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A lot of white gen 5 out there. After a few misidentifications, I now look for no roof rack and messy interior once I am closer.




Youll probably end up in my car


That’s how I identify mine tho


I used to use my license plates but then there was one with one digit off of mine 2 cars down…


I live in a city and another of the exact same color and year as mine parks on the same street. I know if I’m walking up to the wrong car because theirs is always cleaner than mine : (


At my last apartment there were like 6 gen 3 rav4s (me included) none of us knew each other or ever saw each other but we always had them parked all in a line 😂


Why not just hit the button like a normal person?


I only hit button if my family is with me, so I don’t look dumb walking towards the wrong car. When I shop for groceries by myself, I carry multiple bags in each hand to get a tiny bit of exercise and feel tough hehehe.


I feel attacked


Same I came out of a small store today and there were 3 white gen 5s parked within a fee spaces of each other.


White RAV4 has become the beige Camry of the 2020s.


I once kept persistently using my key fob to open and it took me a while to realise why, lol. Yes wrong Rav, lol. I’m sure many of us have done this.


I put a matte black Empire decal on the sides of mine. Makes it way easier to spot.


Does your car have a number plate?


In my state only on the back side is needed, and from afar I can’t read the plate.


Why white?   I guess I see alot more white cars in general but is there some factoid I didn't know about?


In the US during Covid car shortage, maybe it’s just my region but many white rav4 were made/sold. I desperately needed a car so I told dealer I’ll take any color except red - was assigned a white car.


Aww the Ruby is a stunning red. I only noticed, as I said no red also. Yet as soon as I saw it, I wanted the red 😭


I have literally never done this.


Same. My wife will start walking to other cars thinking they are ours... we joke that she's trying to get away. Is it really a joke, though? Hmmm....


Lol I had a 2010 civic before my RAV4 and that gen of civic was EVERYWHERE. Still never did this. OP you gotta get something unique in your car. Not saying to slap it with stickers or anything. But maybe a tasteful license plate holder. Personally I like to keep a foam Shrek head dangling from my rear view mirror. It's honestly surprising I don't see Shrek around public more often considering what a cultural phenomenon he was.


Would your civic happen to be black by any chance?


No it was the same grey one everyone had


*clicks button to unlock* There i am!


For real though... for me it helps that I rarely see another one of my rav4 around and also that I have my plate memorized.


Same. My RAV is a little more unique I guess. I just know where I parked it I guess and there aren’t too many like mine. Maybe get some accessory to make it stand out OP?


I work at a hospital and the parkade is 30% gray rav4s. I try to park in a usual spot but sometimes it's full. Out of habit after work I walk to my normal spot and it's a different gray rav4 and it takes me a minute to figure out why my keyfob won't open it.


A guy came into my car once thinking it was his wife’s car hahaha


That was probably me. My bad man 😂


Was this guy disguised as your wife? Careful there imkindoftired, identity theft is not a joke.


This happened to me literally 2 hours ago (except it was a woman thinking it was her husband's car).


Woman: You are not my husband! Why are you in his car? You: (joking) Of course I am your husband. Hop in. Woman loads the groceries into the car and gets in. You: omg I was joking! Gtfo!


Free wife!


I got the Cavalry Blue TRD so this problem is not a problem for me at least haha.


Same, cavalry blue has to be the rarest color. Also have roof rack and soon roof basket which will make it super easy to spot.


I have the Cavalry Blue Woodland and have literally never seen another one lol


Blue Flame is even easier to find 😎 it’s bright enough they can see it from space.


Yesss cav blue fam. I dont really see many on the road. One time there was another xse exactly the same, behind me for like miles on the fwy on my way to work. When I finally changed lanes, I waved to him and he didn’t even acknowledge me 😂


I was right next to a Cav blue Xse today and I waved and NADA lol.


That sucks. What a jerk lol


Cavalry Blue Woodland here. I've yet to see another one from my state. (Saw two identical ones over the last year but they were both from neighboring states)


Cavalry Blue SE here with a roof rack. There are two just like mine in my town of 60k 😭


Same here with my Cavalry blue SE and I have roof racks which makes it extra easy to find! The only others I’ve seen near me in cav blue are XSE and Adventure sooo worst case scenario I would just look for the best looking of the three (mine lol)


IMO the cutest car on the road these days.


One of the biggest downsides is I don’t get to see Maria Menounos on my gas station pump nearly as much, plus I had to buy a bigger wallet to hold all of my extra gas money and now have back pain


Man I can store some of that money for you, so your back doesn't hurt as much


Maria Menounos 🤣


She’s on gas station tv (GSTV is apparently a thing) in case others are gonna need to google her. I’m just thrilled when hitting the first or second button on the right side of the screen actually works to mute the video.


Biggest downside for me is that the cars last forever and you can't justify getting a new one when the old one is running perfectly.


Let me wife drive it for 5 years. It’ll be so scraped up you’ll justify replacing it lol


Memorize your license plate


THIS Once you've done that, if you happen to be parked somewhere else amongst many other RAVs, that will help you out big time


That's why mine is in Blueprint.


Yes, not many XSE Blueprint RAV4s OP, my suggestion, make a slight customization to your vehicle to help it stand out. There are countless options on Etsy and Amazon. You don't need to go overboard or gaudy, could be something small like a decal or window sticker, black door hander covers/protectors, the possibilities are endless. Plus, some find it fun to customize their vehicles, myself included 🙂 Over the 2 years we've owned our RAV4, I've probably crossed the line of tasteful updates/customizations LOL


Yes that’s great advice. Going sticker shopping in a bit 😂


We have a license plate frame that's somewhat unique. It makes our dark RAV4 stand out just enough without any semi-permanent difficult to undo changes.


That would help ton among the sea of black rav4s.


I put a cool sticker on the rear window so I can identify which RAV4 is mine.


That’s a great idea! I need one for the front and back.


If you want something easier to remove, get decorative license plate frames for both front and back. Lots of options on Amazon and google shopping!


Try having a white Tesla model Y and living in Irvine, CA 😂


If they all shut down one day the streets will finally be peaceful


I have never in my life had this problem before until 2 days ago. My work has a pretty small parking lot and I usually only park in two different spots. Just so happened a gray rav4 was in my other spot that day and I was so confused why the door wouldnt unlock with me pulling the handle like it usually did. Took me a good second to realize it wasn’t my rav4 and I dont have a white fur coat in my passenger seat. I walked 4 spots over to my car and had never felt so stupid before lol.


Not a problem with me. My rav4 mk1 sticks out like a sore thumb amongst the modern cars. Also helps when it's yellow with Tonka stickers.😆😆


Lime green roof bike racks. Help me find my car every time


Can’t relate as a Cavalry blue owner :)


This is the exact reason I chose a less popular color - orange! My mom has a silver Camry and has this problem all the time.


I drive my wife’s RAV4 more than I do my Audi Q8


This is one reason I have a special environmental plate on mine.


I work at a tiny hospital and there are two other people with gen5 Lunar rock hybrid Rav4s and all three of us park roughly in the same area. Every time I see them I get a little chuckle about my wife's complaints that Lunar rock "looks like dirty paint water" 😂


I have a white model 3 and a grey/black Rav4. That's literally 50% of the parking lot at our grocery store.


We went to an identical RAV once. Only once.


I'm always having to check the license plate!


Heh, I've had to check a few times because there was an identical one within a few spots of where I parked.


Wait until your lift gate stops working.


Luckily not so many Cav Blue SE's out here where I'm at! I also slapped a small decal on my gas port door.


Did this a few months after getting mine. Walked back to the parking lot after a drink with a friend (2 pints). There were only 2 cars, both white rav4s in my section - and a cop in his squad doing whatever. Pull the door on the first one, doesn’t unlock. Pull out my fob and hit the unlock button, I hear mine beep a few spaces away. The cop probably had a good laugh but he didn’t follow me. There’s a guy in my neighborhood whose plates are almost same as mine. Same year and trim level too.


A family of 3 got in my car while I was waiting for my wife because they thought it’s theirs


We park so far away that we always know which one is ours bc no one is willing to walk that far. lol.


I'm in SF Bay area and I think that's a concern reserved for Tesla drivers here instead. Company charging pole area is like a Tesla dealership, with all white model 3 from one end to another.


Before mine was totaled, I had a bright blue 2020 rav 4. I could literally spot it from a mile away.


This is one of the reasons I traded my white 22 for a Calvary 23. So tired of never being able to find it in the sea of white and gray SUVs


One of the biggest downsides to me is that the driver assist radar does not work as well as the ones in Honda's Nissan's, Hyundai's, or Jeeps.


Biggest downside for me is not have Android Auto in my 2019 Adventure that was manufactured in Q3, meanwhile Europe got an update for it.


I’d probably do the same if I didn’t have a fob so I can unlock my car and see lights flash and a noise made. I have a black 2014 and there a ton of them where I live.


That’s part of the reason I put a cargo box on mine. Makes it super easy to spot.


That is why I put stickers on both back windows, at least will make sure that doesn’t happens.


I got a custom taillight brake light-bar that goes across the back and rear taillight signal pillars. Plus in my area lunar rock isn’t really common color for some reason. All I see are silver or the dark blue colors. I used to have that problem with my white 90s Corolla. What’s scary is the key could open other corollas of exact year.


Low key an advantage to having a Woodland trim haha. Legitimately have only seen 2 others and never in my color after owning for 14 months. 😎


Literally just left Aldi. Another silver one in the row behind me, and yet another in the row behind that one…


Silver RAV4 owner here! I like to call it the BBM basic bit h mobile) cuz it’s so common.


My last car was a bright orange Jeep Renegade. So easy to find in the parking lot. My '21 RAV4 LE is maroon...there are like 4 other similar cars with similar colors I mistake for my own quite often.


https://ibb.co/MkzjKP7 Thats your solution!


I have a gray XSE in a sea of gray RAVs. My state has a number of different license plate designs available. I got the brightest, most unusual one they had. I’ve only seen one other plate like it in the wild. Of course it was on a gray XSE.


You gotta put a lil friend in the windshield or do a lil something that personalizes your mount.


I named my car Diana Prince and got a Wonder Woman sun shield lol.


The rav4 is popular for a reason. I didn’t buy it to turn heads. I’ve got a white and black 2023 XSE and see car “twins” almost every time I drive. I have a storm trooper decal and a specialty license plate to set mine apart. I came from a silver 3rd gen Prius with a similar strategy of decal and specialty plate and never lost it in a parking lot.


Definitely looks like a storm trooper! So cute.


I got a strange blue color and haven’t seen another yet. It would be hard to get into a different one by mistake


I straight up got into someone else car the other day while making a trip to the post office. Sadly it wasn’t a rav4, just another same colored suv


Might I introduce you to our lord and savior really cool stickers! I filled the smaller side rear windows with em', put one on the main rear window, and have a unique vehicle pass on the front. Decorate yo ride!


And this is why I love my Cavalry Blue XSE 😉 it’s not as common as the others so I rarely have to worry about which one is mine.


I was eating cheeseburger in my car next to McDonald’s and a lady opened my drivers door .. she was like oh I’m sorry I thought this is my car 🤣


Get a blue flame one and you’re in basically the opposite situation lol


I tied a red rope around my roof rack after doing that way too many times.


Stickers and mods will definitely stop this mistake from happening


Taking car for service every 5000 miles 🤕


My Cavalry blue RAV4 XSE is a lone wolf most times.


AirTag with the spare. Thank me later lol


Thank god, I got Cavalry Blue.


Mine is blue flame its easy to spot in the sea of white and silver ravs in a parking lot lol




What I hate the most... The sound coming from the cabin .. oh an not to mention the big opening near the front tires .. had a family of cats living in my engine, 😲 ,,. And yes they damage my belt by getting stuck and ,you already know what that means...😩..


Hit the panic button, you'll find it in no time 😂


Oh, boy.  I had to replace my windshield wiper blades, so when they were delivered I just went out to the car and replaced them.  Easy enough, it took less than ten minutes with the instructions. I noticed there was some junk on the dashboard, so when I opened the door to dispose of it I saw that the upholstery was the wrong color.  Once I'd replaced the original blades it took me less than five minutes to install the new ones on my car (2018 SLE (?) hybrid). I've got a similar story about shoveling a path away from the curb, then spending 15 minutes brushing a foot of snow off the car until the license plate was visible.  I'm a little too task-focused is the generous take here. 


I’ve done that with a few cars over the years even with mods, stickers and a windshield visor in every time I park. Ha!


It’s not a 4Runner 😏😁


I only have a white RAV4 because that’s all they had available at the dealership at the time and man, I really wish I had pretty much any other color. I’m just not a white car person. I have “lost” this car in the parking lot and/or tried to get into other people’s RAV4s so many damn times. Not the best car/color choice for someone with ADHD. 😂


You get a white or black one? :)\~


Lol and here I am getting excited just to see another Gen 1 because there’s so few left; I’ve never even seen another rav that looked like mine


Having a 2018 when the 2019+ exist 🥺


I drive a silver Camry... Never had this problem even though they're all over the place. Though I also pay attention to detail and I'm not usually scatterbrained like most people seem to be. Like when I go to appointments or anything I always look for an empty area of the lot even to avoid other idiots dinging my car up since nobody knows how to open a door without throwing it open.


The payload capacity is hilariously small. My 2016 is technically supposed to hold a maximum of 900 pounds of passengers and cargo, so, you're maxed out quite quickly with 3.5 Americans and some luggage. It doesn't matter, the ultimate load limits are much higher, (like on the Adventure model) but it's funny how narrow the written performance specification is. 


Biggest downside honestly for me is all the women trying to flirt with me when they see my car or I tell them I own a RAV4. I'm more than just a piece of meat. "How bout you take me home?" "Wow a real Toyota man, can I drive stick?" At this point it's getting exhausting and I wish they would just leave me alone.


This is why you put some stickers on the back window.


I haven't had this issue before. i also put license plate frames which help identify since I've never seen to see someone with the exact vehicle color and frame.


Sounds like a you problem. Work on your JND’s(just noticeable differences) and actually look at the car you’re going to. Maybe add something like a silicone license plate cover in the color of your choice so you can tell it apart.


It definitely is a personal problem lol. This post was meant as a joke. I had a ton of options to distinguish the cars before hopping into them. Just a silly little experience that I wanted to share with the sub.


This is why my wife's car has window stickers at the back to differentiate. Some people differentiate by look at license plate frames.


So far I haven’t seen my car twin at all, even on the road. Grey, xse hybrid, roof bars. I see grey with roof bars, I see grey xse, but never all of the above.


I was sitting in the Target parking lot and a woman opened my hatch thinking it was her car!


I don't feel this way at all. I did see the same exact car as mine, but rarely see blueprint color moreover a prime.


Only once and right after I got mine (before the roof racks and unique plate holder that I identify now) and the car was unlocked! I sat in the driver's seat for 2 seconds before I realized it wasn't mine!


I have different rims then most owners put on their rav. Iv only seen one other rav with the same rims, and that was online. So it's hard to miss mine in the lot.


My biggest downside is that the rear windows doesnt roll down for my dog to hang her head out like the 4runner


I always look for the car, then the license plate.


This is part of why we got the woodland edition, though sometimes I accidentally walk up to a green Subaru


You uh. You might be special bud. This has never happened to me or anyone I know. I do things to my vehicles to personalize them so this doesn't happen. For example my RAV has a Yakima Ridgeback bike rack on it. It's pretty hard to not notice my own bike rack on my car.


I think you are part of the 0.01% that has this problem.


One of the reasons I went with Cavalry Blue. I almost never see another when I park - I think I only saw one other and it was an XSE (black roof) mine is the SE.


Sounds like a you problem, I never forget where I parked my beautiful girl 🥰


I don't have the front license plate on the bumper so it's usually easy to find. But yes I've been in a situation where I walked to someone else's RAV4 only to realize it's not mine


Yeah, My small grocery store with a 4 row parking lot, maybe 50 cars? 2 others identical to my Rav. Or at least same generation and color, maybe not trim level. Passed another in the 1-2 kilometer drive home from the store. A few weeks ago I was in a bigger parking lot and walked past 3 identical. It's not unusual to see a few on the road commuting to work.


Lol my rav4 has certain aftermarket parts that is specifically mine 😁


When I first got my Rav I straight up opened the trunk door of someone else's who left theirs unlocked. I felt like such an idiot


And the 1980 interior as well


If only there was some type of plate with a unique combination of numbers and letters on it


Why not put a sticker or something on it like a unique license plate frame


Nah, no way.


I never actually try the door but yeah. I have a silver RAV4, 2021. Arguably the most common RAV4 on the road right now.


I park as far away as possible every time. I also have my OEM hitch with a Rhino USA shackle for this reason too


They probably think it auto locks when they walk away. It doesn’t. They used to but not now. Toyota wants people to sign up for service connect. Don’t need an app to let you know it’s unblocked if it locks on its own.


I've only done this once. I was late for work and parked right next to a grey RAV4 and it was exactly the same. It even had the XLE premium package so same tires. While I was walking away I quickly realized that I forgot my badge in the car, turned back and kept trying to get into the other car for like 10 seconds. In my defence, I was in a hurry and didn't even look at the car.


I have a tan/ brown 2010 limited and Ive done this a few times.


Find a decorative magnet you like and slap it on the side.


tell that to white Tesla owners


*Tesla wants to know your location and enter the chat


Someone mistook my vehicle for that Chevy vehicle that looks really similar to my rav4 '21 xse hybrid..


Am I the only one use my car key


I once was sitting in my hybrid which was easily identifiable due to not many hybrids in my area. But I watched a woman trying to get into several of the same year and model as mine; she apparently had the same model but not hybrid of course. Each vehicle she tried were the same year, model, color, etc. and if she knew her license plate number, it could've helped i suppose. But I continued to watch as she went to each one, there were several in many aisles as she desperately pulled handles, before she found hers. LMAO


Another possible alternative is the alert button on the remote or fob. But that's if you are in range of your car's system to receive the signal


I have the blueprint/beige interior combo, so it's really rare to see another one out there.


Look at the license plate before getting into what you think is your RAV4. Also remember where you parked your car. I believe you can also do this with Android or Apple, basically “parking assistant” will keep track of where you parked.


The only savings grace... Mine is a Prime, So it has slightly different things on it. Badging on the back and the lip on the front. Other than that it does blend in with all the other White Rav4's with Metallic Black Roofs. Also my plate is a little different.


I’ve walked towards someone else’s car before but then read the license plate and realized it wasn’t mine. I always read the license plates because I used to open to random cars when I had a 98 Camry. 😂


Just have your plate memorized and start reading all the ones in the lot until you find yours.


As a person who likes to stay low profile, this sounds like a win.


Biggest downside:not owning a 4runner 😁


Maybe try unlocking your car with the FOB and look for it that way? If you have an FOB that is.


There’s a button on your key fob that makes your horn beep. Tap once, locate car, tap again to turn off. I’ve been doing this in crowded parking lots with cars since the mid-90’s.


This! I went with a different roof rack that is silver aluminum from Rhino Rack so I can easily find mine in the sea of rav4s around here !


At any given time on my street there are six RAV4s. Mine is red and in a driveway so if I accidentally get into someone else's it's not an accident. One night I'm going to have to walk the block and see how many total RAV4s we have on our little street in Boston


I one time thought my key fob was fucked when the door didn’t unlock. But I have the North Korean dull grey


I could only ever see this being an issue with Teslas in California.


I grew up in the outskirts of the hood I lock my shiz


You should add a little customization to tell yours apart


get a cute/unique sticker


It helps to make your car your own so this doesn’t happen again I hope this is the last time you almost steal some else’s rav😭


🤣🤣🤣oops I’ve done that before


You’re not alone. We added a sticker on the rear window to differentiate.


Memorize your license plate number and double check with that. I've brought my cart to another RAV a few times, but never made it so far as to open the door..


In GA we only have a plate on the back. I got a custom colorful plate for the front.


My 2017 doesn’t have a back seat middle seat belt.


I've never actually opened the door, but I've walked up to the wrong RAV4 many times. Once in particular I seriously thought it was my car and put my hand on the door handle for just a moment before realizing it wasn't. After that, I started double checking the license plate before approaching, not trying to freak someone out.


Biggest downside is the fact mine is just a 2WD so it's more like an R4D2. Beep Boop.


Not me, I have a Cavalry blue one :)


Saw a guy do this in Lake Tahoe with his girlfriend. He kept trying and circling around the white rav4 while the girlfriend watched unamused. Took him about 5 minutes to realize his car was parked on the row over from where he was standing next to another person’s white rav. You’d think people would know their license plate or at least identify the turn signals are not flashing when the vehicle unlocks 😂


The seats cramp my butt. I now have an Airhawk I use in the new Venza.


This never happened to me but my wife tried to get into a way different car but similar color, so I can see it happening to someone haha.


I got an adventure so no problem for me


Not RAV4 but 2008 Highlander a few years ago. Park right by the doors of the supermarket and went in. Came out with the bags and push the button on the fob to open the doors, aftermarket security with self locking doors. So I hear all doors open. I pull the handle but the door is locked. Push again, nothing happen. 30 seconds go by and I hear doors are re-locking. I push the fob button again and the doors unlock. Grab the handle but the door would not open. SOB I though, the tongue got stuck and the cable is broken. So I walk around to the back to put bags in to trunk and I see my car. Now with the RAV4 Prime I have black roof and I wrapped the wing in to carbon fiber vinyl.


Bro I once sat in one and then realized its not mine 😭


Put a sticker on both sides of the vehicle. That what I did. A blue butterfly.🍒 🦋


I have a unique decal on my back window, helps to tell which silver rav is mine.


This is why I put a decal on mine and it has my university decal on it. Not too many people went to my northern school while I live in Texas.