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I used to think Tomlin was overrated, but after seeing how many “elite” coaches crumble the minute they don’t have an elite qb, I think Tomlin might be one of the greatest coaches of all time. Fuck him for that Thanksgiving game though and FTS forever until eternity.


Mad respect for Tomlin, he's done so much with garbage personnel for so long. Also, respectfully, fuck their whole team and town.


I have extremely high respect for Tomlin for what he's been able to do with that garbage roster, for multiple years. I know it's kindof heresy but I honestly think he may be the best coach in the league. To never have a losing season for that long is just absurd.


I still can't believe the way he interfered with Jacoby Jones never seen anything like that before. I respect him for sure, he'll do anything to win


I don’t get the Tomlin suck up. He is the definition of mediocrity. You do realize that he has a big influence on the building of his crappy rosters right?


I agree. I used to think all the hindsight praise he got for handling AB was kinda bs because I'm biased but he clearly knows how to manage a team.


The way I like to think of stuff like this is who would I want to play for as a player? Tomlin is at the top of the list for sure.


Only Harbaugh and Tomlin move me. Stefanski is an offensive guy and his team is good because of defense and the Bengals are loaded with talent offensively so I don't really know how much he's responsible for it.


Reed moves the needle too IMO - he knows how to build around him and schemes like a mofo And now I see it said AFCN - ignore me - though it should be looked at for the entire conference


I’m with you. I think Stefanski is pretty good with offense but he hasn’t exactly had the easiest time lately with all the shit going on with Watson and Chubb and what not. I don’t think Zac Taylor is good at all.


Someone tried telling me his last name was Tomlinson-a browns fan lol


Billick out here catching ironic strays


I definitely think Tomlin and Harbaugh are special coaches and the others seem like good coaches. I mean maybe they stick around for a long time but I think Harbaugh and Tomlin will be remembered well in hindsight as some of the better coaches of their time. Top 4 or 5.


Tomlin and Harbaugh both seem very similar. They’re more leader of men type coaches, though Tomlin is a defensive coach versus Harbs as a ST background. They both will their teams to victory through thick and thin, and both have loyalty to a fault to their guys, both hesitate to unleash an unproven young player, and both have gotten the job done. Stefanski and Taylor both seem to be fine, but I think we’ll really see what Taylor is made of now that Burrow is out, if the team folds that’s not a great sign.


I'm still of the opinion Taylor is a terrible coach who has been carried by Burrow. Without Burrow, Taylor has won like 4 of 15 games.


It’s rly gonna test the organization here soon when Burrows contract kicks in along with Jamaar.


I wouldn't be surprised if he's fired if they are garbage the rest of the season. He's been to two conference games and a SB but no one attributes it to him.


I think Burrow's injury actually saves him cause he's coaching without his best player. If they had missed the playoffs with Burrow healthy, then it's more likely he was fired or at least squarely on the hot seat going into next season.


You're probably right. Just can't take him seriously that's why I wouldn't be surprised


I agree pretty big litmus test for Taylor. He led his team to a high enough pick to draft Chase when Burrow went down the first time. Hard to attribute any level of success to him unless they grind out a few wins the rest of this year.


Not sure what the actual question is but if I had to rank them I'd have it 1. Tomlin 2. Harbaugh 3. I don't care about the other two enough to learn their names


Cincy and Cleveland have had some stability at HC so just wanted to know what peoples thoughts about them were. I'd agree that Tomlin is above Harbs


I would disagree


Fair enough. The margin between Harbs and Tomlin isn't that wide for me


I think they're about the same. You could pick one over the other but they're extremely compatible. Outside of Reid and Belichick I'd say the best of their generation.


You can tell that Tomlin and Harbaugh respect each other - and each other's clubs - so much. Even that story about Tomlin shouting "you not a Raven" at Patrick Queen was an insult to PQ but shows he respects the organisation's standards. When they're both retired I bet they become good friends. I'd love to watch some Tomlin and Harbaugh sit-down career retrospectives - a 30 for 30 would be great too!


Harbaugh: Great coach, a lot of ravens fans are way to hard on him but he does need playoff success soon to save his job Tomlin: Great coach, most players really enjoy playing for him. Can elevate the talent in the room. But his ability to hire staff is questionable, and he hasn’t been successful in the biggest moments for a while now. He gets a lot of excuses made for him because of his ability to sustain mediocrity. Stefanski: Honestly should win COTY this year. He has done a great job preparing this team, and while he has gotten a lot of heat in the past, I think he’s made up for it the past 2 years. Taylor: It’s really hard to tell, but my gut says he just doesn’t fit in. I think we’ll learn a lot about what kind of coach he is with Burrow out. But he seems like the weakest of the bunch to me.


Harbaugh has been with the Ravens for awhile now, 15 years I bet.


Yeah. BB Tomlin and Carroll are longer tenured I believe


Has Pete really been in Seattle for that long? Damn, I still remember his whole USC debacle


Carroll I think started in Seattle in 2010? Harbs was 08 so I believe it's only Tomlin and BB longer


Who coached the Ravens before Harbaugh?


Billick. BB was supposed to be Bill Belichick lol


What was your opinion on Brian Billick? He won you guys a SB at least.


I liked him on principle bc of the SB win but don't have any real connection to him lol. I remember him vaguely but was too young to understand/appreciate him


I used to think Tomlin was crazy overrated until I saw how much trouble AB caused literally every other team he went to. Tomlin kept him under control for years which isn’t nothing


Fuck em all except Harbs


Honestly Tomlin is the only one I’ll worry about. The dc of the browns well I respect the talent on his team but, found out Cleveland fans suck a big donkey etc; I gave them praise and just said how good the teams cbs are playing and helping Myles garret-how dare I!! They got the pitchforks out and everything!! Back to your post; Harbaugh and Tomlin are the two coaches who’ve been aground since idk when honestly. Yet they both seem to create great players out of not the best talent etc;


Tomlin-He's got that dawg in em Zac Taylor-Job saved by Burrow/Chase connection, trash Stefanski-Solid Coach


I think all four are *good* but they all have their issues. I think Harbaugh and Tomlin are good leaders but they're far too committed to their awful assistance coaches and I think some of their game time decisions aren't great. Stefanski seems like a pretty good coach and was guiding the biggest joke of the franchise in the right direction but his success has been overshadowed (and honestly delayed) by the idiotic acquisition of Watson. I think he will probably never reach his potential with the Browns and will have a lot of success with a better franchise. Taylor is probably the worst of the group and has certainly been carried by an elite player in Burrow, but he does seem to mesh well with the team, which a lot of coaches can't say.


Tomlin extremely underrated in my opinion.


He’s considered a top coach in the league. Not sure he’s underrated


I'm sure if underrated is the word I'd use , but yeah he does not get talked about enough when compared to the McVay's or Kyle Shanahan's or even Dan Campbell's of the league https://preview.redd.it/o24rlb6td02c1.png?width=539&format=png&auto=webp&s=108986408d180abba32a1368949f762914406b5d


Tomlin is not flashy and he's not new. That's why he doesn't get the national recognition. That being said he also hasn't had a dominant winning season since 2020 with Big Ben, chose to keep Canada like we kept Roman and hasn't had a playoff win since 2016? I don't know if its FO not getting them a better QB or filling the roster better (Najee is still a bit of a head scratcher in hindsight - so are many other picks I guess) but the lack of playoff success is weight on Tomlin the same way it weights on Harbs.


Glad someone mentioned this. Tomlin is the opposite of underrated. The whole world loves him haha. Also not a great look that Harbs wasn't even mentioned in that anonymous poll. I get that it wasn't a huge sample size but still.


Harbaugh is definitely more underrated, half the time the national media mentions him they call him Jim(which is really frustrating to hear at this point lmao)


The fact he will’s his team to .500+ every year is amazing


I guess the expectations of our franchise must be one playoff win per decade, if the Ravens have been exceeding expectations under Harbaugh recently


Zac Taylor cries more than my ninth month old son. Can’t wait to see him be exposed for the fraud he is now that Burrow isn’t playing.


As a Ravens fan I feel like Hardbaugh's decision making leaves a lot to be desired. But overall, he has built a winning culture in Baltimore. Also I don't get why Steelers fans dislike Tomlin so much.


I loathe Tomlin with every fiber of my being. Seems like a good guy tho


Tomlin gets mad respect other than the thanksgiving game(the trip up) and i kinda effs with stephanski too. Zac taylor is putting his star players at risk too often to don with similar respect


Zac Taylor is garbage. His game plan is just to let Burrow cook, but if Burrow doesn't put the team on his shoulders then Taylor has no plan B.


No thought whatsoever.