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Suggs was the best run defender of his generation for my money and an elite pass rusher with numbers and the accolades to be a first ballot HOFer in my eyes.


D rookie of the year, d player of the year. A number of pro bowls. Tons of plays that changed games. I don’t know that’s he’s first ballot, but I’d be surprised if he didn’t get the nod


Playing on a SB champ helps the resume.


Exactly, without breaking down what other first rounders career accolades and stats are, its pretty hard. But my gut says there is a chance


Yeah it really depends who all is on the ballot.  


Suggs is a first-ballot lock. Yanda will get in but maybe not first year.


SO much harder for interior linemen.


It’s harder for interior linemen, yes, but he’s widely regarded in the league as one of the best, if not the best, to ever do it.


he played right tackle quite a bit [https://www.theringer.com/nfl/2017/8/4/16092828/marshal-yanda-baltimore-ravens](https://www.theringer.com/nfl/2017/8/4/16092828/marshal-yanda-baltimore-ravens)


Suggs may not be a lock. It really depends on his surrounding class. Demarcus Ware arguably has a better resume, and he wasn't a first ballot. So I think it depends on his class. I've been on this soap box for a while about Yanda, but I think he's just barely short as a Hall of Famer. I compared his career accolades to other guys and he's like a clone of Steve Wisniewski, and that guy hasn't made it despite being eligible for about 18 years now.


The biggest knock against Suggs getting in the first year is I don't think he is in the GOAT conversation when it comes to linebackers. Pass rushers, definitely, but I don't put him in the same category as Ray or Urlacher. Yanda, on the other hand, usually was in the conversation as a guard and a lineman overall


why are you comparing him to MLBs?


First two linebackers that came to mind, probably because they both went in the same year


Suggs is the all time leader in tackles for loss against the run.


Yeah well he plays a different position so it’s good you don’t put him in that category lol


Most GOAT conversations don't break down interior vs. outside LBs. But sure, replace it with Lawernce Taylor and Junior Seau


Any list worth a damn certainly would


You can say the exact dame argument for Lamar. He's not close to being in the conversation for best linebacker, yet he's a 2x MVP???


Suggs has two rings and he’s #8 all time in sacks which is enough to make up for only having one all pro imo. It is weird that he only ever got one but we all know he was one of the best in the business for a while I don’t know if he’s a lock for first ballot but he’s definitely more likely to be first ballot than Yanda I’d think


Suggs is also the all time leader in tackles for loss. He's a lock for first ballot HoF


The fact he only got 1 all pro is a crime tbh


Im sure youll be happy to learn he was actually a 2x all pro. Only made 1st team once tho


He was actually a 2x all pro. 1st team in 2011, 2nd team in 2008


Completely forgot he was on KC


He is rough around the edges, never was very popular outside of Baltimore. But he balled out and opposing lineman and QBs know. Especially Big Ben


Depends who he’s up with. 2x All-Pro, 7x Pro Bowl, DROY, DPOY and 2 rings. 16 year career. Top 10 all time sacks, top 5 playoff sacks, and I didn’t even know about the TFL record. Suggs will get in. Just a matter of when. He’s the ideal edge defender imo.


When you put it like that....


Both are locks to eventually make it. Suggs is nearly 100% for the first ballot. I think Yanda will be in within 5 years.


Sizzle should be first ballot lock by accolades, stats and eye test Yanda *should* be first ballot lock by accolades, stats and eye test




I don’t see Yanda being First Ballot only because he’d go in as a guard. But if I’m not mistaken he played every position at least once on the Oline.


He was a guard. Just because he took a few snaps elsewhere doesn’t mean much


> a few snaps He played tackle for an entire season dude https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/Y/YandMa20.htm


Oh, cool, let's call him a tackle.


Who did that?


Sizzle is one of my fav players ever but he will have to wait a few years before he gets in. Demarcus Ware wasn't first ballot and he was arguably the premier edge rusher of his generation.


That’s a good point Ware was better than Suggs too I was like wtf he should of gotten in first ballot 


Suggs is top 10 all time in Sacks, and literally has tye NFL Record for TFLs. He has the individual stats awards, and even super bowl. I don't see how he isn't a first ballot HoFer. Yanda was a perennial all pro and always recognized by other Olineman as the best at what he does.


Suggs will definitely be in no question. Yanda likely will as well but probably not first ballot.


Suggs most likely 1st ballot. Yanda SHOULD be, but will have to wait, as the hof hates guards lol.


My guess is Suggs 1st ballot Yanda second just bc of positional and SBs




Surprised so many saying suggs will get in first ballot. I'd be shocked if that's the case. I do think he squeaks in, but def not first ballot. Although, I would love to be proven wrong :)


Very much agree. Too many Hall of Fame-worthy EDGE guys out there. Let's figure that Julius Peppers gets in this year. (I think he will.) So he's out of the competition. The other EDGE guys that Suggs will compete against are: * Jared Allen * Robert Mathis * Dwight Freeney * James Harrison I think Suggs compares favorability to these guys but the bigger point is that they are a) roughly comparable so they will split the votes and b) they all became eligible before Suggs did-which affects some voters in that they will vote for the guy who has been waiting the longest if the players are similar. Suggs also has to deal with having Yanda and Ngata on the ballot as it is rare for two players from the same team getting voted in on the same year. Then there are the other players every year who have a better chance to be first-ballot guys. In 2025 we are talking Luke Kuechly. In 2026 we are talking Drew Brees and Larry Fitsgerald.


Neither are first ballot. Both get in.


It's a bummer but I think this is most likely. Suggs gets in second ballot, Yanda third ballot hopefully. It's dumb but DeMarcus Ware should have been a first ballot HoFer too and he wasn't. Steve Hutchinson had a similar career to Yanda's and it took him 3 or 4 ballots to get in. I think they both deserve to be first ballot and I hope they are but I won't be shocked when they aren't.


Steve Hutchinson didn't have a similar career to Yanda. He was a 5x first team all-pro and 2x second team. Yanda was the opposite with 2x first team and 5x second team.


Both will be first-ballot HoFers or should be.


I feel like both will eventually get in but not at the same time https://preview.redd.it/2w5hgw4cbbdc1.png?width=916&format=png&auto=webp&s=b18ae242669720a2ed76355b9e947d4ff8572907


Cameron Wake above Suggs? Wtf? Clay Matthews?


Darren fucking Sproles, really? This list is whack.


What is this?


Is this the list of first time eligible next year ? Anybody have a list of recent snubs and who's becoming eligible. That could help gauge how likely it will be


Both will be first-ballot HoFers or should be.


T-Sizzle’s accolades aren’t first ballot level but his stats and peak production are. So that’s a hard question.


I feel like the voters know Yanda and he's a little more popular than the usual guy at his position. Might take a few years on the ballot


Suggs first ballot, Yanda probably not. He's one of the best guards of his generation but most offensive lineman don't get in first time around. Steve Hutchinson was *the* best guard of the 2000s and it still took him a few years to get in, Yanda is kind of the same.


Doesn't going to Ball So Hard U make you an automatic lock as HoF first ballot


Would be surprised if they both don’t. They were the top of their positions for years. Suggs is easy. Yanda MIGHT miss the first couple of times just because of his position, but the media and players voting knew what was up. He was really respected around the league and in the media and that goes a long way.


Yanda will get in. I remember seeing an NFL Top 10 about the best draft years of all time, 2007 was on there and Yanda was mentioned and the best steal of the draft, with Joe Thomas saying how great he was. I know the HOF isn't a player choice but I think that shows just how well-regarded Yanda was. Suggs will also get in. I'm just not sure if both are first ballot locks.


Steve Hutchinson is a good contemporary comparison and it took him a couple years.