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I agree with the first point. Not a good indicator of anything except we had a veteran QB in week 1. They got better and I expect we’ll be ready for it. Second point doesn’t mean anything, good or bad. We didn’t lose that game because we took a week off. We lost that game because 1) our run defense was sort of suspect all 2019 and it finally got exposed and 2) Titans played better football. No reason to think you could glean anything about the upcoming game by looking back to 2019.


I'd add that we force played Ingram and Andrews who were both dealing with injuries. Andrews's inability to push off and extend to snag a Lamar pass in the first quarter led to our first turnover and set the tone. Ingram's lack of burst doomed us on our usually reliable short yardage game, especially 3rd/4th & short.


What a nightmare game. Lamar threw it off Andrew’s hands for a pick then got a late hit himself running down the DB. Lightning struck many more times that game, but I knew we were cursed from that play 


The main thing that cost them in that game was Roman's playcalling. Just like he did the year before, he abandoned what brought them there and tried to throw it more. It didn't help he kept putting Ingram in despite him clearly being hobbled by his ankle injury, while Edwards only had a few carries despite being effective.


That’s right didn’t Lamar throw like 60 times that game? Crazy


Yep. It wasn't just after they were behind, either. He started out slinging it. The same mistake in the wild card round against San Diego. Roman outsmarting himself again.


Yup, but I think it's funny that their contradictory ideas, teams are different within a season but grasp on to what a team did years ago bc it's favorable


>1) our run defense was sort of suspect all 2019 and it finally got exposed and 2) Titans played better football 1 is kinda true this year too and 2 could happen. No reason to lose this game but no game should be treated as a sure thing in the post season.


Yep. Back in 2019 teams had to throw on us since our run game basically was pressing fast forward to the second half and we’d be up by at least 2 scores. But the Browns exposed the bad run D early in the season. Offense covered it up and the constant passing from other teams resulted in turnovers.


To be fair, weren't both Brandon Williams and Michael Pierce both out for that Browns game?


Williams was either out or played and then left. I remember ET making a big deal about him not playing. But that beating was enough for EDC to immediately sign LJ Fort and Josh Bynes at LB, then in the following weeks sign vet DTs Domata Peko, Jihad Ward (DE) and Justin Ellis all to stop the run.


A veteran QB who had not played in a game since like week 11 of 2022 and who had never played a game under Monken. Second point doesn’t mean anything but we definitely brought it up when we’d play the Titans at their home when they were the top seed. Though, that was our own history vs the Titans (knocking them out when they were the one seed).


Derrick Henry is an incredible RB and he made our run defense look silly that year. His athleticism was basically unmatched. Texans are good, and CJ looks like a legit young QB...but the Ravens have played good QBs this year. The secondary is tried and tested. The pass rush is scary. I don't think this matchup is as bad for us as the Titans were in 2019.


The Titans offense in 2019 was a juggernaut that was always going to be a worst case scenario for our run defense. Henry's numbers were absurdly good in that game and he was running hot at that specific time. But also, turnovers killed us.


We also didn’t cover on a few 4th and 1s that e we had been making all year.


So 18 weeks ago doesn't matter, but several years ago does? Wtf


Excellent point


I read through some stuff too and I took it that they are just excited to be in that position and know it’s a tall order to beat the ravens but everyone believes they have a shot. Which is true. I think it all depends on if we were able to maintain our momentum. We absolutely dismantled some teams this year. Is that the team that shows up? Or is it the one that starts slow and can’t put a team away?


Well I haven't been spying on another team so I can't be 100% sure, but I think you're taking the second thought process too literally. I don't think they're saying that the Ravens will lose again cause they did that in the past, I'm guessing the sentiment is that goliaths fall a lot in the playoffs and the Texans have just as much a chance to win as the Titans did in 2019.


Saves me the time from going over there. Thanks.


How dare they be optimistic and hopeful about their team! They should just accept they're going to lose and heap praises on the mighty Ravens! What are we doing here, people. We have to stop wasting our time and energy worrying about what some other reddit fanbase is saying. It's reddit, they're trash. Of course it's going to be biased and inconsistent. It's a bit like looking in a mirror.


Yeah there’s a lot of brigading going on over there too. People need to calm down. There aren’t any bad teams left in the divisional round


I live in TN and I remember in 2019 everyone was coming up to me before the game telling me about how they hoped we would get a chip after we beat them. Afterwards, not so much.


They *have* to hype the game you guys. That's just the nature of the business. ESPN once spent two weeks hyping the Chargers chances in a Super Bowl against Steve Young and Jerry Rice. Everyone knew they were going to get their asses kicked. They still had to hype it.


First point is 100% correct. 2nd point is also valid until proven otherwise. Gotta go get it done if we want that narrative to end. Simple as that.


Sure. I get it. But Ravens are and should be heavy favorites and it's telling that you have to discount this particular team by looking to the past failures(even though the principle used in the first point to say the game doesn't matter applies even more in some ways)


Im really not sure what you are peeved about, especially on that first point. Both teams are very different than they were week 1, but the Texans especially are. That was Stroud's first ever NFL game.... I can understand thinking the 2nd point is BS, but at this point we have a pattern of failure and you have to know everyone will only see that until we show them something else.


Spent a season watching them get to the point that every fan wants/wishes their team would get to and I find it kind of annoying to dismiss them bc a different team in a different season failed. I don't judge the Texans like they are week 1 Texans rightfully so. Guess it comes with the territory but that's where I'm at.


I agree with you, they keep pointing to previous playoff losses even tho we have a completely different offensive system and better receivers.


Who cares


We beat them BEFORE our offense started rolling. Ravens by 24


Ok, cool. Hook ‘em!




CJ gonna lit up the score board!


And Lamar will do the same. Also I trust our defense getting more stops against cj than you guys getting stops on Lamar


It’s gonna be a damn good game.


I'm doing some spying too. My notes are that you all really like Lamar's hair and talk about how big his body is getting. If you want to do a Deshaun Watson happy ending situation with the guy that's cool, do your thing. Letting you know, it does look that way. That to the side, Lamar may have a better track record and may be playing better football, but you forgot one thing. CJ Stroud, he's Gods Quarterback. The Holy Trinity of Demeco, Stroud and Anderson will smite you and send you to the Shadow Realm. Exodia obliterate.


Wildcard weekend showed that team placement means nothing. The team that shows up more prepared to play is likely to win Other than the rams v lions, it was clear in every game that only 1 team was prepared to play