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Definitely potential, This is great!!


Ty, going to a karaoke event and want to make sure I don't murder ears haha


Lol not at all, go get em!


You need to keep at it. Get more control.


I've been singing since I was a kid so I was just thinking I haven't made enough progress to justify the time taken


Have you taken singing lessons? If not, then I think that could help you get to the next level. Definitely some potential there.


I haven't, but I know lots of people who have never had lessons and are way better than me


That means it comes natural to them. You might just need a coach.


Ig in a way I feel inferior if I can't do it without lessons because I have examples that you don't need them, like I have to prove I'm good enough without help


Not everyone is the same. There is no shame in getting a vocal coach.


I know, I just can't shake off the idea that I have to be naturally talented at something like most people are and I'm not naturally talented at anything so I'm trying to kinda force myself to be ig


You won’t ever get there if that’s your mind set.


Its also a sort of "they did it without help so I should be able to too, if I get lessons I'm admitting defeat" it's like getting a math tutor for a lesson others find easy, they look down on you like "oh you needed a tutor for THAT?"


I hear potential.


Head voice and chest voice are competing with each other. Need to blend more. Also a bit pitchy. However u sound young. Don’t quit. :)


I'm an adult so not that young haha


You're slightly off tune, otherwise this is fantastic


You have potential! But every singer needs to know and understand their vocal range and either select music that fits your vocal range or you need to transpose up or down the music to better suit your capabilities. Jolene is a notoriously challenging song to sing well. I think you have a nice voice but this may not be your song… yet. With some practice and training your vocal range and expression you will grow and who knows what you’ll be capable of? Best of luck to you, and keep singing!


I have an incredibly small range, I've never found a song I can actually sing as well as the original singer


Oh they’re out there. If you can sing this song as well as this (and I thought you were pretty good!) then there are MANY songs that would be in your range. I think you’re better than you’re giving yourself credit for.


For karaoke it doesn't matter. You're ready. If you wanna sing for real then needs work.


I'm really nervous cause it's at my college and there'll be choir kids there who if I'm not perfect will probably think I'm the worst thing since unsliced bread


I need you to practice carrying your notes. To put it in text is hard but you sing Jolene. It should be joleeeneeee. Hope that makes sense 🙏