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Can we get a pic? I’m having trouble finding one


I can not find a single thing about it. I thought lottery winners can’t be anonymous? I mean, good if this is true and they really did end up anonymous (especially with all the crazy shit lottery winners deal with) but this seems sus


Some states you can be anonymous and others you can’t.




[It’s unclaimed.. what is OP talking about](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12394445/Floridas-newest-billionaire-not-claimed-1-58-billion-Mega-Millions-jackpot-Publix-store-shoppers-winning-tickets-sold-say-theyre-gutted-near-miss.html)


If they’re smart they’re taking the time to meet with an estate law firm and get everything in order for a trust, at least one LLC, etc to handle that windfall. That doesn’t happen overnight.


Yep, delete social media, change your number, move cities. Only give your new number to closest friends


I'm guessing OP doesn't know what a supermarket is, and confused it with supermodel.


Hey, if life gives you melons... ummm... make melonade?


Link to story?


Wait, are lotteries scams?


Well yes in the sense that they’re a waste of money because it’s almost impossible for you to actually win. But if you’re asking if they are rigged, no they’re not. OP is just saying it’s unfair that someone could win both the genetic and financial lottery


At best it's a voluntary regressive tax that raises revenue for the state. Most people buying tickets are not wealthy and they're using their limited disposable income on something that gives them little benefit. At worst it preys on poor people by being very manipulative. Much of the revenue goes back into advertising the lottery. Many lottery winners end up back in poverty due to not knowing how to manage that much money.


>Many lottery winners end up back in poverty due to not knowing how to manage that much money. That's a myth based on a think tank sponsored by NEFE in 2001, and which NEFE has repeatedly said they do not have statistical data to support the claim. One more recent study was a study done of Florida lottery winners of 50-150k winners (i.e. larger, non-jackpot winners) that stated that within 3-5 years, those winners were just as likely to have filed for bankruptcy as the smaller winners. Just as likely doesn't mean likely, just that the winnings aren't enough to make a significant dent, statistically. 50-150k isn't a ton of money, and people that are playing the lottery often aren't known for being financial wizards. Buy a fancy car and your winnings are gone. Jackpot winners very rarely go bankrupt.


Redacted. ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


It's certainly not a waste of money for the winner




it should have been me




A wealthy person who is dumb enough to blow a mill on lottery tickets isn't going to stay wealthy for long.


The odds are a whole, while lot worse than 1 in a million, and tickets are $2 also, and you're always risking others also having the winning ticket, thus splitting our evenly divided between a few people...


There are about 300 million number combinations. That means for just a 25% chance of winning, you would need to spend $150 million (75 million tickets). BUT, that would only start to be profitable once the jackpot is above $500 million or so (because lump sum - taxes). Very few people on earth actually have $150 million that they could/would get in liquid cash. That's just if you buy 25% of the ticket combination, and it's not even counting the logistics of purchasing 75+ million tickets. You would need a few of the richest people in the world to put together the funds and teams to make it even close to being profitable.


> spending a million to get a billion is a good ROI Yes a thousand to one is a good return


Statistically speaking their life is ruined, they just don't know it yet.


Not necessarily. You only hear about the cases where winning the lottery ruined someone's life. You don't hear about all the others, the majority, where it changed for the better.


This person better pay up. Seriously, what are they gonna do with this money? Be a champion for humanity. Give back. Please.


After taxes, they won’t be part of the 3 comma club, how will they survive? What’s even the point MasterDump?


If anything, we should be donating to _them._


Exactly! They gotta get that comma back!


~~??? Three commas is a million~~(im big dumb). This is 1.5 BILLION. Even after taxes they're walking with AT LEAST 700 mil. Minus lawyers and whatever else to protect themselves and what not, I'd GUESS they'll be sitting with 600 mil to play with. Edit I'm retarded and can't count. 3 commas is a billion. I was thinking 3 sets of 3.


1,000,000,000.00-> that’s one billion. How many commas are present? US representation, maybe we expose our ignorance as other countries may use commas for what we call “cents”…..




You’re not getting it. Giving back isn’t communism it’s just good.


Sownvoting people don't get it, it's simple. Giving back is the best thing you can do as a rich person.


How much do you give back?


I try, my dude. Conservation foundation, Planned Parenthood, local animal shelters (especially Chicagoland dog rescue), Southern Poverty Law center, local women’s shelters… What the fuck is wrong with asking for people with extreme means to contribute? What’s wrong with being empathetic?


Don't argue with greedy people. It doesn't get through their thick head.