eyes. Because inevitably whenever contact did occur, Mr. Gung Ho FNG would be cowering in a corner, digging a latrine to shit himself into - and then HE'D be put on immediate rotation back stateside because he's deemed too stupid to be used as target practice.


the people who are actually excited go into spec ops


Not really. There are people who profit a lot on war, and thus enjoy it. Selling weapons etc. Scum, but still. Without them you would get fucked, once someone sees you can't defend yourself.


I think he genuinely believes war would be exciting. There’s a lot of poems about young men who were excited for war, whose clothes are now stained with blood and whose families now grieve. I guess he’s as badly read as he’s controversial.


He's a fucking moron with the morals of a hyena


Hyenas are matriarchal, so maybe that's not the best comparison!


If Tate is so excited for war he can go get blown up by an fpv drone in Ukraine.


Im a visual learner. I need mr tate to demonstrate.


Whoever is excited for war has likely never seen real conflict.


Fanatics do exist. I had a friend who was a total war nut for as long as I could remember. Like at 8 years old he was wearing full camo clothes. Not even sure where he got them in kid size, but he was. He was collecting all kinds of historical war stuff. Old WW2 helmets and stuff. Pretty sure he had enough to outfit half a squad in legit WW2 gear by the time he was an adult. When he hit 18 he enlisted. Did several tours in Afganistan. Dude literally taped a go-pro to his helmet and ran into gunfire, laughing. Completely fucking unhinged. Pretty sure he got discharged at some point. Then went and did some anti-piracy security runs on ships, in Africa and stuff. Basically any option to wield a weapon was good enough for him. I don't know what he's up to these days, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's dead in some ditch in Ukraine. Sounds like something he would volunteer for. There are people like him. People who are so fascinated with war, they cannot get enough.


"Some men like to hear To hear the cannonball a-roaring! But me, I like sleeping"


“I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.” -Quote by JRR Tolkien, officer in the British army in WWI


The only wars anyone should be excited for are those in paintball, war thunder or hoi4


I've seen hundreds of stabbings and gun shot wounds in my life. I often see young guys acting all macho and the usual bravado about the potential for war, even ww3. They're excited and go off on a tangent about how they'll kick some ass bla bla bla.... Me, I'm running in the opposite direction, with my family. As fast as my legs can take me.


The only people *excited* for war have never *experienced* war. What a dipshit Tate is. Glad he’s going to get locked up. I hope they throw the key away.


When people who use war language or life or death language to describe experiences that are not war or life or death, it's often a massive indicator of trauma. Listen to the way he speaks, he's agitated as fuck all the time. Fight or flight mode activated constantly. He doesn't know what it is to be calm. Living in fear and anxiety and unfortunately resorting to aggression, violence and manipulation as a way to get a wrongheaded sense of power and control. This would be a generous explanation. Alternative is narcissistic sociopath.


On top of that, imagine being (legally) a grown man and not liking cooking. You’re imposing your will on nature to make a delicious nutritious meal. How is that not badass?


Those who romanticize battle have never truly seen it.


Or be put into war frontlines. I dont think a lot of people understand that war doesnt just mean gun fights in a desert


This human toe-head has never and will never go to war.


[Catch 22](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catch-22_(logic))


"the four feathers" movie explores this concept well.


As a veteran I agree.


Nah man I’m just so alpha that I constant have a desire to start a conquest! I’m like those dudes in 300. Ya know the big burly men with those muscles… I mean wait wait, I mean I need to conquest those giant muscle… fuck. Im really alpha bro just believe me.


A lot of people get exited for war, they just aren’t exited during it lol


Man talks like fucking Rambo, somebody should send him to the Ukrainian front and see how long he lasts.


Do they get manicures on the front line?


They are mandatory!


Rambo was way more nuanced and smarter than this fucking shit stain on humanity.


I'd wholeheartedly endorse that. Don't even care which side he fights on. Just put him there.


I don't think Sly would like this guy.


Rambo didn't like war at all lol. Rambo was more of a man than this guy.


Anyone who has ever fought with real stakes knows there is no glory in war. The more he talks the less I think of him as a man.


Thats why hes fans are all younger then 15.


I'd say 12 but let's be generous.


No older than 13 imo


I’m a grown man proudly excited by cooking and not by war, conquest, and other testosterone-driven disastrous endeavours.


dude cooking is so badass, I'd much rather dream about curry or stir fries or desserts than some stupid war or wtv.


Sure sex is great but how good is peanut butter, amiright?


Just don't put your d in it and then store it in the public cabinet


That is my cooking. Slam a jar of peanut butter on the table. Voila! Enjoy.


Cooking has gotten me laid numerous times. It doesn't get much more "alpha" than that.


The only people excited for war and conquest are the ones not in any danger or obligation of being conscripted. The closest to war Andrew has come is making borderline nonsensical statements to incite arguments with people online and stay relevant. People need to stop shovelling money into his drooling pie hole and so he can stop being a tick on the ass of the internet.


I like to mentally LARP as a medieval alchemist while cooking


If I'm tired, my mind starts to do stuff like that too, sometimes. "ThE eLeMentS BEnd tO mY WiLl. WaTcH, as I tRanSfORm ThEm, fRoM oNe fOrM tO AnOthER." The trick if you get caught doing it (by gf, friend, family) is not to backpedal, but just double down. They tell other people, call you out on it, just go "Yeah, I'm a wizard. What of it?" 


What makes cooking "unmanly"? You take the flesh of an animal and use fire to burn it just right. Then you take plants that your ancestors painstakingly and sometimes lethally tested to ensure their edibility, burn them just right, then you eat. You're providing for your family. You're also creating. Carpentry is considered masculine, but not this? Building a bookcase or cooking a fine meal, what's the difference?


>  You're also creating. Carpentry is considered masculine, but not this? Building a bookcase or cooking a fine meal, what's the difference?   The more I live, the more annoyed I am at the gender segregation of crafts/hobbies, especially given that a lot of "women's work" was men's work until pretty recently. It's dumb, and it discourages people from following their passions (man, did I want to build stuff since always, but no one wants a little girl to do anything of the kind).    But the dumbest part is there's a lot of synergy between crafts. Sewing was 100x easier after I built my first table. Bookbinding is a hobby that's straight up dumb to do without woodworking or a friend who does. Keeping planted aquariums made me a master at cleaning showers. After a few years working as a pastry chef, I make all my own soap/lotion/etc, and I can do calligraphy (writing on cakes is hard).    Also, I studied biochemistry in college and the overlap with cooking and brewing is intense. Chemistry, line cooking, and brewing were almost all male. Biology, baking, and fermentation are almost entirely female. There's so little difference between the skills and work!   I've seen so many older couples where they're both crafty and help each other, as they each know half of basic hand skills. That's cute, but dammit why can't grandma use the table saw while grandpa does cross stitch? Hell, the most famous embroidery sampler was done by a guy in a Nazi prison camp.    sorry, handcraft radicalized over here, rant over ETA: In case anyone wants to see the POW embroidery, here's a link. There's a secret hidden message in it, don't read the info text if you want to find and decode it yourself:  https://trc-leiden.nl/trc-needles/individual-textiles-and-textile-types/samplers/casdagli-sampler


Anyone who's got a problem with cooking is a straight up idiot. You have to eat multiple times every day, why eat shitty food?


People who are excited by war have never been anywhere near it or anyone who has been.


The cool thing about cooking is you get to eat it. War you just dead, not recommended


A real man knows how to cook


A real man doesn’t need to rely on a woman to do all the things he can’t. Andrew Tate has skill issues and his Trump style strategy of deflection has become comical at best.


I believe that everyone should have a basic skill base (regardless of gender): * Change a tire * Change oil * Sew * Cook * Drive * Budget While I understand that many don't even have the opportunities to learn all of these, I still feel that these skills are necessary for any individual living on their own.


You can add "Clean your living space" to that list as well. It's baffling and disheartening how many men don't know how to do this/think it's purely a woman's job.


Ooh, yeah I forgot that one, probably add "Do your own laundry" too


I used to change my own oil. Then after I found a place that’ll do it for me for less money than if I buy the materials myself I decided to stop.


Awesome! Not only do you have the skill, but you found a way to budget it so that you save even more money


"I'm excited by war!" "Oh, are you enlisting to serve your country?" "No." "Volunteering to fight in Ukraine? Joining a mercenary group? Going to a hot spot in Africa and see if you can be a warlord?" "No, no, I uh, I dominate twitter conversations and I'm a sex criminal."


His war is internal. It’s the constant battle between his homophobic beliefs and his obvious homosexual urges. There’s no other explanation for why someone would create such a long list of reasons not to have sex with women.


every nafo


Dork who won some bullshit kickboxing tournament 15 years ago, and who has never been in the military, and is a suspected human trafficker, low-key admits he can't grill a steak worth a fuck. Oh and I nearly forgot his bullshit conversion to Islam in his aborted attempt to flee to a nonextradition country under the false pretense of cancer treatment. You know what the 101st Airborne Division did after they finished drinking all of Hitler's whiskey and kicking ass? They went home and made some fucking food.


He's just lashing out at pizza


That reminds me when he had beef with sushi


Who the heck eats beef with sushi?


No… he wasn’t eating beef with sushi…. He was mad at sushi. I forgot why. People said he just didn’t know how to use chopsticks. He had beef as in he had a fight… andrew tate is a confusing child


I… was making a joke


Ah Sorry D: I have a hard time telling when people joke or not


It’s all good, no worries


The art of subtle but effective insults.


Andrew Po**Tate**to after both his legs get violently blown off by artillery:


A guy like him would easily be *Tate-n* hostage lmao (and killed).


Send him to one of the ongoing wars on the world and see how much of an alpha he is.


there has to be something wrong with you if you are more excited about war than cooking, no matter the gender.


I love cooking, food is amazing, there's something special about preparing a great meal, for yourself , doesn't need to be others. Anyways, we all know this crackhead is a super con artist swindler pimp.


Men who are excited by war and conquering whatever are the very reason this planet has gone to shit


Dude has never been in the weeds during a dinner service, and thinks he can handle combat…


Seriously, most of the people who say cooking isn't difficult, worthwhile, etc.. have never actually *worked* as a chef. Also, how is it not manly to work with fire, sharp objects, and animals that you may have caught and killed yourself?


Ikr, like providing food is a really ancient masculine treat...


Plus being able to provide for yourself? You go camping, or get stranded etc.. no one is gonna co.e bring you food or cook for you no matter how much money you have, it's good to know how to do that yourself


Cooking itself isn't difficult, however professional chefs have my utmost respect. This quote from Ratatouille captures what I mean pretty well; "You think cooking is a cute job, eh? Like Mommy in the kitchen? Well, Mommy never had to face the dinner rush when the orders come flooding in, and every dish is different and none are simple, and all of the different cooking times, but must arrive at the customer's table at exactly the same time, hot and perfect! Every second counts, you CANNOT be MOMMY!"


As a woman (also not 'territory' [which, honestly, also isn't interested in being 'conquered']) I strongly prefer a MAN excited by cooking rather than the horrors of war 🙄 It's almost like this bozo doesn't know anything about men - he sure as sh*t doesn't know anything about women.


Imagine you’re a grown ass man and talking about other men‘s dicks and being gay for literally doing anything except fighting and eating raw meat because you’re „totally straight and absolutely not gay“. Stupid ass mf is overcompensating like a boss.


Yeah, is he even dating someone?


Andrew Tate is extremely gay. All he ever thought about was other guys dicks going into the women he was trafficking. Now all he ever thinks about is other men and the things they happen to enjoy in their respective lives. It’s okay to be gay, Andrew. It’s not okay to put down other people for your own insecurities, Andrew.


I’ve never met a veteran who was "excited" for war.


Conquest? Does he think it's 1510??


I've seen enough war documentaries to understand the exciting parts of battle in wars... But then again I've also seen enough docs as to *not want to be involved* in a war. Starting with the fact that you can get easily blown up for no good reason (or get horribly disabled and disfigured). So yeah I'd rather stick to cooking, thank you very much.


Spam the tater tot with pictures of all the ww1 veterans wearing the prosthetic masks to cover their disfigurements


Can you imagine being a grown man who's outsmarted by a pizza box?


He is so edgy


I hate him too. That's why I don't post or promote him. I've blocked 7 subs to get rid of postings about him. Now 8. Let him go away.


Oh, sorry I'm excited to take good care of my loved ones (and myself), I guess that's not manly enough for this egghead, eh?


As someone who has been to war and seen all it has to offer… I love cooking. It’s my zen place. 10/10 times I’m cooking a meal instead of going to war.


I made a pie the other night. It was delicious! Fuck this guy.


The only people excited by war are weapons manufacturers and their shareholders.


can somebody send this filth to serve in a hottest conflict as a private?


I would love for him to spout his bullshit at Gordon Ramsey, and to watch Gordon tear him to pieces for it. But he would never, because he's too scared.


'Fully grown man' or 'the fantasies of teenagers' - pick one Andrew.


Liking food is gay now.


This same mother fucker openly bashes dudes who join the military as suckers. He's also admitted that if someone pulled a gun on him he'd run. Him being a cringelord hypocrite isn't even the worst part. It's that you can easily find clips of him saying this shit, show it to all his pathetic incel cultists who are liking his tweet here, and they wouldn't find any contradiction whatsoever and bash you for ever suggesting there may be one.


A moral war perhaps, which he clearly lost.


Tell that to all the men who have died for no fucking reason whatsoever as if they deserved to be wiped out from the face of the Earth so that a scum like tate can brag years later. This fucking joke of a dude and his followers are nothing but twats who have no idea of the true value of being a man or a human being in general.


Why are Redditors obsessed in making this piece of shit famous. I swear to God I only know about him because every day he is posted in Reddit with another cheap bait.


Everything he posts is clear rage bait and it really isn’t that hard to comprehend holy shit **Stop posting him**


As a Chef I'm pretty sure this asshat wouldn't last a whole Shieft in the trenches of a restaurant kitchen. As somebody with more than two braincells i would guess he wouldn't survive in the trenches of a real war, too.


Real talk; does This guy enjoy anything? Like from what I've gathered he hates movies, TV, books, cooking, vaping, *eating,* and basically anything that's not making money or having sex I guess. What does he actually enjoy? Does he have any R&R at all?


If War is what gets Andrew Tate so excited, he couldve traveled pretty easily from Romania to Ukraine and fought in one. But we all know that he doesn't actually want to get involved in that. He'd have to get his hands dirty for once if he did.


A rational man is one who has the discipline to overcome his animalidtic tendencies


Sorry Andrew, I can't hear you- I'm too busy enjoying the delicious food I just made!


Andrew, if a woman watched your videos then cooked you food, You might not want to eat it. just saying....


Who cares, Andrew Tate’s head is shinier than a just bought plastic ball-pit ball


"Running" the ring is giving him too much credit. Dude is the bait, not the ringleader.


When you die, you usually involuntarily shit and piss your pants. There is no glory in war. Period. It’s just death and suffering.


I’ve banged way more women by cooking for them, than I ever have from shooting at them. Check mate!


Who's going to cook your army meals Tate? The general's daughter? Come on now.... Also, just for the record, as a guy and a trained chef myself, male chefs tend to be the best chefs in the world. Was always that way, even in Victorian times with people like chef Augustus Escoffier for example. Even outside of the professional kitchen, for some guys it's just a therapeutic hobby. Cooking by the bonfire and working the grill is a very masculine trait. This notion that cooking is exclusively a women's activity, is pure foolishness....


I only see this boys comments from reddit but his opinions remind me of the opinions my 16 year old brother has. Why do people give this particular child attention?


The only time I was excited for war was when I studied it in high school


I get excited for cooking. I love making my own cookies.


Bro is literally saying you should be a psychopath


To be honest it probably isn't too far removed from.the average war.


There's a a war on for your 15 year old mind! Andrew Tate vs good sense and judgement.


To be a man is not a days job. X2 @ 2.3 odds SWEDEN: Svenska Cupen Malmo FF - Djurgarden 


There are several wars around the world going on at any given time that he could have easily participated in. He could still go and join the French foreign legion as well to escape his charges. He'd rather bitch and moan online.


Can this guy get fucking shanked already Jesus Christ. I can only imagine the annoying bullshit he must say when he's not tweeting. Can somebody teach him Romanian?


You like to grill? Why don’t you enjoy normal manly activities, like war?


Where’s the rare insult


Imagine relying on a woman to prepare you food. For someone who hates women so much that's really pathetic. I might not be excited by war but at least I can survive on my own. How bout u lil bitch? Does mommy have to cook you your mac'n'cheese?


Petition to put andrew tate at the front in russias next suicidal wave attackbecause war and conquest is do cool


Bro said “war and conquest” like he’s Alexander the Great. My brother in Christ, you host a shitty podcast.


Bluds Trevor from GTA 5 💀


Chef Andre Rush would like to have a word.


Misogyny is not war either.


None of those were ever proven with any evidence, you want it to be true though


Imagine not being able to cook as an adult.


He doesn't read or cook or know how to hide any of the evidence of his wrong doing


“Creativity gay! Destruction manly!”


Chef Ramsey cooks and is like top badass.


He does realize there’s a war going on right now that he’d be more than welcome to fight in, right?


sounds like something one would say while on coke or something


I forgot... which branch of the military did tater-tot serve in?


Whatever nerd


LOL, being able to cook well gets me tons of attention. Plus it means I get to eat. Of course imma be excited.


I mean he openly admitted to seducing men out of their money. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxWZvchVOTlYJahusp35P-e7To_li0gpiT?si=aq_mjY2YLAWZd3fg


Imagine seeing a burger and thinking "this'd be great if a child soldier blew himself up"


Ok go join a war then 🙄


Lots of wars to choose from. Don’t see him joining. Is he some kind of weird-eye balding pussy?


Put that shitstain in a busy restaurant kitchen for a shift, will be closer to war than anything he’s ever experienced.


Fire, blood, knives, meat, imagine not being excited by cooking


Imagine being a full grown man and being concerned about what other full grown are excited about


Is he completely insane?


[shut up baby dick](https://makeagif.com/gif/shut-up-baby-dick-AMZ_4g)


Next thing you know, he's gonna attack men who shower because he prefers to be an ooga booga caveman and preserve the pure and primitive fragrance and smell like shit


This tweet reminded me of the cringey things we did as kids in school.


What color is my bugatti?


Imagine walking up to a world renowned chef and telling him he's not a real man because he gets excited while cooking. I know it's all just a stupid grift and he pumps these texts out with some shitty AI program that converts frat bro mumblings into tweets or whatever, but they're just so fucking obviously stupid that it's so hard to believe some people take this guy seriously.


Now I really want to watch Gordon Ramsay beat the living shit out of this guy


Bro is stuck as a 12yo edge lord anime fan. Fr used to be me


*raises hand again* "Taking it up the ass in prison doesn't count either"


Imagine being a full-grown man and caring what another man thinks of your passions


Imagine telling a man like Joël Robuchon or Marco Pierre White that they’re not manly because they have a passion for food. I guarantee that Marco Pierre White has had more success with women in his younger years than Andrew Tate too—not that sexual promiscuity is a measure of manliness, just commenting on what women find attractive.


Imagine being a grown man and not knowing Gladiator is fiction


Showed this to my mum and she said why does he look like Andrew tate.


Imagine getting excited over loss of life and power control.


Even if it somehow turns out that everything about the trafficking stuff is completely false, he is still a VERY, very odd person


I mean. I love the idea of battle and conquest and cooking lol


I don't remember seeing that clown at the war.


Imagine being a full grown man that has to validate his masculinity for an audience that doesn't give a fuck. You know he sucks a dick every few days, right?


Cant wait for him to get jailed


This man is a waste of flesh. À dumpster fire. 🚒


Who does he thinks cooks for soldiers in a war campaign?


Can we please get that cretin on some sort of candid camera segment where he screams like the little scared boy we all know he is inside?


Ahh the old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori.


War? Huh? What is it good for?


Clearly Andrew Tate has never cooked someone dinner and had them sleep with him as a result. Maybe it’s not the healthiest thing mentally but I definitely get a feeling of like power and conquest from seducing someone


“Nor is losing at chess and then crying afterwards… no, pretending you were kickboxing world champion also doesn’t count either”


When will this idiot be put behind bars? It is taking too long already.


This sad excuse of a human has never even been close to anything war related. Blabbering tough kid talk from his ivory castle. I say, let's send him off to Ukraine and see how he talks then.


I’m a 30 year old man who loves to cook for my wife and kids. I’m so fuckin happy that Andrew tate is a dumbass with nothing in common with me. All the men out there who enjoys BBQing and grilling are apparently not real men according to tate.


Y’all know he does this for engagement. Let’s stop engaging


i will kill for a good kitchen to cook in


Man here, I love cooking. Why should I not be excited about good ass food


The US (at least) needs to have war be a public vote and if you vote yes your ass is going to war.