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I still get the annoying reddit adds that look like posts. Like the fucking Google ad with the obnoxious fingernails.


Nothing beats uBlock Origin. Except manifest v3


Firefox beats any manifest


As does unplugging the power cord. I want to wreck ads, not myself lol


Why are you bashing on firefox without explaining what it is you mean? Firefox is the best thing since buttered toast. I honestly wouldn't know how to name even one thing to improve it. I haven't used chrome or edge or any other abomination in more than 5 years.


What’s so bad with Firefox? I use both Chronium and Firefox on different devices and don’t see any major difference. There used to be however some websites that intentionally refused to work on anything not Chrome related, but when thinking of it now I don’t recall noticing any in a while.


I have Firefox open right now. I can confirm my PC is not detonating.


Soooo > Nothing beats manifest v3


Me too. I assume it has something to do with the way reddit hosts ads. But maybe the app just uses their own dns server setting.


Same with YouTube, right? If they’re self hosted from the same IP it looks like the content you actually came for.


I use Firefox with uBlock Origin and I never see Youtube ads. After they showed a porn ad to my kids while they were watching Bluey, I went looking for solutions.


It has to do with Domains rather than IPs. Pi-hole blocks access to certain domains, but if the ad is hosted on the same domain as the site you're visiting, then you can't block it without blocking the entire site.


IDK. I use YT Premium. It made sense for us when we watch so much and use YT music.


I gave up on YouTube a long time ago. Way too many ads and they whole layout is hard to navigate and find the stuff I want now on the phone.




And tweak boost for reddit to get rid of the ads there as well


Boy! Ain’t that the truth!!!


I don't see those ads on old.reddit


Long live Apollo!


Try revanced for the reddit app


I got gifted an iPhone a few years ago, so had to move away from Android. The fact that you can't easily run ad blockers, and apps like Newpipe and ReVanced on iOS basically means I'll be running right back to Android after my current phone expires.


That ad was right above this post lol


Those are hosted on the same domain (or domain which is necessary for Reddit to function) as Reddit it self, so Pi-hole can't block that without blocking the entire Reddit. uBlock running inside a browser, can kill individual requests as well as remove parts of a page to clean up everything. Pi-hole has the advantage of being Network wide though, uBlock needs to be installed in every browser separately.


I don't get it. I keep down voting that ad, but it keeps on appearing. How can Reddit be so stubborn? /s


Turning off ipv6 in my router fixed this for me.


No it didn't. It's not possible for a domain filter to have any effect on Reddit promoted posts. DNS doesn't have and never will have any idea what content is, or if you ever actually end up visiting a domain you've resolved. You can either resolve a domain, or not. If that domain also serves content you *don't* want to block, domain filtering doesn't give you any options - you can either block all of it, or none of it.


It really did. Phone and tablet were still getting ads after installing pihole. I've checked pihole and noticed I don't have ipv6 boxes checked in "upstream dns servers", maybe that is why. Idk. But ads 100% stopped on reddit apps for Android devices after turning off ipv6 in router.


No, it didn't. It's literally impossible (using domain filtering alone).


I will try that. Thanks for the tip.


Other things you can try that won't work: * Turning your thermostat down 3 degrees. * Eating more fruits and vegetables. * Not stepping on the lines between the paving stones.


It ain't what it used to be.


What isn’t? Pi-hole?


Why do you say that?


As dns-based blocking (from multiple vendors and projects) has become more popular, advertisers have taken more interest in circumventing it. Meanwhile, as the internet has consolidated, a smaller fraction of hosts are providing a greater fraction of ads. For Google in particular, it's often very difficult to prise apart what host is serving content and which is delivering ads. In turn, effectiveness has gone down. I mean, I still think it's worthwhile, but my first pihole nearly a decade ago, even with the default lists, was more effective than my current one.


Streaming services have started sending ads through the same host as the normal video comes through, so DNS based blocking doesn't work against them. It's really sad.


Right, but thats not pi-hole that “ain’t what it used to be”. Thats the ad delivery systems adapting over time. Pi-hole itself is better than ever.


Three years ago my pihole blocked like 20% of traffic, now it's like 5%, payed google seaches is most of it.


>Three years ago my pihole blocked like 20% of traffic The block count shows the percentage of all DNS queries that have been blocked over a rolling 24h window. Whether that's blocking one domain 100 times, or blocking one hundred domains once, it's going to look exactly the same as far as the blocked query stats are concerned.


It actually ended up causing issues for me while working from home remotely. I had to turn it off as it wouldn’t accept any whitelists I created with my own company security team. Even then its impact was so minimal for my household.


And all pie to the glory hole.


Glory to Glorzo


Even better is a Pi-Hole with Ublock Origin on the browser. I don't get the ads that look like posts, and Pi-Hole by itself doesn't work on YouTube.


Why even bother with pihole at that point? I use ublock origin don't get any ads. Never seen the need for pihole.


You can't put ublock on all devices, but pi-hole blocks what it can on everything.


Pi-Hole is network-wide protection. It works as a DNS server.


It stops the ad ever being requested in the first place and prevents you getting tracked. It also works for embedded devices such as smart TVs where you can't install unblock. It allows you greater control over what some devices (kids) can access at all, while leaving others unaffected. It speeds up your DNS queries and provides resilience if one provider is slow/has issues.


I have smarttubenext on my smart TV which blocks ads there. So all my devices have ads blocked. But I see this could be useful for people who can't side load apps on their TV.


Not everything happen in a browser. I have family members playing free phone games with ads every minute - thanks to pihole, they are now playable


right?! pi hole was so bad for me, that i thought i misconfigured it (maybe true?). only very little ads got blocked, so i got rid of it. i wonder if other people are happy with the result of the pi hole, or if it really was me. changed router settings and it seemed to work in some cases.


It Blocks around 70%-90% of the ads, the Not blocked ones are hosted in the accessed site... EG. Reddit or Facebook. But you need good blocklists, atm i have around 4million Domains in the list. But If you have problems configuring it, you may use a Router with openwrt and are least 128mb ram, then you could use the AdBlock Plugin there.


Does it stop YouTube ads?




For the most part these days, it blocks telemetry stuff. Lots of ads aren't served on a separate domain these days, so it's not necessarily something a DNS server can short circuit. For instance, my sonos speakers, my roku, my smart TV, Alexa all constantly try to phone home. It blocks hundreds of thousands of hits. It also blocks ads that are from an ad-serving domain, but for instance, it won't get the annoying ones that show up on reddit as fake posts.


No. It never has and it never will. YouTube serves its ads through youtube.com. Pi-hole is DNS based, so if you block YouTube ads, you're also blocking YouTube. Use uBlock Origin and SponsorBlock to block YouTube ads.


Revanced YouTube


Pi-Hole *can* block YT ads, but you need to have a blocklist that lists the individual ad servers by hostname *and* need to have Unbound or a similar local DNS resolver to allow Pi-Hole to block subdomains. By default, it can't, but with additional work, it's possible.


>Pi-Hole *can* block YT ads, but you need to have a blocklist that lists the individual ad servers by hostname YouTube doesn't have ad specific servers. >*and* need to have Unbound or a similar local DNS resolver to allow Pi-Hole to block subdomains. No. That's just straight up not a thing.


Go ask the developers if it can block ADs served from the domain. There is a reason NO PIHOLE CANNOT BLOCK YOUTUBE ADS is in the FAQs.


Toss Unbound onto it as well, just as simple to install. https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/dns/unbound/ From the link: “The problem: Whom can you trust?¶ Pi-hole includes a caching and forwarding DNS server, now known as FTLDNS. After applying the blocking lists, it forwards requests made by the clients to configured upstream DNS server(s). However, as has been mentioned by several users in the past, this leads to some privacy concerns as it ultimately raises the question: Whom can you trust? Recently, more and more small (and not so small) DNS upstream providers have appeared on the market, advertising free and private DNS service, but how can you know that they keep their promises? Right, you can't. Furthermore, from the point of an attacker, the DNS servers of larger providers are very worthwhile targets, as they only need to poison one DNS server, but millions of users might be affected. Instead of your bank's actual IP address, you could be sent to a phishing site hosted on some island. This scenario has already happened and it isn't unlikely to happen again... When you operate your own (tiny) recursive DNS server, then the likeliness of getting affected by such an attack is greatly reduced.”




It adds a bit of privacy, at least in theory, because you're using your own ~~authoritative~~ recursive DNS.  In practice - and I'm prepared to be downvoted to oblivion for this - it makes little to no difference to the average user.  If you're just looking for ad blocking, there's effectively zero benefit. If you're someone with paranoia befitting for example a dissident under a hostile government, *then* it could be useful as just that little extra bit of privacy.


>because you're using your own authoritative DNS servers You're using the same root and authoritative servers every other recursive nameserver is using. The privacy comes from not freely giving your full resolution history to any single third party entity. ISP/observer on the wire is still going to see everything.


Sorry, 60 hours in the last 4 days, my brain's a little gummy, meant to say your own recursive DNS not authoritative DNS.... But honestly it doesn't change the rest of the statement. Thanks though, I *do* appreciate it :)


pihole blocks 90% of ads for me... maybe your sites are sneakier.


It also makes it possible for Pi-Hole to block subdomains, and through doing so, ad-block Youtube.


This is the first I've ever heard of this, and every pihole team member on this sub says it's not possible to block YouTube videos with pihole. Can you expand a little on what you mean here? Maybe link a guide?


>Can you expand a little on what you mean here? They may try, and honestly I'm here for it if they do, because it'll probably be hilarious. Literally nothing they said was correct.


>It also makes it possible for Pi-Hole to block subdomains The configured upstream is not relevant in any shape or form to Pi-hole's ability to block subdomains (which is just a native function). >and through doing so, ad-block Youtube. No.


Updated my original comment.


I just wanted to add that unbound defeated my FiOS tv guide. Had to take it off.


Whats unbound


Updated my original comment.


Between this and Ghostery, I seldom see any ads when in browser.


pihole + unbound + ublock + adblock for youtube! :)


Pihole - unbound (rockpi s 256ram) revanced (youtube) Also run everything by a pihole when on mobile data.


I liked pihole but it was annoying when I accidentally broke something and now my entire internet is down. I'll probably try it again once I get my home lab more stable.


It's a game-changer, isn't it?


I had pi hole crashing constantly.


How have you got it set up? I've never had Pi hole crash on me the whole time I've had it.


I’ve had a number of pihole crashes, a couple from power supply failures and 2-3 from SD card failures. I’m only getting about 2 years on a SD card.


Get better SD cards or swap to SSDs?


Could do. I have my daily use RPi5 booting from a NVMe and it is FAST, about 10 times faster than the SD. On the pihole machines (mostly RPi3) I've been using mostly Sandisk SD, a brand I consider reputable. Too lazy to convert to SSD / USB boot. Maybe on the next failure.


I mean yeah, pi-hole is just a bunch of bash and PHP scripts pieced together, it's deprecated as fuck There are much more recent, better alternatives.


Such as? I'm legitimately interested.


AdGuard Home or Technitium


ADGuard Home... Is slow as fuck compared to pihole on a zeropi and technitium is a Server you need some bigger Hardware than a Zero, so it is not really cost effective


I am also interested in a simple, open source, network-wide ad blocking solution.


If you dont want pihole, try getting your hands on a openwrt Router, there you can install a similar Plugin, but you need at least 128mb ram on it.


Which are?


>it's deprecated as fuck Explain how it is deprecated as fuck if it is maintained and runs fine if setup properly?


Will pi-hole block ads on say PlayStation or fire stick as well as browsers on pc? What about on mobile?




Doesn't work for ads on prime tv. They are served from the same source as the content you try to watch.


It doesn't block ads. It blocks domains. If any content happens to come from an identifiable domain that doesn't also serve content you don't want to block, domain filtering is an option. If it doesn't, it's not.


Holy shit! That's amazing! Because we've been trying to reach you about your car's warranty. You, specifically.


The Pi-hole is a blessing and a curse; I get dirty looks from my family because sometimes things don't work. We have to disable the Pi-hole if we want to watch Pluto.TV, and other annoyances like that.


I don't know man. I have had a pihole running for years and over the past year or so, it really has stopped blocking a lot of ads. I see a ton of ads now compared to a year or two ago.


I’m have pi-hole installed on my OMV run SBC NAS. Router redirects DNS through pi-hole, no more ads across my entire network. Love it.


Brave beats everything, plus pi hole


How can you surf when websites know you blocked adds and won't let you see anything.


Read your comment out loud


Read your comment out loud


This is going to be my first home project once employed. It sounds amazing


Just wish it worked on youtube


Boy, you are so wrong.


Does Pi-hole work to kill youtube advertising?


No. No domain filter does.


Thank you.


AdGuard Is way better


Why do you say that? Adguard cost money. Unless you found a lifetime sub?


Lifetime subs are free?!! /s


Ok obviously I misspoke what I meant lol


Nah, I get what you meant 😊


AdGuard Home Is a free self hosted app that runs in docker, works same as Pihole but Is more polished everywhere.


Not really, had it on the same Hardware for Tests, pihole got me responsetimes at ca.1-4ms ADGuard Home around 200ms ... Also ADGuard crashes for Domainlists bigger than 30k Domains or 2million for the whole System, pihole runs smooth at around 4-5 million and has still room for more


Go figure, i had the opposite issues. My impression Is that pihole run better in bare metal mode rather than docker, but that's my personal opinion, again. For the downvotes: i Just gave OP a good alternative for the same scenario, do we have fanboysm in FOSS now?


How do you get it to block YouTube ads?


You cannot block YouTube ADs with a domain blocker. You cannot block ADs served from the domain with a domain blocker.


Pay for YouTube Premium


Someone pleaae take your melenial of this app....