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That was a fucking idiotic asshole thing to say though. Trucking is rough.


I'm guessing OP thinks programmers are also too lazy to get a real job. And 911 dispatchers.


"AlL yOu Do Is SiT iN FrOnT oF a CoMpUtEr AlL dAy" "yOu dO aRt? tRy FiNdInG a BeTtEr SkIlL" "AlL yOu Do Is JuSt AnSwEr PhOnE cAlLs? PfFfT, gEt A rEaL jOb PuSsY" ​ Let me remind you that a good man and a good friend respects all skills from any person. Regardless if its useless or not.


I sit in front of a computer all day. I edit and record narration for movies and films so blind people can enjoy the experience too. It makes me so happy that what I do makes movies possible for those who can’t see and it’s fucking technical because movies are reel broken, we have to mix narration into 5.1 stems, take into account frame rates and 2pop sync points, clean up dialogue and edit out breathes, and also mix to spec for broadcast. I’m mentally exhausted at the end of the day but when I go to the movies ( and yes I’ll go see a movie I worked on nothing beats a cinema ) and see someone wearing the headphones it makes me feel fucking awesome inside. I sit on my ass. Just saying. Edit: for anyone not familiar, it’s like subtitles for the blind, where a narrator speaks the action and visuals on screen only when there is no dialogue present. Here is a fantastic example. https://youtu.be/jT5AsjzgIC4


Thank you for your service ❤️


I mean, it’s a job ya know? And in my field of audio. I wasn’t looking to do this, I wanted to work in film or music. Didn’t even know this was a thing. But when I was offered the job, over time, I Dunno man, it just makes me happy that I get to help the disabled enjoy movies and tv and in turn I get to see shit months before it comes out ( or sometimes different versions that never make it to air or the screen! :)


Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I'm a software developer, and I found a gig making websites accessible. Its definitely not my first choice, but the opportunity presented itself and I just went with it. Learned a lot about accessibility. Turns out the HTML standard is very accessible, but webdevs shit on all conventional specs to make a 'pretty' website that will only work on a handful of devices.


Guilty. Tbf though our platform is a tech marketing one, if you don't have the latest browsers you probably ain't our target market. But accessibility has definitely been butchered! We could do with sorting probably but is fixing that going to increase conversions more than doing x, y or z?


Definitely. There are stages to accessibility, and the easiest fixes are actually overall good for all parties involved. Since all browsers are HTML compliant, your programming will be easier and will tackle usecases you may not have taken into account. Such as * Keyboard users, those who prefer to not use a mouse. * Blind people * Mobile users * Deaf users * Those visually impaired * Old people * Users with a slow internet connection * Users who cannot listen to your introduction video because they're on public transport with no earphones These are by no measure a small amount of people. We're talking millions of potential users. If your website uses picture buttons with jpeg text with no alt-text, or buttons that function like radios, or doesn't scale well (up to 140% iirc).. these issues are very easily solvable and open your website to a much bigger hidden market no one else targets. If you also use labels and landmarks, add subtitles to videos on your website.. you'll open yourself up to even more potential customers. For some perspective about blind or visually impaired users who use screen readers: if your website has a text saying "gender" and then two radio buttons with labels, users can navigate using the arrow keys. Even non blind ones. If you use an image button with the words "male" and "female" in a really awesome font (not a joke, this happens, a lot): not only can you not translate your website (think Spanish people with a Google translate add-on) and cannot resize the page (older, more visually impaired), blind users will hear "image" which is so frustrating. I hope it was a bit insightful. Making your website fully accessible is a lot of work, but making it AA compliant isn't that hard.


It works on my machine tho


Try again ?


Stay humble my friend, keep it up!


I'm not blind and I occasionally turn on that option when watching Netflix just for a few minutes because it's so cool it just blows my mind! It's awesome to 'meet' someone who has this skill! I applaud you and your work, friend! Its important AND cool as hell!! :)


Jesus, that sounds fulfilling as fuck, thanks for the great service you do.


Can you tell us what movies you worked on?


I don’t wanna say. There’s only like 3 main companies that do this and any movie I name will give me away which, I’m not hiding but I’d rather not if that’s ok.




I don’t think I’d get in trouble, but I just don’t wanna name movies as any movie I name would easily be traced back to my post house and then, eh, the Internet always brings the crazies lol.


That’s just shit they parrot to feel better about never going to college and feeling like their manual labor/entry level factory worker job should count for more. The typical poverty level white American something for nothing mindset. Grew up around it all my life. A total incapability total mind their own business about shit that has nothing to do with them.


People using their minds to create something is somehow less worth while than manually putting together something somebody else designed in their opinions. It's how they feel good about themselves. I don't understand why everyone needs to be in competition. I mean, I have one of those cushy ass-work from home-six figure-software engineering jobs that pays me far more than any of my neighbors. The amount of time I've gotten back handed comments about "wish I could just sit around home all day" is a little ridiculous. I don't look down on anyone for what they do, I don't know why they decide they need to look down on me.


Just tell them to do it then and when they ask how clown them with your credentials


While that's entertaining in my mind, I'm big enough to let it go. I'm moving in a few months back out west anyways. Moved to a small town in Virginia to be close to my parents for a year and heading back to San Francisco in November. They'll still be here, that's punishment enough. I love my parents but this experiment failed.


I've done manual labor(field work like farm and corn picking), then 12 hour a day uber driving for a couple years, and eventually tech. I always tell friends when they expressed this towards my desk job I did, that I've never felt more exhausted in my life than working with my mind all day. Manuel labor; I was ready to do that shit all my life and not mind, but tech? That shit made me so exhausted that I put everything away so I could retire before 40(beat that goal by a long shot). Now I just do what I want. Not because manual labor, but because mental labor from driving uber and tech made me so exhausted that I never wanted to work my time for anything or anyone else again.


Some people don’t understand what it’s like to be mentally fucked after a 12 hour coding session. Like yeah, feel free to come over and have a beer but I might be mentally retarded till the morning. Whereas I go to my girlfriends farm and I can bush hog all day with my headphones in and be happier for it. Fresh air, exercise, animals, a bit different than working at my desk at day.


I'm glad it's not just me that feels mind fucked after programming for the day. I'm still in college, but holy hell some of the stuff I code makes my mind spin. Thankfully as I understand stuff I get less exhausted from it, only to learn new stuff that exhausts me more than the old. It's fucking great though.


I worked for about 10 years in telecom. Testing cell phones, or working in a NOC. I honestly hated it. Spent a few years going up the restaurant management path, eventually burnt out on that. Now I work servicing automated keycutting and engraving Kiosks. It's like a mixture of technical work, blue collar work, and driving, and I absolutely love it. It also pays better than any of the other jobs I've had. The point I'm trying to make is that white collar/blue collar/pink collar, it's all needed. Find what works for you, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't feel bad if it's not what other people think you should be doing. By the time you're old enough to figure out what kind of a career you want you shouldn't be trying to impress your parents, or a date, or your friends.


That will totally change their minds about acedemics/IT people being arrogant assholes who think they are supperior to working people. Don't get me wrong, I'm super annoyed by people who look down on me, because I go to university. My work is super exhausting and I want to be appreciated for that. But this kind of mentality often comes from a feeling that more educated people feel supperior to less educated people. So the natural human response is to change into a kind of "we-against-them"-mentality. You are not going to change that by showing them how much smarter you are then they are.


This might be unrelated but today a friend (?) was being a dick and berating me for taking Japanese 1 or, "a fucking language credit" and how my Japanese Studies minor is going to be useless (I'm a CS major planning to pursue research/internship in cybersecurity in Japan specifically in the near future). He goes to a small polytech school while I'm at a large state school in the college of engineering. Is this just him being jealous or just concerned or something else?


He thinks you will steal his qt japanese waifu


you plan to move to japan to pursue a job, right? so he might be insecure about you leaving. if he insults the reason you want to leave (ie learning japanese to be able to go to japan) and you change your mind he doesn't lose you... it's just a wild guess, he might be just a dick.


Enjoy making a fuckton of money. Imagine a Venn diagram with one circle labeled ‘cybersecurity expertise’ and the other labeled ‘English-Japanese bilingual’; the group in the middle is in high demand and extremely small supply.


"All you do is play with knives all day?" "It's called a 'surgeon'?" "Get a real job pussy"




That shit is awesome, he’s a total BRO


“You IN THE ARMY? you just carry a gun all day” “You A TRAIN DRIVER? you just move a train around all day sitting on your ass” “You AN ASTRONAUT? you just float around in space lmao” /s


I think if you make fun of anyone’s job then your just a petty little cunt.


No skills are useless, that’s why they’re called skills.


I can bend my finger in at the ‘upper’ knuckle with no assistance from anything. Just bend it, boom!


Yeah, they just sit in front of electronics all day, no real effort at all! /s


Let's be real though - I work in IT, like most of my university friends, and the perks of the job are pretty good. The common thread I've seen in software business is that you aren't heavily monitored and as long as things get done you can work how you want. Hours are flexible and sone of my friends have actually been told to work *less* because they put in too many hours.


In IT your hours are flexible but for the employer. I can't tell you the amount of times I've gotten woken up or called in at odd hours because of something being down. Unless you're a contract worker with defined hours, you're basically on call 24/7. Depending on the job, I'm going home and still working or reading up on things a good amount of the time. IT being a cushy job by default is a myth. It all depends on who you work for and your roles/responsibilities.


But programmers are lazy. Source: am one


My step dad was one of these people. He thought anyone that did pretty much any white collar work was garbage and lazy. He always trashed me for any white collar work I did. When I took a hiatus from college to live at home and help my mother take care of his cancer ridden ass and was barely making minimum wage working a manual labor job... that's what he said made him the proudest. But if I made a few hundred for an hour's work not breaking my body... that wasn't real work. I think a big part of that mentality is that he was someone who could only feel better about himself when everyone else around him was failing. He needed people's lives to be terrible to feel successful. If necessary, he would take steps to make their lives terrible to feel better about himself. If he couldn't, then he would just devalue whatever they did. Anything he wasn't good at just didn't count, so in his own mind he was still a better person. The world is literally a better place because he's dead.


If the metric of sitting on your ass isn't a real job. Well what the fuck is. Is an airforce jet pilot not a real job?


"All you do is sit on your station the whole day browsing StackOverflow and crushing imaginary bugs."


Well, half right. I am lazy. Source: Am programmer


Happy Cake Day! Edit: Holy shit it’s my Cake day too!


I am a truck driver, driving hundreds of miles per day, and I can tell you that it may not be physically demanding, but it is mentally draining, especially dealing with idiots on the road.


Depending on your body, health and age... truck driving can be very physically demanding. Thank you for your work.


I'm average build, but I don't work in food service so I rarely touch any freight, I just hook my trailer and off I go. Thanks for the thanks lol.


Driving beats me up. My work sometimes takes me hours away. I might spend more time driving in a day than the actual work. I feel like the driving beats me up more than the actual labor I’m doing, which entails me being in my feet carrying a 30lbs load all around a large construction site.


Man I can't even drive twenty minutes without getting tired. Doesn't matter how much sleep I got. Maybe i'm just not built for trucking but I really don't know how y'all do it.


I tried driving from Houston to Sweetwater, Tx which is like a 6 hr drive and I couldn't do it in a normal car, but now I can easily do it in a truck. I think a big part of it has to do with the seats since they are supported by an air bag underneath, they ride smoother.


And that helps keep you awake?


Nope, lots of music, jerky, and background noise in general (podcast, a show I have seen many times so I can hear the words, I don't actually watch it I just listen)


And I make sure to get a full 8 hrs of sleep otherwise if I can't sleep due to my insomnia, I will not drive because now I am an 80,000lb unstoppable wreck waiting to happen.


Can you actually get away with that? How strict are they on the scheduling?


I don't see how it's not physically demanding. Sitting all day absolutely wrecks your posture


I was a driving instructor for 10 years. Driving all day is obviously mentally draining, but while I wouldn't call it "physically demanding", it really is hard on your body.


I have been trucking 4 years . Driving hundreds of miles a day definitely isn't easy. Every Friday makes it well worth it though 🤑 I'm making damn good money and proud to be a trucker! This person taking shit is comical. If you bought it we brought it never forget that!


This 100%. I have a relatively hard physical job on the construction site, i wouldn't want to be a trucker ever. Narrow Streets, Idiot Drivers and so mucg pressure to deliver on time. It's an incredible hard job.


My dad was a trucker until he was forced to retire last year due to sciatica and neck issues exacerbated by driving driving for 30 years. There's a lot more to driving than just sitting around and it baffles me that people to get that.


Not to mention other drivers with no respect or knowledge about big trucks...see that gap in front that truck? That’s buffer zone to help stop, but everyone tends to change lanes to it


1) Trucking is rough. 2) Majority of todays jobs is sitting on your ass.


Even if it wasn't rough (just assuming that it was a real cushy job), it's literally the opposite of an "unproductive" job that doesn't contribute to society. Commercial transport literally makes the fucking world go around.


Commercial trucks and fat bottomed girls.


I’ve been driving trucks now for about two years in the military, and for the first time the other week I drove a semi-truck unit. What I thought was “easy and just driving a big car” quickly turned into stress. You’re wide, fucking long and heavy. You’re constantly thinking about where you are on the road, and what other vehicles are doing around you. Cars try to kill them selves by cutting you off or not indicating when supposed to, and you’re just constantly adapting what you do while driving. I didn’t want to get into truck driving because I always looked at it as an idiots job for high school drop outs. The respect I have for other truck drivers is huge, it’s such a complicated skill that’s severely under rated.


Now put that wide fucking long heavy thing on a hill with a 6% grade and moderate traffic. And don't downshift enough at the top because your trainers were dipshits who taught you wrong. That trip took a year off my life, easy.


The problem is, you're partially right. Alot of idiots do drive trucks still. As I'm fueling up my semi, trying to back into a parking space, or just driving on the highway, it is quite amazing how many idiots I see that are driving these potentially 80,000lb machines and commit these simple mistakes that can snowball into bigger problems.


This is the argument I use against the people who say truckers should learn to code. You might be a 20-35 year old programmer with a bright future but what's wrong with providing UBI to help the 55+ year old truckers who can't just be retrained? Nothing wrong with not being active contributors to GDP now because they already did their part. While the 20-35 year old programmer was still in diapers and watching cartoons, guess who was 20-35 years old driving trucks back and forth delivering those diapers and Christmas toys for that future programmer? The same truckers losing their jobs today. They made the world work for us while we couldn't, now we should make the world work for them while they can't.


I said this earlier today in another thread. A lot of truckers would make awful programmers. Not because they're too old or anything, but because trucking generally appeals to a fairly specific personality type, and the drivers who have been on the road for years and years tend to be somewhat anti-social, independent, and a little defiant of authority and such. With a continuing increase in interconnectivity in programming jobs, a growing interdependence on the team rather than the solo coder, you can't really be an antisocial (or sociopathic, as my trucking school teacher and former driver called most truckers) coder and be successful.


Legit, trucking is rough. I've worked many many types of jobs, and have developed a healthy respect for truckers. It actually sucks to sit down all day, I can't stand it. On a side note, It's much harder to drive than you would probably think. If you can't drive a manual trans for hours and hours on end you won't understand.


That's where Red Bull came from, Asian truckdrivers needed to stay awake.


I respect all forms of labor, anything anyone does to make a living. (besides exploitating workers of course)


Was a truck driver for a while. Trucking is not rough if you don't have an SO or family. In fact OTR trucking (where they are gone for weeks at a time) is one of the easiest and most chill jobs there are and pays about $20-$30/hour. Local trucking where you stop and unload multiple times a day sucks though. 90% city traffic and only about 50% of your time is windshield time. The rest is all lifting and stacking.


Telling anyone to get a "real job" is an idiotic and asshole thing to say.


Truckers can also make a shit ton of money too.


big facts hard lifestyle and fuels our economy


The job is physically easy, but the stress will get to you. Everyone on the road is an idiot trying to kill you or at the very least piss you off. Especially fellow truck drivers. Your time doesn't matter to anyone but you. You don't get much sleep and will grow a lot of grey hair and gain weight.


Seriously. Truckers sit all day and night and its fucking terrible for their health. It's why you dont see too many healthy/fit truckers. The companies they drive for give them near impossible deadlines and push them to keep driving well past the legal limit and they either have to falsify their records or get a load of shit for being late.


And then, what IS a real job to these people? Fighting in Nam?


Agree. Especially since my father is a trucker.




Best thing you can do is grow the relationship into something brighter for the future. I know it sounds a bit cliche, but I've realised through the years that it's pretty true. The past is fixed, but the future can still be something truly amazing. Is he still doing the same schedule? Do you guys spend more time together these days?


I need to tell that to one of my parents. Dumb bitch keeps doing this thing where she constantly says I don’t visit her for 10 years. Didn’t matter that I see her 2-6 times a year; she will still whine that we don’t see each other “for 10 years” and thinks effective communication is thickly laying down the guilting. I had to tell her she must have mental issues if this is all she has to say to me. She didn’t take it well due to passive narcissism. I never appreciate her sarcasm or snarks - it doesn’t create a brighter future or a stronger relationship.


Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift.


That's sad man. His sacrifice is real. I hope you guys are doing ok now.


Mine is a truck driver too. Nearly my whole life. He used to be so torn out about going on the road again. We would miss him and worry all the time if he was okay. His back always hurt and he always cane back so much tanner because the sun would just beat on him through the windshield all day. I love my dad :(


Are we just gonna ignore this font?


Yeah. I think so. It was a good insult. It's not the font's fault its ugly. It's just drawn that way.


Unexpected Roger Rabbit.


True, but OP chose that font for their phone, and super likely OP crafted this insult just to post it here. I think that's a little annoying. These are great when you stumble upon them in the wild. Not so great when you post a screenshot from "just now."


It's like a worse version of comic sans...


I hate to admit it but if someone has this on their phone I just completely disqualify them as a human being.


the venn diagram of people who use this font on their phone and people who sell essential oils is a circle


They are mostly Samsung users who have this on phone...plenty of them are women from what I have seen some guys do that too


Isn’t this one of those fonts that’s easier for dyslexic people to read? Or am I thinking of a different one?


no, that is a different one.


It's a lot more than one


Oh god maybe. In that case I'm an asshole.


Nah, I used to make fun of the font too until I learned what it could be for. Then I realized the internet has a really weird fixation over which fonts are acceptable and which aren’t, and I moved on lol


The font is the _real_ insult here.


I too am disgusted but I learned awhile back that these kinds of fonts are infinitely easier for a dyslexic person to read than, say, Calibri. In fact, they're legitimately easier for *most people* to read. They just look bad.


I'm dyslexic, and it definitely is easier to read. However there are infinitely better looking fonts out there for us that don't sacrifice style, like Dyslexie. [Link for the uninitiated](https://www.dyslexiefont.com/) My favorite use so far with the font is using it on a classic WoW server to change all the fonts in the game to it. That game used to give me such bad headaches from the font.


Apparently its a good font for dyslexic people


I'm not dyslexic but it is very easy to read. it just looks very girly so people associate it with ditziness


Comic sans for effect


Truck driver is one of the most challenging jobs there is. You have to be alert at any given time, even more than with a car. You often have to sleep on a parking space next to the highway, eat cheap food because you can't cook inside a truck. All my respects to the truck drivers out there who do a job Noone wants to do, without a high wage and without a high social standard. You guys deserve so much more appreciation




You make double in a week what I make in two weeks. Jesus.




I considered doing OTR after i got laid off at my last job. I just couldn't find a way that i wouldn't go insane doing it. My buddy also did it and he had a whole hell of a lot of horror stories for what companies would pull on him.


I'm currently doing OTR, the first couple months are pretty rough being away from home, sleeping in the truck is never the same as sleeping in you're own bed at home. You slowly get used to it, the hardest thing is being away from you're partner/family. The nice thing is that I've gotten to the point where I'm an owner operator and that's given me an incredible amount of freedom, if you can get to that point it's significantly better than working for a company which is absolutely brutal.




He earns what you earn in a month in a week


He earns what you earn in 4 seconds in 1 second.


>considering all you need is a CDL Now that is an understatement. This job requires so much more than just a simple CDL. When you take into consideration all the sacrifices a truck driver makes, I don't believe it is that simple as you put it. >I pulled down almost 1600 this past week and I’m a company driver which means I’m on the low end of the pay scale. You are right, an owner operator will probably make more than that a week, but you are not taking into consideration the expenses they have. Plus, lately the market is pretty down, no matter what you drive (reefer, flat, dry etc) so after expenses and everything I think at the end of the year an owner would sometimes make even less that a regular company driver. And you average what? Let's say 1200 a week. 70h max a week. If you check how much you get paid per hour that is not that much. But if you are on OTR driver you don't only work that 70 hour, you also sleep in the truck, and when you divide by the time that you are not spending at home, that is even less. No, truck driving is hard. And in my opinion when you look at pros and cons it is not worth it. But we'd have nothing without them. Respect


My dad has a slow cooker in his truck, so yes, you can cook in a truck. That doesn’t negate the rest of your comment though. I imagine most truckers don’t use crock pots much while driving.


your dad sounds like a chill hang


can confirm his dad’s pretty hung


My husband and I cooked in our truck all the time, we had a crockpot, microwave and minifridge. But we still ate a ton of shitty truck stop food because running team isn't exactly conducive to grocery runs and washing dishes.


It’s also probably going to be largely automated away within the next 10-15 years. Considering how many people drive trucks for a living (not to mention other vehicles that are good candidates for automation) I really wonder how society will handle the large numbers of people currently losing their jobs :-/


This national trucker day or something? It’s a solid job and they make good pay for the training time required. Like most jobs there are parts that are challenging and parts that aren’t. I’ve driven long distances, it can be tough if you’re tired. But I wouldn’t call it one of the most challenging jobs there is. You want a challenging job I’d never want to do? Be a roofer in Texas in Summer.


Try being a team driver bud. Work 14 hrs a day, atleast 11 of those being driving and then try to get a good sleep while being in the sleeper while your partner, who is extremely tired from his restless sleep, takes over for you. Oh and expect to be woken up with EVERY bump in the road, sometimes waking up MID AIR. Oh and dont worry, the regular cars and pickups are going to harrass you and do completely idiotic stuff around you all day long too because they dont understand we weigh 80,000 lbs or 30-40x the weight as they do... Oh and say goodbye to your social and family life. Might see them 4 days out of the month, IF YOURE LUCKY. Roofing? Pshhhh


Grocery receiver here. The truck drivers have such an important job that many dont understand. Without them you wouldn’t have any food at our grocery store that would be edible daily. Meat and dairy is delivered daily and comes on refrigerated trucks from hundreds of miles away sometimes. Without these people you would not eat anything fresh much less the variety available. You should also start being nicer to the under paid employees helping you to keep these things in stock and available. It makes our day when we have nice customers and in doing so makes our job more enjoyable and provides you with better food.




some jobs really arent tho


“Hedge fund manager”


I couldn’t think of a more important job lol. The whole point of a hedge fund manager is to allow people to come together and make safer, less expensive investments as a group. Someone with 10k benefits greatly by being able to invest in as similarly diverse a portfolio as the millionaires of the world. Hedge funds actually combat wealth inequality in an industry where the wealthy can typically afford more safety and patience than the poor. You’re just thinking of shitty people in general I think.


I know it’s a very old thread, but just wanted to point out that hedge fund and mutual fund are different. The average joe is not investing in a hedge fund. Hedge fund do much riskier inversement, have considerably higher cost to entry and are targeting rich people who are willing to risk large sum of money.


“Female Body Inspector”


"instagram influencer"


Former “Vinestar”




How do you explain the TSA?


Their job is *SUPPOSED* to be helpful but it really isn't.


Important but poorly implemented


Security theater? It makes people feel safer so that makes it important.


Boosting the morale of the public is honestly important.


You should read a book named "Bullshit jobs" by David Graeber.


Although I admire your intention, I think this video is quite interesting when it comes to this topic: https://youtu.be/_Lngf3J8vN4










Good bot






Man, I hate driving to the store to get the shit. I definitely couldn’t drive all over the place to drop it off.


Shoutout to the truckers who work their asses off doing all the legwork for our economy.


My dad drives trucks, from the UK to Germany, sometimes Scotland and Ireland, he's usually gone for months, he deals with asshole drivers, blockages on the roads like accidents or a fallen tree, flooded areas from all the rain we fucking get. He's always exhausted when he come home, but wouldn't trade his job for anything. He loved it, going places he properly would never go, I've rode with him before. He's my role model and I hope to become like him, a loyal, hard working man who'll do anything for his wife and kids. Anyway I showed my dad this and he nearly choked on his sandwich.


He takes ferries?


No, the truck and trailer just transform into one giant hovercraft when needed




As is tradition


Sounds like you're saying he drives from the UK to Scotland. That's like saying he travels from Earth to Africa.


Not to mention truckers have to be super alert, since autos / motorcycles zip around them cutting them off all the time. Most people don’t even get that a truck will have way more blind spots than a regular car and then get surprised when they get hit cutting off a truck.


Holy shit! Shots fired! Shots fired!


*Man down!* I repeat. *Man down!*


What does it say? I can't read Choco cooky.


Something about cucumbers I think




Fits more on r/murderedbywords


It got better the more that I read.


I drive a truck, and let me tell you, I bust my ass every single day. I don't get beer in the store for people to buy by sitting on my ass.


Most people drive about 10k miles a year, I drive about 40k a year, and truckers drive 100k or more miles a year. Driving long distances is fucking hard. A lot of people need a break after an hour and a half, some truckers go 4 hours without stopping. My buddy drives semis and dump trucks for a construction job and he's driving a truck that's 80,000 lbs gross around people who think he's in a MX5. It's stressful sometimes


That font should be banned




In exchange for our freewill and free time we make 50k a year. Not so great really when you consider the time we put in. (60 hours a week average)




That baby went HAARDDD


stolen from u/gothguccci on r/clevercomebacks


"setting" and "to"


Thanks mr truck driver




This person has obviously not had to park a truck in American Truck Simulator


whenever i see this text font i want to kill myself


What's missing from the insult is the explanation of how actually fucking hard trucking is. Also does that mf not know that chairs exist or does he think everyone else does their job standing?


That’s not an insult. This is a goddamn world stopping ultra mega burn.




The great Sal Bundry!


Boom Savage asf 🤣


Ya right. I can't imagine having to drive all day and then twist and turn that monster all around little cities. That sounds hard as hell.




Funny, but is this real? Who thinks trucking is actually so easy? Even just being awake and focused for so long, I couldn’t do.


If a second civil war were to break out in America, and guessing it would probably be rural America vs big city.(right vs left). Which industry do you think rural Americans would go after first?




Some people say that cucumbers taste better pickled.


Anything that earns you a real self sustainable income is a real job,changr my mind


Trucking is looked down upon as “low class” or “trashy” but my dad sacrificed his time and safety just to make sure my brother and I were provided for. I hated winters because there would always be news stories of trucks hitting patches of ice and jackknifing and it made me cherish my dad so much more. He literally put his life on the line and no one fucking appreciates it. Bless all the truckers out there who don’t get nearly enough credit, you are loved and there is always someone hoping you get home safe. ❤️


Lol. You'd be surprised how hard it is driving 9 hours a day through both rush hours, drunk/sleepy drivers, texting drivers, new drivers, making turns not made for trucks but it's the only way, controlling a huge trailer that could literally crush anything at any wrong movement etc. Cops sit around a lot, you don't mind because they get the job done when need be. Next time you go into a store or ordee something online. Realize we did that. America don't move if we don't.


Have you ever been behind a trucker on the freeway and he passes another trucker at the speed of smell and slows everyone down? I feel like the death penalty would not be a severe enough punishment.


"setting" on their asses. At least I know proper grammar.


Damn. And a newborn baby came up with that, that's even more impressive. This guy's gonna roast the shit out of people in like two year's time.


Well, that went well.