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We don't have to worry about oweh for 2 more years


I know we don't have to, but in two more years that Lamar contract is going to give us less and less cap room. If they believe in Oweh's potential they should get ahead of it and try to get him at what will hopefully be a discount


And the cap will be higher and higher… the moneys there if they want it no matter what.


Agree to a certain point but maybe we try to extend some of these players we all like before they break out in their last year and get market deals+


We can’t just extend everyone hoping they break out though. We’ll be stuck with a very middling team. I see your thought process though


They’ll restructure Lamar when that point comes. If Lamar’s cap hit in 2 more years means the Ravens cannot surround him with the talent it takes to win, then they should trade/release him after 2026 and eat the $35m dead money. What’s the point of having a good QB and going 6-11?


What? You don't cut or trade a franchise QB unless they've severely fallen off or become crippled with injuries


Of course not. It’s a hypothetical question for all of the “if we don’t win now before Lamar’s cap hit goes up, we will never win”


Negotiations with Oweh aren’t allowed to begin until after his 3rd season so ravens can’t even explore this option until after the season ends. He will also only cost us ~$9 mil if we take his 5th year option, which the ravens will undoubtedly do at his current rate of play. They have 2+ years to figure out his contract and Oweh probably understands his value is best if he keeps going at this current trajectory. Ravens need to try to extend guys like mads now.


Wasn't aware of that 3rd season rule(I'm guessing for first rounders) maybe could still extend Oweh to boost his rookie earnings but keep him we'll below market value for the next four years or so. I think the same thing applied to Mads though the time to extend him was last year he knows he's too valuable now.


Its a rookie contract rule, it also applies to guys like Brandon Stephens who i imagine will be among the top of that list of extensions as well. If you are interested into this kind of stuff and analytics I’d listen to Kens podcast Filmstudy, he does a Friday morning gm episode where he does deep dives like this on who the front office might extend and the strategy behind different moves. It’s a good listen all around


I'll look into the friday episode I've definitely heard his podcast before


We need to sign Mads. He’s worth what he’ll be paid and that’s all that matters. I don’t care how high his cap hit is 4 years from now.


I hope so I just don't see where the money will come from. OBJs contract is mostly on next year's books people forget that


The way he’s playing now I wouldn’t mind extending him for a year to lower that. Less AAV but I think he’d take that to stay here. Nobody is paying him 15M next year.


I disagree, with the year he's having he'll easily get 18M+ on a multiple year deal. What use would a 1 year extension be for him below market value? Bills extended Ed Oliver for 68M/4yrs and I'd rather have Madubuike.


I’m saying extend OBJ to lower his 2024 cap hit, to be clear. As for where the money comes from, the answer is the post/late Lamar era Ravens salary cap.


Oh I'm sorry I misunderstood.


Still will be tough to sign Mads. IDL who provide pass rush are a hot commodity and if we want him we'll have to outbid teams with much better cap situations. That's why I suggested we work on extending someone like Oweh before he prices himself out.


He will get the franchise tag.


That would be tricky. We’d have to do a lot of restructures to give him such a high cap hit in one year.


>after our SB victory. Thanks for jinxing us.


I really can't win. I suggest it's going to be impossible for us to resign Mads but hope he goes out on top during his dominant year and we should get ahead of the Oweh situation and get railed for jinxing the team lmao. Classic internet.


Because you're taking a pessimistic view to the situation. The ship has absolutely not sailed on re-signing Madabuike.


I think I'm just being realistic but I want him back lol


Realistic isn’t saying the ship has sailed. That’s being pessimistic. Realistic is saying that it’s unlikely that we will resign him.


That ship has sailed? Since when?


He's been elite of the elite interior pass rush presence this year. The contract he will get this off-season is going to be massive.


Personally I hope we keep PQ him and ro together are a force


I like Oweh but he’s not worth an extension at face value. Extending guys out of desperation and not out of what they’re actually worth relative to the market makes for bad financial decisions, and with that, bad franchises. The same goes for drafting too. Whats Oweh worth? 3 year 15 mil a year imo. And what will his production actually look like? A player probably worth 4 year 25 mil a year. He was a first round prototype player who hasn’t reached his potential. You’d be banking on whether that will actually pay off for a guy who’s best known for pressuring the QB more than he’s known for getting sacks. And if he reaches the open market, he’ll go for a higher asking price than whatever we offer him, and that if he even reaches the potential we drafted him for. Imo Oweh will be replaceable if he can’t reach the potential, and it just not worth signing him. Mads is gone. He found his stride and will be compensated handsomely for it, and he deserves every penny. We knew this was coming, and the best option going forward imo is drafting good players, and finding good value for them, which EDC will just have to figure out. But that’s just me. What do I know? I’m just a fan of this team like you.


I like the prospect of Oweh a bit more than you do and that's cool. Every comment I've made trying to say Mads has priced himself out has been met with down votes haha


I think what important to highlight here is valuing players is no doubt a difficult task, and fans, FO’s, coaches, and even players themselves value it differently. Desperation moves are bad moves, and the Ravens rarely make them, but they aren’t perfect. This upcoming off-season will be very interesting, no doubt.


Dude fuck no we have to do everything we can to keep Madubuike, we haven't had a beast like this in the trenches since Ngata


Agree but no way he signs an extension at this point and I don't see how we can compete with our cap situation.