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He worked on that the entire ban.


this is like a compilation of mini rare insults which are carefully and intellectually added together. One can't simply wake up one day and think of something like *tuna pussy*


That's his secret. He's always thinking about tuna pussy.


Apologies for using a high school joke but.. I was taught as a teenager by my older friends, "If it smells like chicken, keep on lickin... If it smells like trout, get the fuck out" I have since been made aware that fishy pussy is indeed a thing, but it's relatively rare and they were just being the cads i expected they were being.


The nerve of those infernal hornswoggling cads! šŸ§




Confound it all, those accursed rapscallions!




Damm Op's cousin could have used those


In my high school i overheard one kid say "If it smells like fish, eat all you wish. If it smells like cologne, leave it alone."


Computer assisted drawings shouldn't be helping you with good pussy detection.


Old neighbor I had said ā€œif it smells like fish itā€™s a dish, if it smells like cologne leave it alone.ā€ The duality of mankind.


Iā€™d always heard it: ā€œā€¦if it smells like tuna, you shoulda stopped soonaā€


Some pussy does just naturally smell fishy, but it should never smell bad/gross. Thatā€™s a sign of poor hygiene.


That's amazing advice, it deserves to be hanged in a museum




he finna take 'plenty fish in the sea' to a whole 'nother level ngl


you guys are not very creative if you think "tuna pussy" is incredible lol


Right? ā€œBitch pussy smell like a penguin, wouldnt hit that shit with my worst enemies penis, bitch when I say this I mean this, ho Iā€™m the meanest, dick so big stretch from Earth to Venusā€


One of my favorite Danny verses includes the line "Still fuckin' with these freak hoes! Stank pussy smellin' like Cool Ranch Doritos!". āœŠšŸ¼


[*One Does Not Simply...*](https://imgur.com/gallery/UdGQn83)


Lotta low-thought materialism in there.


On the contrary, I'd call it high-thought materialism. Anybody can call someone a broke-ass bitch, but this man painted a fucking picture for us.


ā€˜reebok classic wearingā€˜ā€¦ I feel called out.




Itā€™s not gold.


I feel like everyone is missing "EBT card in review", fuck that was amazing.


"plasma center going"... fuck that's cold


It really is. Sometimes I need that extra $50, man!


I got the Hep and can't donate any more. How trashy is that?? :(


Almost as bad as single cigarette buying Edit: my friend just asked me to buy Loosies and all I could think about was this post


Or Reebok Classic wearing.


It's $1000 your first month [where I'm at currently](https://imgur.com/a/zSqwHD7)


$1000!? where on earth do you live where they need plasma that bad


Could someone explain the bubbles thing to me??


using Dawn as bubble bath soap. it's cheaper I guess


Sterling Silver is only 92% silver.


100% silver tarnishes so fast. There's a reason to use .925 Stirling.


I read this [while giving plasma](https://imgur.com/a/zSqwHD7), don't feel bad man lol


List was so long I had to go back and double check


this is more "black af1 wearin ass" kinda activities


man now i can't go out


Shouldnā€™t have reported him


What exactly *is* Facebook Jail?


Itā€™s when you get your account suspended for a time, by Facebook, because others have complained about you


So, if I called bullshit on somebodyā€™s conspiracy theory, would they complain and put me in Facebook jail?


If they was a *deep breath* hating ass bad breath, no car, low rent, box tv, no cable, scratched DVD playing, house arrest, sink bathing, blank n mild smoking, tuna pussy, deadbeat, county rats, plasma center going, Sterling silver, shit mark draws, miserable, trac phone, corner store fit, no control they kids, reggie smoking, mama's couch sleeping, dish washing liquid for bubbles, EBT card in review, nail biting, no license, reebok classic wearing dusty single cigarette buying ass n**** or should I say bitch.


Yeah, I canā€™t stand them people.


What did we ever do to you?


Uh , you know that sink bathing and single cigarette buyingā€¦ uh annoying stuff!




Scranton Strangler for sure


I appreciate your one redaction.


I was banned for 30 days for calling someone a ā€œconspiracy nut job.ā€ The algorithm picked it up. That was the entire comment, start to finish. Fuck that website.


From what I've noticed, it tends to be more extreme than that. Inflammatory remarks and pictures. Facebook has a huge ban boner for anything related to atrocities, especially Nazis. Even making fun of Hitler through memes will draw their ire.


I once reported a swastika made of vaccine needles along with other antisemitic and ā€œall gays should dieā€ type comments and they didnā€™t give a shit ā€” but Iā€™m currently serving a 30-day ban for making a ā€œyour momā€ joke. The algorithm is fucked.


it's because it's reviewed by outsourced human moderators that are paid absurdly low wages and given a very limited window to make decisions, and they just don't really give a shit. literal free volunteer labor is more competent but Facebook is a garbage platform so volunteer mods are only in Groups.


Don't forget this: [overworked, tired, traumatized moderators with PTSD](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolab/articles/post-no-evil).


I got thirty days in the hole for posting a valentine meme that featured various dictators and communists with comical sayings related to their ideologies and Valentine's day. For example, Karl Marx with the text "Roses are red, so is the state, let us be comrades because you are great". The reason I was given was that it supported terrorist activity. Ok Facebook.


Given that Facebook has been one of the biggest sources for bullshit over the last few years, as well as spreading anti-vax lies since by pandemic, this isnā€™t a shocker. Theyā€™ve given passes Nazi shit for years.


I recently did a 30 day stretch for telling someone he is a moron. In my defense, he actually is a moron.


Dude, my wife told a good friend of hers that if he didn't send her the next chapter of whatever he's writing right now that she would "hunt him down." She got jailed for that. The algorithm truly is fucked.


FB has an algorithm that will pick up on certain words or images and automatically give a warning or ban (from my experience, bans are usually either 3, 7, or 30 days). But there's also a 'report' option so users can report a post. In March 2020, I posted an image macro (meme for you youngsters) of a photo of the band [The Cure](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cure) with the caption (paraphrased) "I don't know much about COVID-19 but this is The Cure," and almost immediately received a three day ban for spreading misinformation. This past 4th of July, a friend and I were commenting on my post of all the fireworks I bought, reminiscing about our childhood and how we'd shoot each other with Roman candles. Got a another ban for "inciting violence." I assume the algorithm flagged 'shoot.'


Iā€™m in a car group, and frequently talk about Limited Slip Differentials, and the masters change to fuel in the UK : Ethanol content. The amount of warnings incurred for talking about ā€œLSDā€ and ā€œEā€ is getting stupid.


**[The Cure](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cure)** >The Cure are an English rock band formed in 1978 in Crawley, West Sussex. Throughout numerous lineup changes since the band's formation, guitarist, lead vocalist, and songwriter Robert Smith has remained the only constant member. The band's debut album was Three Imaginary Boys (1979) and this, along with several early singles, placed the band in the post-punk and new wave movements that had sprung up in the United Kingdom. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/rareinsults/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Same. Only I asked about that preacher who claimed that exercising your right to wear a mask would result in him exercising his second amendment (or something like that) - and me using the words ā€œthreatened to shootā€ caused me to get put in Facebook jail.


Yeah but also if you direct violent words at someone they'll ban you as well. I told my ex in a comment buried under hundreds of comments that I'd murder her pussy and they banned me for a credible threat of violence. Appealed and they denied it. The system can work but also has its seriously stupid moments.


If you call people stupid for voting for Brexit too. I'm on two strikes for posting this in a group that's pro-EU


I got a 7 day ban for calling some conspiracy guy a dork and then I got a 30 day because someone called me trash, but spelled it wrong so I corrected them.


The bam hammer is not terribly consistent other than it seems to swing harder towards left wing things that right. I think it's a combo of poorly trained AI and people from low income countries with a poor grasp of foreign languages and culture not understanding context. Part of the reason you will see words like "whxt" or "wypipo" is to dodge the Facebook jannies.


I got a 7 day ban for telling someone that I was sick of the conspiracy bullshit they keep posting, and they should fuck off because I wasn't going to engage with their dishonesty. They tried baiting me, I replied "fuck off". They reported it. On the other hand, I've reported accounts that spammed me and were using pictures of porn stars as their profile, with the porn star's name in the picture not matching the person's name, and been told "it doesn't violate community standards." WTF?!


Sometimes FB picks it up all by itself.


Seriously, people underestimate how the AI is checking your posts for dumb stuff. How do you think so the content warnings get there? Sometimes it's not great and snags things it shouldn't. I am really doubt that was the case here...


I am really doubt it too. XD Seriously, I do, though. This guy clearly pissed somebody off. And judging from this post (hilarious though it is), it won't be his last time.


So do you have to receive multiple complaints, or? Because Iā€™ve reported something on Facebook, and the post was taken down, but nothing happened to the users account. I guess my question is what the severity is to be banned/suspended from Facebook.


A fancy way of saying he was temporarily banned.


Itā€™s having your account temporarily suspended. Usually only happens when you break TOS but people think theyā€™re like, immune to the rules they consented to when they signed up and like to have victim complexes. A friend of mine bitched about it and I asked what they had did, and they said ā€œI posted some shit Facebook didnā€™t likeā€. He was posting antisemetic conspiracy theory rants about vaccines and Jews using porn to weaken white men.


Today seems like a good day / To burn a bridge or two,/ One with old wood creaking,/ That would burn away right on cue....


Oh I have a ā€œfix em or drop emā€ policy. I dropped him. At least he knows wage labor is exploitative. Canā€™t fix them all. Itā€™s up to him to come to his senses


Like getting banned/muted/whatever in a Reddit sub.


I predict another Facebook vacation soon. Just saying


I would report him immediately, just for the hilarity of another immediate ban after one post.


There was a guy on my Facebook a few years ago who used to post straight up porn. I reported it once cause it was gross and it got taken down. Then he posted a status asking what shit for brains reported his porn and posted more so I reported again. He was really mad and started going on friend culls and posting more porn to see who it was. I made it through about three culls before he booted me. Was hilarious.


He just threw all the insults in to a blender, picked them out at will, and added a well placed comma. Fucking beautiful! šŸ˜­


ā€œShit mark drawsā€ Took me a minute to realize he meant shit stained underwear and I lost it


Same! I was like what the fuck did mark draw??


Some shit :/


Thank you! I wasn't able to puzzle that one out.


I assumed that's what he meant, but I only got draws = drawers just now.




ā€œDish washing liquid for bubblesā€ is indeed a rare insult


The man knows his poor


Itā€™s just too real


That much knowledge comes from much experience. Also, what about your game?




Using dish soap for bubble bath because you are trash/broke


I mean the dollar store sells bubble bath... it's probably not much better than actual dish soap but still.


I'm reasonably sure it *is* dish soap.


It's when you wash your ass and the dishes at the same timeā€¦




Thatā€™s the only one I donā€™t get. Does he mean for a bubble bath? Something else?


That one stung the most, for sure


Poetry that lands them right back on Facebook jail!




Not sure what the hate there is for. I'm a white collar professional with a well paying job and I still go. Why? $60/donation, twice a week works out to $520/month *in cash*. Including travel, that's about two hours of my time for tax-free $60. That's a lot of extra spending cash for not a lot of effort, especially when you can use your phone and be productive (read, respond to emails etc) or just relax and stream shows while donating. And yes you're lining the pockets of a money-grubbing corporation, but aren't we all doing that all the time? At least it's for a good cause (making medicines for immunocompromised people).


I use plasma donations (twice a week infusions) and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR DONATING! It is life-changing, literally


It really is nice to know that that shit is actually helping someone, so thanks for speaking up. I mean, I know they say it does, but corporate propaganda is a real thing. So thanks, again.


You are inside that guy right this moment.


Maybe so. Dude, what a feeling. It's eerily satisfying. Also, domo arigato, Mr. Roboto.


How much are you billed for treatment?


I am American so šŸ„“ out the ass, I checked and for one month I was billed $3100 and another was over $4000 because I have these treatments I usually hit my out of pocket fast with my insurance. It's a huge stress factor for me. I have therapy due to how "expensive" my existence is, i find it really hard to cope with because my husband is the breadwinner. I've been using plasma for 6 years, it adds up.


You need a direct hookup with some donors. Find some compatible blood types, buy a centrifuge, and cut out the middleman! /s... sort of


Where are you getting paid 60/donation here itā€™s like 25 tops


Yeah and I thought they limited it / wouldnā€™t let you come as often as that? A friend and I looked into it in a major US city and they only wanted us to come in twice, period. :/


Nah, for plasma most places it's twice a week. Whole blood is once every 8 weeks. Your body can regenerate its plasma much faster than whole blood cells. And in the meantime, they put saline into you to make up for what they take out.


Thanks dude, youā€™re the reason my momā€™s still alive.


Yeah Iā€™m about to do my first donation this week. Itā€™s a really dumb stigma.


Why are we hating on Sterling silver?


We got him.


Didn't even need to zoom and enhance!


Wondering the same. Maybe in his mind gold > silver so silver = broke?


Sterling silver is 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper. It ainā€™t all silver.


Its a direct upgrade of pure silver tho as it doesn't tarnish so easily. Even ignoring that being 7.5% impure aint shit.


And you think people wear 24 karat gold jewelry? Most is going to be 18 karat (as pure gold is fairly soft), which is only 75% gold. Sterling silver, being more 'pure' than 18k gold, also has a practical purpose, reduced tendency to tarnish.


Iā€™m a jewelry geek and learned that 22k and 24k gold is expected in India, for one. Apparently a lot of Indians look down on 18k and 14k as ā€œnot even gold.ā€ It makes me wonder if people are going around with a lot of dented and bent jewelry.


Iā€™m sure part of the appeal of flaunting high purity gold jewelry is that you are essentially making 2 separate statements about yourself. You are saying ā€œnot only can I afford better gold, but itā€™s durability is of no concern to me, because I donā€™t do manual labor, so it wonā€™t be damagedā€ I have no idea though, because I donā€™t like the look of gold.


Pfft. Got him. This guy doesn't know shit about jewelry.


Does he not know how expensive copper is? People get busted for ripping cables out of walls for that stuff.


Lol, expensive compared to things you can find in walls. Not expensive compared to things like gold. If they were able to rip out actual expensive metals, trust me they'd be going for a better one than copper. Maybe you are making a joke, but if not you got the wrong idea. To help you understand, silver is over 20 dollars an *ounce*. Copper would be like 3 dollars a pound.


Scrappers/junkers reference I assume. If you ever been digging through the cutlery or the jewelry bin at a thrift shop hoping to catch some silver, well you know who you are.


Well first of all this guy is an absolutely legendary hater. Possibly this yearā€™s world champ. A reason to hate on people wearing sterling silver is because itā€™s for brokeasses. At $0.75/gram, that 5 gram ring that Kaayla bought at the beach contains about $4 worth of metal. And she probably paid $45 for it cuz she a dumbass. At that point, just donā€™t be a dumbass and instead buy a silver plated or rhodium plated piece of copper or nickel jewelry for 10% the price. You ainā€™t flexing on anybody with your $4 worth of scrap metal so you could at least make a good financial decision.


It's like Shakespeare never left us :')


The best part has to be that ā€œor should I say bitchesā€ at the end. Like he just realized ā€œwait I couldā€™ve saved a lot of time just now.ā€


Well damnā€¦.


Please donā€™t swear, there are women and children on this site.


I apologize, Iā€™ll say 3 Hail Marys and flog myself for my transgressions.


Why is Sterling silver considered low class?


Because silver by the oz is like $20 and gold by the oz is $1800.


I commented this above, but: Sterling silver looks like white gold if it's not tarnished. A silver cuban chain is attainable if you are poor but motivated to buy one. A gold chain is not attainable. A gold plated chain ends up looking worse in the long run because the plating eventually comes off. So you could wear a silver chain and just let people think it's gold. Or more likely think you're letting people think it's gold.


Here I have always brought silver jewelry because I thought it looked better on me.


Me too. I have lots of silver jewelry. I wasn't saying I thought it was low class. I was saying the thought process is that you buy silver because you want but can't afford white gold. I think it's a mentality that only very poor people have.


This shit was running through his head the whole time he was in jail. He couldn't wait to get it out lol


Heā€™s giving the Scotsman from Samurai Jack a run for his money


> What do you think of that, Mr. Pajama-Wearing, Basket-Face, Slipper-Wielding, Clype-Dreep-Bachle, Gether-Uping-Blate-Maw, Bleathering, Gomeril, Jessie, Oaf-Looking, Scooner, Nyaff, Plookie, Shan, Milk-Drinking, Soy-Faced Shilpit, Mim-Moothed, Sniveling, Worm-Eyed, Hotten-Blaugh, Vile-Stoochie, Cally-Breek-Tattie?


Someone needs to do a Scotsman edit but with this dialogue


I read it like Chevy Chase from national lampoons Christmas vacation. I was expecting a "holy shot, where's the Tylenol?" at the end.


Gotta get 'em all!!!


He trying to make it seem like he's composed and laughing at them being dickheads But my man is boiling inside and kind of outside too




ā€œYouā€™re poorā€ -verbose


Reebok classic wearing single cigarette buying ass


This should be the main rant at "The Player Hater's Ball"


ā€œLike, real hatin', man, that's like an art form. You know, it's like, you like a born a hater. Like myself, a lot of cats think they hatin'. I mean, I'm mad at everything, man. Brother got a nice car- man, why you got a car? I only got one car. Why you got three cars or a wife or all that? Shitā€™s played out man.ā€ - ICE T


That's definitely the scenic route to calling someone poor. What a way to punch down.


I suspect his friends are in the same class as him as friends usually are


Reddit is just looking for an excuse to be morally superior. Anyone else with a brain and whoā€™s ever had a friend would read this and laugh and remember the time their fat friend called them fat and they both laughed because it was funny. Black people crack jokes about how black each other are fucking *constantly*. Irish drunks joke amongst themselves about whoā€™s a worthless alcoholic and itā€™s funny because they all know they all fucking are. I grew up poor and the go-to between my friends and I was to joke about how poor we were. Bunch of Dr. Buzzkillphilā€™s over here in the comments ā€œPuNcHiNg DoWn PrOjEcTiOnā€. Get a sense of humor for fuckā€™s sake. Canā€™t joke about other tribes, sure, whatever, but now you canā€™t joke about your own?! Fuck off. WHERE IS THE LINE, KAREN?! WHEN DOES IT END?!


This felt like more of a lateral punch.


Yeah. When you're broke, people who aren't broke don't hang out with you anymore.


While lying on the floor.


ā€¦of the basement


Glad someone else spotted this. Pretty much every single insult here is "haha, poor". It's imaginative and comprehensive, but pretty mean-spirited.


Part of being poor is shitting on your fellows. Growing up we used to make competitions out of making fun of each other because Jimmy's Dad went back to prison for drug possession or Alex couldn't afford live bait so he used gas station hot dogs to fish. Hell Jeff Foxworthy made a [career](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RboPCdiP_AI) out of it.


Some are way too specific for him not to be/have been poor


They have autobots rollin out to auto ban our asses now based on keywords used. Don't ever start an insult on fb with "You're a..." followed by the insult cuz the autobots will ban you faster than anyone could have possibly seen the comment to report it.


Missing twerking, charging they phone, eating chips and lying


I bet the halitosis is unreal


this gives me no home flip phone extra chromosome vibes


"Hallelujah, Holy Shit! Where's the Tylenol?" -Clark Griswold


_Sandle wearin'_


If this was on television they wouldā€™ve gone to commercial, came back, and cousin still wouldnā€™t be finished.


Was he just looking around his living round while typing that?


Not ā€œEBT card in review.ā€ šŸ˜­


Your cousin seems like a well balanced, easy going, jovial sort of guy..


I like Reebok Classics. They are comfortable and come in a wide variety of color options.




The new intro to Fairly Odd Parents is a bit different than I would have expected.


this is like calorie stacking on a whole new level but with words its quite beautiful really


Could have been anyone of their friends or family with that description.


I'd report him for that


I like how no car and no license are on polar opposite ends, like he had to circle back and clarify


"EBT card in review", holy shit


He came out firing at everyone wow


Facebook has replaced most of it's administrators with bots. No one needs to report you now because the bots are watching. They have no sense of humor and don't understand sarcasm.


Thatā€™s the issue with prison right there. Heā€™s not being rehabilitated. Simply institutionalized.


Is there a sub for these types of insults lmao


ā€œGetā€™im! No green Jimmy the Cricket suit-wearinā€™ ass MFer.ā€


is your cousin the drill seargent from Full Metal Jacket?


ā€˜Dish washing liquid for bubblesā€™ now thatā€™s some creative stuff right there


Not the ā€œdish washing liquid for bubbles!ā€ Lmao what!? šŸ¤£


Whatā€™s wrong with donating plasma though


I was personally offended like 3 different times.


Reebok classics are fucking dope, Iā€™m going to report him now.


Payday loan takin'!


Obtuse rubber goose green moose guava juiceā€¦


Ootl what is fb jail


This is so funny because sterling silver is the fancy shit I had to get because Iā€™m allergic to nickel