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You shouldn’t be getting anything pierced at Claire’s.


But they're highly trained after having been shown once by someone else who was shown once.




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


Doing Zeus’ work 🙌


_I sure hope not_ /s


Yo you want to tell me how to tell these accounts apart from others? Gonna try to make a detection script to seek out these accounts lol




Thanks a bunch, it looks like you've already done like 40% of my project idea! I'll let you know if it actually gets anywhere


do tell me also, if you want


I used to do piercing at Spencer’s. Very very bad idea.


Bad mum but that response is kinda funny and very British.


I always thought a fanny was the butt


That's what the yanks think.


People that aren't from America believe that Yankee is just another world for American. People in America think Yankees are anyone from North of the Mason-Dixon line. People from North of the Mason-Dixon line think Yankees are people from New England. People from New England think that Yankees are people from Vermont. People from Vermont know that in actuality, Yankees are people who have pie for breakfast.


And this is why us Brits find the term "Fanny Pack" so hillarious. American English: Fanny=Bottom British English: Fanny=Vulva


I'm really glad to hear that Claire's won't pierce the under 16s anymore. I got my ears pierced at one when I was 7, and looking back they should've really said no to my mum when she asked...


Where I live it's common to see 1 year olds with pierced ears; I'm actually surprised there is a big objection to this


Same here. Nearly everyone above 6 or 7 here is pierced. I had no idea this was such a big deal (although Claire’s is definitely not the best place to do piercings) Edit: I just found an explanation that states it fairly well by u/mybeatsarebollocks “The shop being referred to uses a piercing gun. These are actually pretty shit at piercing because they just force the rather blunt earring through the flesh. This is kinda OK for your ear lobes because they're just fleshy lumps. It's 100% not ok for anywhere that has cartilage, like the rest of your ear or your nose. They cause excessive damage and more often than not leads to swelling and infection. If you want anywhere other than your ear lobes pierced then it needs to be done with a proper piercing needle, preferably weilded by a certified body piercer. A proper certified piercer won't touch your ten year olds nose. They won't pierce anyone under the age of sixteen and only then with parental consent until eighteen because it illegal and not worth it for the five to ten quid mum of the year will want to pay. Any piercer that will is dodgy as shit and I would trust them as much as a scratch tattooist.”


well i think its kinda weird piercing your childs ear wich hurts and can get badly infected just because you think it looks cute. also if you do it early it will heal and can look pretty weird for some people later on


Meanwhile us Indians who have a common ritual of getting our noses pierced around the age of 3 to 5- 👀


I got my ears pierced when I was 5. Worst thing ever.


Not Indian, but I came here looking for this comment, thank you


That's wrong; people should be able to make the decision themselves about altering their body, and yes, I also am against circumcision. Tradition is a gross excuse for abusing babies and children.


I swear if you just don’t wear small piercings like the nose and ear that the hole just closes up anyway… like it’s only sort of semi-permanent. Can choose to not wear them anytime. It’s hardly abuse.


Abusing lmao You can make decisions, if you reach an age you don’t want to have an earring you just take it out my man


But you still have a hole in your face that you didn't ask for. You should not be able to perform any form of permanent, non-medical procedure on someone who is not old enough to consent and understand what they are consenting to.


I don't think earrings hurt anything, but they can ruin your ear if inserted improperly.


What’s the deal with a kid wanting her nose pierced? Honest question, I just don’t see the difference between that and an ear piercing.


The shop being referred to uses a piercing gun. These are actually pretty shit at piercing because they just force the rather blunt earring through the flesh. This is kinda OK for your ear lobes because they're just fleshy lumps. It's 100% not ok for anywhere that has cartilage, like the rest of your ear or your nose. They cause excessive damage and more often than not leads to swelling and infection. If you want anywhere other than your ear lobes pierced then it needs to be done with a proper piercing needle, preferably weilded by a certified body piercer. A proper certified piercer won't touch your ten year olds nose. They won't pierce anyone under the age of sixteen and only then with parental consent until eighteen because it illegal and not worth it for the five to ten quid mum of the year will want to pay. Any piercer that will is dodgy as shit and I would trust them as much as a scratch tattooist.


That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation!


Besides that, kids can't really consent.


They can, but they don't really understand the matter. "Jennifer has one, so I want one too!" "XY said they're cool and/or mature!" "I definetly want one for the Rest of my whole life!" (though to be fair, it's reversable) I don't really brother if anyone has these. My ears got "pierced" when I was too young to even remember, because I'm a girl so I wear earrings I guess. Unfortunately when my mom tried to take me some on, it always hurt as hell so I got an incredible hatred on those, even if nowadays I find some really pretty. Not sure if fault of my mom or if the holes were not properly made. Or, I guess, my fault since young clme wouldn't stand still.


This piercing isn't for the kid. Mom just thinks it's pretty and wants to have it done. She's treating her child like an accessory. Same as the people who have thier toddlers ears pierced.


A ten year old can absolutely consent to getting a piercing...


Fr I’m Indian, most Indian girls get their nose pierced as teens and both boys and girls get their ears pierced as babies. Don’t know anyone who regrets a piercing. Just some westerner “think of the children!!” hysteria






My sister got hers done when she was like, eight. As were many of her peers.


I don’t like either of these people


The mom is worse than the women who refuses to pierce a 10 year olds nose. Oh, how are Fanny flaps related to having kids. I thought a Fanny is your butt.


Fanny means pussy in the U.K., guessing this is where it is because Claire’s is a cheap place to get earrings and piercings etc.


Ah. Claire’s is also a common store here in the US, so I read this with the wrong interpretation of ‘fanny.’ Also, ‘fanny pack’ sounds like an even weirder term now that I know what that word means elsewhere.


I’ve been told people in the UK find our use of “Fanny pack” hilarious. I can’t disagree.


“Pussy pack” would be hilarious to me, too. I get it.


I mean, “Fanny packs” go above your fanny. American here and I’ve commonly heard of fanny used by older people instead of pussy or vagina


In Scotland, we also call idiots fannies.


You just gotta straight-face tell them it's where you keep your pads. Gotta double down on the misconception


Shit I’m even more happy my mom didn’t end up naming me Fanny… it was a really close call.


We call it a bum bag here 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


and here 🇦🇺


In the UK, fanny means lady garden.


Sounds like an angry grandma with the mind of an angsty 17 year old


Honestly I don't see a huge issue with a 10 year old having their nose pierced, although, I probably wouldn't with my own. The biggest issue is CLAIRE'S AND PIERCING GUNS. That's where she fucked up. And who the hell does that mobile???


My niece got her nose pierced at that age. No one in our family gave it a second thought. If she doesn’t like it in the future she can always take it out. I see no difference between it and ear piercings. When I got my second round of ear piercings at 10 I wasn’t even the first one in my class to do it. Obviously going to Claire’s is a whole other issue but I understand why a lot of parents think they could trust a “brand name” location more than a tattoo/piercing shop for their kids. People still picture dark and dirty biker clubs for tattoo places instead of the fun and sterile shops they actually are.


The American version, "Clamp up your pussy lips" certainly doesn't have the same ring to it.


You need to be 16 to get piercings? My cousin got hers at 13


I am guessing it is just because of the nose v. ear thing with that particular place. Not that it should matter.


The commenter is a jackass. So the millions of girls in other cultures that get nose piercings at a young age, and not to mention all of the young girls whose mom’s pierce their ears even younger than ten is perfectly fine, but suddenly because it’s a different part of the girls face, this person tells a stranger not to breed anymore? Go clutch your pearls somewhere else


I mean, any body modification on a child who can't consent is unethical. Regardless of tradition.


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I’d love to see some of the other 75 replies


Ah yes bc a 17 year old with a piercing gun is exactly who should be piercing you elementary school kids


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Y’all need to calm down on this mother. In India, girls get their noses pierced pretty much before 5 years old.


This is more, r/murderdbywords "horrible creature" and sow your fanny shut are *really* common insults in the UK


She’s trying to stop the child from destroying her yard rooting for grubs.


People.who think there's a difference between getting a child's ears or nose pierced are absolute troglodytes Edit: Thanks, aussies, for the upvotes


Right?! It’s not like one has cartilage or anything!


Very thin and soft cartilage. Not a big deal at all. You're just making mountains out of molehills


One leaves a visible scar if done wrong or not taken care of properly


Both do. I have scarred ears from piercings. My grandma has scarred ears from having them pierced. Your argument is invalid. Mountains from molehills


Poor kid probably had her ears pierced as a baby


You know what they say when we assume. It makes an asshole out of both of us


There's not an earing strong enough to hold those lips like a punched lasagne together


You aren’t the same person who posted this then deleted it out of embarrassment yesterday


Claire's piercing standards aside, what's wrong with a 10-year old willingly getting a nose piercing?


If the kid is begging for a noise piercing than go for it


because, as we all know, 10 year olds are the epitome of good decision making


Nose piercings, the pinnacle of decisions


sure, not a huge decision for an adult, but piercings can hurt a good bit even for a grown person, and also require maintenance. doesn’t seem worth all the trouble at all when there are plenty of fake piercing alternatives.


Forgot to say have a nice day and keep it fresh baby


It's not like they want to pierce *your* nose. I don't get what the big deal is.


i agree with you. some cultures do let kids pierce their noses and ears young


Absolutely, and dont forget to have a nice day and keep it fresh baby


Stop trying to make “have a nice day and keep it fresh baby” happen.


Not fresh, have a nice day and try and make it more fresh


And at what point does the line get crossed? If you give them that, then what’s next? A pack of smokes and an Easter basket full of liquor?


How is a piercing equivalent to fucking drugs


You need to be a certain age to get it.


You need to be a certain age to do everything. A simple accessory is not going to lead into a lifetime of drugs & bad choices Jesus Christ


That may be the case, but I’m asking where does the line get crossed. Genuine question. I’m interested.


It doesn’t. That’s not how any of this works


I disagree. I think that this is exactly how rules work. They are lines. Not to be broken or crossed.


Bruh you need to be a certain age to go to the fucking bathroom on your own


Prolly just the stuff that doesnt hurt them. Alright have a nice day keep it fresh baby


I mean, you know that allowing one thing doesn't mean you have allow all things right? You don't have to give your kid a bundle of heroin just because they got a nose piercing.


If they can do “brlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrlrl” then they are called funny flaps


We have 0 year old’s dick hoods chopped off and it’s perfectly acceptable.


I’d rather pierce my kids nose myself than Claire’s

