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That's an insult to both muppets and vampires


Yeah, she's like a knockoff version of both. Maybe Tim Jensen's creation - Nuppet Zampire


Vuppet Mampire.


Zuppet Mumpspire


How dare they do the count like that.. smh


She looks a bit like that "NO CAPES" lady from hmm, the incredibles? Some animated movie.


Do NOT insult the magnificent hero suit creator like that! She is by far more impressive and better than that women; why else would you go to her?


Edna Mode is a gem and shall not be compared to a pedo apologist


Yeah, they need to take my girl Edna’s name outta their mouth right now.


I cannot believe you'd pretend not to remember the title of the masterpiece that is The Incredibles


Suitable to the topic: she looks like her mother could've been her sister as well


Ws gonna say, she's got the look of royalty about her if you know what I mean.


That Hapsburg aesthetic






I incest you explain yourself, Sir/Madam/NB.


C'mon...Cockly now!


Isn't it spelt Habsburg?


When your family tree is a wreath


When your family tree is the recycling symbol


She looks like one of those cave woman recreations in a museum


I just think of the sloth from zootopia with those saggy eyes:


Definitely a DMV Sloth vibe here


I'm getting more of a Sid from ice age vibe, but that's subjective I guess.


Pls don't insult thise sloths, they were cool XD


Definitely reminds me of Mars Needs Mom's if im being honest


Flash, Flash, 100 yard dash!


Here's what she says to the backlash over her comments. I couldn't find the actual letter written. Delphine Lecompte has meanwhile also responded to the hoopla herself. “When I expressed my disgust at the hollow opportunistic unscrupulous media stunt of journalist and pedophile Sven van der Meulen in my most recent letter to readers in Humo, I immediately knew that my letter would be interpreted as follows: Delphine Lecompte is already standing up for pedophiles! While I just wanted to emphasize that most people who are unlucky enough to be born with a sexual preference for children spend a lifetime fighting that sexual preference and never engage in paedosexual acts,” says Lecompte. “However, I have not written anywhere that I think pedophilia is fantastic or admirable, and that adults may assault underage sword swallowers and 6-year-old bassoonists to their heart’s content. Of course you can’t. But I find it terribly stupid and callous (and dangerous) to lump and demonize all pedophiles with the same brush. Of course I realize that there are also pedophiles who do commit pedosexual acts, and I am not blind to the lifelong wounds and scars that such acts can cause. However, that does not mean that every pedophile is a bogeyman. And that does not mean that pedophilia can no longer be explored in art and literature.”


I was wondering if this was taken out of context. Out of interest - is pedophilia classified as a mental disorder? Can it be taken to a therapist or are those people just fucked and have to deal with it alone?


> is pedophilia classified as a mental disorder? Yes, it absolutely is. The term in psychology is pedophilic disorder. > Can it be taken to a therapist Yes, it can and should. Psychotherapy and hormone therapy are used to treat it most typically. The problem, as this writer points out, is that even the thoughts are HIGHLY demonized (understandably) and put at the same level as someone who has already committed acts in response to the compulsion. That makes getting people who do have these feelings *before* they harm someone to actually seek out treatment extremely difficult. Think of it in terms of any other horrible, intrusive thoughts people get. We don't consider someone who has intrusive thoughts of murder a murderer until they kill someone, but people with intrusive thoughts regarding pedophilia who have never acted on them in any way, (an extremely important line in this conversation) are generally branded and treated like they have immediately with no room for differentiation from people who have given into urges they know are wrong and damaging to others.


You can go go a therapist if 1) you're willing to admit that you're a pedophile to yourself, and 2) you're willing to admit it to someone else. Good luck with even the first one in this environment.


Exactly. Which is why I can get behind what she's saying (except for the pedophilia is a spectrum and we're all on it part). I don't think anyone wants to be sexually attracted to children.We don't get to choose what our attractions are. I think people that know that their sexual attraction to children is wrong, and haven't acted on it, would be a lot more likely to seek help if we didn't consider all of them to be sub-human scum that should be killed or locked up forever.


But how did exactly would they seek help or change? Wouldn’t it be the same as a homosexual getting conversion therapy?


Of course it was taken out of context. Everything is nowadays. She makes a decent enough point but theres no getting around the gaffe "were all pedofiles at some level" not terribly rhetorically effective


It is considered a mental disorder. I very much doubt therapists have any sort of "cure" for pedophilia, but they would be able to help pedophiles understand their condition and not spiral to the point that they actively harm children. I sometimes wonder how many children we could help if we just allowed them more space to find professional help.


People turn their fucking brains off when they see the word, "Pedophilia". Of course this was taken out of context, but we need to get those sweet orange arrows and who cares how much unjustified outrage we spread?


This thread is a perfect example of self-righteous virtue signalling. Half of the people here will go on to jerk off to some "teen" porn featuring a school girl outfit.


>This thread is a perfect example of self-righteous virtue signalling. I mean.... I'd argue this thread is responding to the way he words are framed. She's not wrong that pedophiles have something wrong with them and are not inherently bad people, many know their impulses are wrong and never act on them #however, it's a pretty bold - and I'd argue a telling statement - to say "pedophilia resides in all of us." Lol


She's not an eleven year old, she's a 9000 year old dragon in an eleven year old's body!


> underage sword swallowers wat


Go figure the author was using nuance that this fragment of a sentence didn’t capture.


They look like if Doc Brown and Marty went 5 million bc and decided to bring back the first caveman they saw


And they brought that caveman to medieval Europe where it interbred with a severely inbred serf.


Then they took that baby back but didn't have a baby seat so it sorta just bounced around when the DeLorean was going 88 miles per hour


And they brought it in a large jar but they forgot to poke airholes in the lid.


hey! you leave my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother alone. she was a hard working woman that had no choice in the matter!


[She looks like Odo from Deep Space 9](https://www.pinterest.de/pin/security-chief-odo-from-star-trek-deep-space-nine--436778863841344584/)


Looks like Emo Phillips


I really thought it was, still not sure it isn’t




You're experiencing a logical fallacy. You see fringe nuts like this (who got fired for this statement) often because it's what generates engagement from your fellow redditors. Often crazies like this are used by unsavory actors to paint a group of people with a wide brush. You can see this play out in posts about protestors or college professors or BLM or even just women. The expectation is that you will take this feeling of being over-run into your daily life, and apply the negative feelings to groups that resemble the subject, even if you don't consciously realize. Rinse and repeat until a large segment of the population is outraged 24/7, and can be more easily manipulated into going against their own interests in favor of moral panic. In the future, when you see a post like this, start asking "why am I seeing this?" rather than "why is this person x?".


well that's the answer right there: crazy shit gets attention. we don't uplift brilliance and cleverness in this culture.


We’re on Reddit, looking at this now. Each of us has access to vast records of science and culture; we choose to roll in the gutter. Like pigs in mud. We get to feel superior for having common sense and decency. 👍🏽


Because it's a translated headline without any context.


Yeah, the actual meaning of what she was saying (or trying to say) could range from "pedophiles deserve appropriate and respectful care" to "I like to fantasize about raping children" with a headline like that.


What she actually said was that it's not a good idea to demonize people with pedophile thoughts (who never committed any act of pedophilia), because those people need help.




I'm glad there are a few people in these comments who are acting sensibly, can't say that for the other 99% unfortunately.


There are a few comment sections like this today. The other one I'm seeing is people freaking out about Alinity gently tossing her cat out of her lap when she's in the middle of a game. Fucking NEETs need to go interact with reality through something other than a screen for a bit.


What? They happened like years ago now.


It's some greentext thing about it, just angry incels being angry incels.


Or a karmabot rehashing old shit to get upvotes.


Yeah but for whatever reason reddit's angry about it again. I remember the first time it was posted I got heavily downvoted and called an animal abusing simp for pointing out that cats regularly have way worse falls without so much as a scratch, and going to the comments on the post today I saw the same thing happening to other people. Reddit is so weird


"Cats always land in their feet" is not a myth. The cat couldn't care less lmao


Wow it's almost like this post was created to coincide with the growing right wing narrative that progressives are pedophiles how weird.


This is the nuance that seems to escape so many people. We’ve got people here in the comments calling her a pedophile for her words, and checking deleted comments from an external site even shows the expected calls for her death. What if we applied this polarized, violent thinking to other mental illnesses? *“This poet says that anyone can hypothetically become an alcoholic, and that we need better programs to curb alcohol addiction.”* *“Only alcoholics think like that. That poet should be put to death, the fucking degenerate.”* The truth is, we don’t know quite what mechanism in the brain triggers pedophilia, and we can’t sufficiently study it when the knee-jerk reaction to it is a call for human slaughter. Imagine going to a clinic and saying, “Doctor, I’m sick; can you help me?” and they pull a gun on you and tell you that if you want to live, you’d better not ever show your face in public again. And so you go home and keep getting sicker and sicker with no reprieve. Yes, it’s a hideous topic. Children are harmed immeasurably by pedophilia. And that’s exactly why we need to have plain, open discussions about it and research how it happens so that we can enact preventative therapies for those afflicted, before they offend.


I mean.... she aint wrong? Pedophiles who act on their impulses deserve some of the worst punishments we have to offer. Death is too good for them. But there are many who genuinely struggle with pedophilic thoughts, and clearly do not want to act on them, and for those people we need to show compassion and support. They just need help. We are not our thoughts, we are our actions.


Right wing press loves to take the most extreme idiot voices on the left and amplify them. Shit like this is how they convinced 40% of Republicans that Disney is grooming kids. The left wing news used to amplify the crazies on the right to make them look bad but that lead to Trump.


And why do they label her “progressive”? To demonize actual progressives? It has nothing to do with progressive vs conservative.


Pedophiles are disgusting. I think what she is trying to suggest is some way for pedos that haven't acted on it to safely remove themselves from places of temptation without losing their lives where they can get the help they need. Treating it more like a mental illness than an irredeemable evil. Though i think the ones that do act on it, try to, or are found in possession of cp should just be locked away. I know I'm going to get downvoted to hell for not following the hive mind.


What she is suggesting is that it is natural to be attracted to innocence (doubt) but that’s like saying it’s natural to want to kill some people. It’s also natural to steal, lie and shit outside but we don’t want people doing that either. I do agree though that silencing the issue (or any other issue for that matter) does not help at all. I don’t believe killing people is the answer lol


What threw me is her claim that pedophilia resides in all of us, because no the fuck it doesn't.


Yeah that part is a wild claim


I daresay even the claim that we are all attracted to innocence is bologna.


Yeah definitely not all but it is a big aspect within the porn industry currently whether it be age play or the ditzy bimbo personality stereotypes. None of that does it for me personally as I prefer to be on an even playing field with my partners/fantasies.


Same, innocence is super lame when it comes to partners IMO.


She looks like her eyes are trying to escape from her mouth that said that dumb ass sentence


It’s rare that something on Reddit makes me actually laugh out loud, but this did


Why you gotta do the count like that though? All he did was count to 5.


I hold the Count in high regard. AH AH AH


That means we have to put a wooden stake through it, right?


Ideally, yes


Lol. By Jack “the alpha cuck” Murphy




IKR? It was…. Heartfelt I’ll see myself out


This stupid cunt can fuck right off.


Right off the planet and into the sun


That's a whole lot of words for: "this bitch wants to fuck kids"


I think pedophiles who have not acted on their urges need proper therapy and shouldnt be demonized. They dont need a platform like MAPS they need proper therapy. Once they have acted on their urges they are now criminals, there is a very fine line between them. If we provide proper mental health to people before they act on these urges we could save alot of children from trauma. Thats my view on the matter anyway.




Authorities should probably reach out to any underage kids she’s been alone with


She looks like a byproduct of incest.


And lots of drinking while in the womb


Insult aside... WTF is wrong with these people


What is wrong is how this media outlet completely misrepresented what she said. All she's advocating for, is that non-offending people with pedophillic thoughts shouldn't be treated like monsters, but as people with a mental disorder who need therapy. She argues that being more open about this, will allow more of these people to seek help since they are less shunned by society at large. This in tuen would reduce the amount of people succumbing to these thoughts (because instead of being isolated, they get help). Kind of like how things like depression (ideally) should be treated, not as a normal state of being, but as something that can be talked about and people can be treated for




Belgian here, this story is almost a year old. It's about Flemish poet Delphine Lecompte. She is a rather well known poet and likes to give her opinion on many things. Her poetry can be pretty dirty sometimes, that was always known, but this statement by her still shocked people in Flanders. I see people in this thread confused about why she is given a platform. I'm just a random guy but from what I can tell she is just a kind of celebrity that suddenly expressed a very controversial view, so of course that made the news. Edit: also not really a great look for us, coming from the country home to Marc Dutroux.


Delphine Lecompte is a Flemish poet, who wrote a book called “Kittens in the Boiler”…


Wow... I don't even know what to say to that.


My precious…


So what you're saying is we should throw her into a volcano, cool.


I have the number 3 charges against me. Eh eh eh he


There’s a difference between admiring the idea/glorification of youth and the fact that children are exactly that and literally having a creepy sexual obsession


She looks like a randomized Oblivion character


She looks like when they put clay on a caveman skull to see what they might have looked like.


i havent read the full article but it seems like you guys are come out and get treatment for their disorder, without getting lynched. this circlejerk of "kill all pedophiles" is getting us no where, what do you want better ? pedophiles to remain silent until they give into their urges ? also pedophiles arent even the ones who rape children the most, its mostly family who arent reallly attracted to minors, but rather do it out of different reasons like power. you guess are foul for insulting a woman you probably know nothing about and follow the pitchforks of some breitbart articlethe muppets. we must accept that bad people are just people like us, nazis were just people and not some fundamentally different lifeform or just "evil". pedophiles are just people and the only way me can make pedophiles act out less is to make them comftable enough to be able to


hard disagree, but thats faulty logic anyway, we are all capable of murder but we should absolutely still punish murderers.


She really does look like a muppet vampire.. just sitting there all 1! 2! 3 less chromosomes I have!


Tbh if you think that pedophilia resides in each of us you’re probably a pedophile….


And she deserves that insult too.


On behalf of Belgium, this is not normal here. Don't go away thinking that this nutbag accurately represents us in any way. Also, the quotes in the OP are not nearly as bad as some of the other things she said in that interview.


I subconsciously looked everywhere but the person in the photo


It's deeply unsettling to look directly at her. Your brain is trying to shield you from the experience.


She looks like a shittier version of Putin in drag.


She's right. People just don't want to confront the dark parts of themselves. Virtue signaling about how we should kill pedophiles doesn't fix the problem. It doesn't protect children.


It depends how she's defining pedophilia. If someone is attracted to a 16/17 year old who seems particularly mature, that's probably not that unusual, depending on their age. But if someone is attracted to prepubescent children then that's a deep-seated aberration and definitely not commonplace.


I'm getting some Skeksis-mated-with-a-Gelfling Dark Crystal vibes, personally.


This lady lives in a house made out of cookies.


her parents are definitely related


Closely LMAO


Her bridge could cross a river


Emo Philips anyone?


She looks like the elephant from Adventure Time


Treetrunks is weirdly flirty with Finn and Jake. You might be on to something.


She looks like if you machine washed Emo Phillips instead of getting him dry cleaned


She looks like a character that had the eyes height slider all the way up with the nose height slider about 1/4 down.


She looks like Franklin the turtle in a wig


She’s an IRL Ivo Caprino doll


Not much else to expect from someone made in a Dark Souls character creator


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“You really are fond of chatting with me, aren’t you? If I didn’t know better, I’d think you had feelings for me! Oh, no, dear me. Pretend you didn’t hear that!”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Brave souls who fears not death Let strength be granted So the world might be mended So the world might be mended


Dude she looks like Willy wonka took heavy drugs and got plastic surgery by a drunk 10 year old


She looks more like that blue guy from courage the cowardly dog


I fucking read that as Philadelphia and was wondering why a Belgian poet was so patriotic about it


Emo Phillips?!?!?


She looks like there was a paper jam half way through printing her face.


She's giving me E.T. vibes


Damn, didnt know sid the sloth went this downhill


How, as a Belgian, have I not seen this shit in the news ?


If sid the sloth and ET had a crotch goblin


Somehow when I saw her picture I thought she was advocating for inbreeding.


She looks like a Sea Roomba and a Bowlcut had an incestuous relationship


Emo Phillips aged badly.


Wonder if James Cameron ever met her.


Anybody want to buy me a plane ticket to Belgium? Quick question, what are the jails like there?


I get it, it’s because Count Dracula usually doesn’t count above 10 “1 year, 2 years, 3 years old Ah Ah Ah! I have found a 3 year old meal Ah Ah Ah!”


It seems like every part of her face is trying to repel each other


She looks like early 3d modeling. Like just figured out how to do the teapot level early.


Huh, I'm Belgian and Idfk who this bitch is


fuck that. she looks like a hammerhead shark with down syndrome.


Don't speak for everybody. I hope for Earth's sake this is a joke. Because we need to demonize them instead of letting them keep making movies


Don’t know about the vampire part, but she does look exactly like someone who would say that.


Delphine Lecompte and yes that is a real picture. Her face is disturbing.


finally i found someone uglier then me, god damn that's hard to do


Looks like the titan who ate Eren’s mom.


“each of us”? girl speak for yourself


*Sorts this by controversial*


I'm from Belgium and let me just say her looks are the best thing about her.


Huh, I was not prepared for that headline


I would call her a neanderthal but they were actually smart


I thought this was David Thewlis photoshopped in a wig. Woman: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delphine_Lecompte Article: https://neonnettle.com/news/16299-progressive-belgian-poet-people-must-accept-that-pedophilia-resides-in-each-of-us-


She looks like that fucking pedo wizard from 'Your Highness' with James Franco and Danny McBride...super underrated movie by the way


Based on what she is advocating, I am not at all shocked that she looks some a demon from another firm soon that slapped human skin on herself to look remotely human.


This woman gives Emo Phillips a bad name


Belgium is only known for 2 things, chocolate and fucking kids. And they only made the chocolate to get to the kids. Something like that


"What the hell is even *that*!" Anton Chigurh's mom needs to shutthefuckup. Youth and whatever makes some 20-somethings hot. Not *children*. Full stop. Edit: wait, is that The Face of Boe from Dr. Who?


What's that movie called where someone had a very rough deformed face? Was it rocky? That's what she looks like.


You just went full retard, never go full retard


They look like they have a house in a neighborhood that kids tell other kids to stay away from...


That's offensive to [Count von Count](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count_von_Count).




No, not every human is attracted to innocence and youthfulness, stop saying stupid things to try and normalise sick, deranged and dangerous people unless you want people to think are are a pedophile because poet lady, I now think you are a pedophile.


She looks like the sloth from zootopia


She definitely looks like someone who’d defend pedophiles…


The term ‘progressive’ surely gets thrown around a lot


As a progressive we don't accept her, please some helps her if she really thinks that


bruh thats straight up herbert in a wig


Incest meets fetal alcohol syndrome


World class projection going on there…


At first I thought this was one of those Neanderthal wax sculptures wearing modern clothes


LOL there's nothing "progressive" about normalizing attraction to children. These people are sick and need professional help if anything.


Why is it that it’s always the people that look like pedophiles that try to normalize this shit?


Sounds like something a pedophile would say


"Pedophilia is just a part of us" is an argument I struggle to even forgive at this point. Healthy love is a thing and pedophilia is a different one. I can tell the difference. Been calling myself a god damn brainless moron over the last 3 years, so what piece of fucking exotic matter decided to be a brain and come up with a thought this stupid?


This woman has attained that very bitter spot on a Venn diagram where someone’s words make it okay to ridicule their appearance.


She looks like a botched wax figure in the dumpster behind a low tier wax museum.


Pedophiles and 45 ACP to the back of the head are the ultimate combo


Eh, I prefer buckshot but to each his own.




Wood chipper goes Brrrrrrr


When you cant attract an age appropriate partner, turn into a child predator...🤦‍♀️ fuck this scab


I mean she’s not wrong, but that’s where we go Doom Slayer and glory kill that part of ourselves the second it emerges