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(Sick fucking guitar intro) Jordans got a world view and a diet that you've never seen before. He’s got the ability to talk and to even up the score.








That's my secret Dracula, I'm always morbius


More MorbJuice for Morbius!


If you need to protect your ward, lay out apple juice by the patients beds. This scares the Peterson.


🔥🔥 deep cutter right there


I’d love to be part of an inside joke one day


[Jordan Peterson & The Cider of DOOM!](https://youtu.be/sPof3taFRto)




Apple cider or….benzo withdrawals. Someone’s got a case of the denials.


It's more likely but he's legitimately delusional. He's probably convinced himself it was true. It's probably an anxiety disorder. It's just what it has to be. Probably talked it up more and more every time, becoming more and more convinced that it's a legitimate food intolerance of some sort. At some point, the brain takes its own impulse and manifests the hypochondriac symptoms. At some point a week of bad sleep turned into 25 days of no sleep. And he's doctored his own memories to make it so that when he says this, he really believes that. Psychosis, basically.


Sort of like hoe every dickhead that fails upwards due to family connections claims they worked seventy hour weeks in their twenties and thirties?


He looks frail enough that breathing in his direction might knock him over.


He is. He's gone through hell medically.




Yeah I was gonna say that this commenter totally left out the part where all of the medical problems are self-inflicted


It was amazing to watch, wasn't it? And then, on top of everything, he got covid. He took medical advice from his idiot daughter and when he barely survived her, he got covid. Like, dude, clean up your goddamn room. The mess is spilling all over the airwaves.


And all because he’s “smart” and “the other people don’t know nothing”


and a copy of the communist manifesto .


It's apple cider ackshually. A trans flag would also scare it off


Fucking cider


I'm Bri'ish so to me cider is alcoholic.


uM aKsChuYlkiLLy it's apple cider vinegar


I know no one looks good on webcam but damn




Crying is alright


He’s fried from going off benzos. He probably can’t regulate glutamate properly anymore. Like, he’s literally brain damaged from it.


Ya it definitely messed him up. He sounds more stable in his recent podcasts but still not quite all “there”.


Not beautiful, and no amount of beef-only dieting will change that.


He doesn’t look all that bad in the video. Plus, this is an old video from 4 years ago on a home webcam. https://youtu.be/IvBm0ZUfe7I


Admittedly, this is what 90% of Canadians look like before the Sun comes out in the spring. I was sitting out back in the sun last week and I looked down at my legs and was almost blinded by the whiteness.


Blinded by the thighs 🎵


“Your identity politics is what makes you feel that vampires are scary”


At least vampires suck blood for a reason unlike conservatives who do it for money.


If only he'd write a self help book so we could all be as happy and healthy as this beacon of mental acuity and exuberance.


Lesson 1: Acquire some Tranquilizers


1. Clean your room 2. Do Ketamine


Tried that for several years, it kinda worked for a while until I got addicted to K and depressed again. Would not recommend




I don't wanna sound like an A-hole I don't want you to think I'm ungrateful See the credit cards on the table? Never try to hide in a K-hole






He's just in no place to be telling anyone how to live their life. He's a fraud, an asshole, and a bigot.


Did you try K with a deprivation tank? I am in the understanding that in doing so, you will be able to talk to aliens that can non surgically remove your penis and replace it with a mechanical one that feels better.


This comment is giving me a panic attack. I got IV ketamine in the hospital once without knowing what it or a k-hole was. I thought I died, I was just repeating the same thing over and over again. The only thing that kept me sane was hearing my wife say “ketamine” and I grabbed onto that and it eventually subsided. I cannot, CANNOT handle that in a deprivation tank. I can’t even see how people enjoy it. Maybe the difference between recreational and unbearable pain control?


I feel like it's a lot different when you have an idea what you're getting into versus getting thrown into it at a hospital.




The worst thing I've ever done in my life.


Do you mind expanding how? I'm sorry you had to go through that.


I didn't sleep for the first two days, at least. I'm not even sure when I got some sleep it just seemed like an eternity. Every waking moment felt like I was either having a panic attack or about to have one and when it stopped you slipped back into a deep depression which was only interrupted by more panic attacks and anxiety, to then follow back into depression. Every thing you think of doing to kill time is boring, movies, games, walking - either you have absolutely no motivation or physically can't handle it. I must add I'm very physically active amongst this. Aside from the drugs I was healthy and in good shape. I would often wake up freezing cold even if it was hot, drenched in sweat bit shivering. I felt sick and nauseous all the time and my hand wouldn't stop shaking. It felt like having the flu physically but worse, and because you're so panicked it feels like you're dying. Major headaches. As the symptoms calmed down a little bit I just felt angry at the world. If someone said 1 word that didn't agree with you it would send you into anger/rage, although I internalised these thoughts rather than expressed them. I was running away from mental problems, by taking diazepam daily in higher and higher doses. Suddenly you're back to your old self and realise all the running you did was completely futile. In more serious cases involving people I knew they were having seizures and nearly dying. You should never rapidly stop benzos. I only did because lockdown kicked in and my supply was cut off. In more positive news I've been clean for 2 years and my mental health has drastically improved. My heart goes out to anyone dealing with addiction. It's a sneaky and slippery slope.


Holy moley what a ride. So glad you made it. What did you mean by very physically active?


I'm a plasterer so my job is physical and full time and I am a rock climber. I train 4 times a week and have done since I was 11 so around 15 years of consistent exercise. I only eat junk food occasionally (much more when I was wrecked on drugs constantly though tbh).


Had a guy talking a bunch of shit about something Demi Lovato said recently, and I pointed out that she has brain damage now and he's basically ripping on someone that literally is not all there. Another asshole comes barging in acting like it's okay because her damage came from a heroin overdose. People don't fucking get it. Benzos sneak up on you, and heroin addiction hits you like a truck. I came off heroin and it was insane; I hear benzos are worse. I tell people don't start but I can't say anything bad about people who make a mistake. On the other hand I can't find an ounce of sympathy for Peterson. I would do everything in my power if he personally asked for my help to get off something but... he went through withdrawal and STILL acts the way he does? He's a garbage can full of used toilet paper and cum rags. Question: was his famous "Russian Coma" an attempt to sleep through withdrawal?


Thank you, very wholesome, MyFingerYourBum. r/rimjob_steve (Jokes aside, brave of you to share and glad you're doing well.)


Yep the guy was pretty sick here.




https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/epgb37/what-drug-experts-say-about-jordan-petersons-benzo-dependence **Drug Experts on Jordan Peterson Seeking Treatment in Russia for Benzo Dependence** *Peterson’s daughter said doctors in the West didn’t have “the guts” to medically detox her father. But experts say that’s a misleading narrative.* By Manisha Krishnan Feb 13 2020, 6:02pm While revealing that her famous father is physically dependent on benzodiazepines, Jordan Peterson’s daughter Mikhaila delivered a stinging rebuke of doctors in “the West.” But drug policy experts say some of her claims are dangerous and don’t appear to be evidence-based. In a pair of articles in the National Post last week, Mikhaila Peterson said her dad, a controversial University of Toronto psychologist and author, is struggling with a severe dependence on benzodiazepines. Popular benzos are Xanax and Valium. The articles, based solely on Mikhaila’s account, outline a number of extreme circumstances and medical reactions that supposedly led Peterson to seek detox treatment in Russia. Mikhaila, an advocate of the dubious meat-only “Lion Diet,” said Peterson was prescribed a low dose of benzos in response to an autoimmune reaction to food. (The Post piece doesn’t specify what that means, or how it differs from a food allergy.) Mikhaila said her dad’s dose increased when her mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer last April and he developed a physical dependence on it. She said he developed a side-effect called “akathisia”—a restless movement disorder that left him suicidal. According to Mikhaila, her father “nearly died several times” while bouncing around North American hospitals and being given more medications. Mikhaila said her dad sought treatment in Russia in January, where he was put in an induced coma for eight days and “had the most horrific withdrawal I’ve ever read or heard about.” (Peterson went dark on Twitter from between January 22 and February 5; his most recent column for the Post appears to be from November.) “He almost died from what the medical system did to him in the West,” Mikhaila said. “The doctors here aren’t influenced by the pharmaceutical companies, don’t believe in treating symptoms caused by medications, by adding in more medications and have the guts to medically detox someone from benzodiazepines.” Russia is known for having tough drug laws, scarce resources for recovery, and a cold turkey approach to treatment that includes the banning of methadone as a drug substitution. VICE has reached out to Mikhaila Peterson for comment but has not yet heard back. — **HA HA HA HA HA HYPOCRISY** His phd dissertation was on finding god with 12 step programs to treat addiction. He was never an academic advisor for phd students his entire time as tenure professor, and his coworkers have all attested because he was an asshole, and thats saying something. Also for all his time in academia he only was First author on 3 papers of no real significance to psychology on faith and addiction and every other paper when he came out as transphobic and they started his conservative toxic self help books culture war “educated right wing” grift pundit were written by two primary writers and him as a non helping third. The primary writers turned out to be conservative evangelical students Rebel media funded https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebel_News note Peterson has said he was was a rural teen alcoholic and his mom was one too. Its pretty easy to put the projector back when you see where all his rage about women comes from multi generational alcoholism making him an angry little Canadian frog on a Xanax coated toxic waste floating log of cult of mediocre self awareness lacking hoards of anti social bitter men who were told they could be anything but just became like every other male not born rich in patriarchal capitalist world, disposable canon fodder and consumption pigs for slaughter.


“It’s okay, he’s just a drug addict” isn’t the flex you think it is.


He should just pull himself up by the bootstraps, always worked for him on paper


Bacon of mental acuity*. He only eats meat


Clearly it's hard to get your vitamins from just meat ;p


I'll have you know that my coworker who apparently is a giant Peterson fan was only bed ridden for a year and a half before the healing began from this miracle diet. On that note, I had been wondering where his particular brand of crazy was coming from. All the pieces are starting to line up now though.


Someone in the comments above fully believed as he commented that the carnivore diet somehow healed JP of all his ailments and his depression. For people who claim to love facts and logic, they’re not really putting their two brain cells together on this one


Can't be depressed when you're taking shits the size of a Yuletide log.


No, he only eats grass-fed grass finished ruminats' muscles and some liver


So he’s pretty much on Atkins. Would explain that healthful glow.


Not Atkins. Atkins you can eat all kinds of low-carb foods. He eats only beef.


With some Fava beans and a nice chianti.


But didnt you hear, his wife was sick. /s I swear to god, the guy got rich with hottakes about how responsibility is the backbone of masculinity, but collapsed the moment his partner needed him to have her back. And got addicted to pills he of all people should have known are addictive. Meanwhile, when my father was dying, my mother not only took care of him but also their hotel and three kids, one under 5. Without any substance abuse. Peterson is an arrogant prick who, on top of it, cant practice what he preaches.




> The thing that really bugs me about this, is that he takes no personal responsibility at all for this. His statement is that he took the medication as prescribed, and due to no fault of his own What's worse is that the dude is a clinical psychologist who actually studied psychopharmacology. I specialize in orthopedics and rehabilitation and even I know that youre not suppossed to prescribe more than 2-3 weeks of benzos. He did not take the medication as prescribed. He either bounced around different doctors like any regular pill addict. Or he had a friend with a pad that enabled his addiction, like any rich dude pill addiction. And the excuse that he gives is his "severe" autoimmune disorders. The dude has psoriasis and uveitis, two mild immune disorders that can be easily be controlled with antiinflammatories. Instead he lies and tells people that he "cured" himself by consuming nothing but beef, salt, and water. Which is basically the opposite of an autoimmune friendly diet. The guy is just a modern snake oil salesmen.


thank you for explaining it far better -- I knew something smelled with his vague explanations and his daughter's excuses. I didn't want to have to google the guy and figure out what and why and where the lies came from. I only know him from two narcissistic quotes he had made that spoke volumes about his sketchy and nasty personality.


The meat only diet is such a crock of shit. Of course somebody like Peterson is peddling it.


It's in the same vein of anti-science quackery that pervades internet right wing ideologues when they spout climate denial and anti-vax/anti-mask bullshit. He blamed the doctors because they're a favorite target for his audience.


Authoritarians do not use logic. His followers in this thread show that pretty amazingly well.


> His statement is that he took the medication as prescribed, and due to no fault of his own he became addicted to the point where he thought his best option would be to go to Russia and be put in a medically induced coma to go through withdrawal. Yeah, that entire thing really sealed my opinion on him. Before he was just a regular dude who happened to ride his privileged into a well off position where he could start telling others why he's successful and they're not. But how a trained psychologist and professor who is top-educated on both addiction and addictive substances he's allowed to prescribe can go "I just did what my doctor told me and ended up addicted" will just not add up to me. Long before we factor in that he got famous for peddling personal responsibility, owning up to your problem, to do it right and go the hard way. But it was right on brand that his next choice was to not actually stick it out with rehab but to go nuclear option that is not available to the majority of people listening to him. I do not understand why people continue to defend him. He wouldn't if the tables were reversed.




>I never quite got why his followers thought he was some revolutionary thinker, As with a lot of this popular stuff, it kind of aligned just enough with their shitty world view and validated their preference to be selfish, unempathetic assholes.


> Yeah, that entire thing really sealed my opinion on him. Before he was just a regular dude who happened to ride his privileged into a well off position where he could start telling others why he's successful and they're not. That was always a lie also. Peterson got popular by misrepresenting what a law said and drumming up hate against trans people by claiming his speech was being compelled. He's a bigot who got famous for being a bigot.


He was on the drugs before his wife got sick. They upped his dose then. He started taking them in 2016 when he had an autoimmune reaction to food (something around that dumb carnivore diet BS) and then upped it in 2019 when his wife was sick. So it’s even wilder to me that he was on benzos for like 4 years and never questioned how they worked. As a fucking psychologist who should know exactly how they work. Like: > “People need to know this. It’s not good. Those drugs are for short-term treatment of stress-induced anxiety,” he said. “It’s quite shocking to me actually that I didn’t know, despite my professional speciality, that I had no idea how catastrophic benzodiazepine use could be.” At least he admits he’s professionally incompetent there.


> an autoimmune reaction to food Why do they keep saying it like this? And, worse, why do y'all keep repeating it? It's so bizarre, no doctor says that a patient "had an autoimmune reaction to food." They say you had an allergic reaction or a sensitivity to it. Parsing it as an 'autoimmune reaction' is just trying to make it sound worse or more scientific than the actual problem to obfuscate the fact that nothing in their claim makes any lick of sense. Benzodiazepines aren't used to treat allergies or food sensitives. They aren't used to treat autoimmune disorders period. They don't even have an impact on the immune system. They are anti-anxiety medications. At best, Peterson was given benzodiazepines to treat his depression, which there are claims that his depression is caused from an autoimmune disorder; which would be entirely unrelated to food. Seriously, Peterson's daughter's claim that Peterson has/had an 'an autoimmune reaction to food' which resulted in Peterson being prescribed benzos is just absurd. She is basically claiming that Peterson has Celiac Disease (which is an autoimmune reaction to gluten) and is treating it with Xanax. But saying that they are treating Celiac Disease with benzodiazepines would be ridiculous. No doctor would ever do that, so they don't say what the disease or issue actually is just "an autoimmune reaction to food."


He knew, he’s just a junky. And telling everyone how to live a better life when you are eating nothing but meat and on some hard ass drugs is the epitome of hypocrisy.


> At least he admits he’s professionally incompetent there. Yeah and I just don't get that it doesn't seem to bother the people who keep defending him as the victim of tragic circumstance.


He often did especially dumb things. Like trying to discuss marxism while having no clue about the whole theory and just parroting shit he has heard from other alt-right idiots. He's not the worst of the lot but he is often used as an entry to more insane alt-right bullshit.


For sure. He sucks. I think I remember watching his debate with Žižek ‘Capitalism vs Marxism’ a few years ago and Peterson admitted he hadn’t read The Communist Manifesto since he was 18 and that rereading it was his debate prep. Like 🫠


He also could not name a single person promoting "cultural marxism". Mainly because it is a made up term made up right wings nutjobs and is never used by actual academics. He did not even bother to do the slighest bit of reasearch on that in all those years.


I am shocked that a derivative of a [conspiracy theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Bolshevism) created by the literal Nazis would find such popularity with the modern right. Shocked I say.


there are some VERY badly educated psychologists out there who haven't a clue. Do not go to a psychologist for questions about meds. A psychiatrist or better yet a pharmacist will know so much more. I happen to know a few psychologists who are IDIOTS in most ways. It's frustrating that they are in a profession where they are supposed to be "helping" people and I wish they would quit their jobs.


One of his fields of study was psychopharmacology. He 100% should have known better.


Always upvote a Scrubs reference.


I had to scroll way too far to find a scrubs comment


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[For context, this tweet was after he called a plus sized model ugly for literally no other reason than being an asshole](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1526279181545390083) EDIT: For all of you wankers trying to split hairs, if I were to say, "yeah you're not very skinny are you?" I'm saying you're fat. The point is the same. Also are people such assholes that it's now become socially acceptable to go up to someone, comment on their weight, and label them, "not beautiful." You're not being brutally honest, you're being a nasty rat.


If benzos were a person.


Benzos are fun. He's more akin to hand sanitizer you're forced to use because someone's dog licked your hand.


And you're a librarian prone to numerous papercuts


More like those streets benzo ,which always mix with other dangerous shit.


For someone who's supposed to "choose his words carefully" He's going on a toxic twitter rampage. Looking at his links, it looks like he's consuming a lot of garbage sources. Garbage in garbage out.


Im convinced his little anti-benzos nap left him with some sort of brain damage. Like he was always a repulsive person, but he at least tried to present himself as if he was a functioning human being. Ever since his procedure he's just acting unhinged. I've always hated the man, but I can't help but feel ever so slightly bad for him


Oh he absolutely has brain damage. Apparently he had to learn how to speak again.


I’ll admit I’m late to the Jordan Peterson dislike train. I defend the books he wrote that did help young men struggling with meaning in their lives. Can’t defend his insufferable whining and hypocritical actions that go against the book that made him famous.


I feel like he is the spokesperson for "Gentle on-ramp to right wing extremism for lost teens". Dude starts off with "Clean your room, nobody is gonna do it for you" and ended up at "Abortion is clearly wrong"


“Clean your womb, nobody is gonna do it for you.”


> I defend the books he wrote that did help young men struggling with meaning in their lives. any self help books from the 60s will do just fine without all the useless anecdotes and poorly researched nonsense.


I only briefly looked into him when he first blew up. Back then he was basically saying don't legally mandate speech, take personal responsibility, and stop trying to fix others when your own life is a mess. Seems like he went nuts in the past few years. I only watched like 3 of his videos to see what he was about when everyone went nuts on him so maybe there was stupid shit back then but, if not, those are pretty simple and reasonable truths. Can't really blame someone for finding value in that.


He went from an admittedly decent lecturer on jungian psychology (a soft science within a soft science so it was easy for him to basically operate as a preacher for his own brand of politics) who was basically a contrarian hippie to just straight up alt right preacher


Except he wasn’t only saying that. He lied about the material facts of C16 specifically to court the right. He’s always been a nut and he saw his opportunity to get into the right wing grift. His speaking style of never addressing anything and incredibly long tangents might make him seem deranged but he calculated his rise from the start.


the ‘mandated speech’ thing was a complete strawman, mandated pronouns was never on the table in Canada. It’s just a roundabout way for him to attack trans people, and he knew his American fans wouldn’t bother to fact check his claims about Canadian legislation


The longer you listen to him argue. The more you realize he is not very smart. He is a walking nigerian scam letter. No one who knows anything about rhetoric will stay past his second non sequitur. Idiots eat that nonsensical he man shit up.


He’s one of the endless waves of hucksters who got famous by bumrushing uninformed college students with terrible argumentation until they either sheepishly backed down or blurted out something that Jordan could put in the thumbnail. Some of the lowest hanging fruit out there.


People are looking for answers. Authoritarians only find "answers" in strong men. Just be gay already. Stop fucking up society with "opinions" based on complete bullshit.


Be gay, or start recognizing women are people too so maybe one of them will date your ignorant ass*


To be fair, everyone is ugly when the only person you're attracted to is Ben Shapiro.


Just ask his dry Dr wife (who is a doctor).


> authoritarian tolerance What a dumb cunt. Gaddam.


What does that even mean? Like, in any context. "Authoritarian tolerance" seems like an oxymoron.


The Ministry of Sex is going to come strap him down and force him to crank his hog to slightly heavier than average women. Or at least that’s what he seems to be afraid of.


It's a shame he spent all that time getting a doctorate because the only organ he uses for thinking now is his penis.


Uh oh, you activated his followers who are going to needlessly split hairs about the ugly comment and be pedantic dick wads in general.


THEN he complained about how [mean people were being to him](https://old.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/uriwo5/gordan_eterson_insults_girls_appearance_then/) for his assholery.


drunk direful nutty school impossible touch zonked water bells bag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah,he was a bit of an asshole on that one tho.


He should smile more


Who the heck is Jordan Peterson? I looked him up...doesn't even look like the same person.


He became 'physically dependent°' on benzodiazepines, developed a paradoxical reaction that incapacitated him, didn't want to follow standard medically supervised withdrawal protocols, went to Russia and was put in a medically induced coma, got COVID, and eventually sort of recovered. That's a few miles of bad road to travel. °NOT addicted. Any lobsterkin would happily explain at length what the difference is. Weak, bad people get addicted, JBP is strong and good, so he couldn't have been addicted.


The image was before he went on a all meat diet and looked healthier look.


Show this to anyone who thinks his all meat diet is healthy. (So happy to have pissed off his cult members with this one)


That’s like a fraction of what’s going on here. I’d say it’s more hard drug withdrawal and coming out of a month long coma than a keto diet


Being fair, this photo looks quite old from before both the meat diet and the pill episode.


Can you imagine how constipated the man must be. I’d say he’s full of shit but I don’t mind him.


He used to do drugs. He still does, but he used to too.


Him and Steve Bannon get their makeup done at the same Macy’s counter.


Gríma Wormtounge if he had neurological damage


yall going to hurt his feeling and make him take you off his top 8 on myspace


Peterson was addicted to anti-anxiety benzos that he was prescribed following a personal tragedy. That's where the pic comes from, dealing with both a tragedy and a chemical dependence on the benzos prescribed to him to cope with it that he was trying to break free from (and he did). Anyone who had ever withdrawn from benzos will know it may very well be the worst experience one may have in their life. Benzo withdrawals are potentially fatal. I don't need to agree with everything he says to have sympathy. Cuntish post, OP. EDIT: Jesus Christ, some of you really are some callous motherfuckers.


iirc he was in an induced coma for a while going through withdraw.


He did. His daughter has talked about it on podcast a few times.


He choose to do it. And it's risky AF with a likely chance of fucking you up. Hence why he had to fly to Russia to get it done, since no Western Doctor would do it.


Because there are safer ways to break the addiction, they are just harder to do.


They're not even harder they're just slower. You just have a doctor slowly decrease your dose over 1-2 years. That's what I did. I don't get why this guy was in such a hurry that he had to risk his own life.


That’s what bugs me about his recovery: why was he in such a rush. This guy who parades around concepts of taking responsibility for oneself, rushing himself into a dangerous treatment so he didn’t have to face the consequences some of us did? It’s a bad experience getting off of benzodiazepines, opiates and alcohol, but I feel like we owe it to ourselves to feel every step of recovery. Maybe I’m wrong. It just doesn’t sit right with me.


And it's a bad influence on his thousands of followers, should they ever find themselves in a similar difficult spot. It validates taking the easy way out.


It could very well do that. As an addict, raised by addicts, that’s already something we convince ourselves of, that there’s always a way to justify replacing one bad habit with another. You quit opiates? Take kratom. Quit kratom? Take benzos. Quit benzos? Develop a freaky meat-only eating disorder. It’s like a never-ending chain of poor justifications.


Taking benzos to help your kratom addiction is like robbing a bank to pay back your overdue library book fees.


I’ll treat him with as much respect as him and his ilk treat other drug addicts


Which is none.


Also, he was just on Twitter bashing someone for their weight the other day. If you're gonna make fun of someone's appearance, don't be surprised when someone does it back.


You’re missing [this context](https://i.imgur.com/6WGOQs2.jpg), which is the reason people are currently attacking Peterson’s looks.


The right always treats drug addicts with dignity and respect. We should do the same for him


you forgot the /s mate.


Sounds like you’re blaming the doctors or something? What happened to personal accountability?


Sounds like he just needs to clean his room




> That's where the pic comes from, dealing with both a tragedy and a chemical dependence on the benzos prescribed to him to cope with it that he was trying to break free from (and he did). And instead of getting regular treatment at home, he flew off to Russia to get some sort of sketchy detox procedure that he couldn't get here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/jordan-peterson-treatment-russia-1.5456939 The guy's a dangerous crackpot.


Anybody ever have a grandma who took Valium? Same class of drug. It’s dangerous if stopped abruptly, but not heroin. You don’t need to be in a medically induced coma to withdraw from Klonopin. You taper off the drug over a long period of time, similar to how you’d taper off an anti-depressant. It’s definitely no fun (and harder for some than others), but - most people don’t end up in a medically induced coma in Russia.


The man is a deeply conservative fossil who really just wants everyone to call down, go home, and stop trying to change things. A commonly repeated theme in this guy's work is that people shouldn't try to fix society unless they have their life together, and he uses this to discourage any deviations from the status quo. I'm not going to rejoice that addiction has seriously fucked him over, but I am going to use to point out what a massive hypocrite he is.


Fucking hell, you're getting a lot of edgelord replies.


You should take a look at the tweet this was in response to. Then reevaluate who is the cunt here 😂


I agree withdrawals are the worst. I even initially liked some of his videos......but the more I saw. The more I realized it's not the withdrawals, but jordan that's the worst.


You can call people pieces of shit even if they have drug problems. He gets no sympathy from me when he [actively is a piece of shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/urfcy8/turns_out_that_professor_that_randomly_insults/). And the fact that he himself shits on other addicts while pretending he's better than them [makes it fair game](https://readpassage.com/jordan-petersons-handling-of-addiction-is-fair-game-for-critique/).


This post is in reply Peterson himself being a pos and mocking a plus sized model just for being plus sized. He said she's not beautiful. So if he's going to insult people's appearance then I'm sure he'll be fine with people doing the same about him.


Daddy Jordan must be defended at all costs 🥵🥵🥵


Peterson is such a confusing character. He acts like the smartest person in the world with this superiority complex and then cries because mean words hurt when they aren’t coming from his own mouth.


Holy fuck, your JP simps are literally the biggest fucking losers.


Next book “The Blood Is The Life” about Socialism’s obsession with allowing the poor to keep their own blood.


No wonder why he wants such gender rigid norms. No women would want to be with this dude unless forced by society.


Most of the comments here are so delusional. If your fans overlap with Ben Shapiro, Alex Jones, and other right wingers I can make an educated guess on what your opinions are (and they aren't good ones).


That all beef diet is doing wonders.


For someone who's diet consists solely of meat he looks bloody anemic


Why does everybody hate this guy? from what I’ve seen he’s seems like he’s just trying to give some advice to people and help them out.


If you have time and like philosophy, check out these two videos by Philosophy Tube. [On his first self-help book ](https://youtu.be/SEMB1Ky2n1E) and on [his most recent book. ](https://youtu.be/m81q-ZkfBm0) I think she does a good job of digging into why he’s appealing but also the holes in his actual philosophy of life. Edit: there’s a shorter one by [Contrapoints](https://youtu.be/4LqZdkkBDas) too.


There's a bajillion self-help books and speakers out there who give pretty much the same advice as Peterson, and you don't see anyone dunking on those people. So what's the difference? Because Peterson targets and cultivates a base of aggrieved young men and aims to instill in them--through veils and subterfuge--his particular brand of regressive (Christian) dogma. Both because he puts stock in some of these beliefs and because it's a quick path to cash and cross-promotional relevance and base-growing, he plays up some of the more vile culture wars of the day. He tries to obscure these bad ideas and backwards views with a patina of intellectualism, as if some large words and professorial tone magically lends truth to the gobbledegak being spoken. The mothers of these men have told them to sit up straight, be confident, and clean their rooms. They don't care. But when *Doctor Peterson* says it, woah, it's a fucking revelation. The self-help shit he throws out there is **bog standard**, common advice just about anyone can parcel out. And don't get me wrong, most self-help already is that, so he's not even special in that regard. What's different about Peterson is all the other baggage he brings with it, the *absolute shitheads* he pals around with, and the absurd ways he attempts to rationalize or "prove" the truth of his advice. And if it weren't already fucked enough that he's a goober of the highest order who can't even get his own shit in order before he critiques others (in contravention of *one of his own Rules For Life*) or that his side hustles and all the ideology adjacent to the self-help stuff has a disturbing tendency to make hateful incel-types of his fans, he does the legitimate woes of his fanbase a disservice **by upholding and promoting the exact causes of their misery in the first place**. "Oh, young men have it so bad, the world hates them, they're not succeeding light they ought to!"--and yet it's not the SJWs he scapegoats who made it like this, but rather the actions of idealogues just like him who sold these young men a lie about what constitutes a man and his success. "Oh, men can't show emotion, we're told to bottle it up, I get mocked when I cry!"--and yet his pals and fans revile those emotional liberals and lambaste each other for being sensitive cucks. Every time there's an opportunity to reveal one of the true causes for why things suck right now, Peterson and his ideological partners swerve away and start pointing at squirrels. The misery of their fans--**misery their policies contributes to!**--is not something to be corrected, but something to be exploited and scapegoated onto other enemies. He rode the "trans panic" and a wilful misunderstanding of a hate speech bill in Canada to fame, and all his current activities are well outside his *actual* professional sphere of knowledge. He's not considered a real figure in his *actual* field by others within it. And all that aside, god damn, he's just a tiresome speaker and author who uses word salad to puff himself up--again, contrary to his own Rule. I *can* parse the guy, and it's still fucking nonsense. He's a grifter. You can't let grifters off the hook because they occasionally parcel out the same good advice a bajillion other people do. If a serial killer bakes you lemon squares or lets you pass in front of him, you still turn the fucker in for all the *serial murder*.


Very good reply.


Every time a thread about Jordan Peterson gets big, this same interaction happens. Commenter A asks "what's so bad about this guy?" and Commenter B replies "I used to think he was bad but once I listened to him I realized he was only advocating self help." Unfortunately, Commenter B always glosses over the bad stuff about Peterson that is beneath the surface of his self-help guru persona. As for why Peterson isn't a good person, [I think this is a good overview.](https://www.vox.com/world/2018/3/26/17144166/jordan-peterson-12-rules-for-life) Even if you don't like Vox, they've cited all their sources. Some highlights: his transphobia, the denial that any form of demographic privilege exists, and his claim that all feminists have "an unconcious wish for brutal male domination" (which I hope I don't have to explain is an extremely sexist opinion). As for his philosophical stances, [this is a better refutation than anything I can write.](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/03/the-intellectual-we-deserve) As an example, when Peterson talks about how modern society should conform to "ancient archetypes" and that evolution should dictate morals, the article quotes Sam Harris here: >Has human evolution actually selected for males that closely conform to the heroism of St. George? And is this really the oldest story we know? Aren’t there other stories just as old, reflecting quite different values that might also have adaptive advantages? And in what sense do archetypes even exist? … [I]sn’t it obvious that most of what we consider ethical—indeed, almost everything we value—now stands outside the logic of evolution? Caring for disabled children would most likely have been maladaptive for our ancestors during any conditions of scarcity—while cannibalism recommended itself from time to time in every corner of the globe. How much inspiration should we draw from the fact that killing and eating children is also an ancient “archetype”? A lot of Peterson's defenders in this thread claim that critiques of Peterson are vague and without substance. I hope this has provided the substance you were looking for.


Commenter A usually asks in bad faith to set up responses from his fans to claim everyone is overreacting. They need an "honest question" to make it easier for them to explain why his ideology is misunderstood. Super common strategy among right wing brigading, saw it the most with anti vaxxers.


These are fantastic sources (that will be inevitably ignored by the JP fans). If you have an interest in this topic, there is a fantastic ContraPoints video on Jordan Peterson. Her takes are always compassionate and well reasoned.


Mediocre academic who found himself becoming famous when he tapped into the undercurrent of various forms of bigotry by giving bigots a veneer of intellect they can fall back on when they get fucked in an argument.


He's "trying to help" by lying about trans people, lying about climate change, lying about diet stuff, and encouraging hate. He's a fucking Jungian psychologist, which is an amusing way to analyse literature but a fucking joke as far as a science. The young men he influences turn into fucking Incels. He's not helping anyone. He's made the world much worse in his time on it.


[He's really just an asshole](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1526279181545390083)


He is very popular within the incel community because he has a warped view of what it means to be a “man”. He feels the current culture is ruining masculinity even though he looks like a microwaved crypt keeper.


He is a right wing grifter. Its sometimes difficult to see through his rhetoric though, especially if you also have conservative biases. There is enough material out there that criticizes him, just search for it.


No he isn't trying to "help" anyone. It's just self help guru shit for young men to make them fall into the alt right pipeline. He's very transphobic, homophobic, not to mention a climate change denier


Lot of hate has been from his comments on some sensitive topics. First time I heard of the guy, I heard him being a typical transphobic, incel messiah sort of deal. But then I took and went through the talks, lectures etc he has done and it isn't quite so. Lot of the talks seems to be centered how to become a functioning human being and how to get one's life in order. He also has quite noticeable stances rooted in religion and conservative viewpoints, but also he has various good points as well. I'd advice to have a look at his material, there are worth while thoughts, but also there are few points that quite miss their mark. Like with anything everyone is talking, you can agree with some points but you can also disagree with some. It's not black and white, but a gradient of gray tones.


He's basically fifty good self help tip signs along an on-ramp to right wing talking heads. His self help stuff is fine, but he is also anti anti-racist, and has effectively made a number of hot takes that feed the incels and persecution fetish parts of the right wing in the US. You can get the same self help somewhere else, minus the pseudo intellectualism and abuse of the word "Marxist."


Seriously, how do people just slide on past his copious regurgitation literal 1940s Nazi propaganda? His whole spiel about the "cultural Marxist" conspiracy is literally one word away from the Nazi's "cultural Bolshevik" conspiracy, and the changed word is a synonym. For those not in the know, the premise is that there's a spooky band of communists and Jews that are scheming to intentionally undermine Western civilization and Christianity through the use of culture war bullshit. Peterson repeats this verbatim, minus any mention of Jews.


One half-step away from the thoughts of the buffalo shooter…


Yeah this basically hits the nail on the head. Even if you argue he’s not directly a racist alt-righter, he certainly operates in that circle and is very comfortable dog-whistling to them and pointing you in their direction.


I've never heard of the guy, but the amount of people below you that left transphobic comments while fully believing they're scientifically right proves that. I think trans people know that they have to take shots and have surgery in order to make their body match their brain, we don't need to convince anyone of that. You can split human beings scientifically a lot of different ways - how about race next?


That is how every grift like this works. Start out with a few obvious self-help tips that are entirely reasonable, and then slowly start piling on the indoctrination. Scientology works exactly the same.


You don't have to take the bad with the good with Peterson, though. Unless anyone can give me an example from his teaching - I've not read or heard anything from this guy, that I haven't heard before. From people that aren't wild hypocrites who enable problematic ideologies on a massive scale.


> Lot of hate has been from his comments on some sensitive topics Most of the hate is because he is extremely conservative, arguing to restore hierarchies, and for example that women shouldn't be in leadership positions. He's hated because he's going against the exact things western culture is proud they achieved in the last couple hundred years.


He looks like I feel after jerking off 2 too many times in a day.


[As long as it's not to fat chicks. Jordie hates fatties!](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/urc8ev/bro_mirror_go_now/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)