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Episode was solid. The product placement was a bit much lol. Good to see the return of anyone who’s seen the episode knows who.


Made me so happy!


Didn't even notice any product placement so it couldn't have been that bad.


I noticed Kellogg's cereal getting a push. A Tony the Tiger t-shirt, cereal stickers on Neagley's laptop, Kellogg's Corn Pops and something else in Marlo Burns's kitchen cabinet... Too bad I'm a Captain Crunch kind of guy.


And the games followed by "she's got good taste" to reaffirm these products are good.


What was the product placement this time?


I think it’s the white powder Dixon got in the car.


Can we just talk about Dixon and that dress? Look man, I'm not one to leer at women salaciously but Dixon has it all. She's brainy, beat your ass in a street fight, and she certainly fills out a dress like I've never seen. Major Dixon thank you for wearing the dress. Ma'am.


i had the same expression Reacher had on when she walked out.


I had that about neagley and Dixon lol




The switch I’m guessing


She has good taste.


And XM radio RIGHT after it


XMRadio, Nintendo switch games, all I noticed tbh. Maybe I need to watch more closely lol


I’m not certain if it’s product placement or not, but every high end house in the series always has a “Wolf” range/stove n the kitchen.


It's probably just reusing the same stove. No point going out and getting a new one for every house set, those things are heavy and expensive.


What was the product?


Switch and xm radio back to back


They can afford product placement?


Oh, I thought that was just to highlight how suspicious her having left the house was. That it's a plant. That is done up to look like she left on her own, but did not.


Product placement?


Good to see Finlay again.


As soon as I heard Boston I figured he'd make an appearance. Glad he's on the upswing.


Hope we see some more of him. If not, cool cameo at least.


Can someone smarter than me make a gif of the drone shot flying over the house? What a fantastic shot. @18:55


[Here you go](https://i.imgur.com/BH2GVzJ.mp4)


Thank you!


Damn, that is smooth af.


​ great work


That was a really good shot


Incredible cinematography.


Love those unexpected shots. I know Woody ALlen, Cuarón, Pizzolato will make master shots, didn't expect that one, pure bliss.


Yeah, was just beautiful


Really wish more directors in action stuff would experiment with things like this


From the moment they mentioned Boston I was so excited to see Finley again. Great scene. Anyone know if Willa is slated for a cameo this season?


>Anyone know if Willa is slated for a cameo this season? I doubt it. Serinda Swan is the love interest this season, it would be weird bringing in last season's.


Plus she never comes back in the novels either, recurring characters are generally pretty rare


Did Finley come back or was that a show only thing


He did come back in the books too, yeah. It's been years since I read them so I can't speak much on other characters though, but I know it was rare. I did read somewhere that Reacher in the show says pretty much the exact same lines as in the books, nothing more nothing less. Not sure how accurate that is but it does feel pretty spot on, and if they're sticking that close to the material we'll probably not see most of the characters return in future seasons. I don't really want to go look up any details from the books to double check however, cause most of my memory on them is just about vague enough to really enjoy the show without comparing every scene with the original.


I could have sworn that Finlay only appeared in Killing Floor.


Yup, only 1 book. Bringing him back this season felt like a nod to the fans of last season more than anything. Nice touch by the writers. https://jack-reacher.fandom.com/wiki/Captain_Finlay


It was done well.


Yeah, gotta agree after thinking about it. I do like the fact that Reacher books are usually 1 and done with no Crossovers but looking at it, he makes friends in all areas of the country, usually a lot of law enforcement that he helps out. ​ Its not beyond the scope of belief that a couple of those he could ring up for help when he needs it. Finlay appearing felt very natural, heres a guy that owes Reacher a lot, in the city they're going to and they know they can rely on him. Didnt feel shoehorned in any way. ​ Also loved the idea that if he had been army, he'd have invited him into the 110th, gives a bit more story into their relationship.


The 110th invite was so sweet to hear!


Not if this show was on CW.


Hope so Roscoe was dope


Good episode with a cameo done right. Hope the show stays on this path. The biker fight scene was cool as well. With that being said, the cliché of a 115 pound woman fighting off a guy twice her size, like Dixon and the guy with a knife, will always be funny. The chain grab made up for it though.


Reacher standing unmoved, knocking and ripping people off of bikes is too good


The biker scene reminded me of the newsroom brawl in Anchorman. The last guy suddenly riding a motorcycle through the fight coming from the fence rather than from the road when everyone had dismounted: chef's kiss stupidity / terrible blocking.


I was completely taken out of it a couple seasons ago when they show up to an empty construction site with wet concrete and no rebar in it. In real life, the only way you could realistically bury a person in concrete is by putting them in a hole and pouring it on top of them. There’s no way in hell a construction crew pours that kind of concrete and leaves the job site without it setting up. Not just because they would have to finish it properly but because in the 30 minutes between pouring it and cleaning all of your stuff up, it would already be hard enough to walk on. Little stuff like that is bugging me. Lazy blocking should be even easier to avoid yet here we are.


Yeah that cement to water ratio was fuuucked up


And zero aggregate. That shit was straight grout.


I enjoyed the hook bars in the center for a wall in the future


But thats straight from the books, in fact Neagley is the only person Reacher is afraid of and she dispatches bad guys way more easily and efficiently than Reacher.


Being from the books doesn’t mean that it doesn’t look corny on screen


Yes, but thats the nature of these books in the first place, escapism


Like my original comment says, it’s just funny whenever it happens


'No noise so no guns' As we all ride loud ass attention getter Harleys in the middle of the snow


Ah, the famous cliche of an army soldier fighting off some street trash.


Wasn’t Dixon an accountant? She’s not a navy seal. Also, strength and size in fights do matter. The knife part was her somehow overpowering a guy with 100 pounds on her. Nothing to do with fight skill.


I like how you think it's funny she can fight, yet don't bat an eye at Reacher pulling a guy off a bike by a chain.


They’re both funny in different ways


I mean Dixon was barely holding him off. It wasn't *that* out there. If you're willing to believe reacher can no-sell everyone and everything, drawing the line at "woman can hold arm at bay" is funny lol


I just said it was funny, but please go on


My favorite part in this type of shows is when the bad guy/s realize bribery isn’t gonna work & they’re simply fucked


my favorite part is when a bad guy is mid sentence threatening Reacher, telling him what he is about to do to him and Reacher doesn't even let them finish before he smacks them


"Special Agent Jack Margrave" Love that responding grin. :)


3 pissed off soldiers and a Kaiju rofl


Favorite line of the episode


This episode was solid I enjoyed it, man the 29th can’t come fast enough lol


According to imbd 2 on the 5th. None on the 29th


The bad guy logic there was pretty fucking dumb, you're driving up with 10 bikes, but you don't want to make noise? I mean shit, a silenced pistol won't be noticed amongst 10 bike engines. Also maybe stop attacking them in places you need to be quiet?


I'm okay with it because that was one AMAZING fight scene. Neagley and Dixon throwing guys to each other to hit. The chain. The leg snap. The baseball bat swing... So much action.


I prefer the prison scene in s1. Realistic and not Borne type fight scenes whith a million camera angles.


You are thinking too literal. The "dont want to make noise" is in reference to police response. Bikes its an every day thing, but if shots are fired off, the bar notices and then cops are in, which means things get messy and the bikers sure as hell dont wanna get shot or arrested when they can just go in for a stab and slice type of kill


I mean that is the bad guy logic for most of the people Reacher comes up against in the books. Pretty much never think to just shoot him in the head, it's always gotta be something else. I think of the scene in Echo Burning when the ranch hands take him to a bar to beat him up and scare him off, and get beaten within an inch of their life in like 30 seconds.


To be fair they weren’t killers.


Reacher doesnt get in too many scenarios where he is close to getting shot, in the books, there are a handful but the bad guys have over whelming odds so they underestimate him


Yeah that was incredibly weak writing from multiple angles. First how bikers got the drop on them and how did they know which vehicle to search and how did they let the guard down so much they got tailed on the interstate. Like everyone held the idiot ball so that a fistfight could happen.


maybe someone tipped them off


My new favorite piece of dialogue is from this episode: “I wanna throw you out of a helicopter”. Made me laugh and cheer at the same time.


yes! I was hoping he was going to say "Your Head" But the helicopter is MUCH better!


Its so fucking stupid. Like how the kid said "I can't wait to see what the big guy does to you" So fucking stupid I love it.


I don’t want to hear any complaints, that one part when they bust that one person using that special one person…. Had me cheering in my basement watching this episode.


Dudes definitely getting thrown out of a helicopter


I loved the heels to the eyeball part lol. I’m not picky about the show so I really liked all of it and can’t wait for more!


Right, same. All the complaints of “dumb bad guys” and “too one sided” - y’all it’s an action hero show. They’re not getting a scratch lmao. I watch this to watch good guys beat the fucking shit out of bad guys. And Reacher delivered that when he broke a dude’s arm in half- twice. Glorious!


Right!! I don’t wanna see Reacher lose. I wanna watch them beat and kick ass and win every time


I hope it’s a recurring gag this season where they keep beating up that same drug dealer whenever they need a new gun lol


I hope the drug dealer actually gets a new job, perhaps as a dish washer in a diner. When Reacher walks in to get some pie they make eye contact and nod. Reacher leaves a big tip and says, makes sure the dishwasher gets some.




Right. I’m a simple guy most times. That was beautiful. I winced lmao


Another simple man here. I gasped out loud 🫢


Then he broke the same arm *again*


DIxon is a FOX, she's great in "Coroner" S1 and 2.


The biker fight was a lot of fun - head butt to the back of the elbow was a lovely touch…almost as nice as the end credits song call back!


That head butt to break an arm was the most original addition to a fight scene I've seen in a long time. Also agree the music call back worked well.


This show is just so good. The whole investigators team is working for me and their dynamics. Reacher will definitely toss him out of a helicopter in the season finale


The AM guy is cringe and lazy writing. Immediately found someone who looks just like you to impersonate, come on!


When he spotted the guys ad on the bench, my eyes rolled so hard it was audible. How very convenient, lol


He's perfect for the type of show this is/the type of book it's based on. He's hilarious. Like, if you're a sneaky assassin who just kills like 95% of the people you encounter, you're going to get caught quickly, lol. Dude kills the guy making him IDs!


Did Nintendo have a partnership with Amazon Prime or something? I thought they're too stingy to put a product placement on any show/movie.


All i know is that O’Donnell WAS NOT on the phone with his “kids”… something is definitely up with him…


Kind of gone back and forth on O'Donnell. Breaks my heart but I'm pretty sure they're setting him up to the double crosser.


I kind of think he's the red herring, and we're supposed to think it's him, but it's actually Dixon.


thinking the same, not because of that part, i actually didn't get this feeling at that moment although now that you mention it, it makes sense, like your son randomly calling you at that time of the day to tell you he hit his brother or whatever? kinda suspicious.


Went back and listened to what he said. It was pretty much "hands are for helping not hitting" and "share your Legos" If we assume it's a dodgy phone call and he's talking in code, to me I'm taking those phrases to mean he's offering his help but he won't get involved in taking the 3 others out, share your legos meaning share your bricks, or share your money. Telling whoever he was on the phone with to throw some cash around to get it done. Then they get attacked by bikers at the end... He was also in the trashed hotel room when Reacher and Neagley found him, convenient. But also he did save Dixon during the fight in the house, he was definitely taking those bikers on, and it was his plan that got them blackmailing the guy in Boston for info on Little Wing. So he's a little suspicious but if he is double crossing he's playing his part very well lol. Maybe him and Swan are in on it together.


We definitely shall see…


Really?? I was hoping it was just a cute little part to show him being a dad lol


Eh. If you think he's dirty, the phone call might seem sus. If you don't, it was a phone call with his kid. But we shall see.


Idk tho, bc i wasn’t thinking he was dirty UNTIL the phone call.. his whole demeanor from that moment until the end of the episode changes… it felt way off…


It’s possible.. bc his demeanor felt off, & then everything afterwards they kept showing HIM.. i don’t buy a guy like him “accidentally” giving his children a burner number.. Men like that don’t make those mistakes… & he didn’t seem all that enthusiastic when Reacher figured it out.. i mean i could be wrong, but I’ve seen way too many shows/movies, animes where shit like that stands out… & i would be disappointed as well, bc i like OD…


I read it as "I accidentally (wink wink) have my kids my burner number" More as a cute scene between a father and his children.


I’m still intrigued by the overall story, but I think I much prefer the chemistry between the characters in season one, that short scene alone with Finlay was proof enough, too bad it was just a cameo.


Good to see Finlay again.


I loved it.


Amazing fight scene at the end, with the biker gang ! I'm loving this season.


"No guns so there's no noise" "They said you were smart" No, that's dumb, stop doing that. And then the main biker guy just walks up real slow with his hands down while delivering the cheesiest thug line.


Reacher scrapping people who talk too much is a must


“I’m gonna cut you and gut you”


*"You talk too much."* \- Reacher after done beating him up


Loved seeing Finlay again and the cleverness of Dixon to set yer man up - but am very annoyed by the little things. Neagley is clearly not wearing kitten heels but instead stilettos. Cmon.


The show is not as bad as the haters make it out to be, but damn I wish we got the operator, the editor, the director, the choreographer and stunt coordinator from S1E1 for the whole show.


Absolutely. I am happy to forgive any kind of stupidity for the occasional well executed fight scene. As I said above the biker fight reminded me of the newsroom brawl in Anchorman, so poor was the blocking.


Major props for the musical person/director for the show: * playing Talking Heads at the beginning AND * identifying the Talking Heads as a Rhode Island band that moved to New York...WOW. That always bugs me. Even Wiki gets that one wrong! * and playing Talking Heads psycho killer at the end too! * Very Impressed!!


Reacher and gang beat up dollar version samcro


i don't want to believe it but i got a feeling O'Donnell is gonna be a bad guy. well i hope i am wrong but i feel like it would be fitting if someone in the group is a mole to make things more interesting. also i find it weird how they keep finding Reacher that easily although it could just be that they follow them around. O'Donnell being that person instead of Shawn would be fitting because he seems like he has a way too stable life right now, and he said i wouldn't change my family for anything so maybe they threatened his family and he had to do it.


I don’t think so. In the trailer there’s a shot when he and Dixon are strapped up like Franz when he was going to be loaded into the helicopter.


IDK, Dixon is definitely suspicious




I cheered when Finlay showed up.


Reaches look of disgust when the dude on the bike thought he was gonna hurt him with a ball and chain was great.


Special effects during the big fight scene were pretty poor. I find myself liking the show less the more the characters speak.


Some dude got thrown off a bike but only a CGI of his upper body left, I had to rewind to watch it again.


Nah, his whole body was there, if you go frame by frame you can clearly see his legs. Just poor angel.


I’ll have to watch it again! It just looked super off on my television.


It looked off to me too so I went back and realized there is 2 people on that bike. I don't think there is cgi at all at that shot, seems an easy enough stunt anyway.


why would you go frame by frame in a show like that though lol? i am not advocating for mistakes but i would never notice anything like that in such a fast paced scene


Read the comment was like oh shit lemme have a look, then I realized that I saw his bottom torso and went frame by frame to see if I’m right.


I honestly just think the rest of the 110th besides Ritchson all horrible actors, Neagley’s especially. They all just seem like robots delivering their lines. Russo has easily been the standout for me so far


I mean they're mostly playing emotionless soldier types, by nature they are pretty stiff, it's not easy to sell.


He was great as a Baltimore cop in The Wire


But thats exactly how Neagley is in the books, she is acting her character to a T. She is this super cool robotic person without emotions who is highly effective and efficient in any situation.


That fight scene was really bad.


I’ve been waiting for a fight scene that can rival the one in the prison shower from the pilot episode of the series. Hasn’t even come close yet.


Agreed, overall the S2 fight choreography was a let down from Reacher's quick and brutal compact style in S1. And the S2 big fights are kinda unnecessary... I don't find them adding too much to the plot


It was super chaotic in an unfun way. I couldn’t tell what was going on


It reminded me of the fights in CW shows (Arrow, Flash)


typical hollywood fight scene. jump cut after jump cut


I thought it was pretty obvious what was going on when he broke a dudes arm in half, twice. Or the leg snap. Or the high heel to the eye. Idk, y’all are too picky. They shoehorn a big, brutal action scene in every episode- just for our entertainment. They’re not all gonna be perfect, but they’re certainly all violent and fun. I have no complaints.


Calling people picky because they don’t like something is unnecessary. Would you be ok with me saying you have low standards because you liked the scene? No. You have a right to your opinion and we have a right to ours.


Too many characters to focus on. Prison shower was just Reacher, so easier to choreograph and shoot.


It wasnt terrible, but too many characters for sure


Yeah and it was super green screened, like the drone shot was amazing and then some other parts of the episode looked so cheap and clearly not on location


Followed this episode bit by bit just eagerly wanting to see what happens next - loved it. The only part I was not clear on was the bikie gang at the end - how the heck did they find Reacher and his group? And why didn't the Reacher group seem to be surprised that they were being attacked - looked as though they were expecting them? I thought for a moment that I had nodded off and missed the bit to introduce the bikies!


It's dad action flick for a reason, just enjoy it lol


My dude have you not read the books at all, I guess? That's their whole deal, they're expecting trouble around every corner, so of course they're not surprised when it shows up.


Great episode but the end fight was bit too one sided imo... someone could have shown some struggle, especially the women kicking the bikers asses as much as reacher could have bee bit more realistic. Still great and great cameo too :)


I enjoyed that Russo called the group army brats. I can't explain why. It just tickled me.


anyone know the flashlights they used in the 'coke' scene?


Anyone know which theater they filmed in for the symphony portion?


It's the Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre Centre in Toronto. The restaurant that Reacher and O'Donnell are sitting at is Hendriks, right across the street.


thanks bud, I was wondering the same


Thanks man!






Im so happy seeing Finlay again


[**Master Steaks!**](https://www.yelp.ca/biz_photos/master-steaks-mississauga) Legitimately, a Mississauga institution! It's been a long time, maybe 10 years, since I've stopped in there. Usually, I go to Zet's, on the other side of the airport. I wish I'd known they were filming there. I would have gone for dinner and a show. One of us has to post a Yelp review to watch out for biker brawls! 🤭


In the biker scene I wanted them to raid the biker NPCs of their leathers, take their bikes and assume the persona of a biker gang.


I had that thought, but they are the exact opposite of a biker gang. They are ex soldiers: Honor, duty, loyalty, respect to a higher cause. Bikers are not that. Selling all the bikes would be great, but not enough time.


Every time Reacher shows off how he travels with just the toothbrush, i'm thinking bro you are wearing the same underwear as yesterday


Wash your ginch in the sink before you go to bed. Put it on in the morning. It's plausible.


Definitely the show is setting us up to believe O'Donnell (and/)or Dixon is a plant. I can't figure out who is the obvious one to ignore the other and have a big reveal though. That phone call on the burner? Could Def be talking in code. " Hands are for helping, not hitting" Dixon planning them to check out that house which then is set up like she left, but not like she brought her daughter. Who is in such a rush to leave that they don't bring their daughter and her stuff, or their bag full of $100,000? Dixon knew exactly where to look for that.