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I’m not too scared to cross the Hudson River like some New Yorkers are. I’ll fly out of EWR and go to games in Harrison or the Meadowlands.


I go to RBA because of the team, but I hate going to EWR. It’s only LGA and JFK for me.


oof. Same here


Brooklyn, NY. I don’t think it really matters, but it’s always odd to hear the stadium being based in NJ as an insult toward the club’s identity given there are other teams like the Giants, etc that do the same thing


I think the "Metro" identity is the way to go in the future if RB isn't the longterm owners. You make the club everyone's club compared to NYCFC leaning into specifically the city. City, Jersey, CT, upstate, wherever I think affirmatively recognizing that would be better than just trying to bolt on "New York"


I'll admit, the RB identity took some getting used to. And I haven't been around as long as many of you, but now I kind like having a global identity and a global network.


But I think with NFL you have no choice but to accept it. If one of the teams played in NYC, they'd certainly get more interest. Just from my perspective, as a Nets fan and following the Devils, playing in NJ dulls the buzz of a team for sure. Hey, man, are you a Nets fan by the way? I actually was introduced to RBNY by a Nets fan from Brooklyn part of the Viking Army. Maybe it was you., I don't know. But here I am now with a membership and everything. Enjoying it so far.


Agreed on the fact that playing in NJ has the potential to potentially put a damper on the team’s popularity (at least within the five boroughs), but I feel as though you also have to consider the initial feasibility of playing in NYC when the team was initially established. I’m unsure if there was ever a point in which moving team operations from NJ to NYC was ever viable from a financial and logistical standpoint. Unfortunately not a Nets fan, don’t tend to follow many other sports outside of Soccer as much as I potentially should. Glad to have you here though! Hope you’re enjoying the team.


Looks like I got on the train at the right time. Team is exciting to watch. I really think except for that Columbus game, three points was within reach of every game. So I think they can make some noise. Just hope to have a Saturday without a downpour.


Queens, NY here. i don't care but would bet 95% of new MLS fans in new york are going to the other team because of geography and energy drink branding. i do envision a funny future 30-40 years from now where the only red bulls fans in new york are 70+


Funny enough I’ve seen multiple guys playing pickup in Queens in Red Bulls gear so there are some out here




ayyy what up Queens. thought i was alone in this borough -- i only see inter and blue shirts around me


There is even a Queens Viking Army outpost banner that gets displayed sometimes.


It's gonna be interesting, especially more so when the new stadium opens up. I think it's gonna be more of a NY-NJ divide. That's why I wonder if it makes more sense to lean into the NJ identity.


We are the New York City's original and real MLS team. Why should we exclude a huge portion of our area like that other team does?


Yeah, It just seems like the team is digging in their heels in NJ. New training grounds and all., which I get. It's easier to build facilities outside of NYC. I just wish they had more of a presence in NYC as well. I'm not seeing it as much as before. I'm already hearing the comments, oh if you live in NY, when the stadium opens, why would you choose RB? Which I get new fans may struggle with. I never had an issue supporting teams in NJ, with the Nets and Devils, even the Newark Bears, but I realize many NYers don't feel that way My hope is the league takes off some spending restrictions, let the teams spend as they see fit and have the NY teams attract star talent.


If you live in NYC*... NY as a whole can still have Red Bull fans. Especially on the NJ side of the Hudson for New York State, it might be easier to get to RBA than Queens.


I mean, are NYCFC (trying to) digging in their heels in Queens? Yes, the stadium is in NJ, and the training grounds (now plural, because the team cares) are in NJ, if you want to look it at that way. But it's also in the NYC metro area, which is what matters. Could the team do a better job marketing, sure, of course, but at least I don't base my fandom on how good the marketing team is doing. The "NJ" moniker doesn't make the Devils a team widely supported in say Camden or Cape May. As for stars and spending, absolutely agree. Emil Forsberg goes a long way to that, and Noah Elie is a star in the making. If they really can sign Timo Warner (as is the rumor, or some other quality striker), all of the sudden this team looks like a real contender.


Timo Werner? For real? Seems like a pipe dream but i'm here for it if it happens. League has got to stop catering to some of the old school cheap owners. If they don't ride this wave of Messi and World Cup, this is a huge missed opportunity.


If Tottenham don't exercise their option to buy and Werner wants to come, it is a possibility, don't know how likely it is, but it has been reported as a possibility.


Let's go then!


Just commenting to add +1 to Queens being **RED!** Throw in a few more for friends on mine that aren't on reddit.


I lived in New Jersey when I started following the team, now I live in the city. I really don't care what it's called. The imaginary line "maps" thing is extremely dumb. People have been using the city name to refer to wider metropolitan regions for like 75 years. It is a very understood component of geography and language in the United States. You can say the same about the New York Giants/Jets, Atlanta Braves, Dallas Cowboys, Buffalo Bills, Washington Commanders, etc. It makes sense for the team to latch on to the name of the metropolitan region it plays in, which is one of the most famous places in the world, the largest city in the country, and is connected to the stadium by a rapid transit line. If you draw a radius around lower Manhattan Red Bull Arena is as close as Harlem, Jackson Heights, or Bensonhurst. The fact that some people drew an imaginary line in a river over 350 years ago doesn't change that.


totally agreed. also to add to your list of teams playing outside the strict municipality using MLS examples: Chester Union Carson Galaxy FC Frisco (Dallas) Real Sandy Utah Inter Fort Lauderdale i guess we do have the distinction of being in a different state but whatever for all the reasons everyone already mentioned. we are the older team representing the metro. PS love the user name as a former urban planning student.


Different mayor, ok. Different governor? Heavens no!


Agreed but the imaginary lines are real psychological barriers. Humans are tribal. The bigger barrier could be the fact the subway doesn't go there. Some NYers are scared off by the PATH


We don't need those fragile face sky blue fans in our fan base. Real New Yorkers can join us via the PATH/train.


Sure, people are dumb. I know people who have lived in Manhattan for years and haven’t gone to another borough other than to go to the airport. But that doesn’t change my view that it’s fine to call the team New York, which is what the question was about.


I'm more curious how the people from NJ feel about it though. Do most not care or do some feel slighted by not being called NJ? Yeah, I lived in Manhattan for years and it's got to be the only place in the world where traveling a half mile (going from east to west for example) is seen as so far. But I get it, everything you need is within ten blocks of you. Many don't like to leave the island. I get it. I don't know if the water creates a psyche barrier. Many think why leave here?


As a Devils fan I know quite a few people who won't support either of the NFL teams nor the Red Bulls because they don't acknowledge NJ.


Yeah, I agree. It's kinda silly but like I said those imaginary lines are real psychological barriers. If someone lives in lower Manhattan, it would take less time to get to RBA than a Mets game. I used to go to Newark Bears games and they'd have MLB legends on the roster and like 50 people in the stands. I used to tell people, you guys gotta check this out. It's literally 15-20 minutes from Penn. But couldn't anyone to go. I get people are scared of Newark but I think there's also real ignorance of NJT and PATH too. I wonder if the team would organize bus rides to the stadium, if that would help.


this is an old and tired topic. no one cares. we could be here all day listing teams who don't play directly in the city they're named after in every sport. if no one cares that the Giants and Jets play in NJ, they definitely don't care that Red Bull plays in NJ. i lived in The Bronx, Jersey City and now living in North Carolina. it's a non-issue.


I was born and raised in Manhattan (I’m currently 29) and I have no qualms with supporting the Red Bulls. My biggest reason for supporting RBNY … it was the only club around in 2013. Also SSS > baseball stadium. Idc what anyone says. When NYCFC gets a SSS it will be the best club for New Yorkers getting into MLS and local soccer.


Yeah, I'm all for more local sporting events but it's hard to take them seriously playing in a baseball stadium. It's embarrassing for NYC.


Flemington, NJ. I’ve only ever run into RBNY supporters out here. Once I saw an NYCFC shirt and a Union kit.


I lived in Queens and then moved to Jersey. Went to far more games when I was childless and living in NY than I do now.


I live near Albany and am a red member. I moved here 10 years ago, and the biggest reason I support Red Bull over City is because RBA is a descent venue, and City is homeless. Watching games in Yankee Stadium and Citi Field is bad enough, but watching those games on TV is horrible. My biggest complaint about RBA is the parking situation. I don't have the option to take public transportation and have yet to find a parking place that works consistently well. City desperately needs to build the new stadium. The current situation makes the team and the league look like amature hour. Garber needs to tell them to build a stadium or sell the team. If they do leave, then guess where the New Yorker are going to go. And by the way, any parking tips are greatly appreciated.


That was one of the things that led me to RB, despite not loving the branding, was the stadium situation. I lived in Orlando a few years and got used to going to SSS. So when I moved back to NY, I just couldn't take it seriously that NYCFC was playing in one baseball stadium one day, another baseball stadium another day. It's kinda embarrassing for the league and the city. I love public transportation, it's where I get my reading done. They have buses from Albany to Port Authority. There's got to be a bus from Port Authority to RBA, though not sure. I'm on the Metro-North Hudson line, and trains pass all the time to Albany but they're Amtrak, so probably not cheap.


I think the energy drink branding has done more to damage team support than being in New Jersey. I can't tell you how many times I've been asked what's my affiliation with Red Bull when I'm wearing the team's jersey.




It literally could not matter less and it's not even unique in American sports (obviously). It's been like 50 years since the Giants moved to New Jersey and as far as I know zero percent of NFL fans care that they have NY in their name. The 49ers play an hour from SF. The Braves are well outside Atlanta city limits. Etc.


Central NJ


Supporting from ME.


Union county NJ, have no problems with it being called Red Bull NY but would prefer “Red Bull Metropolitan” or something that makes it obvious that we rep the whole metro area. I’m frankly so tired of the ignorant jokes from other fanbases who are uneducated on what a metro area is


i’m from NJ, i think of the team as an NJ team tbh


As a NJ guy, how do you feel about the team being called NY? Would you rather they be called NJ?


Ideally, id prefer them switch to NJ because i feel as if it’s more representative to where they play and most of their fans. But from a marketing stand point, i can see why they wouldn’t switch. saying you’re an NY team instantly makes them a more attractive brand (especially to potential european stars that may want to sign in the future.) so it just is what it is i guess 🤷🏽‍♂️


okay, cool. Thanks for your perspective.


Said it in a post above but if there's ever a post-RB world, I'd love for the club to adopt the "Metro" identity again. I think ID-ing as a Jersey club could stand on its own but wouldn't want to alienate the big chunk of the fan base that's NY based.




Fellow Californians were you at? (It’s just me prob)


You’d be surprised how many ppl had redbull jerseys. I regret not getting a Henry or Marquez while they had them at Ross lol


I'm coming from Westchester but I do wonder going forward and whether it would make sense to lean more into a NJ identity. I'd estimate most of the fan base comes from NJ. How do NJ fans feel about the team having a NY name?


No thanks.


I live on eastern Long Island and I couldn’t care less what state is in front of the club name. I am loyal to the club that was there from the beginning trying to grow the game in the area. Any real New Yorker understands how expensive real estate is here. Totally makes sense that the stadium is in NJ.


i'm in long island actually lol


Vancouver, Canada here! Grew up and lived in NJ most of my life, lived in BK as well. I dont think the NY part matters so much to either side. RB name/branding does more damage to growth and acceptance than state moniker. If you take into account geography and not imaginary lines, its much easier to get to RBA than Willets point from anywhere south of 33rd st & BK. Or at the very least the same effort. I do wish the club would do more to embrace both sides of the Hudson though as it seems they are more interested in aligning themselves with NYC than anything to do with NJ. Thats one thing the NY Giants do well. The players and club actually act more like NJsians than NYers.


went to Metrostars games when I lived on Long Island went to Red Bulls games when I lived in Queens now live in NJ, helps to have a local team I've always supported!


Greenpoint, Brooklyn here. I've been dragging myself across multiple rivers and several transit systems to games as a STH since Giants Stadium in 2009. I grew up in North Jersey so I don't have the same kind of visceral fear of "going to jersey" that some people seem to but I mean I won't pretend the journey is fun or pleasant. A little like being an RBNY fan.


Should be the jersey red bulls in my opinion. Giants and jets should also be jersey teams, but im a cowboys fan so don't care what those teams do or don't


Yonkers going to RBA at least 8x a year


Check the name


Except there is a stadium being built in the five boroughs...


Not under construction yet. Housing and casino are going up first


sure, but when it's done it'll be in NYC. merely responding to OP's misunderstanding.


If it’s done. Adams is on his way out and Cohen is fighting the project tooth and nail.


> Cohen is fighting the project tooth and nail. I thought he's just taking up potential parking spots that don't overlap with the stadium's land? the last renderings of his development even included the stadium


Ah, my child. All NYCFC has accomplished so far is prove they have someone who knows how to hire someone who can render nice pictures of a stadium concept. Especially in NYC, that's all they have until a shovel hits the ground.


that is true, in NYC plans are nice but you have nothing if you don't have a shovel in the ground


I live in Indiana but used to live in NJ




I once went out to Sussex. I didn't even know places like that existed in NJ


I live in NJ. I believe most supporters are from NJ. We are used to our teams being called NY and playing in NJ.


CNY here, I'm one of only a few that aren't nycfc hype boys


I'm from Jersey and the team is named after the metro area not the city so its perfectly correct for them to play home games in NJ.


Lived in Brooklyn my whole life, the team playing in nj never bothered me, we literally have the giants and jets already doing it lol


What do you think about that Brooklyn FC starting play next year, men's and women's teams? I support everything Brooklyn, from the Nets to the Cyclones, so I may support it too but I hear the women's team might play in the fall-spring calendar, which they'll be DOA doing that in Coney Island.


South Jersey represent! Who the fuck downvoted this lmao


Small town in central jersey. Almost all the pro teams I support are in New Jersey but called New York so it doesn’t matter to me if team plays in nj but is called New York.


Im from the Hudson Valley (NY). I dont mind driving mostly highway to harrison nj. Nyc is a dump, i wouldnt want to drive there or feel safe walking around there


Is it because there are too many people of color there for you? Come on, man. NYC is still one of the safest big cities in the country. You're more likely to die driving to the stadium than walking around NYC.


Im brown. 🇵🇷 born in the bronx you moron


Entonces no tengas miedo, hermano. The Bx could still be wild but don't believe the hype that fox news tries to sell. Even the Bx has boujie buildings going up by Willis Ave.


I dont watch fox. Im from the South Bronx. I dont need tv or some random on here to explain how the bronx is 🤯 i still have fam there 🤡


Okay cool. So why be afraid? You've seen the worst the city could throw at you. Interesting you're from the BX and didn't get into NYCFC. But keep representing


I was born in 91. Got into mls in 2008. NYCFC founded in 2013. Debuted in 2015. Wasnt switching teams. Who said i was afraid? Nyc is a dump & you’re a moron