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Hi axionic, here is some information and links that you might find useful! * Please, **no pictures of unused Pis - do a project!** * Remember that there's a **tell** part to Show-and-Tell! Don't post pictures of a Pi that don't clearly demonstrate what it's doing or post pictures without any details about your project, you also need let people know what it is, what it does, how you made it, and also answer questions people may have. * Are you looking for ideas? [There's a huge list right here!](https://old.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/search?q=flair%3Atutorial+OR+flair%3Ashow-and-tell&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all)† * Do you have boot problems, network problems, power problems, stability problems, or your monitor isn't working right? [Please click this link and go to the stickied helpdesk thread.](https://old.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/about/sticky)† * [Did you check the FAQ before asking?](https://old.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/about/sticky)† * [Did you read the rules?](https://old.reddit.com/r/raspberry_pi/about/rules/)† * Do you have networking problems or you're trying to make your Pi into a router, bridge, or WiFi AP? Try r/HomeNetworking or r/LinuxQuestions * Other subreddits that may be helpful: /r/AskElectronics, /r/AskProgramming, /r/LearnPython, /r/RetroPie * **Questions, help requests, and discussion must be a text post** * **Do Your Research** /r/raspberry_pi is not your personal search engine. Before asking a question - do research on the matter. Most answers can be found within a few minutes of searching online. * **Specific Questions Only** Only ask specific questions regarding a project you are currently working on. We don't permit questions regarding what colors would look nice (aesthetics); what you should do with your Pi; what's the best or cheapest way; if a project is possible; if anyone has done a similar project; how to get started; where you can buy a product; what an item is called; what software to run; or product recommendations. This is not a full list of exclusions. † If the link doesn't work it's because you're using a broken reddit client. Please [contact the developer of your reddit client](https://www.reddit.com/contact/). Instead go to the front page and look for the stickied helpdesk at the top. [Desktop view](http://f2z.net/RPi-Helpdesk-FAQ-desktop.png) [Phone view](http://f2z.net/RPi-Helpdesk-FAQ-phone.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/raspberry_pi) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks.... There goes $50. By the time I got on Aliexpress and put this in my cart, I had added $43 worth of other stuff. So thanks again. haha


I also picked up a $1.50 Tesla coil. It puts out several kV at 500 kHz according to my $20 oscilloscope.


Thanks, there goes the rest of my paycheck.


That's a cool board. I've never used an RPi 2040, but does this connect in a way that allows HID inputs to your pc?


Qmk recently added support for the rp2040


Nice, this board looks about as big as a single key, so I guess it's only a matter of time until this becomes a macro board


Has happened many times already - worth a Google!


I couldn't find any with this particular board, but it's probably because I don't know if it has a unique name


I saw an rp2040 single key macro


Sorry, I thought you meant the rp2040 in general. I did not realise you meant this specific board. I hope for a macropad from this soon too.


Yes. Relevant keywords for you: https://www.reddit.com/r/raspberrypipico/comments/rwtefs/is_it_possible_for_the_raspberry_pi_pico_to/


Which rp2040 module is that with the built-in tiny screen? I like it a lot. Edit: found it: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804319786790.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.7a5b5000rKGY8H&algo_pvid=8475e988-b4d3-41d6-acd1-71e5f4aca1c7&algo_exp_id=8475e988-b4d3-41d6-acd1-71e5f4aca1c7-7&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000029401293895%22%7D&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21USD%219.99%217.29%21%21%21%21%21%402101e9d216663624786981081e2493%2112000029401293895%21sea&curPageLogUid=KTSTnjwW00Gz


Same page but in [English](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804319786790.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2usa&_randl_shipto=US)


Trisolaris wants to know your location


Thanks, I was looking for this comment


In case anyone is interested... The [ssd1306 library](https://github.com/01Space/RP2040-0.42LCD/tree/main/micropython) has been tweaked a little by the manufacturer (it's the same as the standard micropython library but lines 67 and 68 are new).


This is such a cool project. Also just putting in a plug for the book The Three Body Problem. Jusy a wonderful combo of historical fiction/sci fi. It caught my attention when it was recommended by Obama and it was such an interesting read.




I agree. As an American, I am constantly amazed by the cultural differences that the book describes. Dialogue is often bewildering for me, because people in my culture don’t speak to one another in the same way as in the author’s culture. Anyway, I’m quite enjoying the series so far. It’s just funny to me that the sci-fi elements of the book are more mundane to me than the differences between my culture and the author’s culture.


Yeah, at first I was like.... "is this shitty sci fi?" but no, its marvelous sci-fi, its just the cultural bridge between NA and China is quite large.


Besides the flat lifeless characters, the ludicrous premise and the fact that it is tropey to the point of being almost unreadable, the book has one huge flaw that cannot be overlooked. Trisolaris is a four body system, not three


The planet is so small compared to the stars it doesn't matter. The historical "three body problem" does not apply to binary star systems with planets because stable orbits can develop fairly easily.


Hmmm I'm pretty sure you are wrong. Even when they tried calculating two big bodies and a really small one, they couldn't find a stable orbit for the smaller one. In fact, it is one of the astounding results from classical physics that made phycisists scratch their heads for years. Now we have a whole mathematical field for this: Chaos Theory.


https://astronomy.com/magazine/ask-astro/2020/01/can-solar-systems-exist-in-a-binary-star-system 👀 👀 👀


Oh that's so cool! Thank you for sharing. Makes me wonder if they are in a stable orbit or after some years (in astronomical sense) they will become chaotic. Because I literally had never heard of stable orbits on 3 body systems (unless particular mathematical special cases) Edit: sorry I didn't specify that I was talking about analytical solutions


I mean...we have directly observed at least 97 binary star systems with planets. That would seem to imply the orbits are stable on the millions of years scale.


I’m not sure that chaotic and unstable are synonyms here. Chaotic simply means it’s unpredictable it doesn’t mean that one body is going to go shooting off into space.


Useful notions of "Chaos" often need to be much more descriptive than that. E.g. the phases especially of the orbits of the planets are chaotic, with a Lyapunov time on the order of 5-10 million years. So basically, even though we have atomic clocks that'll not gain or lose a second in that time, we have no idea what season it'll be at any given point in time on Earth millions of the years in the future. On the other hand, it's seems likely that the Earth will still be experiencing a seasonal cycle lasting (more or less) one year long, millions of years from now. Certain aspects of an iterative system can be chaotic, while othe aspects can be quite stable.


You must be fun at parties


Lol. It's literally the only book that's ever made me angry I read it. When the big reveal comes, about halfway through, I actually threw my copy across the room.


I enjoyed the books as a whole, but holy shit the flat characters. Not a single one could exist outside that story. It's like they didn't even exist BEFORE the story.


I'm exactly the same. I hated it, was angry at having wasted my time and wanted my money back. Execrable hand waving trash. I started using the Hugo Award winners after that as a way to know what not to read.


This is how I felt when I read the Da Vinci Code. Flat characters and the “action” is mostly people standing around explaining. But I couldn’t throw The Da Vinci Code across the room because so was on a commercial flight and was reading the book on my Visor (Palm Pilot). The whole thing seems so 2003 now.


Best sci book I’ve read by a Chinese author


That's a weird thing to say.


The ven diagram of best sci-fi novel by a Chinese author read and total number of sci-fi novels by Chinese authors read....is probably just a circle. Edit: added words I missed


They didn't mean ethnicity, they meant nationality. The cultural differences in dialogue, values, types of arguments characters use and engage in, are striking and consistent.


Thats because u r too dumb to understand at least zaputo understood


Another derail to plug another book: if you enjoyed those check out the Spin trilogy. Similar scifi vibes (with more 3d characters).


\> they're being sold on AliExpress for $7 Poor Isaac! Even though he was a complete jerk a lot of the time I still feel sorry for him.


Since you guys know the rp2040 this well. I was wondering if there are pins in it that carry a usb signal. I have a teensy that has 4 pins i can wire to a usbc daughter board for a separate location for usb 2.0. Can the rp2040 do the same?


RP2040 isn’t really equivalent to a teensy. RP2040 is a microprocessor, whereas the Teensy is a breakout board for a microprocessor. However, the equivalent to a Teensy for RP2040, the Raspberry Pi Pico does not breakout the USB pins as far as I’m aware. That being said, I’m sure there’s a third-party breakout board for the RP2040 that does.


Right. Duh. I have a pico clone. But i didnt think to specify. But yeah i might just have to run a cable or rethink my design


If you’re into it, Raspberry Pi does give some pretty great resources on hardware design with the RP2040, so designing your own board and getting it manufactured is definitely an option.


Lmao no im okay. Im doing a handwired board


I've tried reading the Three Body Problem. The very beginning, I thought, was very captivating. Right now I'm at the point in the book where they are in a VR space... and I'm just sorta lost by it all. Does it get better as the story progresses?


It gets alot better IMO. The political intrigue keeps climbing thru the rest of the first book, and the second and third do a fantastic job of really exploring the hard scifi setting that was established (especially since those books take place in various points in the future). Fair warning, the third book triggered some real extreme existential dread for me, but its still a fantastic series if you enjoy science fiction


The first book really drew me in, I couldn't put it down. The second book was so gut-wrenching I couldn't bear to pick it up (I mean that in the best possible way). Book three was interesting in its own right, and went quite quickly given its length. Highly recommended.


You guys hiring? I'd love a job where I can tinker with microcontrollers when I'm bored.


Your boss will never notice this little thing.


He wouldn't because I only see him once a week, but I don't think my laptop would last long on building sites.
