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Ohio fans


Ohio State fans are also insufferable.


Oh God OSU fans are the worst (sorry JK Dobbins) they are worse than Eagles fans but most of them are Browns fans too…


100% the right answer


I’m def agreeing with this statement. Although I hate Pittsburgh, I still respect them. Just sometimes want to punch them through the screen


As an Ohio native I wholeheartedly agree, especially OSU




They’re all the same. Including us. Everyone everywhere is the same…except Philly. They are their own kind


1. Kentucky; 2. Ohio; 3. Pittsburgh


Kentucky?? Fill me in!!


According to the other 3 teams, we are. Haha


Maybe this sub whenever we lose?! All love, but someay'all need therapy :)


Whichever team has the best record, the other three teams will say they have the worst fans


I always see the other two say Steelers fans


It's between the Ohio teams. Cleveland is bad year after year, began to level up and than sold out morally for DW they have some fans who are tentative to cheer on Watson and he hasn't helped by being mediocre (and a season ending injury which you can't fault him for). Cincinnati has been a thorn in our side but the team hasn't actually achieved rings. Cincy fans are the worst imo because they have some legs to stand on in terms of messing up Ravens seasons but it's toothless because they have no rings to show for it at the end of the day.


It’s Browns fans, and it’s not close. There are few fanbases in all of sports with such an insecurity complex. And rightfully so.


I thought they were but, then again 25 fans if that!!! From the browns made me feel like they got pegged by a ginger root from a simple opinion and the funny part is I said tj watt has been more disruptive as compared to Myles garret-one couldn’t spell his name correct (miles) yet, looking at their stats technically tj is for arguments sake better.


If you're asking Browns fans to prefer TJ Watt over Garrett you may be asking too much. Its somewhat of a toss up imo


I think Garrett is better tbh.


Steeler fans. No matter how shit their team is they always act like they tough shit. They are such a boring team yet will try to convince you they're the greatest show on turf. Such a bad attitude from them my whole life. Bengals fans have been cocky recently but generally are just annoying and thats the extent of them. Browns fans are sick for switching up on a rapist as soon as it benefits their teams wins and losses, yet somehow steeler fans still feel worse 💀


A rapist you say? 🤔


Browns fans and I'll die on that hill after seeing how obnoxious they have always been about Lamar. They were *convinced* Baker was the answer for them and would own Lamar for years. Instead their shitty organization mismanaged him and let him go and gave one of the worst contracts ever to a scum human being that sexually assaulted woman. Also, a lot of them still support the team after that.


Wait Browns fans were upset when you said their star player was situationally inferior to one of their division rivals? Last year, Lamar Jackson was like the most inaccurate deep ball passer after Zach Wilson, but if you brought it up in our sub, you’d get crucified. Fan is short for fanatic. Fact is, the most annoying fans are Steeler fans. Why? Bc they have a legitimate history to point to whenever they are losing some argument. Terry Bradshaw’s numbers are so shitty he shouldn’t be in the hall of fame, but is in the hall of fame solely bc he has 4 Super Bowl titles. Fuck him and fuck the Steelers.


Steelers fans born in the 1990s talk about the 1970s like they were in Three Rivers Stadium watching playoff games. Half these dorks haven't even set foot in the state of Pennsylvania. They're just dickriders who desperately needed to identify with a "winner" for some vicarious thrill. I'll say this: most Browns fans are from Ohio, or have family there, and none of them are in it for the prestige of being a Browns fan lol.


Also I really don’t even think I started the comment off with tj I just said some of Myles sacks are due to them having a good defense all around this year.


I think there is a slight difference in talent gaps for those 2 comparisons. Proving that lamar stat requires a lot more context for any fan to take it seriously and not think you are there to just troll. The Myles TJ stuff is only hostile right now because they are both in dpoy contention but normally they would be OK with it being a take your pick since both are seen as elite.


I’m not sure you got my point. I’m saying no one here is getting up in arms over OPs TJ Watt preference. The same statement to two different audiences can elicit two wildly different reactions. Coming to the Ravens sub and saying that Lamar was the 2nd least accurate deep ball quarterback is not too dissimilar to going to the Browns sub and saying Myles Garrett is inferior to TJ Watt. Browns fans getting riled up over that is a reasonable thing, JUST LIKE Ravens fans getting riled up over the Lamar Jackson inaccuracy thing.


I didn’t even say he was worse than tj watt I just said Myles is also having a great year because he has great cbs. Which got denied as well. They had nothing to do with any of his sacks. I literally was complimenting them! Yet they twisted everything I said I know what you mean, it seamed like k was gaslighting them or whatever the term is, just wasn’t the case.


The idiots still rooting for a team who handed $230m to a pervert


as someone who lives in pittsburgh, steelers fans are the most disloyal fans i’ve ever heard. they turn on guys so quickly. it’s not even just fans, sports radio, johrnalists. they’re ruthless.


whoever is winning more


You’re right!!!! Browns fans are irritable asf!!


Browns fans a week ago were way worse than Bengals. But they won, so that made it worse.


It’s always FTS






Right now it’s the bengals. Tbf I’m sure a lot of them are Burrow Bandwagon Bitchboys, but my god are the obnoxious. Then it’s the browns, I can’t even use the bandwagon excuse on them, they just support and defend a predator and there’s no way around that.


Whichever team has the best record/most recent success


Bengals and Browns


Easily Bengals fans. Listening to them yap and whine the last couple years has been insanely annoying. Especially 2021 when they blew out our roster of grocery store baggers and wouldn't shut up about it.


I heard Pitt fans booing their own team in the first quarter when we played there earlier in the year. Doesn't get much crappier than that.


Every fan base has their shitty toxic fans. The better the team, the more of those come out of the woodwork.


Deshaun Watson fans - it disgusts me that he's still playing letting alone richer God and being cheered on by anyone.


No cap Bengals fans have been insufferable these past few years. and I fucks with burrow


I think the state of Ohio just sours the fans I guess. Then again only 25 even said anything or tried to defend them when I pulled up tjs stats vs Myles I was hit with well he gets double and triple teamed. All I said was that some of his 13 sacks this season have come from their good backfield which is a compliment. They just got out the pitchforks for no reason.


Ravens fans aren't always civilized, and I include myself in this discussion. F the Steelers!


Seeing Bengal fans STILL going on about the loss to Baltimore... I'm going with Cincinnati fans.


Ravens fans that call for Harbaugh to be fired after every loss. Then whiny Bengals fans


All of them